
My little manager ~

how_are_y0u · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 ~ The job hunt

At age 22, Katsuragi Maki was nothing close to what she had hoped to be. With dreams as big as the sky, vivid as day, still unattainable, Maki was left scrolling through her feed, bitterly envying the success of her fellow graduates. Multiple job applications had been sent, none came back bearing fruit. It almost seemed like it worked for everyone but her, her fashion design degree that is.

Given the ultimatum to either stand on her feet financially or to find a man to marry her, Maki knew her days at her parents' house were numbered. The latter option was the easier way out but falling in love in such a short period was out of question and she would rather be homeless than enter a marriage arranged by her parents.

It was then, thoughts of misery jumbling in her head as she munched on snacks, that she came across an advertisement.

Manager urgently needed! No prior experience required.

She jumped off her bed. This wasn't the first time she had gotten a job advertisement on her feed but it was certainly the one with the most merit. Accommodation provided, was all it took to get her on board. She quickly pressed the link button which led her to a website.

"Oh SoundSync is hiring!" Her excitement rose. Initially she had no idea what the manager role entailed but after finding out the source of the ad being an entertainment label, it all made sense. She skimmed through the requirements :

Must possess a degree from any field





The list went on to detailing a bunch of soft skills that her extroverted self can easily make up for with exaggeration. Now came the two most complicated requirements :

● must be 27+

● must be in pair.

So not only did they want her to be older than she was but the position is for two people, preferably two close individuals.

"It did feel sketchy anyways." Maki sighed turning off her phone and tossing it on her bed.

"Dear pillow, I guess you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon." She snuggled her face into the pillow.

Feeling her tummy grumble and an oncoming nausea, Maki concluded it was time to eat. She knew what awaited her once she stepped out of her room, but hunger took the best part of her.

"Good morning!" She flashed a smile towards her parents who were sitting on the round dining table eating.

"It's evening Maki." Her dad shook his head dissapointedly.

"Here comes the Queen of the house, what would you like to eat?" Her mom sarcastically announced.

It was happening again, it hadn't even been a year since she graduated but the constant taunts she received made her feel like she had been jobless for decades. Head low, focused on the plate in front of her, Maki silently ate her food, almost pitifully. She was usually energetic and talked alot, such sight was painful for even her own parents to watch.

"Maki..." her dad began.

She hummed in reply. Head finally up.

"I know it must be hard for you too, but your mom and I are just worried that you might be wasting away your potential by sitting idle all day."

"Dad, am trying..."

"Are you though?" Came her mom's reply. They found her a couple of jobs which Maki rejected out of disdain.

"I have plans, I just need time." She said plans, but truly it was all just dreams. She applied for positions that would normally not be given to fresh graduates, maybe she overestimated herself or maybe she held her past experiences and portfolio in high regard.

"For your dreams to manifest into reality, you need to work towards it. Even if its taking the little steps that might seem meaningless." Placing her hand atop Maki's, her mom softly advised.

It gave Maki the enlightenment she needed. She didn't have to start big, she could start anywhere, so long as she carefully kept her connections.

Once she was back in her room, she carefully went through all the requirements again, skillfully editing her resume to match their requirements. "This time, imma nail this!"

Now all she needed was a friend who was willing to do the job too. She checked her phone logs, and not surprisingly, all her close contacts already had their lives together. She then proceeded to check through the groupchat which had classmates she graduated with, it was quiet mostly, only used by those who had achievements to flaunt.

"What!" Maki exclaimed. "Saki is now an actress!" A girl from her class who was pretty much known for being haughty and entitled was flourishing in her career and then there was her.

Now is not the time to be jealous! Maki reminded herself as she scrolled through the members contacts. Among all the classmates she knew personally, Takahashi Hanabi was probably the one she was least acquainted with. They had worked on a project together one time, and that was enough for Maki to consider her as one of her friends which comprised a huge number of people she had forgotten existed even.

I don't mean to wish bad on people, but God please, just this one time, make her jobless and desperate as me.

Maki cleared her throat before introducing herself to Hanabi in a cheery manner. Hanabi's reply came soft, almost inaudible.

After catching up on what they have been up to, Maki addressed her intention behind calling Hanabi.

"Are you currently interested in working?" Maki asked meekly.

"Of course. But I have failed multiple interviews. I doubt I can do another one."

For a year or so, Hanabi failed miserably at interviews thanks to her shy nature. Anxiety would overcome her, palms sweaty, words would get stuck in her throat, and she would hope the earth opened and sucked her into oblivion, all because she was being interviewed by another human being.

"Eh. That's your only worry?" Maki had a little scheming smile. Since they requested for a pair, she deduced that the interview would most likely be held together which meant she could take control of the situation. What she failed to decipher however was the reason as to why they needed two people.

What if they pick the better of the two? But then they wouldn't require us to be close.

"Well..." Hanabi hummed in reply, nodding as if Maki could see her.

"It's okay, I'll help you with that." She assured. "I forwarded the link to you. Let's meet up tomorrow and apply together."


The day for the interview came. Maki wore a pair of suit pants and coat, an inner long sleeved white shirt and a pair of black leather loafers. Her short hair trimmed into a neat bob.

"Hanabi!" Maki beamed when she saw Hanabi coming out of her house. "You look amazing!" She was amazed by how Hanabi nailed the 27-year-old look with a pair suit that seemed a little too big for her but nevertheless making her petite build seemingly larger. Unlike Maki, Hanabi had opted to wear a skirt that went a little below her knees and a pair of black heels belonging to her mother to make up for her height.

Maki helped brush back a few strands from Hanabi's hair. "You remember everything right?" She asked when done.

Hanabi nodded nervously.

"Let's go then!" She intertwined their arms. "The taxi is waiting."

In a matter of minutes, they had arrived. Due to restrictions, they were dropped nearby instead of right in front of the building.

"Woah! It really is SoundSync. Did they have a renovation or change their building?" Maki looked at the huge building with sleek and modern design in awe. The huge billboard hanging on top displaying images of artists she once admired. It had been at least 4 years since she stopped her fangirling phase. SoundSync harboured a lot of artists from her childhood. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that moment felt like a dream come true.

"Hanabi, what if they are looking for a manager for Sairi-San or Bloomboys!" She whispered excitedly. Just thinking about it made her heart filled with expectation.

Despite not being that into the idol industry, Hanabi made sure to do her proper research before the interview. "They recently debuted a new boygroup from their battle survival show, SynCrew. Could be for them." She added thoughtfully before letting out a wince caused by an unexpected twisting of her ankle as she blindly took her steps.

"Hey, are you okay?" Maki immediately held onto Hanabi, stopping her from falling just in time. "Let's sit there." She guided her to a bench nearby.

"Let me see." Maki kneeled down and carefully took Hanabi's leg into her hands to examine it. She had blisters on her heel.

"There's a small mart over there. I'll buy some plasters and water." Maki stood up, clearing dust off her tighs. "Do you need anything else?"

With a shake indicating a quick no from Hanabi who busily examined her injury, Maki was gone. Tired of wearing heels for what felt like an eternity, Hanabi took them off and let her feet dangle from the bench she sat on. The morning breeze was gentle and soothing, it was a few minutes to nine, the time scheduled for their interview.

A ding from her phone prompted Hanabi to take it out of her purse. She received a message from her mother inquiring about her wellness. It was this constant worry and display of affection that turned Hanabi into who she was. Always sheltered and cared for like some fragile flower. She appreciated it alot but thanks to that she never truly grew.

She was recording a voice message telling her mom not to worry when she noticed a tall tanned man with tattoos walking in her direction. She would have thought nothing of it if it weren't for the intentional stare he gave her.

Oh my God! Her heart skipped a bit. With every step he took, her anxiety increased exponentially.

What do I do?

What do I do!

Fight or flight? Well it was Hanabi so she was definitely fleeing. Jumping off the bench and quickly putting on her heels, the fear momentarily succumbed her pain as she scurried into the SoundSync building.

She hid behind the door, peeking to see if the man persisted with his tailing. He did. In fact he was leisurely walking towards the entrance eating what seemed to be a lolipop. She subconciously quickly turned to her left and ran until she saw a bathroom which was where she temporarily seeked refuge while waiting for Maki.

"Maki!" Hanabi cried on the phone as she gave directions about her whereabouts.

"It's okay. Am coming. Stay there." Running with a plastic bag in her hand, Maki opted to ask the receptionist instead of searching for it herself.

"Is it too late to back out from this?" Hanabi asked sheepishly while Maki tended to her ankle wound.

"Yes." Maki's answer was firm. She gave her a bottle of water. "Breathe in. Out."

A pat on the head and Hanabi was ready. "Don't worry I'll be there too." Maki smiled encouragingly.

"What took you so long though?" Hanabi asked on their way back to the receptionist to inquire about the interview.

"Oh. Some uncivilised bastard who was testing my limits early this morning." Maki seethed through her teeth. Just thinking about the masked man she met at the mart irked her in ways that even her worst enemies couldn't.

He was rude. Way beyond the literal definition.

"Move!" He sneered. All she did was stand in the Isle he was passing through.

"What if I don't?" Maki had replied. She wasn't one to yield. Not even when his black orbs pierced right through her soul threatening to shred her into pieces and as his masculine stance towered above her.

Disregarding the fact that she was a woman, he held her shoulder with one hand and forcefully moved her to one side.


Before she could react, he was gone. She looked at her watch, if only her interview wasn't in 10 minutes, she would have followed him to the grave and settled it with him.

"People be taking advantage of me because I'm dressed like a proper lady for once." She sighed as she picked two bottles of water from the fridge. She strolled around to look for some plaster before she eventually requested assistance from one of the staff.

There were at least 5 people in front of the line at the cashier. Seeing how slow the cashier was, she couldn't help but excuse herself by informing others that she had an interview soon. They all gladly conceded and let her first until she saw who stood front in line, save for the person checking out : The same rude masked man.

Let bygones be bygones. For this once.

"Hey may I please..." She barely started when he interrupted with a firm no.

"Son, just let her! Can't you see she's dressed for interview? Be nice! Mmhh." An elderly lady quickly interceded for her leaving the masked man with no choice but to let her go first.

"Thank you!" She repeatedly bowed towards the other customers who wished her luck. She didn't forget to send a death glare towards the mask man before closing the glass door behind her.

"How do you do it?" Hanabi asked when Maki finished narrating her mart incident. "You know, talking to people and all."

"Just do it. It either fails or works out. Am fine with both so..." She leaned back on the couch at the waiting area. "The more you think about it, the more you are likely to hold it back. So don't think." She laughed at her own advice.

"Katsuragi Maki and Takahashi Hanabi!" An announcement came from the clerk who has been calling people in for the interview.

"Here!" Maki raised her hand enthusiastically. "It's our turn, let's go." She dragged Hanabi with her.


After the necessary formalities of the interview is done, the interviewer goes on to ask if they had any questions for him. Maki raised her hand to her earlobe, her other palm supporting her elbow with courtesy.

"May I know why you require two people for this position? Is there a catch to it?"

"Good question." The interviewer said with authority. "So basically, you will not only be a manager for the group but you will entirely be responsible for the group throughout their predebut period."

"Here's the form which contains all the details on what your responsibilities will comprise of." He handed each a stack of papers stapled together. "You may take it home for consideration. You have until tomorrow."

"So as long as we sign these papers we are on board?" Maki asked. The interviewer replied with a slight nod.

"Make sure to read everything clearly." He advised.

"These two...." The interviewer told his clerk as he nodded towards the door that was shut behind the two girls who walked out.

"Great skills! They can be of ample use with proper guidance." He smiled. "They are exactly opposite of each other, it's almost intriguing."

"Are you sure they are 27-year-olds?" The clerk questioned.

"I know!" The interviewer simply laughed.


Sitting outside on the bench, Maki and Hanabi let the breeze take away the tension and the stress they experienced in that half an hour long interview.

"I did better than ever." Hanabi finally broke the silence. The only interview she has ever made to the end. It was worth applause but Maki wouldn't get it because in her opinion Hanabi was nervous, very nervous.

"Does that man really think I have the time to go through all this?" Maki waved the papers infront of her.

"Ugh!" She didn't know how to feel. It was almost certain that they got the job now but she felt uneasy she didn't know why. "Do you really think we should trust this?"

"Well, considering the fact that this company has been established for over several decades, I doubt they will try something sketchy." Hanabi stated thoughtfully.

"You are right." Maki heaved a sigh. "Well we should go through these papers and let each other know first before signing, ok?"

Hanabi nodded.

"Is your ankle fine?" Maki asked when she noticed Hanabi scratching her leg.

"The plaster came off." Hanabi replied in a small whiney tone.

"Here, take this." A husky deep voice spoke out of nowhere redirecting the two girls' attention from the injury to the tall man hovering above.

He had dreadlocks. His skin tan, eyes deep brown and teeth sparkly white. With one gaze, anyone could tell his strong African genes.

"Are you scared of me?" The man asked while pushing the pair of Nike slippers towards Hanabi.

"No!" She mildly yelled. Her eyes meeting Maki's pleading for help.

"Thanks!" Maki smiled taking the shoes. "Do you work or live nearby? We will return this tomorrow."

"Here then tomorrow. Same time." He walked away as if wondering why the other girl hid behind the bob haired girl.

"It's him." Hanabi watched him as he walked away. "The one who was following me."

"Are you sure? This guy seems cool." Maki opposed. "Anyways you will need to apologise to him tomorrow when you return these. He didn't seem very happy with your reaction."
