
My little Saviour

Generally, boy saves girl but here is the story of Edmond and Harlow where Harlow saves Edmond without even knowing. That's the magic of mates in the world of werewolves. Once upon a time there is a boy. Chubby cheeks, cute face captivating beauty. When someone passes by this kid, they will just forget all their tensions, work just by looking at him. He was known as the son of moon goddess, cause his beauty, kindness everything is simply amazing. But now is not once. He became completely opposite of what he used to be. He didn’t change but the way that society is looking at him changed. He is known as the most ruthless rouge now. Once people used to forget their worries just by looking at him but now getting in the eyes of him is their biggest worry. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A girl who values trust more than anything. She is lonely. She knows the value of relationships, so she never develops feelings easily. Everyone she has been close to has disappeared or died. Society frames her as a bad luck. Still, she goes on with a smile. She will give her for someone she loves. So, what happens when SHE finds that HE is responsible for her friends’ suicide. SHE is hell bent on punishing him. But in his side of story, HE doesn’t even know HER friend. Let’s know which side of the story is right and which is not.

vyshu_mettela · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Edmond's pov:

She left with Jax. Now, Zayn has a lot of explanation to do now. I looked at him and he started speaking.

After Zayn finished telling me what happened there I understood why she preferred to stay there. It might be one of her visions again. She believes them a lot. I hope she took the right decision. I can't help but have some bad feeling. All my effort during the past ears was just to save her but when she got the chance she didn't come. I hope she doesn't get into trouble. I will look into her matter after I get my mate settled. I know she is going to raise hell when she gets to know that we are werewolves. I am going to have a hard time controlling her.

"Zayn bring your Luna here" I commanded Zayn.

"Yes Alpha" Zayn said and left the room.

I am waiting in my room for her. Then she came she was wearing different clothes. Pheobe might have offered her clothes. When Zayn kidnapped her she was terrified but Zayn explained her about werewolves and mates but she was worried about her daughter. When Zayn got to know she already has a daughter he was completely heartbroken. But Pheobe explained about how she was in a very bad relationship before she even got the time to get out of the relationship she was pregnant. She couldn't let the little one suffer for her mistakes so she gave birth . After hearing her past Zayn was a bit relieved. He even brought that little girl. Now everything is fine and they are like a cute little family. I hope I can be like that one day. No wars , just peace with my mate by my side. I was brought out of my thoughts when her scent engulfed me. She sat in the chair in front of me. Okay now the time has come.

I was so nervous. I don't know where to start. Then she said

"So are you really the werewolf Alpha?"


Harlow's pov:

I was being taken by Jax to where it seems Pheobe. I have a lot of questions running in my head. Why is she staying in here?Why did these people save me? I hope Pheobe has answers for all my questions. This house is huge. We kept walking in a corridor with Jax in front of me. Suddenly he stopped walking and I bumped into his chest. That definitely hurts his back is as hard as rock. He turned towards me and said

"Sorry luna. I didn't mean to , this is Pheobe's room if you need anything just turn right at the end of the corridor I will be there. Have a nice day Luna" and walked away before I got a chance to tell him that my name is not Luna. 'whatever' I thought and knocked on the door. The door opened and there was Pheobe. Suddenly everything changed. I was so casual about meeting her when she has been kidnapped right in front of my eyes. GODD she forgot about Layla , how is she gonna explain her best friend that she failed in protecting her only daughter. Everything came rushing down to me when I looked at Pheobe . I hugged her and cried. She hugged me ,I don't know how I could tell her about Layla's disappearance. Layla is Pheobe's lifeline she cannot live without her. Finally I stopped crying and looked at her face.She looked happy apart from the fact that she was kidnapped by a stranger. I am so confused right now.

"Come inside" Pheobe said.

I went inside her room. It's huge like very big. It has a warm homely appearance. I sat on the bed. I don't wanna drag this anymore I am gonna tell Pheobe that Layla is missing.

" Pheobe I wanna tell you something important you have all the rights to go mad at me , I-I.. I lost Layla" I dropped the bomb on her.

"What do you mean you lost her Harlow?" she asked.

I know this is gonna happen. She is angry at me hell I am angry at myself for loosing the kid.

" I am so sorry Pheobe" Then the door burst open and Layla came running towards Pheobe.


"Mommy , mommy look I played in garden and brought a flower for you" said Layla and then she saw me with my eyes as wide as saucers.

"Ooohh when did auntie Harlow come? Is she gonna stay with us ? We can play again. I missed you." Then she came and hugged me I am in shock to even return the hug.

"Go downstairs and play with Jax" Pheobe said to Layla and she went out of the room.

"Please tell me what I just witnessed isn't true" I told Pheobe.

Then she laughed how could she. She was kidnapped and then her daughter was kidnapped and she is living in a strangers house what he hell is there to laugh at? She looked at my serious expression and said

"Sorry it's just that you need to know many things. I understand that you are confused as hell but there are a lot of things that you need to know" she said.

"Please enlighten me" I said.

"Ok I know you read a lot of books so you know about werewolves right"

"Yes I do what does it have to do with this?"

"First listen what I say then talk ok don't interrupt" she said.

"okay" I replied.

"All these werewolf stuff is real. I don't know how but it is real. It's almost as same as the books. So they can shift into a wolf. It happens on their 18th birthday I think. Then they will have the ability to find their mates by smell. It is kinda very important to werewolves. Mate is their second half unlike humans they stay completely loyal to their mate. Werewolves live in packs. They value their pack the most after their mate and kids. So every pack has a leader Alpha and his mate is Luna and second in command is beta and third in command is gamma. Luna is like a mother to the pack. Alpha provides security and Luna provides love to the pack. The pack would collapse without their leaders" she said.

When she said all of these things I thought she has gone crazy I thought these people brainwashed her. I was about to rely when Jax opened the door and said

"I hope I am not interrupting anything but you are needed in the office now" Jax said looking at me.

"Go we can talk later"Pheobe said.

I nodded and followed Jax to the office.

I went inside the office and sat in the chair infront of him. I don't wanna believe all the bullshit that Pheobe told me but I wanna test it once so i asked him

"So are you really the werewolf Alpha?"

I expected him to laugh at my face instead his shocked expression says I am in very deep shit.