
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Rize's punishement

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Yuki watched as Rize was attacking him this time with the intent to kill him as she slashed at him at an angle, and he calmly dodged it while kicking her in the head at the same time, but she blocked it with another one of her tentacles…

Right now, she was using four tentacles to fight Yuki, it was her full power since she knew that only death awaited her if she tries to play with her current prey like she usually does to her victims before they end up in her stomach!

Vertical slashes, horizontal slashes, multiple slashes… Rize threw everything in her arsenal at Yuki, yet no matter how she attacked, Yuki would always dodge her and counterattack at impossible angles thanks to his Mutsu Enmei-Ryu and he wasn't even forced to use his Quick step or Phantom phasing!

Once, she tried to slash him and he side-stepped slightly and sent a kick to her head, but she used her tentacle that she just slashed him with and was now positioned behind him to slash him again while barely evading his kick…

Yet the supposed tentacle that should have split him in half was somehow dodged despite him standing on only one foot… He actually jumped in the air with his remaining foot effectively dodging her tentacle before he spun around and kicked her with a heel kick in the face that disfigured her again, but her regeneration kicked in and she quickly recovered…

'How did he get so strong and skillful all of a sudden?' Rize was perplexed as her fear started growing and the desire to escape and survive was overpowering her other desires… but Yuki seemed to have felt this as he let out a disappointed sigh

'We are at the same level of speed, and in terms of strength, we are about the same if she uses her Kagune, but our fighting mastery is simply leagues apart…' thought Yuki before he took out one of his demonic swords and decided to put an end to this fight…

"It's time for the fun to begin" said Yuki with a smile as he rushed at Rize again and used his sword aura to make his sword even sharper while Rize attacked him with her four Kagune at the same time"DIEEEE" She yelled, but to her surprise, Yuki easily cut one of her Kagune using his demonic sword, but he still had three more approaching and she was delighted seeing him incapable of dodging them!

"Got you" she said with a smirk but it instantly vanished when Yuki's voice somehow drifted to her ears "Dark strike"

And then, Yuki attacked three times in an instant creating afterimages as the rest of her Kagunes were cut as well and fell to the ground!

"Impossible, how could you easily cut my Kagune, IMPOSSIBLE" Rize was in denial at what was happening, but Yuki wasn't done with her as he suddenly disappeared from her sight and she felt the sword going through her spine and coming out of her stomach.

"I finally got you restrained" said Yuki with a chuckle at the paralyzed Rize whose face was full of terror before he pointed at the chair he prepared for her that resembled the one she strapped Emilia to when she tortured her and said

"Our fun is just starting, or at least mine hahahah" Then Yuki calmly strapped her to the chair while she kept yelling in denial at how easily she lost despite her manhandling him a few weeks ago…This was the power of skills when having equal power and speed!

Yuki kept his sword embedded in her just in case before he started stroking his space ring and said "Now then, where should I start?" but then a familiar voice echoed from behind him "Yuki, you don't have to stoop as low as her, just finish her off, don't dirty your hands more than you have to…"

Yuki turned around and saw that it was none other than Emilia who had a worried look on her face as she approached him but Yuki simply chuckled at her and said "I didn't know I had a stalker"

Emilia's face instantly turned beet red as she said "Who would stalk you? you idiot!" but seeing the usual teasing look on Yuki's face, she knew that he was still the same Yuki she knew, making her worried heart relax slightly…

"I know what you are worried about… but don't worry, I'm not that kind of person" Said Yuki with a warm smile and ruffled her hair slightly making her glare at him like a tsundere with a red face…

"What are you going to do then? Weren't you going to torture her like she did to me?" asked Emilia and Yuki simply stared at her like an idiot before he said "Are you serious, I've never even killed a person, not to mention torture them like that, but I have something better prepared for her…"

Emilia's eyes widened in curiosity and so were the eyes of the other two spying from the darkness… And Yuki calmly retrieved a vial that contained a dark unholy substance from his ring

"I brought a gift for her with me, I just hope she likes it" said Yuki with an evil smirk that creeped even Emilia out as she asked "What's that?"

"Oh, just a bad memory of mine" This was none other than the substance Yuki's body secreted after he received his Mutsu Enmei-Ryu mastery! He actually decided to store a few bottles of it just for this moment and he simply scrapped it from his dirty clothes from that day…

Rize who could feel the disgusting smell of that substance despite the vial being close shot and even somehow smell it, started struggling harder than ever with a terrified look on her face but Yuki's sword easily deprived her of her strength…

"Now then, let's begin, oh and just a friendly warning, you shouldn't stay close to me" said Yuki and Emilia nodded with a weird look on her face before she stepped back away from him and gulped slightly as Yuki opened the vial as if he was opening pandora's box…

The moment he did, the most disgusting stench in existence suddenly came gushing out from it, and everyone's face instantly froze!

"UUUGGGHHHH" Rize was the first to fall down to Yuki's sorcery since she was the closest to Yuki and naturally didn't like his stench to begin with… just remember what his blood did to her…

But soon, the calamity reached the hero, the ghost, and the devil, and they felt like puking at the same time and they retreated as fast as they could with their faces turning a shade paler ever step of the way…

"What kind of poison was tha-ughhhhh" said Hanzo who couldn't even finish a full sentence before he finally threw up…

Emilia immediately entered her holy form, completely uncaring for the wasted mana as she used her full power to disperse that smell from her body but it was still too late as she fell prey to it as well… and Yurei simply kept running away to the nearest store that sells perfumes without ever turning back…

"This, I somehow feel that it would have been better if he tortured her with his sword" said Emilia with a scared look and Hanzo nodded in agreement before they suddenly realized that they both shouldn't have been here in the first place and looked away in embarrassment…

Meanwhile, Rize's muffled screams kept echoing throughout the abandoned warehouse, but she was still cursing Yuki endlessly without stopping while threatening to kill him over and over again which brought a frown to his face

"It seems like I will need to take things a step further" muttered Yuki as Rize's heart filled with terror and she watched as he took out two more vials from his ring

'Just how many unholy weapons does he have' Thought Emilia and Hanzo who were watching from a distance and decided to step away even further!

Meanwhile, Yuki grabbed Rize's face and shook the vials in front of her with a smile and asked "You still dare threaten me?"

Rize's face was full of tears and anger, but she still didn't lower her head so Yuki calmly sighed lamenting the fate of this ghoul before he raised her head and poured the vial into her nose and mouth directly…

Rize felt like her mind was exploded, especially when she couldn't do anything to change her fate! This was helplessness, this was despair, this… was how her prey felt! but today, she wasn't the hunter anymore...

And Yuki knew this, which's why he had no mercy for her and simply kept increasing the dose of the vials which he had plenty of until he broke her completely and she started begging.

"Please stop… please sniff sniff, I will do anything, I will even stop eating human and ghoul flesh and only eat normal meat even if It breaks my digestive system… please just spare me from this torture please!" Rize's face was heartbroken and tears kept streaming down her face as she begged for mercy…

The trio outside, who were taking a shower with the perfume Yurei had just bought watched this silently as they stared at Yuki's back in fear "I really wonder who's the devil, me or him…"

Yurei nodded at him in understanding "I'm wondering the same buddy, Yuki's pettiness is scary sometimes…"

Meanwhile, Emilia thanked god for Maou being the demon lord instead of Yuki, otherwise, if he was the one they drove from Ente Isla back then… his revenge was something she didn't even wish to imagine…

Still, seeing the poor state Rize was in, she felt she already suffered a fate worse than death so she covered her nose and approached Yuki while spraying perfume all over the place before she said "Yuki, I think this should be enough, I don't think she will ever dare be our enemy again nor will she harm anyone else, is that right?"

Rize suddenly stared at Emilia and saw her just like the people of Ente Isla, her hero, her savior was here "Yes, please make it stop please!"

Yuki frowned slightly before he let out a sigh and said "Fine, but if she ever causes trouble in the future, it's up to you to handle it" ' I'm not going to bother if there are no rewards for me' thought Yuki and Emilia calmly nodded at him and promised him he didn't have to worry…

"Well then, time to leave then" Said Yuki before he retrieved his sword and swung it around quickly to clean it, although there weren't many bloodstains on it for some reason…

Then, he put it back in its sheath before he sent it to the space ring and unstrapped Rize before he started leaving "Thank you, thank you" Rize kept thanking him repeatedly before she quickly ran away, this was the day Rize became obsessed with cleanliness, although they were yet to find out if she would keep her promise…


On the way back, Yuki thanked Yurei and Hanzo for their concern which they were so embarrassed to admit so he simply treated them to some nice food along with Emilia before they went back home…

Once home, Yuki couldn't wait to see the rewards of his mission!

[Quest: Path of revenge (complete)]

[Host has completed the mission and greatly overperformed by torturing Rize in the worst way possible making the system satisfied!]

[Calculating rewards… Calculation complete!]

[Accept rewards: Yes/No]

'Yes' thought Yuki and he instantly received a new notification

[You received: Ability: Advanced Regeneration + Skill: Frozen snare]

'Let's see the effect of these two…' thought Yuki in excitement!

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