
The First Daughter of the Triplets, Charlotte Crimson

"Is the library here?" Leon stopped at a large door and muttered curiously.

Having already wandered around the palace for an hour, he had familiarized himself with most of its layout.

Of course, this was also thanks to the guidance of some of the maids in the palace.

Yes, there were maids here, and they emerged at certain hours to clean the palace.

Coincidentally, when he got lost in the palace while seeking directions to the garden yesterday, all the maids had already completed their work, and he couldn't encounter any of them.

"Wasn't I unlucky yesterday to avoid encountering a single maid?" Leon complained in annoyance, feeling that his luck had been consistently bad lately.

Then he turned his attention back to the large door in front of him and promptly grasped the knob.


With a gentle push, the door swung open, revealing the library beyond, much to his utter amazement.

"Damn! It's enormous!" Leon exclaimed, his eyes widening in astonishment.

The room was vast, with numerous bookshelves neatly lining its interior.

In fact, it was so large that there were two more floors above, each filled with what appeared to be countless bookshelves.

Without hesitation, Leon stepped into the library, his curiosity piqued as he surveyed his surroundings.

All the books were neatly arranged, with markers indicating the categories on each shelf.

"This library is truly a treasure..." Leon couldn't contain his excitement.

Now recalling that this was the library of the Demon Palace, he realized it likely held a wealth of information regarding the 7,000-year history of the Demon Race!

The value of this library was likely not inferior to that of the previous Hall of Glory!

As the old saying goes, "Books are the windows to the world." Wouldn't it be a waste if he only sought out books on poison?

Leon chuckled to himself and ventured further into the library.

Perhaps, within this library, lay ancient texts recounting the history of the first three generations of heroes and the Demon Emperor Amon Crimson, a thought that filled him with eager anticipation.

However, as he walked further, his steps suddenly halted when his gaze fell upon a reading table in the center of the room, where a little girl sat quietly engrossed in her book.

Observing the little girl, Leon blinked curiously and fixed his gaze on her face, instantly filled with astonishment.

"Ha? Fiona? How is that possible?" Leon exclaimed in disbelief, rubbing his eyes as he beheld Fiona reading a book there!

Yet, how could that little girl, who was likely still peacefully sleeping in her room, suddenly be here in the library?

"Wait a minute! Is it possible that this little girl..." Leon's eyes widened, and he quickly scrutinized the features of that little girl.

She bore a striking resemblance to Fiona, with a face that mirrored hers in every detail, as if they were both crafted from the same mold.

Not only her face, but even her white hair and two golden eyes bore a striking similarity to Fiona's!

However, there was one discernible difference between this little girl and Fiona: the length of her hair, which surpassed Fiona's.

Moreover, her bun hairstyle, which appeared more mature compared to Fiona's, further distinguished the two.

It was evident that this girl was his other daughter!

"Is this little girl Charlotte or Iris?" Leon pondered deeply.

Having never met either of them, he was uncertain whether this girl was Charlotte or Iris.

Furthermore, if he called her by the wrong name, wouldn't it be incredibly embarrassing?

Just as he was lost in contemplation, suddenly, his conversation with Lyra about the two came flooding back to his mind, causing his eyes to light up.

"That's right! Charlotte is a little girl who appears mature and calm; meanwhile, Iris is a cold little girl like Liliana," he muttered, recalling his conversation with Lyra.

Turning his gaze back to the little girl, he noticed her serene demeanor, which stood out compared to other children her age.

Moreover, there was a mature aura emanating from her, unmistakably indicating that this little girl was Charlotte, the eldest of his triplet daughters.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! I never expected that my visit to this library would lead me to encounter my first daughter, who seems to have been avoiding me. Isn't this what fate is all about?" Leon chuckled, his steps calm, as he approached Charlotte, who was engrossed in her book.

Meanwhile, Charlotte, engrossed in her book, couldn't conceal the daze on her small face.

The conversation with her mother, still fresh in her mind, caused the typically wise girl to fall into a state of indecision.

"Is it okay to avoid him like this?" Charlotte asked in a low voice, her feeling of indecision causing considerable discomfort.

The sudden presence of their father, a stranger to her and her two younger sisters, intruded upon their world, leaving Charlotte unsure of how to navigate the situation.

It would be a lie to say that she was unhappy with the arrival of the father figure she had longed for since childhood.

However, it would also be a lie to deny that she didn't harbor resentment towards the father figure, who had been absent from her life since she was a baby.

This precocious wisdom and thoughtful nature rendered her unable to freely express her emotions, which at times felt like a curse.

"Sigh... I'm so envious of Fiona, who can bond so easily with him..." Charlotte murmured softly, her chubby cheeks puffing out slightly in a pout.

Of course, she had already observed the figure of the 'father', who was indeed remarkably handsome and charming.

His youthful and extraordinarily handsome face, complemented by his beautiful golden eyes, so reminiscent of theirs, the triplets, stirred within her a desire to embrace him and call him daddy.

Contemplating this only deepened her discomfort and self-annoyance.

"Humph! Silly Fiona, stinky Fiona! You've betrayed your sister!" Charlotte whispered, continuing her silent scolding of Fiona.

As she muttered to herself, there came a sudden sound of footsteps along with a man's voice from behind her.

"Little girl, may I join you for some reading?"

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