
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Fated teacher and rigged competition

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


'He actually noticed?' Thought Yuki as he stood there in front of the door of his room in a daze before Yurei suddenly asked "Hey Yuki, what did Ryushi-san mean by that?"

Hearing Yurei's words, Yuki couldn't help but think about the identity of Ryushi that he just discovered thanks to his system giving him a new quest the moment Ryushi told him that he had a mission that his student suggested…

[Chain Quest: Birth of the ultimate teacher]

[Quest Description: Ryushi Kurogane, despite being only a normal human in a world of abnormal people was capable of reaching the top of the assassination world, which earned him the title of the reaper! But this also garnered the attention of certain organizations trying to research this mysterious assassin as well as many enemies wanting to get rid of his threat… And they will use his one and only student to capture him and transform him into the creature that would be known as Kuro-sensei!"

[Quest Task 1: Stop the moon from exploding from the antimatter experiment. Reward: Skill Magic skin]

[Quest Task 2: Save Ryushi from his coldhearted ways, and Aguri Yukimura from her untimely death | Skill: Skill Life leach]

[Quest Task 3: Destroy the research laboratory that's run by Kotaro Yanagisawa in Japan, and at least three more branches they have in the world | Reward: 4 skill points ]

[Quest Task 4: Join the classroom that Kuro-sensei will end up teaching and try your best to land at least 5 hits on him| Rewards: Attribute points depending on how many hits you land on him]

[Quest Task 5: Save Kuro sensei from his certain death! | Reward: Ability Apostle of darkness]

[Quest punishment: Lose one random skill or ability for each failed Task]

[Quest note: No help can be used by the host other than that of his loyal servant and additional rewards can be given If the host overperforms, although the system doesn't expect much… and don't get yourself killed by a rogue tentacle, that would be sad…]

"Nothing, he thinks he's too smart and likes speaking in riddles that's all" replied Yuki to Yurei and the latter simply shrugged and said "That's true, he's weird, both him and that guy Izaya"

'Yea, and you being a former ghost is normal?' Thought Yuki as he shot Yurei a weird look and Emilia was doing the same thing before she suddenly said "That's right, I'm going to talk to Shiba-san about renting the room next door…"

"Oh here, take this with you, it's my rent for this month and the next one" said Yuki before he went to retrieve 120000 yen and gave it to Emilia who stared at him suspiciously and asked "Why don't you deliver it yourself?"

"Ahahaha I just thought that it was on your way that's why…" said Yuki awkwardly as he thought 'I don't want to ever meet that woman again for the rest of my life' and Emilia sighed at him helplessly before she went out courageously on her own…

'Thankfully I have enough time to barely finish my chain quest: footsteps in another world and come back here just in time, although I don't know if the small changes I caused in Ryushi will disappear during this time after all the torture and betrayal he's going to experience… this timing is annoying' Yuki kept contemplating his options as Yurei watched him silently without saying anything until the door of their room suddenly opened…

"I'm back…" said Mashiro with her usual dull face, and Yuki and Yurei greeted her back "Welcome home Mashiro, how was your da-" Yuki's words suddenly paused when he noticed that Mashiro wasn't on her own… Instead, she was followed by a short girl with short brown her and was wearing the same school uniform as Mashiro's…

"Oh, this is?" Asked Yuki while pointing at the girl following Mashiro curiously and before Mashiro could introduce her, The girl energetically jumped out from behind her and landed on something soft but she didn't notice it and said in an animated way "I'm Misaki Kamiigusa! So, you are the thief that stole Mashiron from us!"

Yuki stared at her with a weird look in his eyes before his gaze suddenly went downward appearing to be looking at her legs… "Ah pervert, Mashiron really shouldn't be staying here" She said pretending to be offended, but Yuki simply pointed at where she was stepping and Yurei's voice soon echoed from under her "Can you not step on people randomly when you enter a room, it's very rude…"

Misaki glanced under her and noticed that the soft thing she just stepped on was actually Yurei's leg and immediately screamed "AHHH Ghost" causing dark lines to appear on Yurei's face and he almost used his psychic powers to smack into the wall as Mashiro said "He's not a ghost (Yurei), he's Yurei"

"Well, that doesn't help at all…" said Misaki while hiding behind Mashiro before she muttered "I can't believe you are living with a ghost and a pervert, where's this Emi-san you talked about…"

Yuki and Yurei frowned slightly and they wanted to beat the shit out of this girl but they held themselves back and introduced themselves properly before he looked at Mashiro for an explanation but she simply kept staring at him back which made him realize how awkward this girl was and asked directly "So Mashiro, is there a reason for your friend's visit?"

Mashiro stared at Misaki and responded "She kept saying she wanted to have a drawing competition against you and Maou…"

"Hmm? But I've only been barely drawing for three weeks… I don't think we need to compete, but competing with Maou can be interesting" Of course, Yuki wasn't going to waste his time with such a childish competition if there was no rewards to be gained…

"Mashiron, you were right! He immediately rejected!" Said Misaki with her mouth opened wide as she stared curiously at Yuki who frowned and turned to Mashiro and knocked her gently on the head "Little trouble maker, stop stabbing me in the back"

"How about this? The winner gets ownership of Mashiron" said Misaki with stars in her eyes while hugging Mashiro who stared at her in annoyance and Yuki couldn't help but chuckle "Sure, she already stabbed me in the back, I don't mind wagering with her, but Mashiro Is mine right now so you should put something else on the table"

Everyone suddenly stared at Yuki weirdly including Mashiro whose mouth opened slightly but he didn't realize what he just said… However, a faint smile crossed Misaki's face, but it quickly disappeared as she said with a perverted look "Fine fine, if you win I will offer you my body… please be gentl…" Before she could finish, Mashiro glared at her which made Misaki giggle slightly and Yuki simply smiled and didn't take her seriously and said "Okay, but I will choose what we should both draw since you are too experienced…"

"Fair enough, giving you such an advantage will only make my victory sweeter hahaha" Replied Misaki confidently without noticing the evil smirk that just appeared on Yuki's face…

"Great, I want us to draw my neighbor Ashiya sleeping peacefully and a ghost on top of him stabbing him in his vulnerable state…" Misaki was creeped out slightly as Yuki perfectly described the situation with an ecstatic look on his face as if he was thinking of doing it…

After he was done, he asked Mashiro to go call Ashiya so that he opens the door for her and doesn't refuse to help them out or ask to be paid since Misaki needs to see him, but he went pale when he heard what Yuki wanted to draw and immediately left back to his room and made sure to lock everything including the crevices on the walls…

"Now then, let's start" Said Yuki, and they both immediately started drawing skillfully, but while Misaki paused sometimes to imagine the cruel scene she was drawing… Yuki didn't stop at all and kept going with an evil smile on his face…

After 10 minutes, he was done, and both Yurei and Mashiro simply shook their heads at him and thought 'Poor soul, Misaki you were tricked by the devil'

Misaki took 20 more minutes to finish her drawing, and when it was time to compare… Yuki simply won by a landslide…

"AHHH, how did I lose so miserably, how could you be so good after only three weeks of drawing?" Asked Misaki who didn't want to accept her defeat, but it was Yurei who explained to her "This guy only drew either killing Maou on his sleep or Ashiya and nothing else… For three whole weeks to improve his drawing skills while saying 'Focusing on something you want to do increases the performance!' Until he perfected this drawing of carnage…"

Misaki felt goosebumps on her shoulders and back as she asked "What kind of grudge do they have with each other? I thought they were nice from the way Mashiro described them…"

Yurei patted her gently and said "Don't bother with it, it's difficult to understand the way demons think" but he immediately got smacked in the head "Shut up you ghost, you are the biggest creep of us all"

And they immediately started arguing bringing a smile to Mashiro's face and she heard her friend saying "I can't believe I actually lost in drawing to a beginner"

Mashiro didn't know what to do, so she just patted her and said "Don't worry, he's going to be gentle with you" Causing everyone to freeze and Misaki's face turned beet red…

"Did Mashiro make a joke just now?" Asked Yuki in disbelief and Yurei responded with a similarly shocked face "I think so…"

'Today was a day full of surprises' thought Yuki and soon Emilia came back from her meeting with Shiba with a pale face and started talking to the girls, and explained to Mashiro that they were going to move to the room next door…


The next day was a weekend, Yuki went through his usual routine of doing some exercise along with Yurei before he went to the room next door where Mashiro was currently living with Emilia and asked them if they wanted to go out with him…

'This is a good chance to spend some time with them, and at the same time, go pay back my rent…' thought Yuki, and the two girls happily agreed…

"Yuki, you seem to hold your previous landlord in high regards…" Asked Emilia who noticed how abnormal it was for the cheap Yuki to actually spend his money and pay off his debts…

Yuki, understanding where she was coming from, glared at her before he said " Well, he helped me a lot before I got my shit together" Before he shot a look at his room secretly…. And look and behold, Yurei suddenly came out and said "You don't have to bother with this… I will go deliver the money myself, just go enjoy yourself with the girls"

Yuki could see that Yurei truly wanted to do this on his own, so he let out a sigh and said "Fine, suit yourself" before he transferred the money to him and said to Emilia "Get ready…" leaving her standing there speechless

'Didn't you just say you owed him a lot and hold him in high regards…' She thought, but then she noticed the nostalgic look on Yurei's face and decided against asking about their private matters and simply turned to Mashiro and said with a smile "Let's get ready, we can't keep him waiting" And Mashiro nodded back at her…

But they did… they did keep poor Yuki waiting for a long time as they took their time to prepare themselves and he almost regretted his decision to ask them out…

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