
chapter one

i bit my lip nervously. Anxiously waiting for the results to come out to be a negative. My mother help my hand. you could tell she was holding her breathe. barley enough to let me see how nervous she was. the doctor soon came in. with a clipboard in his hands. "Ms Rivers i am sorry to say this but it has come back as a positive result" the doctor said. the color that was actually on my face was gone. i probably even looked ghost like. my hopd of ever being normal. i turned towards my mother. her face seemed just as pale as i thought my face was. Her voice trembled "is there anything we....thst you or we could do?" yoy could just hear the echo in her voice crying for help. for me. it was probably useless though. i am only fifteen and i have cancer. you would never think its actually possibility to get it until you do. "there actually are but i must talk to you about them on a later date" the doctoe says trying act professional. it wasnt always their fault thay yhey have a tough job. they have to actually be thr onrs for kids tk help their spirit but they can't get emotionally attached. "Raven, im so sorry" the doctor says. he's been helping us to make sure it wasnt the worse case scenario but of course it had to be it. "is it still possible for me to attend high school?" i say with my voice laiced with hope. the doctor smiled at me. "of course " he says as he gathers the his things to lead us to an exit

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