
Chapter 2 - The Bonding Part 1

Life hasn't been easy for Qimy Hafiz as his long lost sister who got separated from the family, comes to live with them.

Qimy has been tortured by Huznah, she forces him to do every one of her chores, even the simplest one. From doing her laundry, making her bed to throwing away the trash from HER room. Everyday Huznah does the same thing to him.

Qimy has been fed up with her annoying orders but he can't tell it to their parents or Huznah will beat him up.

One night, something out of the ordinary happend. He was doing his homework when suddenly Huznah barged into his room. "Hey!", she shouted. "Come here...", she contiued. Qimy thought that Huznah would probably hit him or something but it was totally different than he expected. Huznah wraps her arms around Qimy and whispers in his ears. "You're a very cute nerd, Nerd". Qimy blushes slightly and looks at her eyes. Huznah giggled in excitement. "Why are you blushing?", she asked Qimy while making a cute face.

Then, Huznah went a little bit too far. She decides to kiss Qimy's cheek multiple times until his face turns bright red. "W-w-what are you doing?!", Qimy tries to escape from Huznah's arms. "No... Don't you dare escape! You're my little nerd and I'm keeping you forever...", said Huznah with a really cute and soft voice.

Qimy was shocked because the toughest bully in his academy, has never made a sweet, soft and cute voice in front of anyone, especially himself. Huznah, lays her head on Qimy's chest while blushing.

*to be continued*