
My lost of Humanity

My name is Shoto Todoroki, I'm a student at UA, my bestfriend and crush is Izuku Midoriya, he doesn't know obviously. My father is the number 2 hero, but in the shaddows he works as the number one Vampire Hunter. He's been training me and Katsuki Bakugo since we we're kids to kill those monsters, everyone one of them are monsters... All of them. What happens when Izuku goes missing, will Katsuki and Shoto find their love before it's too late? Warning Smut... Lots of it Violence, gore and blood Self harm and suicide attemps/mentions Mpreg Vampires Soft Bakugo Todoroki x Deku Bakugo x Deku Dabi x Deku Gay love All Characters are 18+ and are in their 3rd year at UA, quirks are the same. I don't own the characters, just the story!

MissSepticat · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Part 9: I'm still here

Thursday | 3 am

Todoroki's POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night, it's been 6 days since Izuku was killed, let's just say I'm not over it at all, it feels just as bad as the first day. Me and Katsuki have been sparring alot to keep our anger in check and spending more time together, it really made our relationship grow as he really is taking the role of big brother seriously. I try my best to be there for him as well, but I'm just has broken as he is, making it quite difficult to be even helpful. I've barely slept it the last week too, I can't close my eyes for too long, Ive been trying to, when I do... He appears in my mind.

I open my eyes, desperately trying to get the painful memories out of my head. I scream, trying even harder to get the images out of my head as then become more clear and precise, all of them more painfull than the previous. I hear my door open like almost everytime I get these panic attacks. Katsuki climbs in my bed and pulls me close to him as he hugs me tightly.

"Shhh your okay, I'm here... It's okay Shoto... It's okay..." He says as I hold onto him and cry.

I know these actions are really childish for a 18 year old teenager, I'm ashamed of them, but I can't help it. He pulls me even closer as he rubs my shoulders, I somehow manage to calm down and sigh.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to bother you..." I say as he sighs.

"Dumbass, your not bothering me at all, now fucking sleep before I knock you out myself." He says rather gently.

"I can't... Katsuki he's going to flood my mind with memories if I do." I say as he lays his head on mine.

"Instead of dreading them, why don't you try and... enjoy the memories... Maybe that... would help..." He says as I feel him slowly drift to sleep.

I look up to see him peacefully asleep, maybe he's right, if I take them as good memories instead of bad... Then maybe I can be okay again... I can sleep again. I close my eyes, immediately flooded with our memories, I smile and embrace them. Slowly drifting to sleep as I feel my lips touch Izuku's in my memories.

Friday |  5pm

Me and Katsuki we're laying on the couch with the bakusquad, we we're watching this weird movie that I just couldn't understand. We we're all pretty relaxed when mine, Kirishima's and Katsuki's phone ringed for a notification. It was obviously the organization that had messaged us, they said there seemed to be a vampire roaming around the deserted part of town. It's a place filled with repossessed houses or abandoned buildings, it's inhabited and very old. We stand up as we excuse ourselves for leaving and get our stuff ready, this was going to be annoying, if this is a normal vampire, he'll be agressive and fast, focused on killing and feeding. If he's a pure blooded, he's going to be a pain in the ass. And a newborn would have been in town... I sigh as we all jump out the window and make our way towards the district, we looked around for any signs of recent habitation. Most house are either super dusty or collapsed, it's kinda... unsettling. I glance at Katsuki, he has gripped his sword and is staring in the distance.

"2.5 meters to the northeast, scope in Icyhot." He says as I pull my scope.

I look at the small house, there isn't anything wrong with that house at all, I don't even see movement inside.

"What's wrong? I don't see anything." I say confused.

"Something moved in there, trust me..." He says pulling out his sword.

Kirishima cocks his pistol and watches carefully as we walk towards the house, I suddenly see 3 figures move around, screams and growls emerging from the house. Looks like a fight is happening between them, worried a human might be involved we bust the door open. Two figures jumped at us, Katsuki quickly slash the first vampire to shreds.

Suddenly the other vampire jumps on him, Katsuki violently lands on the ground before I shot 12 bullets in the vampires head.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" I yelled as I shot him.

"Whoa hey calm down he's dead... That's my line Icyhot..." He says as I grab his shoulders.

"Your not hurt right, did he bite you, did he break anything, are you okay!?" I frantically say as he sighs.

"Damnit Icyhot I'm fine... What the hell got you so worked up anyways?" He says as I pull him into a hug.

"You can't leave me too, you can't, I won't let you die as well, I can't bare to live alone... I'd rather be killed... Please Katsuki don't leave me too..." I cried out on his shoulder as he pulled me closer.

"Hey... Look at me Shoto, look into my eyes..." He says taking my face in his hands.

"I'm still here, I don't plan on leaving or dying you hear me? Definitely not before we make your brother pay for what he did. Even then, I don't plan on leaving after that either... I need to become the number one hero... For Deku-"

Suddenly we heard some noise from the house, it sounded like the sound you make when stumbling and falling, right... There's a 3rd person in here I forgot, this can't be another vampire because he would have attacked us. Well unless he wasn't friends with the other two but still, his instincs for blood should be taking over. We slowly walk inside the house, it's way too quiet now, we probably scared the life out of the already scared person. We try to make it deeper in the house, looks in pretty good shape for an abandoned one, only one story, so it was pretty small. We see something move in the kitchen, it looks like it's trying to distance themselves from us.

"Hey, where not dangerous, come out we just wanna help!" Kirishima says loudly but kindly.

Some more shuffles we're heard followed by some sobbing. My heart felt squeezed, to hear the poor person's cries was sad, I really wanted to help them...

"Hey dumbass we don't got all day! Fucking come out or we'll leave you behind!" Katsuki yelled before we hear a gasp.

"I-is that you? Kacchan?"