
My lost of Humanity

My name is Shoto Todoroki, I'm a student at UA, my bestfriend and crush is Izuku Midoriya, he doesn't know obviously. My father is the number 2 hero, but in the shaddows he works as the number one Vampire Hunter. He's been training me and Katsuki Bakugo since we we're kids to kill those monsters, everyone one of them are monsters... All of them. What happens when Izuku goes missing, will Katsuki and Shoto find their love before it's too late? Warning Smut... Lots of it Violence, gore and blood Self harm and suicide attemps/mentions Mpreg Vampires Soft Bakugo Todoroki x Deku Bakugo x Deku Dabi x Deku Gay love All Characters are 18+ and are in their 3rd year at UA, quirks are the same. I don't own the characters, just the story!

MissSepticat · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Part 11: Lost of control

Friday last week | ??? pm

Midoriya's POV

I don't quite understand why my heart has stopped, am I a ghost? I look around seems like the streets are empty, I stand up and walk around, I'm... hungry. I look for something to eat... Anything, when I see a wood wall, I quickly jump up over it, wow that was at least 30 meters high... I shrug it off, I need something to satisfy my hunger, I continue to walk when I pass a window and look in it... My breath hitched as I realized I had no reflection, I glance around panicked when a woman see's me.

"Oh you look pale young man, you should go see a doctor..." She gently says as I gulp.

Her neck, it looks... tasty. NO! God no! I start to run foward, I need to hide, I'm a fricking vampire! I'M A MONSTER! THEY TURNED ME INTO A FUCKING VAMPIRE! NO NO NO NO! I suddenly realize I'm in the deserted district, I sigh and hide in a small house. I'm far from people, I can keep everyone safe... And hopefully, I'll die from hunger.

Saturday present | 6h40 pm

Todoroki's POV

Izuku finished by explaining that the two vampires ran here and made noise, witch caused them to be seen and us to investigate. I sigh, that was heartbreaking to listen to... To think he was begging for us to save him yet we never came... To hear how he was all alone since the beginning of this nightmare.

"Deku... Your incredible, newborns normally kill the first human they see and immediately lose their humanity. Not only did you keep it cool, stayed away from all humans and purposely hid away, but you kept your humanity!" Katsuki says placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Please... Stay away... I may be in control now... But I really wanna dig my fangs in your necks... So please stay back and shoot me if I lose control..." He says as we sigh.

"No! If you lose it... We'll um... Will feed you." Kirishima said, surprising us all.

"F-feed me!? N-no! What if I become emotionless after that!? No! I'm not eating!" He says as we sigh.

"You'll die if you do that..." I say as he looks down.

"That's what I want... I'm already dead anyways... I don't have a pulse anymore Shochan..." He says as tears fall down his cheeks.

I wipe them away as he flinch at my touch, his eyes flickered red for a second before he slaped my hand away.

"Please don't touch me... Unless you want to be bitten..." He says as I lose my patience.

"You need to eat. I can't handle losing you again, Izuku... If you die... I'll kill myself." I say as he looks at me panicked.

"NO YOU CAN'T!" He cries out as I look at him determined.

"Then live... Live with us... We'll watch over you and I'll keep you fed I promise Izuku." I say as Katsuki moves forward.

"I won't feed you, I'll leave that to him, but I'll protect you with my life as well." Katsuki said smiling.

"Okay fine... But if I lose control you stop me... And if I lose my humanity... You need to kill me." He says as we sigh but agree.

I grab my knife and slice my wrist, I pull it infront of Izuku. I know this is dangerous and completely insane, but I need him to live. He gulps as his eyes glows red, his claws appear before he grabs my arm and bites roughly. I wince at the slight pain, but I could tell he was holding back. He lets go and licks it before he looks at me, his breaths become erratic and his eyes became brighter before he jumped on me, shit. He quickly bites my neck, but instead of pain like I expected, it sent a wave of pleasure throughout my body. Izuku moaned as he gulped my blood down, I suddenly hear a gun get cranked. Before either me or Katsuki can do anything, the gun fires, making Izuku go limp on me. I sat up beging he didn't just shoot him dead, that Kirishima had not just killed him for losing a bit of control, I pulled Izuku close as Katsuki punched Kirishima.

"WOAH WAIT I ONLY TRANQUED HIM!" He says as I see the small capsule.

I pull it out before I check my neck, it wasn't bleeding crazy, he was out of control, yet he made sure to prevent me from bleeding out. Even in a frenzy, he's still Izuku, he tried to protect me, I explain to them my realization as they smile. Katsuki bandaged my neck and wrist before I picked Izuku up. Now we needed to figure out how we we're going to do this, he's known to be dead, we can't bring him to school, most the pros also saw him die... So they'd know immediately that he was turned, this is really complicated. Suddenly I feel Izuku wake up, that tranquilizer didn't last long huh? He looks at me as I make him stand, he hugs me tightly as he cries and apologized for biting my neck, well it's still him, his humanity didn't leave at leats. I gently rubbed his hair to try and calm him down.

I knew I had to protect him no matter what, I will not lose him again, I'm not willing to go through that yet again.

"So what do we do? Where do we go from here?" Kirishima asks worried.

"Okay well he's still himself now so, maybe we can somehow see if there's a higher up that has interest in something like this... If so, we can introduce Deku... For now we need to get him to safety, witch is definetly not here. Also the eyes will let people know that he's a vampire immediately so we have to be really careful..." Katsuki says as I sigh.

"He needs time and comfort, this is too much Katsuki... Lets just sneak him to one of our dorm room and start from there..." I say as they nod and we agree it'll be my room.

"I-I'm sorry for c-causing so much trouble..." Izuku says as I wiped his tears.

"I'd rather deal with all of this than another day believing that your dead." I say as Katsuki hummed in agreement.

"After they announced your death Deku... I thought I was gonna go insane." Katsuki said.

I could relate, I tought I was gonna lose my mind too at some point. We all smiled at him, he looked somewhat back to his normal colors. It was amazing at how soft and smooth his skin now was, it is to attract hummans to him afterall, it made him somehow hotter than he was before. I hold him closely as he smiled a little, it wasn't a big smile but it was a begining, he then grabbed onto my costume tightly as he trembled.

"I'm... I'm safe... I'm safe..." He said repeatedly.

"Hey... Izuku."


"I'll protect you with my life, stop worrying okay? I-" I sigh and pause.

Katsuki and Kirishima went outside to give us space. I looked in his green eyes, despite the clearly slitted pupils, they we're still as enchanting as before. They we're like two beautiful black holes of green, absorbing all of my attention.

"I'm sorry I never said it before..." I say as I gently cupped his cheek and leaned forward.

I stop myself millimeters away from his gorgeously plump lips, they even had a little gloss to them, probably his saliva.

"Izuku Midoriya... I love you." I said as his eyes showed an emotion I'd live for.

Without another second, he pushed forward, kissing me softly, I pulled his waist up, lifting him against my body and grabbing his thighs, god... I loved him so much I could explode. He wrapped his legs around my hips as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth, we both moaned before I hit the wall behind me. We separated to grab a breathe of air, saliva leaking from both our mouths. He leaned in and gently kissed my bandage on my neck where his bite should be.

"Sorry..." He wispers as he hugged me closely.

"I don't regret it... I'll do it again too. I'll keep you fed remember?" I said as he smiled and kissed me again.

"I love you too Shoto."