1 Chapter 1 :

The Life of a child of a single mother is not as easy as some say it is but it not too hard as some people tell it. Being the mother of a child and the child has no father to have a male presence is not easy but it different for every mother and my story is hectic but you tell me how it is. My mother is not wicked, cruel, of any sort but at times we get into fights with each other no physical or anything we use our words against each other throughout the argument and if I go too far well we all know was the answer is. My mom is a kind person but puts up a mean and cold outer shell to others, she, not one for partying or family gatherings, doesn't like to be bothered while reading a good book but she will get defensive when it comes to me. She is an introvert or a tursendre you may say well I think she is different in her way. she doesn't follow trends or try to keep of with the latest fashion. She makes sure I keep up with my education, she never once showed any care for anything social or in the trends or dramatic shows she instead likes to listen to nature sounds in her free time while reading about stocks our how to get better at something. Even when she is tired she help me with schoolwork or make me read a book whenever she can. She is very funny without knowing it and she can be very "quirky". she knows how to cheer me up without buying me anything and knows how to help me when it is the most need but doesn't if it not an emergency not saying she a bad mother but she knows when to step in and save me from falling but she knows not to. POV Mother: My child is unique in her way. She is smart but doesn't know it or just doesn't want to act like it and I don't understand why like I thinking smart is cool but she doesn't there are so many benefits when its come to being smart but she thinks that if she shows she is smart she will get bullied y the kids at her school and people will try to cheat and she will have worse fake friends than she already has. But I try my hardest to let her know that she needs to stand up to all those damn kids at her school and show them that being smart is okay and if people just took some time out of there the damn day they could get far in life. she is a very open-minded person when it comes to people she understands that people come from different background and the type of background you come from and effect you. she knows that I came from a background where I grew in a bd environment and I had to be on the ground and defensive mode all the time I had no break s because I never knew what could happen or would there be someone would be doing a drive-by shooting so I all on my feet. She knows this and I've taught her to never judge someone without looking from the perspective and what background they could be coming from and giving people a chance to show their true side before making a clear judgment. She always keeps that in mind throughout her school and personal life. Whenever she comes from school she complains about how much she doesn't like the kids at her school because she gets bullied and I'm trying to help her grow thick skin (metaphorically speaking)but she is a very sensitive person who even the slightest hate brings her down and I understand why completely. My daughter has ADHD so she is very hyper and it takes a toll on her mental health. Just last year she did something terrible to herself self and I'm trying to help him through it while trying to learn it myself. I've never dealt with eh problem she going through so I have to learn to help her throughout this. She goes to counseling to get help from someone who understands. She is on medication to help calm her and down and keep her at bay but she never wants to take I because the side effects make her drowsy and she hates being sleep unless it raining which can be annoying but if I tire her out enough she will go to sleep easily without any hassle. But she also and interesting. She can be a bit harsh to people that she doesn't know or when playing her games curses at the people she doesn't like and it's hilarious because she is crazy once she into something she won't stop even if I tell her. And the way I fix that problem is by telling her, her worst nightmare. All I have to say is "I'm getting the belt." (belt etc.) But I can t say I don't love her to death. Even if she makes me want tot to strangle her to death by buying doordash and using my card when she has her own. She likes to eat out which is costing me big time. But she is the best daughter I could ask for and she could go somewhere big time if she wasn't so lazy. But I hope you enjoy this story of the life of being single mother.
