
My Love since Forever

They have known each other for so long, Lin did not know when her feelings for Chen has changed and why, but all of a sudden, she felt shy towards him but at the same time, she wanted to stay close. Chen was the school idol, not only was he handsome but was top of his class as well, but he only has his eyes set for one girl, Lin, who happens to be his sisters' best friend. "Lin, since you don't have a date for prom, why don't you just ask my brother?" Quin was her best friend ever since they were little, the two were inseparable. Little Sis:[Now is your time brother, be here tomorrow at seven in the evening, Lin has no date for prom] My Brother:[I will be there.] ------------------------------------- "Thank you for coming today Chen, if it were not for you, it would have been troublesome for me." Lin said while letting out a sigh, she never wanted this night to end. "If anyone tries to bother you, just tell them that you already have a boyfriend." Chen said, although his tone was rather calm, but his heart was about to jump out of his chest, it's now or never. "Hahahaha, yeah right, an imaginary boyfriend would be so convincing." Lin looked at the boy and saw how serious his face was. "It doesn't have to be invisible, just tell them it's me." Chen looked at the girls' reaction, "Well until such time you find someone you really like Lin" he immediately blurted out. Lin's heart was doing a summersault, it's now or never Lin, "O.....kay then" she whispered.

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23 Chs

Comforted and Confused

Despite all the things that have happened with her family today, Fua Lin could not stop feeling embarrassed especially when Gao Chen entered her room, which was very messy by the way, with all the clothes that she mindlessly took out from her cabinet are now just scattered on her bed. She tried to stop him from packing the clothes for her but she needed to find a comb first, her hair was like a birds nest too, what has become of her, then she saw Gao Chen from the corner of her eye holding something up, it was her pink laced panties, in her reflex, she threw the only thing that she was holding and screamed, "You pervert!"

She hurriedly pushed him aside, then grabbed her underwear and shoved it inside her backpack, what the heck, why must she always be embarrassed in front of Gao Chen. Gao Chen was still holding his forehead when she pushed him aside, Fua Lin has a good throw, she hit him right in between his eyes with the hairbrush she was holding.

"I did not see anything! I'm going to start the car." Gao Chen said and rushed outside the room leaving the red-faced Fua Lin to curse herself for leaving such piece of clothing lying around, how was she supposed to face him now!

Gao Chen was breathing heavily when he reached the car, his head was throbbing, and if you look closely there is a slight bump on his forehead that's turned red due to being hit by a hairbrush. He just couldn't believe the turn of events, would Fua Lin really think of him as a pervert this time? Then he saw her closing the main door, so he started the car.

The ride to the Gao's residence was silent and a bit awkward for both Gao Chen and Fua Lin. Fua Lin kept to herself, she tried her best to stay calm and forget about the embarrassing scene that just happened, she needs to focus on the recovery of her grandmother. She also remembered that this guy beside her has already had someone he calls sweetheart, so she felt cheated, she's not even sure why she felt that way, but she truly felt that Gao Chen was treating her especially well lately, so she thought, arrgggg, the more she thought about it the more angry and flustered she became.

Gao Chen noticed the sudden change in the girls' mood, from embarrassed to angry, was she still mad at him for the incident? He wanted to ask her but the moment he opened his mouth he noticed that Fua Lin shifted her body towards the window and only giving her back to Gao Chen, she seems really angry, he needs to do something. Ahem, he cleared his throat loudly "You haven't told me what you wanted to eat so I can buy some ingredients." he bravely asked while peeking at how the girl would react. Moments passed, he thought she was giving him a cold shoulder, "I'm not hungry" when she suddenly said.

This brightened Gao Chen's mood, so she's angry but not too angry, "you need to eat if you want to watch over grandma, you don't want her to worry about you right?" he stopped at a convenience store and looked at the girl who was still facing the window. How he wanted to cup her face and have her look at him too, but he can't just make himself do it. "So what do you want to eat?" he repeated. Fua Lin was still embarrassed to face Gao Chen, and why was this guy forcing her to talk, doesn't he know women are sensitive creatures, "noodles" she said so he would just drop the subject and leave her be.

"Do you want spicy or just regular noodles." he continued to ask.

"Anything will do" Fua Lin answered automatically, can you stop talking to me already, she wanted to say it to his face, but she just can't do it.

"Do you like to put eggs on it or not?" Gao Chen was trying to make this small conversation with her for even if she was not looking at him, he could tell that she was in the verge of annoyance, but he doesn't mind as long as she would talk to him, even is she screamed at him, he wouldn't care at all.

Fua Lin turned around, "You know what? Whatever you cook, I will eat, okay?" then she was stunned, the man was looking at her all this time with so much care in his eyes that she almost choked on her words, so she immediately turned to face the window again after blurting out, she felt her cheeks heating up again.

"That's good to know." he then gently patted the girl in the head, then continued to carress the girls head as if telling her that she just needed to be just herself when she's with him, it made Fua Lin comforted and at the same time more confused than ever.