
05. Responsibility

"You must be cursing me in your mind, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. Luckily.... you can realize that quickly, so in the future, I won't have to hide it in my mind anymore," said Aera casually.

"Why is your mouth so easy to talk like that. Whose territory do you think you are in? I'm not going to make it easy for you anymore."

"Right, let's talk about this now. When can I get out of this house, Kim?" Aera just remembered the sentence she had recited since this morning. Because she is so curious, why does she have to be trapped in the house of a man she had never even known before, apart from their accident.

"Why do you want to get out of here in a hurry? You're not responsible to me yet." Hyung Tae doesn't know why he wants to keep this girl in his house. It seemed that he himself was more confused than Aera.

"Then quickly tell me what I should do for you Kim Hyungtae-shi... don't go round and round, I'm tired of hearing your uncertain answers," said Aera exasperated, because Hyungtae does not immediately give her clarity. If this continues, she might have to stay at Hyungtae's house forever. Without realizing it, Aera had finished the entire food of her bowl until there is not a drop of ramyeon sauce left. Actually, Aera is still hungry, but it is better for her to refrain from responding further to her groaning appetite.

Hyungtae, who is receiving a scolding from Aera, is silent as he folded his arms in front of his chest. Acting like he is deep in thought to respond to Aera's question. He thought for a long time until Aera threw the spoon of ramyeon on Hyungtae's head. It feels weird like Dejavu, thought Hyungtae.

"Aw, why do you like hitting people so much?? Get rid of that bad habit of yours. What a bad girl." Hyungtae grimaced while rubbing the spot where his head hit.

"This is like domestic violence, I can report you." threatened Hyungtae. The girl who was threatened, even more, emitted her horns. Smoke seemed to come out of both sides of her ears. Hyungtae actually woke the sleeping bull. "Don't change the subject answer me quickly. What should I do, Kim? So I can get out of here as soon as possible. I can't stand dealing with a guy like you anymore."

"Isn't your words an exaggeration?. You say that like I'm the worst person in the world. Didn't you forget that I cooked food for you just now? Who can get such a noble thing for free from me?" Hyungtae denies it. He felt like he IS accused of being a crime suspect now.

"Okay I'm wrong, let's just pretend I didn't say anything other than what I had to do." Aera agrees about ramyeon. She may not dare to go to the kitchen to look for food at a stranger's house. And that can make Aera end up having a stomach ache the next day.

"Good, I've also come up with an idea of ​​what you should do for me."

Hyungtae answered.

"What? Say it fast, I'll try to do whatever you want." Aera is excited, this is the moment she's been waiting for after spending a lot of time just having an unimportant argument with Hyungtae. "You have to accompany me wherever I go, whether it's work or I have an event outside," said Hyungtae casually.

"That's it? Just accompany? I don't have to do anything?" Aera asked curiously. She does not understand why she had to accompany Hyungtae everywhere. "That's all, what else do you want to do?" Hyungtae teased whose face really looks like the perverted ahjussi that Aera met while working part-time at Minhye's aunty's Samgyeopsal restaurant. "Looks like you also have to get rid of your perverted bad habit Kim." Aera sarcastically rolled her eyes 45 degrees the other way.

"So how do you agree or not? Actually, I don't need your approval. You also said you would do whatever I wanted." Hyungtae paused, he then continued his sentence "You're not sleepy? It's still midnight, you better go back to sleep and I'll go back to my room."

"Actually I'm not sleepy yet, maybe because of the effects of waking up so it's hard to fall back asleep. Then you go back to your room." Aera's eyes are very wide now, they don't show any sleepiness at all. Because it's still 01.30, Aera is confused about how she should spend the time until she gets sleepy again. Actually, there is one thing in Aera's head that she wanted to ask Hyungtae. "Eum... Kim, don't you have dessert? Like ice cream for example." finally Aera said something stuck in her head.

"Of course, I have. But don't girls tend to weigh in on things like skipping dinner or if you need to eat it should, a little bit? "Of course, anything is available at Hyungtae's house, especially regarding food. It's like Kim Hyungtae's private supermarket here because apart from his wealth, that seems to never run out considering he is a great, young CEO in Korea. Mr. Park's assistant Hyungtae always coordinates the waiters so that they always provide complete food ingredients, including snacks or dessert.

"But unfortunately, I'm not one of them. Whatever I want to eat while I have it, I'll eat it. My weight isn't easy to gain either. Well, thankfully, at least. I don't have to worry about anything other than making money." Aera explained. Hearing this girl's words made Hyungtae want to get to know her even more. It seems that Aera has a charm that can make rich men seem to want to know more about Aera's life.

It's rare for Hyungtae to feel this way now, it's been a long time since he felt this strange tingle in his body. Seriously, what a sign this is, what this girl has done to him. It seems there will be something else, which makes this girl have to be responsible for Hyungtae again.

"Good, I prefer girls who like to eat. Come with me. I will show you what heaven food is like." Hyungtae took Aera's hand and led her to the side of the kitchen. It turned out that there is a door closed with a blue curtain. If, Hyungtae doesn't take her there. Most likely Aera will not notice that behind the kitchen, there is a room that Aera really doesn't expect.

It turns out that in this world, there is an amazing place like this. All kinds of snacks are neatly lined up on the right shelf, and on the left, there are various kinds of drinks that some of Aera have never met. This room is bigger than the mini-market where Aera usually buys kimbap. In the corner of the room, a large refrigerator seemed to summon Aera's soul, which revealed a line of ice cream from various brands and various flavors.

"Wow, are you sure you're not taking me to Kim's supermarket? Why is there so much food here." Aera shouted in admiration, even though her intention is not to want to eat more. So she pretended to be looking for ice cream. Also because she still has a little hesitation about Hyungtae. But look what kind of magic Hyungtae is showing him, it doesn't that mean Aera can eat a few more rounds?