
January 5 2019

I know i just wrote the introduction 5 mins ago but like I need HELP. so here it goes.... my befriends like the same guy. so technically I'm the perso of the group pretty much the whole class. like if I put 2 ppl togather they last for at least half a year. I'm not lying like my classmates come and say they like this person and I'm likes bitch no it ain't gonna work or yes it will. so I know everyones crushes in the class. And of course it ain't free.( they think I'm a genius but actually ppl flirt so if they flirt with u the obviously like u. I'm just surrounded by idiots😔😔) beside the point

MY STRUGGLE IS: Both of my bitches like the same person and they want my wisdom to tell them if its a yes or a no. They even offered double my price. However before I even got the money and tell them no they found out they like the same person and now there in this whole argument about who is going to date him and I'm stuck in the middle. after a few days I found out that the guy might hate them. so I told them and they got mad at me and its been 2 days since we talked.

WHAT SHOULD I DO???????????