
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Successful robbery and evolution

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


When Leon summoned Shizue to this world, she was only a still immature child in a terrible state both physically and spiritually, so the gift of the world was even more deadly to her than other otherworlders who are usually summoned with healthy grown bodies.

So, trying to save her, he made the greater spirit of fire Ifrit inhabit her body to help her take control of the huge amount of magicules raging through her body. After all, humans unlike monsters can't handle storing too many magicules in their bodies…

But Yuki and Yurei's case was different, In Yurei's case, he had the body of stone and a strong body to begin with to help him handle the pressure of the magicules while Yuki had an even stronger body and abilities as well as his magic core!

Meanwhile, because Ifrit didn't like being forcefully caged inside Shizue, he kept attempting from time to time to break free from her or take control over her body. However, Shizue's will was always firm throughout the years.

But she was slowly growing older and keeping control over Ifrit was starting to tire her weakening body, and the incident inside the auction house only made it worse since she used too much of her power and exhausted herself to divert Elmesia's attack making her almost lose control if not for Yuki allowing her to use the clarity stone.

However, even this was only a temporary solution since the real problem was with her deteriorating body…


After seeing that Shizue's situation has stabilized, Yuki ordered Kayle and Sacha to take care of her before he signaled at Yurei with a look and they both left the inn…

"So Yurei, got any good stuff?" Asked Yuki with a grin and Yurei replied with one of his own as he nodded and said "Yes sir, I got us quite a lot of things"

"Let's go get them" said Yuki excitedly and Yurei quickly led the way to a sewage entrance that wasn't far from the auction house.

Yuki didn't like the disrespectful way Elmesia retrieved the dragon's heart and the further arrogance displayed by her butler, so he decided to cause some chaos as a distraction for Yurei to rob their treasures! And the quest he received was just the icing on the cake since everything went smoothly!

After following Yurei for a while, they both used phantom phasing to enter a hidden location inside Sarion's sewage system which Yurei found by chance while holding a pile of treasures… There, Yuki was greeted by a bunch of boxes that lit up his eyes with an intense sense of greed that almost took form before he turned to Yurei and gave him a tight hug that almost broke his bones

"Good job Yurei! This is more than I expected"

"Pleas—" said Yurei with an inaudible voice

"What? If you want anything just say it buddy" Said Yuki while tightening his hug and Yurei couldn't help but think 'Is he trying to get rid of the witness, is this what it is?' before he suddenly remembered something and used phantom phasing to get out of Yuki's death hug

"You bastard you almost killed me" said Yurei with a glare prompting Yuki to apologize awkwardly as he thought 'I need to control my strength better in the future… This damn ghost actually escaped my grip!' "Sorry Yurei it wasn't intentional"

'Yes sure, I would be an idiot if I believe a devil like you' thought Yurei before he nodded at Yuki who turned his attention to the treasures "You actually got the dragon heart as well this is truly worthy of a celebration" Said Yuki as he organized his gains

"100000 Gold, Dragon king's heart, 3 magic items, 2 rare spell books, and an elixir… AN ELIXIR OF LIFE! Are you serious?"

Yuki's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the elixir "Was this supposed to be one of the surprise items to be auctioned?" Yuki's heart kept beating repeatedly while staring at the elixir in his hand since his ability, path of evolution easily confirmed that it was the item he needed and he immediately absorbed it and received a notification from the system

[Congratulation. Your ability Advanced regeneration has evolved into Superior Regeneration]

[Superior Regeneration: A passive ability that increases the natural regeneration of the host by a factor of 100 | Cost stamina or mana to supply the energy needed for healing]

Yuki felt like his body was full of life and energetic at the same time and he almost got drunk by this wonderful feeling 'At this point, my blood alone is probably a treasure…'

After enjoying the feeling for a while, he next used his path of evolution ability and absorbed the dragon king's heart. This time he felt an indestructible sensation overwhelming his body and will before a notification appeared in front of him.

[Congratulation. Your ability Undeterred has evolved into Immortal stand]

[Immortal stand: A passive ability that grants the host three effects:

The last man standing: Increase the host's defense by a factor of 10.

Unbreakable will: Increase the host's will by a factor 15.

Force mitigation: Decrease the power of any attack the host receives by 25%]

'Well, good luck to anyone who tries to kill me after this one' thought Yuki before he burst out laughing


'He's finally gone crazy… Nah he was crazy all along' thought Yurei while standing creepily without any presence…


Meanwhile, as Yuki was swimming in joy, Elmesia and her people were swimming in despair after hearing about their auction's treasury being robbed.


The voice of a wine cup crashing into the floor echoed, and the angry Elmesia started yelling at the calamity-grade guard that was supposed to be guarding the treasury.

"How can you not see anyone entering or leaving the treasury with all those items getting stolen?"

Erald glared at the guard as well who knelt down and said "I'm sorry your highness, I really didn't feel any presence entering or leaving, even our magic formations didn't detect any intruders…"

"So, you were the one that stole them is that what you are saying?" Said Elmesia with her beautiful face flushed red in anger

"No, I—" The guard tried to justify himself but Erald interfered in his place and said "Elmesia, our guards aren't picked just in terms of strength, but in terms of loyalty as well, we should be thinking how someone was able to pass all our security measures without us detecting them"

Elmesia reined in her rage and quickly ordered "Investigate who was behind this, and I especially want the dragon king's heart and the elixir of life returned no matter what!"

"Yes your majesty" replied the few elves present before they quickly went to start their investigation leaving their queen alone with the archduke Erald while Elmesia slumped on her throne with a helpless look on her face now that she didn't have to keep her image and said "Uncle, do you think that guy Yuki's behind it?"

Erald opened his eyes slightly with a cold look inside of them as he said "We can't ignore that possibility… In fact, I think he's the biggest suspect!"

Elmesia nodded at her uncle's words since she felt the same before she asked doubtfully "But how could he plan for such an operation in advance? After all, I hate to say this but this wouldn't have happened if I didn't retrieve the dragon king's heart, and hence he won't have an excuse to act…"

Erald nodded at her and said "That's why he's still just a suspect and we should search for other clues, we also need to understand why Leon Cromwell values him so much"

Elmesia nodded at him and hoped they will find the culprit soon. What she didn't know however is that they will never get those items back even if Yuki didn't absorb them… After all, items entering his space ring is a one-way road, and this is especially true for stolen ones…


After leaving the sewers, Yuki first went with Yurei to retrieve the gold boxes he stole from the Doran kingdom's convoy. Then, on the way back to the inn, he accepted his completed mission quickly…

[Quest: Where the biggest fist rules (completed)]

[Congratulations host, you overperformed in this quest by slapping the elf empress more times than required and stole their precious treasures which adds to the humiliation and additional rewards shall be granted]

[Accept rewards Yes/No]

'Yes' thought Yuki and a notification appeared before him

[Congratulations host, you received Conqueror's Haki, 2 Items upgrade points]

Yuki suddenly paused on the busy road as he felt something awakening inside of him, his deepest desires were ignited along with the terrifying darkness he hides deep inside his heart all at the same time!

His eyes opened wide and a huge formless wave escaped his body causing the elves roaming the streets and in their houses to fall unconscious one after the other in a range of 200 meters before everything stopped and Yuki regained control of his emotions and stared at the devastation he just caused speechlessly

"This is… Conqueror's Haki? Was it supposed to be this strong?" Muttered Yuki before he felt a hand holding firmly into his shoulder. It was Yurei who was fighting hard against falling unconscious, but he was barely standing on his feet…

'Yurei probably has very strong spiritual defense thanks to his nature as a former ghost and psychic talent yet he's barely standing on his two feet… This is probably thanks to the amplification of my will from my immortal stand ability…

Satisfied with his new skill and not wanting to pay for the trouble he just caused, Yuki quickly disappeared along with Yurei sneakily back to the inn… But the waves this incident caused won't disappear for a while as Elmesia was immediately notified…


"You said this resembles a demon's Haki?" asked Elmesia to one of the guards that were near the area and one of them silently nodded

"Great, first the trouble with Leon and my auction house gets robbed, and now a freaking high-ranked demon is somewhere lurking inside my dynasty… Give me a break!!!!" This day was probably the worst day of her 2000 years of life!

"At least no one was hurt" said the guard trying to elevate her mood but Elmesia only said "Hmph I won't thank you for reminding me"

The guard awkwardly nodded at her before he took his leave and continued his investigation while keeping an eye on the traces of the demon that caused that mess…

"Your highness, that incident wasn't far from where Yuki and his group are staying" said Erald and Elmesia instantly frowned "Don't tell me that guy has a hand in this as well…"

"I hope not" Said Erald, but inside he was already considering it as a possibility…


Back at the inn, Shizue was still sleeping peacefully, probably she didn't sleep like this for a while which made Yuki pity her slightly… Then he led Sacha and Kayle downstairs along with Yurei and they ordered some food to eat since it was already almost night and they didn't eat anything since they left Eldorado…

"This food is delicious" said Yurei while eating happily and Sacha couldn't help but stare at him with pity in her eyes while staring at his thin figure…

"Eat your fill buddy, you earned it" said Yuki with a warm smile, but Yurei was immediately on guard since if there's one thing he learned from being with Yuki, it is to always be careful when he smiles like that so for the next few minutes, he kept eating his food warily but Yuki didn't do anything and only thought… 'Eat your fill my dear Yurei for this Is your reward for your hardwork hahahahaha'

While Yuki was having a laugh inside his dark twisted greedy mind, someone suddenly entered the inn and directly approached Yuki. It was Hinata Sakaguchi and she directly said coldly "We need to talk"

'Here we go again' thought Yuki with a frown…

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