
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 686-690: Remnants of a Withered Branch Transform into an Ancient Tree (6.5k words)

"It was in..." Li Fan frowned slightly, as if trying to recall.

Ximen Yu stared at him intently, concentrating.

"I can't remember." After a while, Li Fan shrugged helplessly.

"You..." Ximen Yu's face stiffened. "How could you easily forget such a strange thing?"

He looked at Li Fan with disbelief.

"Friend Ximen, why not tell me about this withered branch? Maybe, as you speak, I might recall it." Li Fan suggested with a smile.

At these words, Ximen Yu squinted his eyes, scanning Li Fan up and down.

Li Fan, however, remained unruffled, calmly maintaining eye contact.

Unable to determine Li Fan's true strength, Ximen Yu ultimately chose not to act recklessly.

He shifted his posture, revealing the withered branch previously shielded behind him.

After a moment of silence, Ximen Yu began, "I'm not entirely sure of the origin of this thing. At that time, my progress in researching the earth's veins had hit a bottleneck."

"The power of the earth's veins within the jurisdiction of the Wanxian Alliance is tightly locked by protective formations covering the entire area. Without authorized permission, it is extremely difficult to access and study. After trying many methods, I still couldn't find a breakthrough. Just when I was about to change my research direction..."

"About two years ago, the power of the earth's veins here suddenly erupted. It seemed as if a calamity capable of wiping out an entire province occurred thousands of miles away, causing a chain reaction. Seeing this, I was overjoyed. Of course, I seized this rare opportunity to absorb the overflowing power of the earth's veins."

"And this withered branch is what I discovered from the power of the earth's veins."

Ximen Yu slowly explained, and Li Fan listened thoughtfully.

"Two years ago, it seems to coincide with the time of the Crimson Flame Burning Sea. Was it Hongxi forcibly extracting the influence brought by the earth's veins to force out the Crimson Flame hidden in the earth's veins?" 

The Xuanhuang earth veins are interconnected. Although separated by thousands of miles, they may influence each other. Earlier, in the Sea of Clouds, there was a sunken island that, influenced by a distant "a hundred mountains turning into plains," surfaced from the sea.

The earth vein disturbance observed by Ximen Yu here might be the aftermath of the battle with the Crimson Flame back then.

Looking at the withered branch that continued to spew out the yellowish earth vein energy, Li Fan asked with some confusion, "The power of the earth's veins is extremely pure. How can there be a withered branch mixed in it? Ordinary trees in the depths of the earth's veins would be crushed into powder under the powerful pressure in just a few breaths. Where does this withered branch come from? Not only can it survive in the earth's veins, but it can also trigger and absorb the imprisoned earth vein power?"

Li Fan looked at Ximen Yu again. "It seems that the Wanxian Alliance hasn't noticed the earth vein disturbance here. Otherwise, concerning the safety of the protective array, they would definitely send someone to deal with this hidden danger."

Ximen Yu's expression changed slightly, but he did not refute.

"This withered branch indeed has some kind of mysterious power. It seems to share the same origin with the earth's veins. Therefore, my small-scale extraction for research purposes will only be regarded as a normal fluctuation of the earth's veins."

The eruption of the earth vein energy from the withered branch seemed intermittent, containing a certain pattern. At this moment, it gradually weakened, and finally, there was no more earth vein energy flowing out.

Ximen Yu cautiously put away the jade bottle.

"Shares the same origin with the earth's veins?" Li Fan pondered over these words.

Ximen Yu then took out a stone tablet from his storage ring. It seemed to have been peeled from some ancient rocky wall, showing extremely ancient traces.

The lines on it were also quite abstract, but the general meaning could be understood.

Numerous small dots represented humans, performing sacrifices and living on the earth's surface.

Underground, there was an inverted giant tree.

The roots were densely packed, rooted in every corner of the earth.

The crown, however, extended deep into the ground, reaching the core of the earth.

"I discovered this in a geological fault while researching the changes in ancient and modern terrain. It should be left by an ancient human tribe."

"Not only this mural, but I have also found similar records of ancient people in various places in the Xuanhuang Realm."

Chapter 686: Remnants of a Withered Branch Transform into an Ancient Tree

"I suspect that the so-called Earth's Veins originated from the roots of this ancient tree. And my withered branch belongs to that ancient tree," explained Ximen Yu.

"Although the information left by these mortals is extremely crude and may not represent the complete picture, as it is something seen by mortal eyes, we cultivators often tend to overlook it. Therefore, records that should have been erased can persist." Ximen Yu said with a sneer.

"The Earth's Vein Tree..." Li Fan rubbed his chin.

"No, something's off." Suddenly, he shook his head.

"Compared to what I saw in the illusion back then, although it is extremely similar, there were still some differences at that time," Li Fan asserted.

Ximen Yu wasn't surprised. After pondering for a moment, he said, "It's possible that the ancient tree you saw is even older."

"It might be the origin of the Earth's Vein Tree."

Li Fan was astonished, "The Earth's Vein Tree has an origin?"

Ximen Yu took out black stones from somewhere, crushed them, and sprinkled the black powder onto the withered branch inserted into the ground. The withered branch quickly absorbed the black powder, appearing to become more vibrant.

"It is said that between heaven and earth, there was initially only one mother tree that controlled the destiny of all living beings in the world."

"Later, a great change occurred, and the mother tree suffered severe damage. Some branches even fell from it, landing in the mortal realm."

"Among them, one turned into the Earth's Vein Ancient Tree."

Ximen Yu lovingly looked at the carefully nurtured withered branch and slowly explained.

Li Fan's eyes flashed with a gleam, "Where did Friend Ximen learn about this? It's truly unheard of."

Ximen Yu kept his gaze on the withered branch without answering.

Li Fan was momentarily stunned, then nodded slightly.

"Ah, after Friend's reminder, I seem to recall now. I encountered that withered branch here back then."

Drawing the terrain of Tianling Prefecture with ease, Li Fan marked a location.

Ximen Yu then withdrew his gaze from the withered branch, firmly memorizing the location, and erased the map afterward.

"Time has passed, and I've revisited this place several times over the years but have never seen that withered tree again. So, Friend Ximen, don't hold too much hope." Li Fan advised.

Ximen Yu smiled, "Such extraordinary things can be encountered but not sought. However, I've always had good luck. After I settle my research on the Earth's Veins theory, I'll definitely try my luck."

"Then I wish Friend Ximen success in advance!" Li Fan clasped his fists and was about to leave.

"Han Wuyou, right?" Ximen Yu tossed a communication charm, "I feel that you and I have some connection. Keep this item; perhaps we'll meet again in the future."

Li Fan stored the charm and didn't linger any longer.

Once his figure disappeared, the doors of the cave closed again.

Ximen Yu frowned deeply, "Between heaven and earth, if it's like a tree, it continuously consumes life day and night..."

"Could it still exist in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 687: Ruptured Realm Vortex

Li Fan left Qihong Isle and took out "Ancient and Modern Terrain Study."

With a flip of his divine sense, he read through the entire content in just a few moments.

A ball of flame appeared in his hand, destroying the terrain study.

Li Fan looked towards the southeast.

"The extreme south has shifted towards the southeast. The changes between ancient and modern times are truly incredible."

"Ximen Yu's earlier words were indeed true. Over thousands of years, the entire Xuanhuang Realm has truly expanded by a circle. Some places have completely disappeared, while others have gained new territories out of thin air."

"The former South Abyss Beast God Mountain has now become a deep-sea vortex connecting to the endless ocean."

"Although according to Ximen Yu's detection, there is no longer any Beast God Mountain there. However..."

A gleam flashed in Li Fan's eyes.

Outside the great vortex, there was a circle of islands, resembling a dead python.

"This should be the red snake that once entwined around the South Abyss Beast God Mountain that I saw in the Fallen Immortal Realm."

"It's dead now. The journey of the demon clan leaving the Xuanhuang Realm back then might not have been as smooth as expected."

Li Fan flew towards Tiancheng in Yueyangzhou.

On the way, he transformed back to his original appearance. As a guest of the Xuan family with a level thirty authority, he could use the long-distance teleportation array for free.

Originally, using ordinary teleportation arrays would take at least half a month of travel time, spanning many states.

After using the long-distance teleportation array, it would only take half a day.

Arriving at Tiancheng in Yueyang, he entered the statue of the Transmission Celestial. The reception personnel, after verifying Li Fan's identity, were slightly surprised.

They then respectfully led Li Fan into the space of the long-distance teleportation array.

Skipping ahead of several cultivators waiting in line, they directly activated the array for him.

Those cultivators who were cut in line didn't show much anger. Knowing Li Fan's extraordinary identity, they only revealed a trace of curiosity and envy in their eyes.

A slight dizziness came over him, and the next moment, Li Fan arrived in the Ruo State where the deep-sea vortex was located.


After leaving the teleportation array and adapting to the unusual feeling in his body, Li Fan sensed something unusual.

He had used long-distance teleportation arrays before.

Due to traversing many states and passing through numerous layers of white mist barriers, aside from the dizziness and discomfort in the body, the evident loss of lifespan was also quite apparent. It felt as if a part of himself had been extracted, leading to a faint sense of loss in his heart.

But this time...

Li Fan checked the True Face Panel of his own age.

"It's not an illusion. I haven't lost much lifespan."

"Is it that the effect of the devouring elemental white mist has weakened, or has the long-distance teleportation array technology of the Immortal Alliance improved?"

Li Fan recalled scenes from when he crossed the white mist in Longevity Valley.

"The effect of the devouring elemental white mist still exists. How should I put it..."

Thinking about it, he recalled that the Immortal Alliance was secretly mobilizing manpower to venture deep into the white mist, seemingly searching for something.

"It seems that besides the True Sage's True Boat, the Immortal Alliance seems to have found a way to deal with the devouring elemental white mist."

"In the white mist, what could there be?"

Li Fan instantly thought of the Abyss of Shrieks he had encountered in his previous life, as well as the many [Maze Domains] said to be hidden in the white mist.

"Wait a minute."

Li Fan's steps slightly paused.

Because he remembered the [Maze Domain] where he had encountered the anti-fold monster and comprehended the [Chaotic] character.

"Could it be that the reason why the Immortal Alliance delves deep into the white mist is because of the [Chaotic] character I displayed back then?" 

Li Fan's thoughts raced.

"It's not impossible. However, according to common sense, the first direction to investigate should be within the Xuanhuang Realm. Instead, they directly targeted the depths of the white mist."

"Did they investigate and find nothing within the Xuanhuang Realm, or..."

"Could it be that the [Chaotic] character I displayed back then appeared in the white mist, and that's the source?"

"If this is true, what does it mean?"

Li Fan couldn't help but sink into deep thought.

The transformation stone crystal emitted a clear blue light, and Li Fan continuously deduced various possibilities.

However, his body didn't stop moving, flying towards the location of the great vortex.

Before long, the air became increasingly dense, and the violent water-attributed spiritual energy reminded Li Fan that he was not far from his destination.


Waves of stinging sensations pulled Li Fan out of his contemplation.

"The spiritual energy here is a bit strange," Li Fan frowned slightly.

With his current physique, even inadvertently absorbing the violent water-attributed spiritual energy here caused unbearable pain.

It felt as if sharp blades were constantly cutting through his body.

Li Fan temporarily sealed his body, isolating the influx of external spiritual energy. He grabbed a strand and carefully studied it.

"Not only is the attribute violent and difficult for cultivators to absorb and utilize, but it also naturally contains the [Tear] attribute..."

"No wonder this region is sparsely populated, and the closer to the great vortex, the less human activity."

Li Fan continued to fly towards the target location, and the spiritual energy around him became increasingly sharp.


During the flight, the gusts of wind scraping against his face made Li Fan wince in pain.

He had to set up a layer of protection using spiritual energy all around his body.

"Fortunately, I have the Five Elements Grand Celestial Realm, forming a self-sustaining cycle within my body. For an ordinary cultivator, I'm afraid their spiritual energy would be exhausted shortly after flying, especially in this environment."

Feeling the rate at which spiritual energy was depleting within his body, Li Fan couldn't help but be amazed.

In this way, he rushed all the way. After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, he finally saw the majestic deep-sea vortex and the serpent-shaped island lurking beside it.

He didn't get close, just observed from a distance.

In a trance, it felt like he had returned to the scene of the collective departure of the demon beast clans thousands of years ago.

"This vortex should be the anomaly caused by the Beast God Mountain and the rupture of the boundary."

"Thousands of years have passed, and it still hasn't subsided. It's enough to show the scale of the initial catastrophe. This is also a certain kind of destruction to the Xuanhuang Realm."

Thinking of this, Li Fan suddenly had a realization.

"Each group leaving through the boundary rupture is like cutting open a hole on the Xuanhuang balloon about to be swallowed by the Immortal Void."

"People within the Xuanhuang Realm, once discovered, are naturally not allowed."

"They will definitely come to stop it. The Red Snake might have died in such a battle."

"So, what about the Tianjian Sect back then? Was it because they were one of the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao, and no one came to stop them? Or was it that not only the Tianjian Sect but also other cultivators left with the Boundary Breaking Divine Army?"

"Or perhaps, after the Tianjian Sect left, the other cultivators of the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao only realized it later."

Li Fan's thoughts couldn't calm down for a long time. He became even more excited about the next journey to the Fallen Immortal Realm.

"The bigger the storm, the stronger the comprehension of Dao laws!"

"This place should be where I achieve enlightenment!"

Suddenly, in the howling winds caused by the great vortex, a burst of frantic shouting faintly reached Li Fan's ears.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 688: Rending Rift and Refining Demon Body

Li Fan followed the direction of the voice and saw a shirtless, slender but muscular cultivator near the center of the great vortex, where the wind and thunder raged. He was shouting towards the sky.

Around him, countless tiny tornadoes could be vaguely seen. In the central whirlwind, it was pitch black, resembling the tearing of space itself.

The burly man swayed with the wind, and the miniature tornadoes vanished with his movements.

Even Li Fan, who was still some distance from the center of the great vortex, felt the stinging pain from the surrounding gusts. However, the burly man at the core didn't take any protective measures. He let the violent winds blow on him, producing a crisp sound of metal collisions.

"He is..."

Li Fan squinted his eyes.

Although this was the first time he had seen him in this life, he had a connection with him in the previous life.

He was Dongfang Yao, who presided over the construction of the Tianxuan Locking Spirit Array in the Wanyan Incineration Beach and the Hualing Stream. He was closely associated with Huangfusong and had already reached the Nascent Soul realm back then.

But now, it seemed like he hadn't crossed that threshold yet and was still in the Foundation Establishment realm.

"Interesting. Without any spiritual energy fluctuations, he relies solely on a robust physical body to resist the gusts. I remember that the body-refining methods in the Xuanhuang Realm are supposed to progress very slowly due to the constraints of the heavens and earth. I wonder how he reached this level..."

Li Fan didn't approach rashly but observed Dongfang Yao from a distance.

The raging wind made the water flow of the great vortex even more turbulent. Dongfang Yao attempted to stabilize his figure in the storm and move towards the center of the vortex. With each step, it seemed like you could faintly hear the sound of his body being squeezed by tremendous pressure.

"Humph!" Dongfang Yao let out a roar, and veins bulged on his neck. His muscles seemed to be covered in a faint golden light.

Resolutely, he continued to approach the central part of the vortex.

Suddenly, a black rift appeared out of thin air in front of Dongfang Yao, like lightning, slashing across his body.

"Boom!" A deafening, even rain-penetrating, sound echoed. A bloody wound appeared on Dongfang Yao's body, and he was forced to step back several steps.

But he was not surprised but delighted.

"I've been waiting for you!"

A strange cry came from his throat, and instantly, the seemingly severe injury on Dongfang Yao's body had already healed. He stomped fiercely on the void, and with a burst of explosive speed, he leaped dozens of zhang forward.

A massive black rift, abrupt as if it had always been there but hidden from outsiders, appeared.

The black light, like a sword, ruthlessly slashed along the central line of Dongfang Yao's body.


Dongfang Yao instantly burst open, nearly being cut open on the spot. His figure retreated, and in an instant, he flew hundreds of zhang away, returning to a safe location outside the vortex.

"Friend, are you okay?" Seeing this, Li Fan timely inquired.

Without approaching, he just flicked a healing pill towards him. It was the Hundred Healing Pill specially prepared for him by Liu Santian for this trip. Although not a sacred medicine capable of resurrecting the dead or restoring flesh to white bones, it was still a top-quality healing pill. After taking it, most injuries could be healed within a few breaths.

Dongfang Yao reached out and caught the Hundred Healing Pill, took a glance, and swallowed it whole.

"No problem! Thanks for your concern, friend!" While saying this, he, who initially had seemingly severe wounds, had already completely healed.

Not even a trace of a scar was left.

This was partly due to the effect of the Hundred Healing Pill, but more was because Dongfang Yao's physical constitution was strong enough.

Li Fan couldn't help but look at him with a sidelong glance.

"How should I address you?" Dongfang Yao temporarily stopped his cultivation in the storm and flew over to Li Fan.

"I am Li Fan. I heard about the wonders of the great vortex in the Grim Ruins, so I passed by to take a look. Unexpectedly, I encountered such an extraordinary person as you!" Li Fan's gaze swept across Dongfang Yao's well-defined muscles, revealing a hint of amazement.

"I'm Dongfang Yao!" He waved his hand, "Extraordinary? Not really! Just a bit stronger in physique!"

"Dongfang friend is too modest. With such a robust physical body, even the legendary body cultivators from ancient times might not be as good as you, I suppose?" Li Fan marveled.

Dongfang Yao laughed heartily, "I love hearing that..."

As he was about to say more, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the center of the great vortex.

In the midst of the sound of wind and thunder, it seemed like another dark shadow was emerging.

"Friend, wait for a moment, I'll be right back!"

While his voice echoed in the air, he swiftly dashed towards the center of the vortex like lightning.

A massive roar and collision resonated once again.

After a few breaths, Dongfang Yao, drenched in fresh blood and looking quite battered, returned to Li Fan's side.

This time, Li Fan didn't take out another Hundred Healing Pill. Instead, he silently watched Dongfang Yao healing himself.

The injuries were even more severe than before, but he only spent a bit more time, and everything was fully restored.

"I worried for nothing. I even wasted a high-quality pill." Li Fan was dumbfounded, deliberately saying so.

"Haha, it's not wasted! It's still hidden in my belly." Dongfang Yao patted his stomach proudly, laughing.

Li Fan was momentarily stunned, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Friend, you're indeed an interesting person!"

Dongfang Yao laughed without saying a word.

"Being able to stay here for so long in the ancient rift vortex without changing your expression, Li Friend, you're truly extraordinary!" After a while, he looked deeply at Li Fan, suggesting something.

Li Fan's face showed a helpless expression, "The Xuanhuang Realm is full of crises. Without some means, who dares to wander around freely? However, it's just some quick methods to replenish spiritual energy. Compared to Friend's abilities, it's far from enough."

"I heard that the art of body refinement is extremely difficult to cultivate. Friend has reached such a level, truly a peerless genius!" Li Fan admired.

Although Dongfang Yao verbally dismissed the praise, the pride in his heart was evident.

"It's just that my physique is naturally a bit special."

Saying this, the black rift appeared again in the center of the vortex. Dongfang Yao paused the conversation and rushed towards it.

After returning from the severe injuries, they resumed their conversation.

In this way, Li Fan gradually learned some inside information from Dongfang Yao.

Surprisingly, Dongfang Yao, like Ye Feipeng, had a trace of ancient demonic beast bloodline in his body.

Even though thousands of years had passed, the thinness of the bloodline was almost negligible. However, in a fortuitous encounter, Dongfang Yao had the luck to obtain a treasure that fully unlocked the potential of his demonic beast bloodline.

"I was initially worried that I might turn into something neither human nor demon. But that thing is truly miraculous." Dongfang Yao sighed.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 689: Heavenly Spirit Gives Birth to a Hundred Flowers

"I simply purified and amplified the effects of the demonic beast bloodline within me, absorbing it without causing any impact on my body."

"My ancestors, I don't even know which demonic beast it was. There aren't any other special abilities, just this body, exceptionally resilient to beatings." Dongfang Yao said proudly.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can recover in just a few breaths." He patted his chest, making a "clang clang" sound.

"Inheriting from the predecessors and having good luck myself. It's something to envy." Li Fan sighed and shook his head.

"I see that Friend seems not far from breaking through to the Nascent Divinity realm. Do you intend to ascend here?" After a while, Li Fan asked again.

"Not at all, not at all. I'm here for body refinement and to comprehend the Dao of this 'Rift'." Dongfang Yao spoke confidently, "Although my defense is extremely strong, I lack offensive means. Once a fight breaks out, I can only be a punching bag. How could that not be frustrating? So, I found this place, which is extremely suitable for me to comprehend the Dao."

"Rift..." Li Fan's eyes flashed with a subtle light.

"Just now, I heard Friend mention this term several times. Is there any explanation for it?"

Dongfang Yao shrugged, "I don't know the specifics. However, from the vague memories inherited from my ancestors, I know that there is an existence here similar to the scars of the Xuanhuang Realm. It's more dangerous than ordinary spatial rifts."

"Moreover..." he paused.

"Before coming here, I inquired a bit. It is said that there were cultivators who occasionally witnessed a spectacular scene within this great vortex."

"A massive column of light, spraying out from the center of the vortex, piercing through the heavens and earth. It seemed as if the entire world was trembling slightly, and the wind and clouds changed color."

"The magnificent scene only lasted for a few breaths before disappearing. The light column seemed never to have truly appeared, leaving no trace, as if it were an illusion. Some say it's a mirage of time, representing events that truly happened in history thousands of years ago. I don't quite understand it either."

Dongfang Yao seemed to have no ulterior motives, revealing all he knew to Li Fan.

"I do know a little about this 'Time Mirage'," Li Fan's eyes moved slightly as he explained it to Dongfang Yao.

"When specific conditions are met, there will be occurrences in the world that are recorded and repeatedly appear at special points in time..."

Dongfang Yao suddenly realized, "So, that massive column of light tore through the Xuanhuang Realm, creating this vortex? Truly incredible! If I could comprehend its power..."

As he spoke, a look of excitement appeared on Dongfang Yao's face.

When the black rift emerged again, he roared and rushed into the center of the vortex.

"Southern Ocean Holy Beast Mountain, Rift Divine Armament..."

"If that's the case, then the former site of the Heavenly Sword Sect should also have this Xuanhuang Realm 'scar.' Perhaps I can inquire from Shuofeng about the specific location where he found the 'Sword.'"

While Dongfang Yao comprehended the power of the Rift, Li Fan was also not just watching idly.

The intention to kill without trace had long locked onto Dongfang Yao.

Although his physical strength was not enough to allow Li Fan to recklessly charge into the center of the vortex like Dongfang Yao, using Dongfang Yao's perspective, Li Fan could still observe and comprehend the power of the black Rift at close range.

"Interesting, it seems somewhat similar to the power generated when the Five Elements merge into one. No wonder there is also the appearance of the Time Mirage in this place."

While Li Fan, the main body, was contemplating in the outer part of the great vortex, immersed in the Dao amid wind and rain.

His clone had already arrived in the Heavenly Spirit Province city.

With his unparalleled appearance, wherever Xu Bai went, he undoubtedly attracted the attention of others.

However, with his cold demeanor and unique attire, he did not look like an ordinary person, indicating an extraordinary identity.

For a while, no cultivator dared to approach him recklessly.

He strolled leisurely through the Heavenly Spirit City.

After a period of fermentation, the name of the Heavenly Spirit Flower has become widely known throughout the entire Wanxian Alliance.

Originally a relatively niche interest, it only spread within specific groups. However, in this world, Li Fan first offered rewards using longevity treasures, and later Shuofeng and Lusnow Jing sent people to inquire. The disciples of the Medicine King Sect were scattered across various places, secretly fueling the flames.

With multiple efforts, as long as cultivators were not too isolated, almost everyone had heard something about the Heavenly Spirit Flower.

And after such a long period of collective effort, people finally reluctantly recognized a fact.

That is...

There is no more Heavenly Spirit Flower in the world!

The Wanxian Alliance and the Five Elders fought a bloody battle, with countless fallen cultivators. The entire province was tainted with unimaginable bloodshed.

The Heavenly Spirit Flower, born from the essence of heaven and earth, naturally had some resonance. Now, within the scenes of its petals, there was a faint red blood aura.

"Ruining the beautiful scenery, it's against decency!"

"Ah, fighting back and forth, what's the benefit? Instead, cultivators die in vain, and the world no longer has its past beauty. Peace is hard to come by, and fellow Daoists should cherish it. Don't initiate conflicts again!"


Some lamented, some reflected.

But some people seized the opportunity.

"Although there is no more Heavenly Spirit Flower in the world, the blood aura on my plant is very faint. Almost invisible. Compared to the original strain from years ago, it's not much different. If Friend is interested, you might as well come and see for yourself."

With the increase in popularity, the value of the Heavenly Spirit Flower also soared.

Some sharp-eyed cultivators seized this marketing point, deliberately selecting those varieties with less blood color to sell.

After all, the original strain had become extinct, so observing a lower-tier substitute was still a good choice.

Although the number of cultivators willing to spend money on this was not many, the Wanxian Alliance had a large overall number of cultivators.

And the annual yield of Heavenly Spirit Flowers was fixed, with those having less blood aura being particularly rare. This led to a continuous rise in the selling price of Heavenly Spirit Flowers.

The Heavenly Spirit City, which was somewhat desolate after the major battle, also became lively again.

Some came to see and satisfy their curiosity, while others wanted to take advantage and profit from it.

The merchants selling Heavenly Spirit Flowers also came up with new ways to attract customers.

In the shops, there were many unopened Heavenly Spirit Flowers.

Customers could pick based on luck, gambling on how much blood aura the petals would have when the flower bloomed.

If lucky enough to select one with very little blood aura, they could sell it at a much higher price on the spot, making a considerable profit.

Of course, most ended up at a loss.

However, the world never lacked cultivators who believed in their good luck, so the buds of the Heavenly Spirit Flowers, not yet in full bloom, were almost always sold out shortly after being displayed in the shops.


Xu Bai smiled faintly in the crowd.

Without carefully selecting, he randomly picked one.

"Shopkeeper, this one."

After paying the spiritual stones, Xu Bai did not take it away. Instead, he patiently waited for the flower to bloom.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 690: Heavenly Spirit Original Strain

Xu Bai lingered in the shop, and the shopkeeper did not stop him. After all, with Xu Bai's extraordinary appearance, just standing there and doing nothing could attract the attention of many passing cultivators.

While it was not uncommon for cultivators to reshape their appearance and have beautiful features, Xu Bai still managed to captivate people with a glance. His out-of-this-world and mysterious aura added a touch of allure.

Both men and women lingered in the shop, discreetly observing Xu Bai while casually buying a Heavenly Spirit Flower as a cover.

Business boomed, and the shop owner naturally smiled happily. Under the euphoria, he wished Xu Bai could stay in the shop day and night.

However, it was apparent that this was an impossible request.

Two days later, the Heavenly Spirit Flower Xu Bai had chosen proudly blossomed. Initially, people didn't pay much attention, as their gazes still occasionally lingered on Xu Bai.

However, when Xu Bai held the Heavenly Spirit Flower in his hand, and everyone casually glanced at it...

A wave of exclamations echoed.

"What is this?"

"Real red like powder, faintly invisible... it could be rated as a top-grade Heavenly Spirit Flower!"

"I heard that a top-grade Heavenly Spirit Flower was sold for a high price of one hundred thousand contribution points not long ago. This pot should be no less. I heard he bought it for a thousand contribution points. Isn't he making a huge profit?"

"Wow, not only does he have a beautiful face, but also such good luck. Truly enviable."


"So, this is the marvelous use of luck. Even without deliberately pursuing it, every word and action steers things in a direction favorable to oneself." Holding the Heavenly Spirit Flower, Xu Bai remained silent, pondering how luck influenced reality.

Feeling that part of his luck had disappeared, Xu Bai immediately replenished it from the Phoenix Feather.

Regaining his senses, he looked at the cultivators, including the shop owner, who were all excitedly gazing at the Heavenly Spirit Flower in his hand. Xu Bai couldn't help but smile faintly.

"Even the most beautiful face cannot compare to the allure of interests."

So, in front of everyone present, he casually said, "What top-grade? It's truly rubbish."

Then, with a surge of spiritual energy in his hand, the top-grade Heavenly Spirit Flower with twelve petals turned into ashes in an instant.

"What are you doing!"

The scene immediately erupted in an uproar.

Although Xu Bai was the owner of this Heavenly Spirit Flower, and how he handled it was his personal affair, destroying such a precious item worth over ten thousand contribution points so casually and even calling it "rubbish"...

It was a bit too much!

The expressions of the cultivators present turned somewhat unsightly.

One scholar-like cultivator, holding a Heavenly Spirit Flower, came to Xu Bai with a stern expression. "Friend! You may not love it, but please do not harm it!"

"The life of the Heavenly Spirit Flower is inherently short. At this time of blooming, it should be displayed to the world to its fullest..."

He was still righteously expressing his declaration.

"Make way, you're blocking me." Xu Bai took out a folding fan, pushing him aside.

Completely ignoring him, Xu Bai walked away calmly.

"You..." The scholar-like cultivator's face instantly turned red.

Strictly speaking, this scholar did not have a bad appearance. However, compared to Xu Bai, he lacked a certain flavor. Originally, he felt a bit displeased with Xu Bai, and now, being ignored like this, jealousy and anger surged in his heart.

"Top-grade Heavenly Spirit Flowers are rubbish? You have quite the audacity! You should know that the original strain is not visible. The most beautiful Heavenly Spirit Flowers in the world are those few top-grade ones. Have you ever seen them?" The scholar shouted at Xu Bai.

"As far as I know, those top-grade Heavenly Spirit Flowers just bloomed and were bought by people, then given to various powerful figures in the Immortal Alliance for appreciation. Who are you, and when have you seen them?"

The scholar was still somewhat cautious, afraid of offending someone he shouldn't. His tone was restrained, with a bit of probing. 

Xu Bai turned around upon hearing this.

Chapter 690: Original Strain of the Heavenly Spirit Flower

With a "swish," the folding fan opened. Lightly waving it, Xu Bai smiled and shook his head, saying, "So-called top-grade Heavenly Spirit, I've never seen it."

"Then you are truly seeking popularity, ignorant, and fearless..." The scholar put down his guard and angrily reprimanded.

"But in my opinion, all these so-called top-grade Heavenly Spirits are nothing more than rubbish."

Although Xu Bai's voice was very light, it sounded like thunder in the ears of everyone present.

The scholar was stunned on the spot.

Then, he laughed sarcastically, "According to what you said, I'm afraid there is only..."

Xu Bai picked up his words, "Exactly! Only the original strain can be truly called the Heavenly Spirit Flower!"

Saying that, he extended his right hand.

A crystal-clear, thin as a cicada's wing "paper" unfolded in his hand.

A Heavenly Spirit Flower, like a living being, vividly appeared on the paper.

The scenery on the seventeen petals was vivid and clear.

One could even see the entire flower trembling slightly.

The scene instantly fell into a deathly quiet.

All those present had some understanding of the Heavenly Spirit Flower, and the Heavenly Spirit Flower in Xu Bai's hand instantly captured all their attention.

"Original strain?"

After a moment, someone woke up from their trance and couldn't help but exclaim.

"What? That's the original strain!"

"Heavenly Spirit extraordinary scene, truly worthy of being an extraordinary scene. Compared to the original strain, those so-called top-grade and first-grade ones, as long as they have a trace of blood color, are like rubbish!"


Not only was the disrespectful scholar stunned, but the cry of "original strain" also attracted the attention of most cultivators in the Heavenly Spirit City.

More and more cultivators rushed over after hearing the news, looking at the original strain of the Heavenly Spirit Flower in Xu Bai's hand, staring in a daze.

"Bang!" The Heavenly Spirit Flower in the scholar's hand fell to the ground, but he didn't care.

He just looked a bit crazy, staring at Xu Bai's original strain, slowly approaching.

Just as he was about to get close to Xu Bai, Xu Bai suddenly collected it.


As if losing the most beloved person in an instant, the scholar's face revealed a bit of ferocity. Seemingly going mad, he seemed to pounce towards Xu Bai.

Fighting is prohibited in the Immortal Alliance city.

Before the towering and majestic statue of the Celestial Law Lord could descend with punishment, a gleam of light flashed on Xu Bai's clothes.

Xu Bai stood still, and the scholar screamed, being rebounded and sent flying.

Then a radiance descended from the Celestial Law statue, and the scholar instantly turned pitch-black.

Struggling for a moment, he lost his breath and fell to the ground, dead.

A cultivator from the Martial Hall hurriedly came to collect the body. Coupled with the strange phenomenon of falling cultivators above their heads, it finally deterred the crowd.

Xu Bai arched his hand to the surroundings and left gracefully.

"It's over. The business of the Heavenly Spirit Flower is finished." The shop owner, looking at Xu Bai's departing figure, had a face like ashes, muttering to himself.

Saying that, he looked at the densely packed Heavenly Spirit Flowers in the shop and quickly wrote a sign that said "One-fold promotion," hanging it outside the shop.

(End of this chapter)