
My lover is a Vampire

"It was only a matter of fact until I found out who I really was" What happens when you have a Vampire for a husband? Could princess Amaia of the Greek Empire adjust to his never ending hunger for life energy? Or maybe there was a hidden secret about her past which she knew absolutely nothing about. Taking a drastic step when it came to spending the rest of her world with Sebastian... She put her royal life in the hands of a Mysterious vampire! But he was drawn to her--and she was drawn to him. In a somewhat bloodbound way. author: Aphrodite_11

Aphrodite_11 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Silver bow and arrows

* Greek Seleucid Empire in the east*

" Ambrogio is a myth about the first human to become a vampire. The story originates from the scriptures of Delphi. Ambrogio was a normal Italian man who went to see the Oracle of Delphi. When the Oracle told him about the blood and the moon, he was confused so he waited until morning to see her again. When he went back, he had indeed noticed one of the maidens- the titan goddess Selene, who he fell in love with. But what Ambrogio didn't know was that Sun god Apollo was also in love with Selene.

In a fit of rage after finding out, Apollo placed a curse on Ambrogio so that he could never walk around in daylight. He did this for he did not want Selene to fall in love with the human. Ambrogio still loved Selene whole heartedly but because he was mortal and she was a goddess, he would die eventually. So he went to the underworld seeking to meet with Hades. He made a deal for Hades to keep his soul while his body still lives on earth. Hades accepted Ambrogio's deal: if he could steal Artemis' silver bow and arrows he would make him immortal. Ambrogio went to Artemis' asking her to join her group of hunters. She trusted him, and let him join her followers.

He tried to steal the bow and arrows but Artemis caught him and was angry that he lied to her. So she placed a curse on him, making the silver bow and arrows give Ambrogio a burning reaction. Fearing her wrath, he apologized and asked to be forgiven. She would only forgive him if he proved his loyalty to her.

Ambrogio promised to prove his trust to her, but like all her other followers, Ambrogio could never fall in love or get married. Even if he knew that due to this he could never be with Selene, he accepted her deal.

Artemis decided to turn him into a hunter almost as great as herself. She gave him abilities almost as great as hers, like senses, strength and speed that matched many abilities that animals had. He possessed fangs and long claws like other animals and he had the power to heal making him better than all the other hunters. Even with all these newfound powers, Ambrogio still looked pretty much human.

He was given the power to transform into a bat, making him more like the animals. Even though Ambrogio was told to never fall in love, he still had feelings for Selene. And because he proved his loyalty to Artemis, he was given the silver bow and arrows, allowing him to take them to Hades",

We end here for today princess.

The man said as he shut the old Odyssey and placed it on the table. "Oh man", a young girl protested. Amaia Georgiou. The only son of Cleo and the late Alith Georgiou. She was indeed truly a princess. Her chocolate brown eyes glinted and her royal Aura gave it all away.

"Amaia. I'll read you more tomorrow", Cleo said reassuringly while pressing a smile on her face with his fingers. "Okay okay". "Funny how I'm 25 but my dad still tells me a bunch of Greek stories". Amaia walked towards the cupboard to safely secure one of her favourite books there ever was. "But its incredible how vampires originated from such a miffing curse. I just simply can't wrap my head around it", Amaia said taking a seat next to Cleo. "It's a long story Amaia princess. It would be hard to wrap your head around", Cleo said as he fancied on. Greek Mythology. Just talking about that made her heart race with excitement. It was a journey of so much mystery and new things about the past that she knew nothing about. Something drew her close to it, especially to : Vampires. She felt somewhat connected to them. Althought she didn't know why, she just loved the feeling of being so intellectually intelligent about them. Amaia and her family knew a load when it came to vampires. That's because her family lived a long life of being vampire hunters from generation to generation, well, that is except for her. She simply didn't have it in her to even hurt them. Not even harm a single hair on their heads. She just didn't have a choice to be born in a family of vampire hunters. "Hmm..I'm just glad that the reign of vampires ended years ago. I could not see myself having to end them with my own bare hands pa' ". Said Amaia as she slipped herself into her blanket.

Cleo looked at her in a somewhat disappointed and hiding face. "I guess you're lucky then princess". "Alright?", Amaia asked noticing the somewhat unmód face he had showcased.

*Yeah. I'm all good. Get some rest princess*, Cleo responded snapping back to reality.

He wished he could tell her everything. One day she'll have the right to know and he will be forced to tell her. He can't keep it from her for too long now can he? But for now, all he wanted to do was to protect her at all costs. No matter what obstacles it took for him to cross.

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