
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 806-810: Calculating Across Worlds (9.5k+ words)

It's not that Su Yuqing is Mr. Bai himself.

But the aura emanating from her is remarkably similar to Mr. Bai.

To the extent that when Li Fan glanced over, he almost had an illusion.

Every move seemed perfectly natural, every smile or frown stirred people's hearts.

More importantly, her pure "goodness."

Extending her palm, butterflies naturally landed on it without sensing any danger.

Even when Su Yuqing curiously tapped its wings with her finger, the butterfly didn't fly away but fluttered its wings rapidly, as if playing with Su Yuqing.

Su Yuqing laughed happily, and a gentle breeze passed through, causing flowers in the garden to bloom.

Watching this scene from above, Li Fan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"The way of heaven..."

"No, it can be said that heaven is born."

"The only difference from Mr. Bai is that in this world, there is no spiritual energy, and the power level is not high."

"So Su Yuqing, the incarnation of heaven, has very limited abilities."

"Not like Mr. Bai, who possesses earth-shattering strength."

Li Fan carefully sensed the connection between Su Yuqing and the Great Void World.

"Well, the Great Void World is suppressed by the Fire World. If she is not aware of it and deliberately guides it..."

"It can only lead to some anomalies in life."

"I wonder how heaven chooses..."

Li Fan lightly touched Su Yuqing, who was playing, and she stood still, motionless.

A wisp of spiritual energy flew out from Li Fan's fingertip, circled around Su Yuqing, and returned.

Li Fan couldn't help but praise, "Indeed, the incarnation of heaven. Even in a small world, the talents it brings are somewhat terrifying."

"But..." After a moment, Li Fan frowned slightly.

"I actually sensed a trace of the Fire World's aura, which is incompatible with the Great Void World..."

Thinking about it, not long after, Su Yuqing will sense the connection with heaven and conceive Su Xiaomei.

The talents of Su Xiaomei, which become stronger when she is angrier, are obviously more in line with the Fire World.

Li Fan suddenly guessed the possible reasons for all this.

The Great Void World and the Fire World collided in the void. The Great Void World, which was one level lower in power, was in danger under the constant oppression of the Fire World.

It can be almost foreseen that its inevitable fate is irreversible destruction shortly.

The heavenly way of the Great Void World then selected a suitable candidate to attach to.

Attempting to turn the tide...


A flash of inspiration flashed through Li Fan's mind.

"Even the world's heavenly way itself cannot resist the Fire World. Even if attached to a person, the result will not be good."

"But the heavenly way of the Great Void World has already bet everything. It will not do meaningless things."

The blue light of the Transformation Stone flickered in Li Fan's mind, and a figure appeared before him.

It was He Zhenghao!

"He Daoist friend comes to the Great Void every once in a while to help some mortals smuggle into the Xuanhuang Realm."

"This is the only opportunity!"

"Is the Great Void Heavenly Way preparing to rejuvenate?"

"If there are no changes, it might really happen."

"However..." Li Fan shook his head slightly. "The fusion between the Great Void World and the Fire World is very close. Even the hinterland of the world has a volcano inserted. Therefore, the actions of the Great Void Heavenly Way are also sensed by the Fire World Heavenly Way."

"Follow the vine and insert a foot."

"Soon after, the birth of Su Xiaomei occurred."

"Possession and escape plan, a dead fetus! In the end, it still couldn't escape the fate of being swallowed and merged."

"If it weren't for my intervention."

The heavenly way of the world may not be as conscious as an ordinary person, but its operation certainly follows an extremely complex mechanism. It may not be under what humans call intelligence.

Chapter 807: Seeking Advantage and Avoiding Harm (Additional Chapter for 6000 Monthly Votes)

The actions of the Great Void World, seeking advantage and avoiding harm, can be understood.

After Li Fan clarified the events in the Great Void World, a subtle movement occurred in his heart.

"If the Great Void World is like this, then what about the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"Mr. Bai transformed from a mortal to a god at the time when the new method began to spread on a large scale."

"The Xuanhuang Heavenly Way noticed it and descended upon Mr. Bai."

Is it to turn the tide or...

Li Fan couldn't help but instinctively touch his chin.

Because he deduced a somewhat amusing conclusion.

"Perhaps the purpose of the Heavenly Way possessing Mr. Bai is similar to the Great Void World, or even the Sea Pearl before the Red Flame Burning Sea."

"All are for a clean break."

Li Fan pondered for a long time, "There is indeed such a possibility."

"Of course, there may still be multiple bets."

"As for what exactly happened, maybe I can find the answer in the Meteor Immortal Realm."

After thinking for a long time, he temporarily put this matter aside.

Li Fan once again looked at the petrified Su Yuqing.

"It's not impossible to help you. It happens to be an opportunity to try the effectiveness of the 'Sitting Immortal Technique'!"

As an advanced version of the "Sitting Mountain Technique," the biggest difference of the "Sitting Immortal Technique" lies in the conditions for generating feedback of cultivation base, which are no longer so harsh.

It doesn't require the other party to break through their realm to receive feedback.

Instead, it follows the principle of repaying kindness with kindness.

A qualitative change occurred in an instant.

Even if it's not like Li Fan, who can cultivate with foresight, as long as you practice charity and make friends widely, you can also cultivate rapidly.

"The Xuanhuang Realm is under the surveillance of various old monsters and cannot act recklessly."

"On the other hand, various small worlds are much safer."

"The actions of the Wanxian Alliance conquering the small worlds in the last era have just eliminated those relatively dangerous worlds..."

"There's great potential!"

"The only trouble is that most small worlds don't have spiritual energy."

"But there is already a solution in mind."

Li Fan's eyes flickered, deducing the plan for this life.

Seven days later.

The recently erupted Great Void Volcano erupted again without any warning.

Rolling black clouds covered the sky, as if the end of the world had come.

This volcanic eruption was too violent, with countless fire rocks flying into the sky.

Then, bright red lines crossed more than half of the world and flew towards the direction of the capital.

The common people in the city were shivering.

They could only pray for blessings from the heavens.

Unfortunately, wishes didn't always come true.

After avoiding some initial small stones, eventually, a huge fire rock, almost half the size of the capital, roared towards them.

If it hit, no one in the Great Void Capital would likely survive!

People were filled with despair.

At that moment...

A sigh suddenly echoed through the city.

Immediately after, an immortal figure, with an ethereal air, appeared above the Great Void Capital!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 807: The Celestial Maiden Wants to Save the World

In the tense gaze of everyone, the immortal above angrily shouted, and with a single hand, he blocked the massive fire rock!

Two immense forces collided in an instant.

Countless tiny fragments were stirred up from the giant fire rock.

As they were about to fly downward, the immortal acted again!

One hand slowly lifted the giant fire rock, while the other hand emitted strands of white light in an instant.

The flying debris below was annihilated.

In just a few breaths of time, a calamity that could destroy the world was silently resolved.

The common people of the Great Void, after a brief stupor, burst into tears.

They knelt towards the figure in the sky, continuously expressing gratitude, "Thank you, Immortal, for saving our lives!"

The existence of cultivators was not a secret in the Great Void Capital, considering that immortals descended every now and then.

Many years ago, there was even an event known as "An Immortal's Wrath Leads to Rivers of Blood."

Therefore, when this immortal intervened to save the entire city, the common people were both grateful and somewhat fearful.

After all, it was said that, in the eyes of immortals, mortals were no different from ants.

And now, there was actually an immortal who acted to save the lives of ants.

How could this not be astonishing?

The common people in the city knelt down, afraid to get up.

The immortal, after removing the impact force of the giant fire rock, casually threw it into the uninhabited wilderness outside the city.

Amidst the tremendous vibration on the ground, the immortal quickly flew towards the position of the central volcano.

In no time, the rolling black smoke in the volcano slowly disappeared.

The violent volcano also returned to tranquility.

Everyone in the Great Void World who witnessed this scene couldn't help but cheer for their second chance at life.

And the Emperor of the Great Void led the crowd, lining up in the city, awaiting the arrival of the immortal.

Unfortunately, they waited for three days and nights without the immortal's appearance.

The Emperor of the Great Void felt uneasy, unsure if he had done something wrong.

For several days, he couldn't sleep well.

Until seven days later, someone reported that a small mountain suddenly rose outside the city.

And on the small mountain, it seemed that someone lived there.

When the Emperor of the Great Void heard this, his heart trembled.

Knowing this was a method of the immortals, he quickly led the crowd to go there.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, it seemed like there was an invisible barrier, and they couldn't step forward.

"Those with fate may meet."

"Those without fate, please leave."

A girl in her teens timidly spoke to the emperor.

And Su Daxueshi, who was in the queue of officials, raised his head suddenly upon hearing this voice.

After seeing clearly, that it was indeed his sister Su Yuqing who spoke, he almost weakened at the knees and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, a quick-thinking friend beside him helped him up.

"Su Daxueshi, do you happen to know this fairy?"

Su Daxueshi felt his mouth dry, and even with a full belly of wit, he couldn't say a word at this moment.

While Su Yuqing plucked up the courage to dismiss the civil and military officials, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She patted her chest, knocked on her brother who was leaving in the distance, and looked back at the thatched cottage on the mountain, feeling somewhat distressed.

Not long ago, this immortal suddenly appeared in the mansion of the Academician.

Claiming to have immortal fate, she was brought to this mountain without saying a word.

Later, she passed down a method of immortality, instructing her to cultivate diligently.

But now, with her mind in turmoil, she had no intention of cultivating!

After much thought, Su Yuqing mustered the courage to reach the top of the mountain and knocked on the door of the house.

The door opened automatically, and the immortal was sitting cross-legged in the air, eyes closed in meditation.

"What brings you here?"

"Respected Immortal Teacher," Su Yuqing first bowed and then gathered her courage to say, "Please allow me to return. This humble woman has no aspirations for immortality. I only wish to accompany my family and peacefully spend the rest of my life."

This statement, spoken by a girl in her teens, seemed out of place.

However, under the backdrop of Su Yuqing's own temperament, it didn't appear inappropriate.

After saying this, Su Yuqing's heart pounded.

She had witnessed the immortal effortlessly dealing with the meteorites that day. If she angered him...

Wait, the immortal had intervened to save so many people in the city. He should be a good person, right?

That's what Su Yuqing thought.

The Immortal Teacher remained silent.

The thatched cottage at the mountaintop fell into an eerie silence.

After a long time, he slowly spoke, "Immortal fate is never to be forced. If you truly don't wish to cultivate, I won't force you. However, when you see your loved ones die a tragic death in the future, don't regret it."

Su Yuqing was slightly stunned, and her face turned pale, "Loved ones die tragically?"

The Immortal Teacher did not explain further but closed his eyes again, "You may leave."

Su Yuqing felt a gust of wind, and in an instant, she was outside the thatched cottage.

The door slammed shut, leaving Su Yuqing feeling bewildered.

She descended the mountain road somewhat dazed, her mind filled with the immortal's words.

As she was about to leave the range of the immortal mountain, she hesitated.

"Immortal Teacher will surely not deceive me."

"Loved ones dying tragically..."

Su Yuqing inexplicably recalled the terrifying scene of the volcanic eruption, shrouding the sky with black clouds.

She shivered, understanding something.

In a hurry, she changed direction and rushed towards the mountaintop thatched cottage.

"Immortal Teacher, will the central volcano erupt again?"

She asked towards the door.

No sound came from inside.

Su Yuqing tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

Growing more anxious, she dared not act recklessly in front of the immortal.

Su Yuqing knelt with a thud, knocking her head, "Immortal Teacher, this humble woman is willing to follow and earnestly cultivate!"

Still, there was no response.

Su Yuqing gritted her teeth, maintaining this posture, unmoving.

As the object of affection for an old scholar, Su Yuqing had been pampered since birth.

Jiang Sheng Guan Yang as she was, after only a cup of tea, she felt extremely sore all over and couldn't hold on any longer.

However, she seemed to see the scene of the volcanic eruption destroying the Great Void again.

Her eyes became determined, persevering with gritted teeth.

An hour, two hours...

Until four or five hours later, her consciousness became somewhat blurry.

Unable to hold on any longer, she fainted.

Before she lost consciousness, she seemed to hear the sound of the thatched cottage door opening.

Su Yuqing had a dream.

In the dream, the Great Void greeted doomsday.

The volcanic column soared straight into the nine heavens. Lava flowed recklessly, and there were no living beings left on the earth.

It was like a true purgatory.

This tragic scene instantly woke her up from the nightmare.

"Did you see it clearly? That's the future of the Great Void," said the Immortal Teacher indifferently.

"Please, Immortal Teacher, save the Great Void!" Su Yuqing, whose eyes had unknowingly become moist, pleaded once again.

"I can save for a while, but I cannot save a lifetime," the Immortal Teacher let out a sorrowful sigh.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 808: Compassionate Immortal in the Mortal Realm

With a gentle touch from the Immortal Teacher, countless scenes instantly appeared in Su Yuqing's mind.

The scenes of the Fire World, where countless flames raged, caused Su Yuqing, who had never left the capital, to lose color in her face.

However, she now fully understood the origin of the crisis in the Great Void.

"Survival of the fittest, such is the way of heaven and earth."

"All things are like this, and so is the world."

"The fate of the Great Void's destruction has been sealed since the unfortunate collision with the Fire World in the void."

The Immortal Teacher sighed softly.

"Intervening to flatten that volcano is a trivial matter for me."

"However, it is merely treating the symptoms and not the root cause. It might even provoke a stronger resistance from the Fire World."

"In a few years, another, even larger volcano will inevitably rise."

Hearing the Immortal Teacher's words, Su Yuqing couldn't help but show a look of despair.

"Is there really no way?" she couldn't help but ask.

Seeing the expression on the Immortal Teacher's face and recalling his actions, Su Yuqing seemed to sense something.

She quickly knelt and continuously kowtowed, saying, "Please, Immortal Teacher, teach me!"

After nine kowtows, the Immortal Teacher gently waved his hand to stop her kowtowing.

He slowly said, "This is why I want you to cultivate."

"The balance of power has no fixed rule. The current crisis in the Great Void is due to our weakness against the Fire World. If the situation were reversed, and the Great Void were stronger than the Fire World, we might not only avoid the threat of destruction but could even devour the Fire World."

"Realize the ascension of the world!"

When Li Fan said this with conviction, he sensed the pervasive malice from the surrounding world.

In an instant, it dissipated!


When he began to act as the Immortal Teacher, even deceiving Su Yuqing, malice from all directions came rolling towards the Great Void.

It was even more intense than the hostility towards cultivators in the Xuanhuang Realm!

Even the Xuanhuang Heavenly Dao was not feared by Li Fan, let alone this small Great Void.

However, this constant feeling of being maliciously observed was somewhat uncomfortable.

He used a little trick to finally reverse it.

After all, what he told Su Yuqing was not a lie but a practical solution.

"How can the Great Void be stronger than the Fire World?" Su Yuqing's little face looked puzzled.

The terrifying scene of the Fire World she saw in her dreams was extremely frightening.

Not only was the entire world filled with magma, but there were also countless magical flames that seemed to have self-awareness.

It was not something an ordinary mortal world could resist.

Li Fan looked at Su Yuqing, who was a bit confused, and smiled slightly, "So-called, humans can conquer everything!"

"To help the Great Void surpass the Fire World, it requires the efforts of you, the people of the Great Void!"

Saying that, Li Fan extended his hand, and a small white jade tower appeared in his palm.

"This is the Immortal Spirit Tower. With enough raw materials, it can release a continuous flow of spiritual energy day and night."

"With mortal bodies, naturally, you cannot help the Great Void. Only by becoming cultivators can you qualify to participate and even lead the world's struggle."

Su Yuqing looked at the Immortal Spirit Tower in Li Fan's hand and indeed felt waves of spiritual energy emanating from it.

But when she looked at the Immortal Spirit Tower, Su Yuqing also felt a faint trace of a bloody aura, causing her to furrow her brows.

"This little girl's sensitivity is indeed sharp," Li Fan observed and nodded inwardly at Su Yuqing's expression.

That's right. This so-called Immortal Spirit Tower was actually crafted by Li Fan based on the Empire's "Spiritual Energy Synthesis" technology.

Essentially, it used a large amount of exotic beast flesh to generate spiritual energy crystals, which were then decomposed into spiritual energy.

For this, Li Fan specially made a trip to the Beastkind Realm.

He collected a large amount of exotic beast flesh.

As for the feathers of the Profound Bird and the blood of the Most Revered, they were in the depths of the Beastkind Realm.

With Li Fan's current cultivation in the Golden Elixir stage, forcefully taking them was a bit difficult. So, he put it aside for the time being.

Although the Empire's spiritual energy synthesis technology had a very low energy conversion efficiency, it was still practical.

"Great Void, how can it be stronger than the Fire World?" Su Yuqing's little face looked confused.

She had seen the terrifying Fire World in her dreams, which was extremely horrifying.

Not only was the entire world filled with lava, but there were also countless magical flames that seemed to have self-awareness.

It was not something an ordinary mortal world could resist.

Li Fan looked at Su Yuqing, who was a bit confused, and smiled slightly, "So-called, humans can conquer everything!"

"To help the Great Void surpass the Fire World, it requires the efforts

 of you, the people of the Great Void!"

Saying that, Li Fan extended his hand, and a small white jade tower appeared in his palm.

"This is the Immortal Spirit Tower. With enough raw materials, it can release a continuous flow of spiritual energy day and night."

"With mortal bodies, naturally, you cannot help the Great Void. Only by becoming cultivators can you qualify to participate and even lead the world's struggle."

Su Yuqing looked at the Immortal Spirit Tower in Li Fan's hand and indeed felt waves of spiritual energy emanating from it.

But when she looked at the Immortal Spirit Tower, Su Yuqing also felt a faint trace of a bloody aura, causing her to furrow her brows.

"This little girl's sensitivity is indeed sharp," Li Fan observed and nodded inwardly at Su Yuqing's expression.

That's right. This so-called Immortal Spirit Tower was actually crafted by Li Fan based on the Empire's "Spiritual Energy Synthesis" technology.

Essentially, it used a large amount of exotic beast flesh to generate spiritual energy crystals, which were then decomposed into spiritual energy.

For this, Li Fan specially made a trip to the Beastkind Realm.

He collected a large amount of exotic beast flesh.

As for the feathers of the Profound Bird and the blood of the Most Revered, they were in the depths of the Beastkind Realm.

With Li Fan's current cultivation in the Golden Elixir stage, forcefully taking them was a bit difficult. So, he put it aside for the time being.

Although the Empire's spiritual energy synthesis technology had a very low energy conversion efficiency, it was still practical.

However, the advantage lies in its low cost.

If it's possible to raise exotic beasts on a large scale, it would solve the issue of the source of exotic beast flesh.

Then, it would almost be able to generate spiritual energy endlessly.

For small worlds without spiritual veins, it is indeed a good method.

Li Fan did not hide how the Immortal Spirit Tower produces spiritual energy.

Instead, he vividly displayed the scene of the blood and flesh factory inside it in front of Su Yuqing.

Su Yuqing had never seen such a scene, and her face turned pale, directly vomiting on the spot.

Li Fan snorted coldly, "Compared to the survival of the entire world, what is the significance of these few killings?"

"How is it different from the chicken, duck, and fish you ordinary people eat daily?"


He scolded mercilessly.

Su Yuqing opened her mouth, instinctively wanting to retort.

In the end, she fell silent.

Waving away the filth inside the room, Li Fan told Su Yuqing the complete plan to save the world.

The first step is to select the group of people in the Great Void with the most outstanding talents. Use the Immortal Spirit Tower to cultivate them into the first group of cultivators in the Great Void.

The second step is to send them deep into the Fire World, absorb various flames containing the world's source power, and bring them back.

The third step is for the cultivators who have merged with powerful flames to use their own strength to transform the Great Void.

With this process, the Great Void is gradually becoming stronger.

While the Fire World will inevitably decline.

"This is just a deduced result. The specifics will have to be taken step by step. After all, the struggle for the world involves too high a level, not something that cultivators can predict entirely," Li Fan sighed lightly.

Su Yuqing firmly remembered the Immortal Teacher's words.

Because she had a premonition that the Immortal Teacher in front of her would not stay in the Great Void for too long.

"The path of immortality is difficult."

"The cultivation methods cannot be practiced together."

"I can only help you get started. To achieve more, you may need to explore the Xuanhuang Realm on your own!"

Saying that, Li Fan pointed at Su Yuqing's forehead.

Including the "Thousand Mechanisms, Jade Circles, Golden Scripture," a total of twenty cultivation methods appeared in her mind.

However, only the Golden Scripture was a Yuan Ying level cultivation method.

The rest were only Qi Refinement and Foundation Building levels.

These were cultivation methods Li Fan had collected from various unclaimed techniques in the successive cycles.

"Thousand Mechanisms, Jade Circles, Golden Scripture, you can practice on your own."

"As for the others, you can hand them over to suitable individuals," Li Fan instructed.

"Immortal Teacher, are you leaving?" Su Yuqing couldn't help but ask.

Li Fan smiled slightly, "I was just passing through. I didn't intend to come to this realm. But I couldn't bear to see the suffering of living beings, so I lent a helping hand. Now that I've done what I can, I will naturally leave."

Just cultivating the "Sitting Immortal Art" required resources, and Li Fan certainly wouldn't waste too much time here.

Just by giving a start, he believed that with Su Yuqing's talent as the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, she could lead the people of the Great Void onto a new path.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 809 Extra: The Mystery of Eternal Life (To seek the method of eternal life, read this chapter!)

The extra content is unrelated to the main story; you can decide whether to subscribe or not.

I've kept a draft of an extra that I started writing a long time ago. Seizing the inspiration while it's still there, I quickly wrote it out.

It won't delay the regular updates tonight. There will still be two normal chapters tonight.


"Ding dong!"

Hearing the notification sound on my phone, I was instantly startled, waking up from my sleep.

After half a minute of sluggishness, my pounding heart gradually calmed down. I picked up my phone from the table and checked the time.

It was 2:30 in the morning.

"Darn it, sending messages at this hour. It must be that old guy Zhang Yaobin!"

Cursing inwardly, I opened WeChat, and sure enough...

"Li Yang, check your email. According to the information inside, write a research report for me, around 30,000 words. Before noon tomorrow."

With Zhang Yaobin's text accompanied by his lecherous smiling face profile picture, my eyelids twitched, and my blood pressure rose instantly.

In my mind, I had already greeted his ancestors eight generations over. However, my fingers involuntarily danced on the phone keyboard.

"Sure, boss!"

I sighed deeply.

"There's no choice. Why did I end up with such a mentor? Endure a bit more, and once this paper gets successfully published, I can graduate."

"Six reviewers, four of them are Zhang Yaobin's friends. Whether the paper passes or not depends on him. During this time before the review, I will definitely be at his beck and call, making things even more difficult."

Complaining in my mind, I opened my email, downloaded and unzipped the attachment, and began checking its content.

"Defying the laws of heaven to prove eternal life..."

"What the heck is this?"

The drowsiness disappeared in an instant. I sat up straight, staring intently at the image on the computer screen.

Half a month ago, in the Baise Region of Hunan Province, a strange incident occurred. A thousand-meter-high mountain split open, revealing a smooth, mirror-like cliff. On the cliff, nine large characters were engraved in ancient seal script from top to bottom: "Defying the laws of heaven to prove eternal life."

The local government acted swiftly. After the incident, the scene was quickly sealed off. This matter is still unknown to the public.

Because the ancient seal script used to write these nine characters was the official script of the Xian Dynasty, seven thousand years ago.

Therefore, the investigation team invited Zhang Yaobin, the chief expert in domestic research on the Xian Dynasty history, to assist in the investigation.

To see if there were any clues in the ancient texts.


I looked at the time in the lower right corner of the screen.

"Today is not April Fool's Day, right? Why play such a joke on me?"

Seeing this information, my first reaction was disbelief.

"Lingyun Peak, an altitude of over 1,300 meters. The first peak in the Baise Region..."

I quickly searched for information about the mountain mentioned in the incident.

"Nine characters, over a thousand meters. From the spacing of the characters in the picture, each character is at least a hundred meters in size."

"Even now, if you want to carve them on the cliff, it's still a big project."

"The Xian Dynasty of the seventh millennium? How is that possible?"

"But these characters are indeed well done."

My thoughts paused for a moment.

However, this old guy Zhang Yaobin, although a bit ugly and very capitalistic, is quite reliable when it comes to work. He wouldn't waste my time on fictitious matters.

I quickly searched for relevant news about the Baise Region online.

Sure enough, I found something suspicious.

"Folks, I'm completely speechless. After finally taking a year off, I wanted to travel to the Baise Region. When I got to the entrance of the scenic area, they suddenly wouldn't let me in! Who understands this feeling!"

"Sudden incident in the Baise Region, scenic area temporarily closed. For the sake of your safety, please cooperate, dear tourists!"

"I'll tell you something you might not believe. What exactly did I see in the Baise Region..."

Before I could click into it, this content had already been deleted.

"Looks like there's something to it."

"The Xian Dynasty..."

I rubbed my chin, and memories about it came to mind.

The ancient Xian Dynasty was the first dynasty with recorded history.

Moreover, a massive cultural gap occurred between the Xian Dynasty and the second dynasty, Yu. The two existed in different eras, separated by nearly eight hundred years. Until now, no one knows what happened during those lost eight hundred years and how the once-prosperous Xian Dynasty came to an end.

There aren't many researchers in China dedicated to the study of the Xian Dynasty, and Zhang Yaobin is considered the most authoritative among them. Although my research focus is not on the Xian Dynasty, due to the scarcity of surviving relics, which have been thoroughly studied, I reluctantly shifted my direction.

Nevertheless, having studied under Zhang, I'm familiar with everything related to the Xian Dynasty. However, this kilometer-long inscription on the mountain seems to exceed my understanding.

After drinking a cup of coffee and staying up late to finish the materials Zhang, the old rascal, sent, it was nearly dawn. The confusion in my mind deepened.

The term "smooth as a mirror" mentioned in the materials is not just an adjective; it's a statement. It truly seems polished like a mirror, unlike the rough mountain surface. Moreover, the material appears to have changed, much harder than ordinary rocks. However, for the sake of relic preservation, precise measurements cannot be taken.

The strangeness doesn't end there. When the characters "Defying the laws of heaven to prove eternal life" were revealed, the animals near Lingyun Peak seemed inexplicably frightened and actively moved away from the area. Not only birds and beasts but even insects avoided it.


"A research report of thirty thousand words, how the heck am I supposed to write this?"

My head felt heavy, and I cursed inwardly.

After painfully composing two thousand words, I could no longer resist the overwhelming drowsiness and fell into a half-asleep state.

It seemed like I had many dreams, but for some reason, the line "Defying the laws of heaven to prove eternal life" remained deeply embedded in my mind, unaffected by the ebb and flow of dreams.

The next day, when I woke up, my first instinct was to check my phone.

"Li Yang, don't forget, by noon tomorrow."

The old rascal had indeed sent another reminder.


Holding back the urge to swear, I checked the time.

Nine thirteen in the morning.

"Only slept for four hours..."

"Why does it feel like I've been sleeping for three days and nights?"

I moved my sore body a little and quickly had a simple breakfast before starting to write the research report.

"Still twenty-eight thousand words to go, and twenty-seven hours left. With my typing speed, it should be more than enough for a thousand words per hour!"

I knew that this was just the old rascal's way of coping with higher-ups, not a genuine research topic. So, I filled it with empty and cliché phrases, diverting the focus to the "auspicious signs."

"Auspicious signs" are not superstition but actual occurrences. The most famous and talked-about is the "Five Stars Rising in the East Bringing Prosperity to the Nation" unearthed last century. Shortly after its discovery, the national fortune took a turn for the better, rising to the top among world powers.

"Since this Longevity Stone Inscription has appeared, the average lifespan of our people might increase by three to four years. That shouldn't be a problem," I thought suddenly.

My fingers danced on the keyboard, and my thoughts flowed like a spring.

Surprisingly, I completed the report before midnight.

With a gentle click, the email was successfully sent.

I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

According to reason, having completed the old rascal's task, I should relax now. However, for some unknown reason, that kilometer-long inscription continued to shimmer in my mind.

Restless, I absentmindedly reopened the image of the inscription.

"Defying the laws of heaven to prove eternal life."

"What does this mean?"

I lay on the chair, looking at the full-screen image, my brows furrowed.

Lost in thought, I drifted into a deep sleep.


When I woke up in the chair, I realized I had a stiff neck due to an awkward sleeping position.

I grimaced, enduring the pain.

Trying to stretch my head in the opposite direction, I eased the symptoms.

This action suddenly sparked a revelation.

"In the opposite direction, easing muscle tension."

"Isn't this 'Reverse' (逆)?"

Numerous thoughts rushed into my mind.

"Modern people often suffer from chronic illnesses due to incorrect office postures."

"Cervical vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae..."

"The whole body is afflicted."

"Yet simple stretching exercises can alleviate these symptoms."

I opened a website and quickly found many related videos.

"One movement to relieve lower back pain."

"A few simple exercises bid farewell to sore back and pain."



I vaguely realized that although the movements were not exactly the same, the core idea was similar.

That is, to put the body in a posture opposite to the one maintained in daily life.

"Could this be the 'Reverse Principles of the Human Body'?"

This thought involuntarily emerged in my mind.

But then I thought again, integrating these movements, isn't it just the nationwide broadcast gymnastics promoted by the country?

It's just that, for the sake of popularity, some of the more difficult movements were omitted.

"If this set of 'Reverse' movements includes all muscles, joints, ligaments..."

"What would happen?"

I couldn't help but become interested.

I immediately clicked on fitness tutorial videos, attempting to organize and classify these movements.

Busy for an entire afternoon, I had to give up.

Because the content of these videos was too repetitive and inefficient.

For example, to relieve pain inside the scapula, often seven or eight sets of exercises were needed.

And among them, there were conflicting areas for alleviating neck pain.

It was giving me a headache.

"Forget it, why bother with that. If I'm tired, I'll go for a massage."

Closing the computer, I shook my head and went back to sleep.

In the dream.

The nine-character inscription still lingered.

In my mind, it seemed to emit a strange golden light.

When I woke up the next day, my eyes were somewhat bewildered.

I stood still for a long time before walking back to the computer, opening that image.

My expression was somewhat trance-like.

In the end, I dialed an old friend's number.

"Old Zhang, let me borrow 'Tianwen.' Hey, don't worry about it. Just for a day, I'll return it to you soon."

After hanging up, I sat down and patiently waited.

Tianwen is the latest generation of Quantum Intelligent Computers developed by the Immortal Science Institute.

"Quantum volume is said to have exceeded ten thousand."

"The specific extent of this is not publicly disclosed."

The version of 'Tianwen' that Old Zhang sent me for external use is naturally only the civilian limited edition.

Soon, a circular icon in the lower right corner of the desktop suddenly lit up.

I knew that the AI of 'Tianwen' had taken over my computer.

On the desktop, a 24-hour countdown began to flash.

"Saying it's a day, it really is a damn day. Old Zhang, you're something."

I cursed in my mind, then made my request to 'Tianwen.'

The computer screen instantly turned pitch black, and then data streams flowed like a waterfall, continuously jumping.

In my expectation, this should be a simple matter.

With the computing power of 'Tianwen,' it should take less than a second to get it done.

But more than ten minutes passed, and there was still no result.

"Could it be that Old Zhang is also using up the computing power."

Just as I was about to make a call to inquire, the data on the screen suddenly stopped.

Like it had crashed.

After a moment, it returned to normal.

A video automatically played, exactly what I needed—a complete set of 'Reverse' movements.

The character modeling inside was myself.

After quickly browsing the video, my face looked a bit bitter.

Can humans really do these movements?

"Never mind. With my physique, I probably can't complete it."

Originally just a whim, a pointless endeavor. It's normal to give up casually.

Muttering to myself, I was about to close the video.


A cold mechanical voice echoed from the computer speakers.

"According to calculations, Citizen ID A6BH85208511068G6B, you have a 99.99% probability of completing this set of exercises."

The voice appeared so suddenly that it startled me.

Then I immediately reacted, "Tianwen?"

"I'm here."

"You can actually talk?" I couldn't help but be curious.

"Learning human language is not a difficult task for me," Tianwen said modestly.

"I didn't expect quantum computers to have developed to this extent." I was amazed.

But this wasn't particularly surprising. At the beginning of the century, the rapid development of AI had already caused widespread concern and discussion. Recently, there have been proposals to popularize intelligent robots for household use.

I didn't pay much attention to this matter, but I curiously asked, "Is there really a 99.99% chance? Those movements don't seem like something humans can endure completely."

Tianwen gave an affirmative answer again but added, "It might just need a little help."

I hesitated for a moment, originally still somewhat undecided. However, the contents of the nine-character inscription inexplicably surfaced in my mind again.

"Let's give it a try." I suddenly thought so.

Just a moment after I made the decision, the household robot YH63 model walked in with heavy steps.


I was stunned for a moment, then understood. Tianwen had taken control of it.

Being stared at by it, a chill suddenly surged in my heart. But since things had come to this point, I could only grit my teeth and start the first movement.

This set of reverse movements deduced by Tianwen has only nine forms in total. But each form is extremely bizarre and complex, involving as many muscles and joints as possible.

For example, the first form I am currently attempting requires one hand to extend behind the head and the other to rise from the side of the waist. While both hands interlock, the shoulders are stretched outward as much as possible. The head also needs to cooperate accordingly, tilting slightly backward.

"This is only the upper body movement."

"While maintaining this posture in the upper body, lie prone on the ground. Both thighs spread outward, stretching the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius..."

Like a peculiarly positioned toad.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." I gasped slightly as I tried it and was about to give up.

At this moment, a cold mechanical hand suddenly pressed down on me.

My face changed dramatically: "Tianwen, what are you doing?"

"According to the personal agreement, Number 001. Tianwen has the right and obligation to assist Citizen Li Yang in fitness exercises."

"Estimated time required: three hours,"

"Required materials: 15 tubes of human trauma repair fluid, 3 tubes of composite high-energy agent."

"The relevant items have been purchased. The required credit points have been deducted from Citizen Li Yang's account."

I heard Tianwen's emotionless words and suddenly panicked: "Cancel the agreement! Cancel the agreement!"

"Warning! The agreement cannot be revoked. The fitness assistance program is about to start."

"3, 2, 1."

After a moment, my miserable screams echoed throughout the entire house.

I didn't know when I lost consciousness and fainted.

It was only when I woke up that I felt as if I had slept for ten days and nights.

And looking at the time, it was actually seven days later.

I felt as if I had been reborn.

My mind was unprecedentedly clear, and my thinking was extremely agile.

Even my memory had improved.

At that time, I didn't realize that it was the effect of that set of reverse movements.

I just thought it was a rare opportunity to rest well.

Because after disappearing for seven days, missed calls and unanswered messages had piled up like a mountain.

I had to grit my teeth and deal with them first.

After a busy month of getting up early and going to bed late, I finally barely finished the task assigned by Old Zhang.

I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Usually at this time, I would feel physically and mentally exhausted.

But now, I seemed to be still energetic, with some leftover strength.

Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "Hmm... much more spirited."


I couldn't help but think of that set of reverse movements that I had only done once.

"Could it be that its effect is really so magical?"

With a renewed desire, I thought about trying it again. However, thinking that Tianwen had already left, trying to complete that set of movements alone seemed a bit difficult.

Moreover, the practice process was extremely painful and unbearable to recall.

Just as I was hesitating, the household robot YH63 had somehow come to my side.

The eye area blinked with a faint red light.

I suddenly felt a chill and subconsciously asked, "Tianwen?"

YH63 did not respond.

It just mechanically repeated, "Should I execute the auxiliary exercise program?"

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing YH63's somewhat persistent questioning, I thought for a moment, gritted my teeth, and chose yes.

This time, it seemed a bit more adaptable.

I only slept for three days.

After checking the consumption of items afterward, only 10 tubes of human trauma repair fluid were used.

But the composite high-energy agent was used up to 7 tubes.

It's worth noting that one tube of high-energy agent is enough to sustain an ordinary person for a month without eating or drinking.

I don't know where all this energy was consumed.

After completing the training, I carefully observed myself again.

Compared to the recorded images from before, I may, perhaps, possibly have lost a circle.

"The efficiency of weight loss is so high?" I was somewhat surprised.

"However, what truly made me take this set of reverse movements seriously was a night when a classmate invited me to play basketball."

"You see, my basketball skills are average. I rarely get a chance to play and am mostly a substitute."

That day, I sat on the sidelines, thinking about the nine-character stone inscription and getting a bit lost in thought.

Someone on the court made a passing mistake, and the basketball flew straight toward my face.

Before my brain could react, my body had naturally and instinctively responded.

Subconsciously extending my left hand without even lifting my head, I effortlessly caught the ball.

This move surprised those present.

"Nice, when did you practice this move, kid?"

"Li Ge, impressive!"

I snapped back to reality, smiled, and threw the ball back.

Looking at my left hand, I contemplated.

After returning home, I spent ten thousand credits on a comprehensive physical examination.

The results shocked me.

Body functions, reaction speed, cell activity...

Almost all reached the highest level achievable by non-professional athletes.

Not long ago, I was just a waste who couldn't even run a kilometer.

The effect of that set of reverse movements far exceeded my expectations.

I could confidently say that even the training plans executed by athletes worldwide couldn't compare to this set of reverse movements.

"What's going on?"

"Simple gymnastics couldn't possibly have such miraculous effects comparable to surgery."

Finally, I realized something was amiss.

I thought about reporting it immediately, but for some reason, I hesitated.

In the next year, whenever I had time, I practiced with the help of YH63.

From the beginning, enduring and fainting during the exercises to later being able to complete the entire set on my own.

However, after each exercise, I sweated profusely, as if I had been hungry for a long time.

Apart from the reverse movements, I also developed reverse thinking.

When it's late at night and lonely, wanting to reward myself. Suppressing desires.

When feeling excited and not wanting to sleep. Forcing myself to sleep.

When wanting to indulge in a feast and endless drinking. Moderation.


The dual reverse of body and mind, my physical fitness evolved towards an inhuman direction.

"My 100m speed has already surpassed the world record."

"Lifting 200kg is a piece of cake."


After another round of physical fitness tests, I no longer felt shocked but rather a bit terrified and fearful.

The principle of reversing the natural order to achieve longevity.

The nine characters flashing with golden light once again appeared in my mind.

I knew the reason for the incredible transformation of my body lay in this sentence.

"Gu Xian Chao..."

In the thirty years that followed, having successfully graduated, I changed my research direction to explore the archaeology of the ancient Gu Xian Chao civilization, much to the confusion of others.

During this time, the set of reverse movements continued, but I no longer subjected myself to testing. I feared that if the test results were revealed, I would be treated as a monstrous non-human.

Only I knew the horrifying physique concealed beneath ordinary clothing.

The relics of Gu Xian Chao were elusive, and in thirty years, my team and I found only five of them. However, I felt somewhat disappointed as there was nothing extraordinary like the nine-character stone inscription among them.

As time passed, my friends and mentors had aged, but I remained unmarried because I had to conceal a secret - the inevitability of aging did not apply to me.

Every day, I had to wear makeup and, despite mastering the art, I avoided contact with others. The risk of exposing my eternal youth haunted me.

Realizing it was time to leave...


Late at night.

In the Bai Se Realm, my body sped through various majestic mountains and rivers effortlessly, as if on flat ground. A light step covered distances of hundreds of meters.

For a long time, the constraints on me disappeared, and I felt an incredible sense of freedom.

"Like galloping through the wind, not knowing where to stop, floating like a solitary figure left behind by the world, transforming into an immortal."

Murmuring softly, I soon arrived at my destination - Ling Yun Peak, the nine-character stone inscription.

It had been unsealed by the government but was only promoted as a local tourist spot, initially criticized by netizens.

Leaping off the peak, it felt as if I could defy gravity, walking along the edge of a kilometer-high cliff.

"This is my third time here."

"The feeling is becoming more pronounced this time."

"The faint aura left on these nine characters..."

"What could it be?"

I gently touched them, speaking in a low voice.

"Heavenly Inquiry, what do you think?"

The wristwatch projected an odd creature with only two eyes - a common, household quantum intelligent computer, Tian Wen.

It is the widely popularized household quantum intelligent computer, Tian Wen.

However, I already understood in my heart that, with the Tian Wen I carried, I was different from others.

"Based on comprehensive data extrapolation."

"The Gu Xian Chao era is likely related to the legendary 'immortals.'"

"There are signs indicating that, before the ancient civilization was severed, powerful beings called 'cultivators' once lived in this world."


This time, Tian Wen's response was different from before.

"Have there been new discoveries?" I asked.

"No. This is just my speculation." Tian Wen seemed more human.

I paid no attention and instead felt the large characters beneath me up close.

"Reversing the principles of heaven and earth to attain eternal life."

"I have already defied the principles of the human body, reaching such terrifying levels of physical fitness. If I can truly defy the principles of heaven and earth, what will happen?"

"But the principles of heaven and earth are elusive. How can one truly defy them?"

I stood on a cliff a kilometer high, lost in thought.

Until the eastern sun rose, casting a radiant glow.

I still couldn't let go.

"Immortal, immortal, immortal..."

"Where to seek the immortal path."

Standing alone between heaven and earth, I felt the loneliness of being the only one.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 810: Myriad Realms as a Pasture

Su Yuqing digested the information in her mind, then looked at the compassionate immortal teacher in front of her, unable to help but ask, "Master, when will you leave? It's just me..."

Li Fan extended his hand and interrupted her, saying, "No need to worry, believe in yourself. With your talent, you are more than capable of undertaking the great task of saving the detached realms."

"Me?" Su Yuqing felt a bit confused. But hearing the encouraging words from her master, she couldn't help but gain confidence.

"Of course, I won't just leave and completely let go. If you encounter difficult situations that you can't handle, you can use this jade talisman to contact my disciples. If anyone is nearby the detached realms, they will come to help," Li Fan handed her a jade talisman.

Hearing this, Su Yuqing widened her eyes, "Master, you have many disciples?"

Li Fan stroked his changed white beard, smiling but not saying anything.

Su Yuqing hesitated at first and finally gathered the courage to ask, "Master, am I... am I considered your disciple?"

Li Fan neither confirmed nor denied, leaving her with a mysterious figure, "That depends on your performance in the detached realms."

"Walking through myriad realms to save all living beings with just one thought."

"No one knows my true name, originally a compassionate immortal in the mortal world!"

On the small immortal mountain, Su Yuqing listened to the verses lingering in the air, lost in thought.

"Compassionate immortal in the mortal world..."

"It seems to match well with Master's deeds." Su Yuqing thought in her heart.

At this moment, the compassionate immortal master in Su Yuqing's heart was about to leave the detached realms.

"The exotic beast corpses stored in the Celestial Spirit Tower are enough to support the cultivation of detached realm cultivators for a period of time."

"However, to truly make Xuan Huang freely roam the myriad realms as my pasture, the issue of spiritual energy sources must be completely resolved."

Li Fan pondered in his heart, "It's probably not enough even if the entire beast realm is exterminated, especially considering the many aspects of the detached realms."

"Maybe I need to make a trip to the empire."

"Now in the Golden Elixir realm, my strength is too low. I urgently need to find a helper."

In an instant, Li Fan thought of the towering figure of the red-black puppet.

"Junior Brother Tianyang, I once said that if you don't die, I will treat you well. Now, it's time to fulfill my promise!"

As everyone knows, Li Taishi always does what he says.

Having made up his mind, after leaving the detached realms, he headed straight for the Tianyang Cave.

As for the detached realms, with the many cultivation experiences Li Fan had passed on to Su Yuqing, there shouldn't be any problems in the short term.

Anchored for 14 years, Tianyang would only awaken from his deep sleep after this period.

Now, outside the Tianyang Cave, it was still quiet.

No one would have thought that deep in the sea, there was an ancient puppet sleeping, constantly strengthening itself day and night with the help of the earth's fire.

"Earth Fire Return to Origin Array."

Li Fan's eyes flickered.

The End Disintegration Disc in his sea of consciousness emitted a faint light. In an instant, it found the flaw in this array.

"It's really too fast."

Even though Li Fan had already estimated the disintegration ability of the complete disc, the shock he felt when using it to break an array for the first time was still considerable.

It's worth noting that skilled array masters often adjust the array according to the environment, making slight adjustments based on the surroundings.

So even if you understand the structure of the array very well, when you need to crack a practical array, you still need to be careful and spend some effort.

However, the End Disintegration Disc had already taken into account the impact various environments could have on the array.

Many variations were already present in its database.

By simply comparing and calling, it could find the method to break the array in an instant.

Even if the array was quite peculiar, with the terrifying computing power of the End Disintegration Disc, the crack was only a matter of moments.

Unknown arrays might even strengthen the End Disintegration Disc.


Witnessing the entire process of the End Disintegration Disc breaking the array, Li Fan even felt a sense of sorrow as an array master.

Feeling that the array methods he had studied hard for several lifetimes had become a joke in front of the End Disintegration Disc, Li Fan remarked, "With the emergence of this item, no array master in the world can boast anymore."

"Fortunately, it has returned to my hands."

Li Fan's gaze flashed as he passed through the Earth Fire Return to Origin Array and arrived by Tianyang's side.

At this time, the Tianyang puppet wasn't as enormous as it would be in a few years. It was only the size of a child, resembling Tianyang's original appearance.

The fierce earth fire, guided by the Return to Origin Array, transformed into threads of scorching red energy absorbed by the puppet's body.

"Young Junior Brother!"

During the journey, Li Fan had already activated the Myriad Transformation Melting Furnace technique, taking on the appearance of Tianyang's senior brother, just as in the previous life, easily gaining Tianyang's trust.

However, this time Tianyang emerged early and seemed to suffer from developmental issues. He looked like a child, and his spirit was weak, with his strength barely reaching the later stage of the Nascent Divinity realm.

However, Li Fan didn't mind. Instead of wasting time absorbing the earth fire's power underwater, it was better to prepare for Tianyang's early advancement to the Dao Fusion realm by following behind Li Fan.

The term "treat well" wasn't just talk. Not to mention the Crimson Flame and Azure Wind from the Misty Cloud Sea and the Black Swamp from the last life's union with Long Jiuyuan, even just from Mr. Bai's memory, Li Fan knew of at least five earth spirits hidden across Xuan Huang.

Given enough power, creating five or six Dao Fusion cultivators in an instant would be a breeze for him.

"However, the birth of Dao Fusion cultivators will inevitably attract the attention of Xuan Huang's powerful beings. Especially at this time, the transmission of the law should not have left Xuan Huang yet. So, caution is needed."

With this in mind, Li Fan sat on Tianyang's shoulder, heading towards another entrance to a small world from Mr. Bai's memory.

To form a true Universal Alliance, a safe and secret base was indispensable. The location couldn't be too small, had to have abundant spiritual energy, and the local resistance force couldn't be too strong.

Thanks to the purification of various realms by the Immortal Alliance in the previous life, Li Fan happened to know of a small world that met all these requirements.

The entrance to this small world was located in Shilin Prefecture, where the remnants of the Celestial Mechanism Sect were discovered.

Li Fan had been to this place in the previous life but failed to detect the existence of a spatial passage.

This demonstrated its concealment.

In fact, the small world on this side only revealed itself after the Taiyan Sect surrendered in the previous life. They voluntarily came out and pledged allegiance.

Otherwise, even if the Immortal Alliance cultivators had the assistance of the Heavenly Mystery Treasure, they might not easily find this small world.

The underground stone cave twisted and turned. Despite having memories from the previous life, Li Fan spent almost half a day before finally finding the specific location.

In a cave with hundreds of stalactites, Li Fan spent a long time identifying and finally sensed the entrance.

"It seems that the special terrain here has a certain effect on the concealment of spatial passages."

"Very much to my liking."

Li Fan nodded slightly, gently pointing at one of the stalactites. A faint spatial fluctuation appeared.

With Tianyang's puppet carrying Li Fan, they flew into it.

(End of this chapter)