
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Danger in the Woods.

"I love you akhi..."

Those were her last words before that stinking Mochi dragged my Priya into that mid-air black crack. Then the the crack closed. Everything settled: The scattered papers, the raised dust, the gusty winds, they all turned calm. Silence. Deafening silence is ringing in my ears. Maybe hours passed. I'm still still. So is Arashi in the other corner of the room. Light faded into darkness. What kind of spell is this? I can't even cry! Where did Mochi took Priya? What will she do to her? How to bring her back? How to save her? I don't know. Millions of questions in my mind. But no answers.

I'm dehydrating. I can feel it. My system's slowing down. My Blood Pressure is dropping. I know it because I'm a medical student. If I remain like this, I might die soon. And I guess I have no choice either. So I started praying to god, at first. Then I started thinking of people I love, mom, dad, brother, my ex. I hope she will miss me when she gets to know that I died. I hope she still has that red watch I gifted her even though I threw away the wallet she presented me the day I got to know she got a new boyfriend. I wish the things might turned out well between us. But, I know, there is no chance at all.

'Cause She's a bitch and I'm not.

I was thinking about Priya, I'm feeling so useless for not able to do anything when that ugly Mochi is taking her away. I'm just counting down my last minutes, breathing my last breaths. then I heard someone's footsteps. Followed by door knocks. Is it another werewolf came to eat me when I'm helplessly immobile? Maybe! The door broke open. A short, busty silhouette entered the room.

"The naked vamp in my bathroom!" I mentally shouted when I saw her coming from the door. She raised her one brow and looking at me she said, "Maybe we should try this position sometime. At least then you won't be able to stop me". She didn't seem to be surprised of my statue state. As if she knows about such these spells. She walked around the cabin and came back with bright orange colored crystal. She than started rubbing the my body with the crystal. Slowly, part by part, I've started moving. Finally she brought me back to normal state. But then, immediately I collapsed down. I'm feeling too weak to move. I'm feeling like it is impossible for me even to wiggle a finger. She bent down and kissed me on cheek. Then she grabbed me over her shoulder and took me out, threw me inside her car. After bringing the 'Arashi' too, she drove us away. I'm lying on the seat beside her, like a dead body.

"What's happening here?" I've asked her, putting all my strength into talking. The car is speeding on the mud road. Greens and darks all around us. The only light in the place is our car's head lamp. It's creepy, damn creepy.

"She is Mochi, the princess of witches. The creator of Priya." said she.

"crazy vamp" I muttered. "My name is 'Diya'" she said.

"What is she gonna do with Priya?" I asked her, Diya.

"Mochi created her to sacrifice her." said Diya. I didn't exactly understood what she said. But I don't have enough strength to discuss.

"I want to go there, I want to meet Priya. Tell me how?" I begged her. Tears are building up in my eyes.

"We can't. Only witches can open the portal. I mean that mid air crack like thing you saw in the cabin. It allows us to travel through different worlds. But only Witches are given with the genes and brains to operate such portals. The only witch on earth is Priya. Now that she is gone, practically we can't go there, ever." said Diya.

"Diya, I love her. Please help me" I've asked Diya. I'm feeling nauseated. I might faint at anytime.

"Drake used to open such portals. He is the only Vampire who can do that. He brought us here, trying to protect us from that Mochi. He died saving us." She siad. Her voice turned low as if there is a lump in her throat that's stopping her from talking. She must be really loving him a lot to feel such a pain. She said, "But I can feel his aura on you. I'm sure you are his embodiment in human form. He took rebirth as you. Drake, just try to remember. Remember me. Remember how much I loved you. I want you back drake. I can't live without you" She said and started crying.

I can see the shining road on the horizon. It is just the matter of minutes that we will be on highway. My head is aching. I closed my eyes, trying to rest my mind. But then a sudden brake kicked me out of the seat, my head hit the dashboard. Blood dribbled down. I opened my eyes and everything is hazy and cloudy. I kept blinking to get a clear vision. I can see Diya too got hurt her head. The car halted in the middle of the mud road.

In the headlamp's light, I saw many gnawing, growling wolves standing in front of us. Ready to pounce, to rip our bodies apart and feast on our flesh. I'm too weak to even scream, forget about running. My vision got cleared. I looked at Diya for help. Her head wounded badly and her eyes are closed. She's fainted.

A big wolf among them jumped over our car bonnet. Its one claw pierced the windscreen and is pushing it's way towards me. In few seconds the glass is gonna break and the wolf's claws are gonna dig straight into my throat.

A small chunk of glass broke when the wolf's claw pierced the windscreen. That chunk got stuck on my throat and it started bleeding from there. A thick trail of blood is making all it's way down my body.

This damn Mochi's spell made me so weak. I opened my mouth to scream for help. But all that came out is a little squeal.

(To be continued...)