
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 1081-1085 (6k+ words)

Whether it's the Heavenly Sword Sect or the departed Emperor Yishou's Yao Beast family.

In the future Xuan Huang Realm, there was no more news about them.

In Li Fan's view, this was the escape method he least considered.

High walls separate the inside and outside of the star sea.

Once outside the walls, it's likely to completely lose contact with the Xuan Huang Realm.

So whether the escape was successful or not, it was impossible to confirm.

And under the immense energy fluctuations of the boundary breach, once failed, there might not even be a chance.

Whether the true self or the avatar, they couldn't "try out" the true feasibility of breaching the boundary.

So, Li Fan has always had little interest in this method.

"To breach the boundary is undoubtedly a thorough escape. The trial of the Xuan Huang Great Celestial cannot support such a plan."

"If I were the Xuan Huang Great Celestial, and such a group of people prepared to defect appeared in the world, what would I do?"

On the way to Southern Dark Mountain with Xu Ke, Li Fan carefully pondered.

The experiences along the way were similar to the illusions experienced in the previous few times.

However, this time, with Mr. Bai's wooden carving protecting them, it was safe and smooth to reach their destination.

Similarly, led by the human body split by Emperor Yishou, they attended the Grand Assembly of the Yao Beast Clan.

Amidst the roars of the Yao Beasts shouting "Forever support Lord Emperor Yishou," the assembly came to an end.

At this time, on Li Fan's reminder, Xu Ke handed over the wooden box containing Emperor Erlie.

Emperor Yishou's reaction and performance showed no deviation.

After saying a bunch of obscure and difficult-to-understand words, he split a gray sphere and handed it to Xu Ke.

"You may go."

Emperor Yishou then issued a dismissal.

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, Xu Ke suddenly spoke again.

"Hmm?" Emperor Yishou was somewhat surprised.

But he patiently waited for Xu Ke to finish.

"Elder, do you think how many of these Yao Beasts present sincerely want to follow you and leave?"

"All because of a so-called calamity that is elusive, with currently no signs, they are ready to abandon the joyful land of the Xuan Huang Realm."

Emperor Yishou frowned as a human: "I don't need them to be sincere. I just need them to execute the command."

"If they really don't listen, I can just swallow them all!"

Xu Ke smiled, looking like an old and experienced person: "Just now, Elder said that there are infinite possibilities in the infinite future. Then why are you so sure that the great calamity in the Xuan Huang Realm is inevitable, and only by escaping can there be a slim chance of survival?"

"Is there a possibility, however slim, that the Xuan Huang Realm has truly survived, and it is the only safe place in all time and space?"

"Do you not do something for this slightest possibility?"

Xu Ke's eyes were full of wisdom, as if there was light, staring closely at Emperor Yishou.

Such words were obviously not something Xu Ke of this age group could say.

And the silly bird sleeping soundly on his head...

Obviously, it couldn't be its thoughts either.

"So, is this his intention?"

Emperor Yishou naturally knew who sent Xu Ke here.

So he began to seriously contemplate the words just spoken.

Seeing this, Xu Ke took the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot: "Since back then, Emperor Sanmao could split from the Yao Beast group and choose to stand with humans."

"So today, naturally, you can also split a part to stay in the Xuan Huang Realm between leaving and staying."

"In fact, this is unstoppable. But with your words, it seems more formal."

Emperor Yishou glanced outside the window at the various Yao Beasts, his expression pensive.


"Then you wait, and leave later."

After saying this, the human body of Emperor Yishou slowly disappeared into thin air.

Xu Ke and Li Fan looked at the still crowded venue.

Emperor Yishou suddenly stopped more than thirty Yao Beasts, including the Nine-Headed Red, for something. Not knowing what was said, the beasts initially showed fear, then disbelief turned into wild joy.

Li Fan felt Emperor Yishou's gaze from afar, quickly shifting away.

Seven days later, above Southern Dark Mountain:

"What? We have to listen to this kid?"

The Nine-Headed Red, now in human form, frowned at the tiny Xu Ke, showing displeasure. The procession, over three thousand transformed Yao Beasts, stared fiercely at Xu Ke.

Xu Ke, encouraged by Li Fan, reluctantly nodded: "Although Elder Emperor Yishou agreed to your request to stay in Xuan Huang Realm, the only condition is that you must follow my orders."

"Of course, I won't make unreasonable demands. I just fear you might cause trouble in our human cultivator territory, so moderation is necessary."

While speaking, Xu Ke took out a disc from his pocket. As soon as the disc appeared, the ferocious Yao Beasts all immediately behaved, at least on the surface.

"Alright, you have the Beast Transformation Disc, so you call the shots," the Nine-Headed Red said with a forced smile.

"But kid, following your orders is fine. But there must be a deadline, right? We can't be your servants for a lifetime, can we?"

"Hahaha, I don't think we need to worry about that. This kid can live for a few thousand years at most. We Yao Beasts, who can't live peacefully for over ten thousand years?"

"We'll just keep an eye on this kid. Don't let him die too soon!"

In the midst of the commotion, many Yao Beasts shouted. Xu Ke kept a stern face, unaffected by their words. After making some noise, seeing Xu Ke remained composed, the Yao Beasts quieted down and continued the journey.

In reality, the migrating Yao Beast group was much larger than the apparent three thousand. Each different Yao Beast basically brought their entire families, using something like a pocket dimension treasure to carry groups unwilling to leave Xuan Huang Realm. Along the way, they received messages, and more Yao Beasts who wanted to stay in Xuan Huang Realm kept coming to join.

As they neared the Beast Taming Sect, the team had swelled to a tremendous size. Thousands marched with a strong demonic aura, resembling an army of Yao Beasts on a campaign. If it weren't for the Beast Transformation Disc suppressing their aura, and Mr. Bai's wooden carving occasionally invoking the power of the heavenly path to conceal, it might have caused panic among passing cultivators.

Even so, when they finally reached the Beast Taming Sect's gate, this terrifying army of Yao Beasts still stirred great fear in the unsuspecting sect.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The alarm spread throughout the sect instantly. Countless cultivators, accompanied by their spirit beasts, rushed from various places.

"We're so weak. I never expected our Azure Dragon lineage, after being raised by humans, would become so feeble!"

"Humph, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed Yao Beasts would genuinely submit to humans!"

"We have the numbers. Why not..."

Seeing the atmosphere among the Yao Beast group subtly change, Xu Ke, sensing trouble, broke into a cold sweat.

Xu Ke tightly held the Beast Transformation Disc in his hand, not relaxing his focus for a moment. After a while, the restless Yao Beast group gradually calmed down, not due to Xu Ke's efforts, but because Emperor Sanyi appeared.

Interestingly, during the Sacred Beast Assembly on Southern Dark Mountain, when Emperor Sanyi was mentioned, these Yao Beasts had scoffed, calling him a traitor to the Yao race who deserved to be exterminated. However, now that Emperor Sanyi was truly present, all the Yao Beasts fell silent, none daring to speak loudly.

In his mind, Xu Ke pondered his doubts.

"Lord Xuan Niao, why do I feel like, in their eyes, Grandpa Three seems even scarier than Emperor Yishou?" 

Li Fan smiled, "Emperor Yishou, as the Beast Emperor, considers the overall welfare of the Yao Beast race with measured rewards and punishments. Generally, as long as you don't provoke him, there is no danger. But the current Emperor Sanyi has openly betrayed the Yao Beasts and joined the ranks of human cultivators."

"Yao race traitors, not only are they living well, but they've even helped human cultivators establish the Beast Taming Sect... "

"Guess, in these years, who has killed more Yao Beasts, Emperor Yishou or Emperor Sanyi?"

Xu Ke fell into contemplation, then glanced at the seemingly benevolent white-haired old man, shivering involuntarily.

With Emperor Sanyi personally suppressing, the Yao Beast group naturally behaved on the surface. However, Emperor Sanyi did not force these Yao Beasts to join the Beast Taming Sect or endure servitude under human cultivators. He only temporarily assigned a large area in the Beast Taming Sect's territory for these Yao Beasts to settle, though it seemed a bit crowded, survival was not an issue.

After Xu Ke narrated the incident to Emperor Sanyi, he asked, "Why did you say those things to Emperor Yishou?"

Prepared, Xu Ke replied calmly, "Emperor Yishou said that a great calamity is imminent in Xuan Huang Realm, so he plans to split the realm. But he can escape, while we can't. In order to cope with the calamity, it is necessary to unite all possible forces. With the addition of this Yao Beast group, at least the chances of the Beast Taming Sect surviving the calamity will increase significantly."

Emperor Sanyi fell into silent contemplation.

This speech did not seem like something a child could come up with. However, Emperor Sanyi had lived for too long, and he no longer used age alone to measure a person's wisdom.

After a while, he calmly said, "Since you've brought this trouble upon yourself, handle it entirely. If any of these animals cause trouble or violate sect rules, I'll hold you accountable."

With that, Emperor Sanyi tossed a disc towards Xu Ke.

Similar to the one bestowed by Emperor Yishou, the disc was engraved with intricate and vivid Yao Beast patterns.

"This is..."

"The sect's treasure, Beast Taming Disc?" Xu Ke quickly recognized the precious item Emperor Sanyi gave him and subconsciously clenched it.

Before he could say anything more, Emperor Sanyi's figure had already disappeared.

"They handed over this treasure so easily?" Xu Ke looked bewildered, feeling incredibly surreal.

Li Fan compared the two different Beast Transformation Discs in his mind. The one gifted by Emperor Yishou contained only the species migrating with Xu Ke, but it had a stronger suppressive effect on Yao Beasts. Even the strongest among them, the Nine-Headed Red, comparable to a human in the Longevity Realm, could live or die at the whim of the disc's holder. It was determined by the characteristics inherited from Emperor Yishou that every Yao Beast in the Xuan Huang Realm originated from.

As for the Beast Transformation Disc from Emperor Sanyi, it seemed to include all Yao Beasts in the world except Emperor Beasts. However, its control over Yao Beasts was relatively weaker. After all, wise and prophetic creatures could only provide specific advice but couldn't decide their choices.

"I wonder if the memories of martial techniques and abilities related to the Heavenly Venerable's trial illusion will be lost when we come out. If I can absorb and transform the techniques of these two Beast Transformation Discs, perhaps the empire can truly cultivate reverted Yao Beasts."

This hypothesis had been circulating within the imperial world.

The rationale behind creating Chimeras like Emperor Yishou was based on this speculation — that every exotic beast evolved from Yao Beasts, and all Yao Beasts shared a common ancestor. The fusion beast resembling Emperor Yishou was created based on this speculation.

However, there is too little information on ancient Yao Beasts, making it impossible to conduct targeted experiments on reverting Yao Beasts. Otherwise, reproducing the situation where ancient Yao Beasts roamed freely might not be a difficult task.

"Regardless, let's record their information thoroughly before deciding."

The information contained in the two Beast Transformation Discs is too vast. Even with Li Fan's current abilities, mastering it completely is quite challenging. Moreover, due to them not being native to the Xuan Huang Realm, the information in the illusionary Beast Transformation Discs seems to be somewhat incomplete compared to the actual objects.

However, this doesn't prevent Li Fan from monopolizing the two Beast Transformation Discs at all times.

Next, the plot of "The Change of Beast Taming Sect" deviates from the past.

Xu Ke no longer receives the task of going to the God Pen Sect to find the Rift Whale but focuses on handling the group of Yao Beasts within the sect.

"Unite all possible forces" seems to be the content that this second act needs to test.

When calamity strikes, as the Xuan Huang Great Heavenly Venerable, one naturally needs to demonstrate superior coordination skills. The forces within the Xuan Huang Realm are diverse, each harboring their own intentions. However, they all ultimately belong to the human race.

The conflicts and confrontations between them are certainly not as significant as those between humans and Yao Beasts. At least, on the surface, this needs to be demonstrated.

If the relationship between this Yao Beast group and the Beast Taming Sect can be handled well, it is likely to pass this test.

"Don't resort to using the Beast Transformation Disc to suppress difficulties. Persuade them with reasoning..."

"If one day the Beast Transformation Disc becomes ineffective, how will you deal with it?"

"In ancient times in the Xuan Huang Realm, there was a Saint Emperor who, although physically powerless, spoke sincerely and treated people genuinely. Everyone who conversed with him felt like basking in the spring breeze. All held deep respect and admiration."

Li Fan studied the Beast Transformation Disc while simultaneously increasing his own strength through cultivation. At the same time, he guided Xu Ke on how to handle and command the group of Yao Beasts.

Compared to humans, Yao Beasts appeared to have fewer hidden agendas, even seeming more straightforward.

Under Li Fan's personal guidance, Xu Ke, in these years, had only used the power of the Beast Transformation Disc three times. In most cases, he resolved various crises through words and actions.

Finally, he gradually gained the trust of all the Yao Beasts.

In the end, the inevitable great calamity arrived.

As the Beast Taming Sect only cultivated a single cultivation method from top to bottom, they couldn't endure for too long, showing signs of collapse soon.

"Such a terrifying calamity, unable to cultivate multiple methods simultaneously..."

Xu Ke's expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

However, these years of experiences have matured him, and he quickly calmed down.

Systematically commanding his subordinates, the Yao Beasts, he suppressed and subdued the uncontrollable members of the Beast Taming Sect.

"Hahaha, I've disliked them for a long time. This time, we finally have the opportunity to retaliate openly."

"It's time to stretch our muscles. We've been cooped up on this small hill for years, almost getting sick."

"Brothers, put in some effort. Let's not be looked down upon!"


In an instant, the dormant tens of thousands of Yao Beasts from the Beast Taming Sect surged like a dragon into the sea, shrouding the entire area like dark clouds.

The terrifying Yao wind and killing intent even temporarily suppressed the threat of the great calamity.

"Not good, those Yao Beasts have revolted!"

"I said earlier, those not of our kind will have different hearts. Without using the Beast Taming True Technique to subdue them, disaster is inevitable! It's a pity the Sect Master didn't listen to my advice!"

"I'm doomed!"

Under the calamity of "The Incompatibility of Cultivation Methods," the Beast Taming Sect, which was already struggling to survive, was naturally no match for these Yao Beasts who had been cultivating their strength for many years.

It took only three days to completely suppress them.

Although it might have been a bit heavy-handed in the process, with Xu Ke present, the Yao Beasts did not harm the lives of human cultivators.

"Leader, what should we do next?" Red Nine Heads asked with a serious expression.

The calamity of "The Incompatibility of Cultivation Methods" naturally had a certain impact on the Yao Beast group.

The inherited cultivation methods in each group were often limited to a single one. However, the Yao Beast groups were highly hierarchical, which temporarily stabilized the situation.

"I didn't expect the prophecy of Lord Di One to be true. If I had known, we should have left together back then." Yu Xuan Luo sighed.

"At present, there are only two strategies. One is to go against the 'Incompatibility of Cultivation Methods' principle. The other, if that is not possible, is to adapt to the changes in the world." Xu Ke responded calmly.

"Since 'The Incompatibility of Cultivation Methods' is an issue, let's cultivate different methods! Our Beast Taming Sect's cultivation methods are not enough..."

"Then let's go borrow some from nearby sects." Xu Ke's expression was stern.

Upon hearing this, the surrounding Yao Beasts were initially puzzled but quickly understood. They rejoiced one after another.

After all, plundering was the nature of Yao Beasts.

"Lord Xuan Niao, are we really going to do this?" Xu Ke, inwardly, was not as determined as he appeared on the surface. He still felt conflicted and couldn't let go.

"Don't be too soft-hearted. With the great calamity descending, I'm afraid only one in ten Xuan Huang cultivators will survive. Now that you are the nominal leader of the Beast Taming Sect, you naturally have to take responsibility for their life and death."

"Others dying is better than us dying." Li Fan's tone was icy.

Silent as the dead.

After a long time, Xu Ke finally made up his mind: "I understand."

He raised his head, his eyes full of determination.

Half a day later, under Xu Ke's instructions, the Yao Beast army swept through the surroundings with an overwhelming force.

Annihilating sects, collecting resources, and cultivation methods.

Avoiding those powerful sects, they targeted the weaker ones, seeking swift and decisive battles.

Tens of thousands of Yao Beasts, acting as one.

In the midst of the calamity of "The Incompatibility of Cultivation Methods," it was an unstoppable force.

In just half a month, they had wiped out hundreds of sects, big and small.

In the past, this beast calamity would have attracted the attention of the ten immortal sects, facing countless human cultivators in a joint siege.

But now, the ten immortal sects were all preoccupied with their own matters. There was no time to deal with the affairs of other sects.

All the cultivation methods plundered by the Yao Beasts were uniformly handed over to Xu Ke.

Seeing that they had collected a sufficient quantity, Xu Ke immediately ordered them to stop.

After decisively killing dozens of berserk Yao Beasts that refused to obey orders, Xu Ke immediately issued the retreat order.

"Are we retreating too?"

"Retreat? Retreat to where?"

The Beast Taming Sect cultivators, including all the Yao Beasts, were a bit puzzled.

After Xu Ke explained, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that Xu Ke, being cautious, had already sent people to investigate hidden small worlds where they could temporarily settle after returning from the Southern Dark Beast Mountain years ago.

"The calamity in Xuan Huang Realm may last for thousands of years without end. If we want to survive, we can only temporarily retreat into a small world and slowly plan for revival." Xu Ke sighed.

During this period, everyone witnessed the tragic situation of the mutual killings of external sects.

Comparatively, the death rate of the Beast Taming Sect was pitifully low.

And all of this was thanks to Xu Ke's foresight and planning.

"I originally thought that after Lord Di Three mysteriously disappeared, our future would be unpredictable. Unexpectedly, our leader has such great foresight and is not inferior to Lord Di Three."

"Nonsense, if not for this, would Lords Di Three and Di One easily hand over the Beast Taming Wheels to our leader?"

"I've always said, following the leader means having meat to eat."

Xu Ke's actions finally completely won the loyalty of everyone, and there were no more dissidents.

Then, under Xu Ke's command, they quickly migrated to the unknown small world.

Before leaving the Xuan Huang Realm, Xu Ke and Li Fan, in the end, took a last look at this world: "Someday, we will come back."

Then their figures slowly disappeared from the world.

At the same time, the scene in the Falling Immortal Realm began to freeze.

The surroundings went from brightness to sudden pitch darkness.

"I wonder if passing the test of Xuan Huang Dazuntun is considered a success?" Li Fan actually had no idea.

However, coordinating humans and Yao Beast groups to live harmoniously.

Using any means necessary to maintain the survival of the group when disaster strikes.

These were the most perfect methods Li Fan could think of at the moment.

If it weren't for several previous experiences, even if Li Fan pondered for a long time, he probably wouldn't have come up with such a method in a short time.

The illusion test seemed to be evaluating Li Fan's actions.

Compared to the first act, the waiting time for the necessary conditions was even longer.


Strands of white light suddenly appeared from the darkness.

After a dizzying rotation, a new scene was generated once again!

Li Fan successfully passed the test and entered the third act, the Sword Refining of the Sky Sword Sect!

"What is being tested this time?"

Li Fan has not experienced the Sword Refining scene of the Sky Sword Sect many times.

So, he didn't have complete confidence.

However, during the years in the Beast Taming Sect, Li Fan had made sufficient preparations.

He silently followed the established plot, reasonably playing the role of the person he possessed.

Until Mr. Bai, disguised as a cultivator, came to challenge!

None of the Sky Sword Sect disciples could match Mr. Bai.

In the midst of everyone's shock and fear, Li Fan walked out proudly.

"I'm willing to learn from Mr. Bai's brilliant moves!"

Li Fan bowed.

"Please, Mr. Bai, see how my swordsmanship is?"

Li Fan loudly said, casually picking a branch from a nearby tree.

It was exactly the same as what Mr. Bai did before!

This behavior caused an uproar among the Sky Sword Sect disciples.

And Mr. Bai, for the first time, showed an interested look in his eyes.

"Who is that? Daring to be so arrogant at the Golden Core Realm? Didn't you see Junior Hua, who just reached the late Nascent Soul stage, being defeated in one move?"

"Inner disciple Ji Zhaoxuan! Usually silent and inconspicuous. I didn't expect him to step forward at this time!"

"Well! He truly is a disciple of our Sky Sword Sect. Although he knows he's not a match, he still dares to draw his sword. Just based on this, he is one of the outstanding inner disciples!"

The onlookers from the Sky Sword Sect were discussing, expressing disdain, admiration, and admiration.

Li Fan, however, ignored the surrounding voices, only staring directly at Mr. Bai: "Mr. Bai's strength is definitely far beyond mine. But if we only talk about the understanding of the sword, Mr. Bai may not necessarily be better than me."

Confident, Li Fan, but Mr. Bai just smiled slightly without refuting.

"So, in today's competition, we are only comparing who has a better understanding of the sword, not the difference in strength!"

When these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

"Is he asking the opponent to maintain the cultivation realm at the Golden Core Realm before the competition?"

"Can it be done like this?"


"But I think it's acceptable. After all, the guest's cultivation is unpredictable. If he really exerts his full strength, perhaps only Senior Brother can defeat him."

Facing Li Fan's somewhat rude request, Mr. Bai didn't mind. He nodded, smiled, and said, "Rest assured, I never bully the weak."

After that, the mysterious aura originally emanating from him suddenly calmed down. It became like Ji Zhaoxuan, with only the cultivation of the Golden Core late stage.

Li Fan cupped his hands, looking solemn: "In that case..."

"Watch the sword!"

Before the words "watch the sword" could be spoken, Li Fan had already made his move.

When the onlookers heard Li Fan's loud shout, a phantom of a giant sword appeared in the sky.

Descending from the sky, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Mr. Bai's head.

Around the giant sword, it seemed to be filled with countless different divine swords. The giant sword, like the emperor of swords, attracted countless sword energies, interweaving and shining.

At the scene, all the disciples of the Sky Sword Sect, at the moment when the giant sword appeared, couldn't control their own personal swords. They flew out one by one, floating in the air, the swords humming softly as if paying respects.

Not only that, even the entire Sky Sword Sect was trembling slightly.

As if something was waking up deep within the Sky Sword Sect.

This earth-shaking scene naturally attracted the attention of all the cultivators of the Sky Sword Sect.

Countless figures rushed over.

And a cultivator holding a gourd, drunk and disheveled, appeared, causing everyone to exclaim, "Is it Senior Brother?"

"Senior Brother is here!"

At this moment, Situ Yao, who usually seemed indifferent, stared at Li Fan and Mr. Bai with a serious expression.

The changes outside the field seemed to have no effect on these two.

At the moment when the phantom of the giant sword and the appearance of thousands of swords occurred, Mr. Bai's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Because he sensed that the wooden sword in his hand suddenly became much lighter.

As if...

The sword intent condensed on the wooden sword had instantly transferred to the opponent!

"Falsifying the Heavenly Dao, coupled with my understanding of the uniqueness of the Wooden Sword Heavenly Dao. Unexpectedly, it's enough to instantly snatch control of the Xuan Huang Sword Dao under unexpected circumstances!"

"However, Mr. Bai is, after all, the incarnation of the Xuan Huang Heavenly Dao. This falsifying the Heavenly Dao technique can only be used once."

"So, there's only one chance!"

Li Fan's heart was unusually calm.

Under his manipulation, the giant sword turned from illusion to reality, and thousands of swords around it also manifested.

Like a torrential rain pouring down, suddenly appearing.

Numerous sharp swords tore through space, forming a terrifying storm, sweeping towards the surroundings.

The onlookers were all terrified, retreating one after another.

But there were still many Nascent Soul and even Deity Transformation cultivators who were blown off balance and couldn't control their figures.

Not to mention those disciples with lower cultivation levels.

"What kind of joke is this? Is this something that can be done at the Golden Core Realm?"

"Could it be that Ji Zhaoxuan has been hiding his cultivation all this time?"

"A monster! Today, there is actually the honor of witnessing a battle between two monsters!"

The rampant sword qi obscured the vision of most people. However, those who cultivated Dao and the stronger ones above Dao were still staring intently at the center of the storm.

They were somewhat shocked to see that, facing this world-destroying killing move, Mr. Bai didn't dodge or evade. Countless sharp swords relentlessly bombarded him, but strangely, these swords didn't cause any harm to Mr. Bai. Instead, they disappeared silently, as if they sank into the sea or melted into the snow.

Only the wooden sword in Mr. Bai's hand seemed to come alive again. The storm of myriad swords showed no sign of subsiding for a while, but Li Fan had quietly disappeared within the storm.

Mr. Bai showed no intention to counterattack, just standing quietly in the center of the storm.

"The Xuan Huang Sword..."

"I didn't expect someone in the world to master it to this extent. Impressive!"

"Unfortunately, with just this, you can't defeat me."

Mr. Bai's sincere praise echoed in the storm of a myriad swords.

He tried to lock onto Li Fan's position, but at this moment, Li Fan had turned into a sword, blending into the myriad paths of swords. Even Mr. Bai, as the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, couldn't find Li Fan for a moment.

The myriad swords roared, finally ushering in the most violent moment before calming down.

In the moment when countless sword lights blossomed together, a seemingly ordinary wooden sword hid within them.

Silently flying towards Mr. Bai, advancing without hesitation and full of determination!

Initially, it seemed like an ordinary sword technique.

However, as the speed of the wooden sword increased, its momentum became even stronger.

Like a blazing fire spreading across the sky or a meteor illuminating the darkness.

Compared to this, all the other swords in the storm seemed dim and lifeless.

"What is this..." Situ Yao and the other elders of the Sky Sword Sect were all shocked and regretful at this moment. Because this was the strongest sword technique activated at the cost of one's own life.

And it was also the last sword.

Sword of Destiny!

Mr. Bai naturally saw the details of this sword. He couldn't help but hesitate. It was just a competition, and there was no need to risk the young man's life for victory or defeat.


The opponent's comprehension of sword Dao was indeed rare in the world and not weaker than his own.

At this critical moment, every additional talent was beneficial for the Xuan Huang Realm. It was a pity to let him die for no reason.

In an instant of contemplation, Mr. Bai had made a decision.

"I concede."

The moment he spoke, he lifted the restriction on his cultivation.

He used the power of the Longevity Realm to forcibly reverse Li Fan's process of burning his life.


Li Fan had no intention of stopping at all.

Even though the momentum of the sword had dissipated, his speed remained undiminished.

In the end, the wooden sword in his hand gently pierced Mr. Bai's body.

The saying goes, "At the end of a strong crossbow, the force cannot pierce Lu Gao."

Under the pressure of the Longevity Realm, Li Fan's sword might not even harm an ordinary mortal, let alone cause any injury to Mr. Bai.

Not to mention leaving any mark on Mr. Bai.

However, even without a trace of an imprint, this sword ultimately pierced Mr. Bai.

Because Li Fan disregarded his own life.

Because Mr. Bai valued talent and showed compassion.

As the saying goes, a gentleman can deceive others with his squareness!

This sword was the answer Li Fan had pondered over during the years in the Immortal Falling Realm, the second act.

The first act tested benevolence.

The second act tested intelligence.

And this third act should test martial prowess!

If Mr. Bai, who was suppressing the Sky Sword Sect with his sword, could defeat him or gain his recognition in the duel, he would likely pass the test of the third act.

And now, Li Fan had achieved it.

"I concede."

Although the process of burning his life force was reversed by Mr. Bai, using the Sword of Destiny still caused severe damage to Li Fan's vitality.

At this moment, his face was pale, as if he could breathe his last at any moment.

Coughing continuously, he bowed to Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai looked at Li Fan with a complex expression.

"Why?" he asked.

Li Fan said calmly, "I'm different from you. You always think too much, while I, for the sake of achieving my goal, will use any means, even if it means sacrificing my own life."

The scenes of the Sky Sword Sect around faded gradually.

Only Mr. Bai's figure remained clear.

Li Fan continued, "So, what you can do, I might not be able to. But what you can't do, I might be able to."

Like a tongue twister, but Mr. Bai already understood Li Fan's meaning.

"Sometimes, to survive, you have to be ruthless."

After saying these words, Li Fan's body gradually became transparent.

Eventually, he disappeared completely.

Only Mr. Bai remained in this time and space.

He frowned, seemingly facing a difficult decision.

After an unknown period, he suddenly smiled.

"Yes. I always have too many concerns."

"Perhaps, like him, only then can one seize a glimmer of hope..."

Mr. Bai's figure gradually fell silent along with his voice.


In the darkness, Li Fan didn't know how long he had waited.

A familiar sensation of spinning came, and the scene in front of him instantly became bright again.

Looking around, he didn't return to the real world but arrived in a new environment.

"My speculation was indeed correct."

"Although it's somewhat inglorious, I ultimately defeated Mr. Bai and passed the test of martial prowess."

"I won't question the process, only the result."

Li Fan felt a bit delighted.

"Now, let me see what the test of the fourth act will be."

With this thought, countless pieces of information surged into Li Fan's mind in an instant.

His expression froze.

"How could this be?"

Even with Li Fan's composure, he was still somewhat dazed at this moment.

Hastily using the Water Mirror Technique, he looked at himself in the mirror.

A flawless and extraordinary face, making people feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze, spontaneously evoking admiration.

Hastily using the Water Mirror Technique, Li Fan looked at himself in the mirror.

The flawless and extraordinary face, making people feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze, spontaneously evoking admiration.

This face, Li Fan was all too familiar with, having recently competed with him.

It was Mr. Bai!

"In this fourth act, I actually directly possessed Mr. Bai's body?"

Li Fan was profoundly shaken.

There was both surprise and vigilance in his heart.

The joy was derived from experiencing the Xuanhuang Great Heavenly Sovereign firsthand through Mr. Bai's body. It would undoubtedly benefit him greatly in all aspects of cultivation in the future.

The caution stemmed from the possibility of Mr. Bai's reincarnation scenario happening again.

After a moment, Li Fan settled his mind and began to sort through the information in his mind.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the test, Mr. Bai's memories in Li Fan's mind were incomplete.

Only fragmented pieces and the "mainline task" related to this test were present.

"At this moment, I have gained recognition from the Heavenly Dao and officially become the Xuanhuang Great Heavenly Sovereign."

"The mission objective is..."

"To find the scattered immortal treasures left in the Xuanhuang Realm and escape from the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Li Fan's expression instantly became extremely strange.

Contrary to Mr. Bai's previous actions as known, Li Fan had to confirm multiple times.

"Hmm? Something's not right."

"This is not a test of the Immortal Falling Realm. Instead..."

"At this moment, it's the mission Mr. Bai is shouldering!"

After a while, Li Fan suddenly realized.

After becoming the Xuanhuang Great Heavenly Sovereign, Mr. Bai's mind faintly revealed the urging of the Xuanhuang Realm Heavenly Dao consciousness.

Catastrophe was imminent and unavoidable.

It was better to abandon the worldly body and leave as soon as possible.

"The Xuanhuang Realm is no longer a safe place, with internal turmoil and external threats from the Immortal Ruins."

"It's better to cross the Immortal Wall and create a new heaven and earth outside."


Li Fan frowned as he slowly pieced together the fragments of memory information.

"The Immortal Wall is hard to cross. Even the Xuanhuang Great Heavenly Sovereign might find it challenging."

"But before the Immortal Path is completely severed, there are occasional gifts of immortal treasures from the upper realms. Some of these treasures are still stored in the sect's treasure vaults, while others are buried underground, unknown to anyone."

"But they all fall under the control of the Xuanhuang Realm Heavenly Dao consciousness."

"Only by gathering these immortal treasures, using them as sacrifices, and not necessarily destroying them completely, can the power to cross the Immortal Wall be unleashed."

An incongruous expression appeared on Li Fan's face.

"Immortal treasures? At least ten immortal treasures?"

According to the information transmitted by the Xuantian Heavenly Dao consciousness, each of these treasures possessed power not inferior to the Heavenly Mirror.

If he could collect all of them and use them for himself...

A surge of excitement suddenly rose in Li Fan's heart.

After all these reincarnations, besides the Heavenly Mirror and the Fishing Pond, he had not encountered any other immortal treasures.

Now, as if hit by a grand gift package, he learned about information on more than ten immortal treasures. How could he not be stirred?

"Wait, in the real historical records, all these immortal treasures disappeared?"

However, soon, Li Fan reacted.

He instantly recalled a previously collected ancient story.

At the time of the great catastrophe, due to the impossibility of simultaneously cultivating multiple laws, various sects were already in chaos.

The unexplained disappearance of the sects' stored immortal treasures exacerbated the downfall of the cultivation sects.

"Could it be that all those mysteriously missing immortal treasures were secretly taken by Mr. Bai?"

Li Fan's expression became somewhat strange.

He began to investigate the information about these immortal treasures in his mind once again.

These immortal treasures were all passed down from the upper realms when the Immortal Path was not yet severed.

At that time, the major sects of the Xuanhuang Realm were not the later ten immortal sects but had long disappeared into the river of history.

Such as the Reincarnation Sect, the Wild God Sect, and so on.

And the immortal treasures they possessed were later divided among the ten immortal sects.

However, immortal treasures have spirits and can only be used by the sect's direct descendants. Therefore, most immortal treasures, even if the ten immortal sects got their hands on them, were simply unusable.

Brothers, don't give me monthly votes this month. I've been slacking off with updates this month, and I feel guilty about it. Please vote for "The Ring of Fate."