
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Yurei's mission and annoyed Yuki

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"What should I do? I feel like my body is slowly bloating up like a balloon" said Yurei who didn't have a magic core like Yuki's which made it easy for him to regain control over the rampaging magic on his body…

Yuki who was worried about Yurei's condition quickly said "Let me see something first…" before he closed his eyes and started focusing to the best of his ability as his absolute focus triggered automatically and he put his hand over Yurei's head…

Then Yuki cleared his mind completely from any external thought and focused solely on what he desired, to sense the magic inside Yurei's body…

All sounds disappeared from Yuki's ears, and he even forgot that he was in the auction as he concentrated fully on sensing the magic… He already can sense it instinctively thanks to his awakened magic and magic core, but with his current focus, he suddenly felt as if he gained a new sight as he could see everything around him in a 360° view and a voice suddenly said in his ears "Extra skill Magic sense acquired"

'This is the voice of the world…' Thought Yuki surprised that he actually obtained a skill just like that, before he turned his attention to Yurei and noticed that his situation was different than his…

In his case, the magicules (mana) were rushing towards his body to strengthen it and allow it to contain his new terrifying skills… Having a balanced magic core probably had a hand in that happening as well…

However, Yurei's condition was what normally happens to summoned otherworlders… Humans in this world have low capacity for magicules unlike monsters, not to mention humans from other worlds with no magic… But when they get summoned to this world, they receive huge amounts of magicules as a gift from the world and in a normal case, those magicules transform into a unique skill that will be stored inside the soul while the remaining magicules would strengthen the body…

Yuki's soul however was already filled with all the skills he had from the system, and after gaining so many new ones including an ultimate skill… It had to grow stronger to accommodate the new skills, and his body would need to grow stronger as well to contain his soul since they were connected to each other… However, this was only possible thanks to his path of evolution ability that guided him through this process and his balanced magic core that tried to keep the balance between his soul and body…

Meanwhile, after fully understanding Yurei's current condition, Yuki let out a sigh of relief and said "At least you are not going to die anytime soon thanks to your body of stone, but to fix your current condition you will have to create a unique skill, think about what you desire the most…"

"What I desire the most?" Muttered Yurei with and absentminded look…

Meanwhile, Sacha and Kayle were staring wide eyed at Yuki as they thought 'Did he just summon an otherworlder so casually? And someone he appears to know? Even lord Leon had to make countless preparation before he was able to summon this Yuki and the summoning didn't even go the way he wanted…' Their faces were filled with an expression of pure shock as their admiration for Yuki grew up a few notches higher…

This shock spread to the auction as some sensitive people in the audience detected the sudden rush in magicules that was coming from the 4th VIP booth and they wondered what the mysterious guy is up to…

'What I desire the most…' Yurei kept repeating this thought inside his head and a clear image of his parents soon came to his mind… He lost both of his parents at such a young age which made him fall into a life of degeneration and it eventually led him toward his own death as well…

However, he somehow gained a new chance in life, a chance he didn't want to squander again especially when he gained a new place to call home and he couldn't help but stare at Yuki and noticed that the latter was smiling at him and he suddenly found his answer, an answer Yuki wasn't expecting at all…

"I was granted a body, but it won't change the fact that I'm a ghost, and I shall be your loyal servant forever and ensure that you will never regret helping me back then" said Yurei with a determined look in his eyes that made Yuki's heart shake slightly…

Meanwhile, Yurei suddenly heard a voice inside his head and even Yuki heard it as well through his connection with him and a notification appeared in front of him that confirmed it…

[Unique skill – Loyal acquired]

[Congratulations, your loyal servant received the skill Loyal]

Yuki curiously clicked on the description of this skill

[Loyal: As long as the user is absolutely loyal to their master, they gain the following three benefits:

Recall: They can teleport to their master's location at any time.

Loyal mind: Your loyalty prevents you from falling to any mind control abilities.

Safeguard: creates a barrier that protect both the user and the master and its defense scales with loyalty of the user]

Yuki was surprised and delighted at the same time, especially with the third ability that was probably very broken considering Yurei's level of loyalty and he couldn't help but nod at his ghost like follower and say

"Just as you said I wouldn't regret it, you too will never regret following me"

Yurei nodded with a creepy smile and Sacha and Kayle couldn't help but stare at each other 'just what's happening…'

"You should have mana now despite it being crudely stored inside your body right?" asked Yuki suddenly and Yurei nodded at him and said "Indeed"

Yuki suddenly smiled wickedly and said "I need you to go visit our dear friend from the kingdom of Doran and help me get something from him that's weighing on him"

Yurei mimicked Yuki's smile and he also smirked wickedly and said "Oh, it seems like he's very dear to you to actually help him carry something up"

Sacha and Kayle shivered slightly while staring at the duo as Yuki said "What can I say… I'm a gentleman"

Yurei laughed eerily before he followed Yuki's gaze and noticed that the minster of the Doran kingdom was rushing out of the auction after receiving the stone of clarity and he immediately turned illusory and escaped into the floor as he followed slowly after them… This was Phantom phasing... Yurei's maxed out ability and something he can finally use now that he gained some mana!

"AAAA it really is a ghost" Yelled Sacha but Yuki simply ignored her while Kayle thought 'You should be scared of this devil over here that could make that ghost submit to him…'

Meanwhile as Yurei handled getting the stone of clarity, Yuki turned his attention to the auction house that was currently auctioning two empty homunculi…

This is one of the peak creations of the alchemy of Sarion, second only to their famous elixir of life… These were coveted bodies since in this world where magic exist, spirit transferring magic exists as well, and some people tend to transfer their spirits to these artificial bodies that could extend their life span for at least another 1000 Years so their price was sky high and an intense competition started for them!

After this came the second item Yuki desired, the dragon king's heart! And the auctioneer quickly hyped the people by her explanation for it

"This is the heart of an earth dragon king, equivalent in power to the strongest of demon lords, I don't need to tell you how valuable this item is… Starting bet 100000 GOLD and items of equivalent value can be traded, My empress can accept special magic tomes or Legendary grade magic cores!"

"This price is crazy…"

"Just how In the hell did they acquire this kind of item in the first place?"

People disccused intensely how such an item came into the hands of Sarion, some were even admonishing them for showing their wealth like this thinking that they might get invaded for their treasures…

Meanwhile Yuki couldn't help but smile warmly as a voice kept repeating inside his head 'It's a trap… it's a trap… '

'HAHAHA, Indeed, their purpose was definitely to catch the person that unsealed Veldora, Where do Legendary grade magic cores come from if not from a true dragon's leaking energy? Who might have special knowledge regarding magic if not true dragons…? Not to mention they probably know that Veldora has a skill that helps him comprehend things quickly...This is too obvious, but they know Veldora is currently weak from his long years of imprisonment and this dragon heart can quickly help him regain some of his lost power. How cunning' thought Yuki and the air around him turned slightly chilly

'Should I go for it or should I not?' This might end up being quite risky even if he has Leon's support… Yuki's face kept changing between a frown and a smile like an absolute lunatic. But it eventually settled on a smile that could mesmerize a lot of people with his charming face, although his thought were anything but charming 'Fuck it, if they come, I welcome them to try anything'

After setting his mind , Yuki began betting crazily, but this time he was approached by a servant from the auction that said "Yuki-sama, this amount can't be ignored we…"

"Shut the fuck up" said Yuki before he threw him a palm sized piece of diamond "You think I'm a poor? Keep this as collateral"

'This is…' The person caught the piece of diamond absentmindedly and he felt its weight that was more than 1 kg… 'This is worth at least 20000 Gold if not more…' then he bowed respectfully and went to report this to Elmesia…

'Fucking bastard, I will make sure to get that diamond back before I leave this auction or I will empty their fucking treasury' thought Yuki as he kept bidding and the price was already reaching 200000 GOLD!

This was an astronomical amount, but the opposing bidder was someone from the Kingdom of Ingrassia which was probably the strongest Kingdom in this world with it having the Free guild main headquarters there and so on, and Yuki didn't want to antagonize these characters for now so he had to buy it fairly…

"210000 Gold" said the representative of Ingrassia causing Yuki's frown to deepen slightly before he raised the price with a calm voice…

The representative of the Ingrassia kingdom who was a knight wearing a silver armor and had power level of Rank A suddenly turned to an elf beside him and asked "It seems like our plan has failed… Is your empress sill going to sell this dragon king's heart?"

The elf calmly shook his head "We are not stupid to sell such a valuable item, it was simply agreed to use it as a bait… As agreed before, just buy it with whatever price you have to… It's just a phantom transaction after all"

The representative from Ingrassia nodded at the elf before he raised the price again causing the frown on Yuki's face to grow even bigger…

'They are getting on my nerves…'

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