
My Love Begins With You

She wants him, but he didn't wanted to pull her into his mess. Her love for him was evident as much as his love for her is. *** PEARL, a half sadistic but also a big time flirt college girl, age 21 years old. Undesirable by her family, grown up with a total stranger. They hated her, and she cares less about that. They badmouthed her but after so many years she was accustomed to that. She is infamous for being a playgirl. But evidently she doesn't even know how being a playgirl works. All she ever wants is someone's love for her. However the moment she realised her love for him, he left her all alone, just like how every other person in her life did. Abandoning her. EMMETT, aloof but playful for her, is a businessman, age 25 years old. His whole life revolved around his business. Known as a ruthless business tycoon, he gets total opposite to his character when it comes to her. He got no one to call his family until she comes in his life. His jealousy or possessiveness was all for her but he still couldn't bring himself to bring her to his dark world. Where his own family is plotting against him, every second. How is Pearl gonna handle herself when she will be abandoned by the only person she ever loved? What will happen when she will know why Emmett left her? What will happen when Pearl will go all out to get Emmett back to her once again? Will Emmett allow Pearl to get close to him? #Cover doesn't belong to me.

Einstein_829 · Urban
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45 Chs

Don't hate her

"Why is she here? You can't just adopt someone so randomly Ajay."

"I am not honey. She is just like any other student of mine. It's just she will live with us from now on." Ajay replied with a soothing smile. Everyone is scared of his wife's anger, and he is too. But being already old to the point of reaching their late seventies, he is sure of not getting punishment at the least from her.

Saba deeply sighed. Pursing her lips she sternly asked. "You can't be serious about it. She already has her family. Why would she even live with us? Send her back to her own family."

Although the servants were all around them, they didn't have the time to enjoy any show for even a second. Ajay Mallaya, their master, ordered them at last minute to prepare a good bedroom for a young girl. Saba got very angry at the fact that Ajay didn't discuss anything with her before allowing someone to stay at their home.

She angrily looked at her husband who was leisurely sitting on the couch while reading the newspaper. Around her, all their servants were rushing to complete their work as soon as they could. The house looked all messed up because of that girl, and that made her anger reach its peak point.

"Her family doesn't want her to be with her. They asked her to leave. I can give her the best I know and she deserves that too. Please try to be patient with her." Ajay gently took her hand in his. He understands her feelings but he didn't want to do the same thing what others did to Pearl. He wants to hold her hand when no one wants her. He can't neither he would ever gonna ask her to leave.

"Is that our problem? We have already got a lot of burdens to handle. Don't bring her too."

"Honey she is just a ten-year-old girl. What burden could she bring to us?"

"You know nothing. A child can bring the biggest headache to you. And a girl's tantrums can be the worst. We are too old to take care of a child Ajay. We are too old. Can't you see that?"

He stared at her for a few seconds. Squeezing their wrinkled hands he brings it close to his lips, before kissing the back of her hand. "She is different. She knows where to talk and where not to. In fact, she is so indifferent to all these childish acts that you wouldn't even feel her presence most of the time."

Saba had a lot to retort, but that one kiss stopped her exploding anger immediately. Exhaling deeply, she again tried to calm herself. Looking down at their joint hands she asked. "What about your other students? Would they mind her abrupt presence around them?"

Ajay frowned. "If they would dare to, then they don't deserve to be my student. Moreover, her training is not with them. I am training her personally to cope up with the lost time."

The first thing he decided for Pearl was to give his all attention till she reached her limits and crossed them. He might not be good at parenting, but as a teacher, for years he knows how much Pearl is worthy to his eyes, not just as his student but also as his future asset.

Looking at her surroundings, knowing how things will change, Saba felt a great reluctance in her heart. In her heart no matter what nothing was justifying his reasons. "You are already teaching kids half of your day, and now her too? Do you even have a minute for me Ajay!"

She gritted her teeth. Every time, she finds the company, their assets are more important to him than her. She knows that Ajay loves her dearly, but his love for his company is no less. And she understands his position too.

They never had a baby. After two years of their marriage, they got to know about Saba's infertility. Being sterile Saba immediately wanted to leave Ajay. She didn't want to be a burden on him. However, Ajay strongly opposed it. Even though they had an arranged marriage, they both love each other dearly.

They spend their whole life without a kid. But as old age started approaching them, Ajay started to panic about the thought of leaving his company to any incompetent person. He started looking out for the right person.

He gave all his life to that company. It's every success has his hard work. And she never tried to come in between that. But now, when their days are numbered, when all they should do is spend their time together, she has to share him with some adopted girl? It is too much for her to let go.

"Ajay I really want you to stop for me now."

"Honey, I am all yours. But you can't actually expect me to give away my company to just anyone, do you? It's my hard-earned money. I have sweated my blood in this company. I only want the deserving one to stand with me. Am I asking too much?"

"You are asking too much from me Ajay. But if you want it then do it. All I want you to do is not add one more thing to your timetable. You are already sick. In your free time, rest at home. You have got a lot of students already. Just choose from one of them."

Ajay stubbornly shook his head in denial. "They are not good enough yet to select them. But she can be. We never know. That's why she needs this training."

"You are already old enough. Why don't you just retire and spend your time with me, Ajay? If you add her, what about me?"


"No Ajay. You have to give up on her."

"Honey, stop being stubborn. I know I have wronged you. But believe me, this decision of mine will never prove me wrong. And I also promise you the best. I am not giving up on her and I will also give you my time. I promise"


"I really promise. Please?" Ajay expectantly looked at her.

Saba still had a lot to say but his expectant eyes stopped her questions. With a sigh in the end she accepted her defeat. "Don't expect anything from me."

"You can ignore her presence all you want."

"Oh, that I will definitely do."

"But just don't hate her. Okay?" He asked solemnly.


"Honey, please. That girl is already receiving lots of hate from the world she used to live in. We can't add on ourselves in that. Right? Promise me that you will never hate her."

Saba never met that girl, but right now her feelings for her weren't that great. However, anger was there, not hate. 'Hate' is too early and too big to use for someone.

"...never let her come into my radar then." She warned.

"She herself would never come for you. I assure you that." Ajay said lastly.

You guys mean a lot to me.

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