
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

twilight trust yourself


After leaving twilight in the central plaza, aizel returned to his house

to think about how to give more self-confidence

on the way he met Gary who was training at

talking and kissing his pillow

gary: fluttershy you're like me ... ... oooh you're here aizel how are you? he said pretending it was normal

aizel: ahahahahahah hahahahahahahaha

<< stop laughing, and then I like fluttershy that's a problem >>

<< no no what makes you laugh is that you kiss a pillow hahahahahahahahaha

<< those who make fun of lovers are those who do not have a girlfriend >>

Gary yelled this with a smirk on his face

aizel: ....

<< good 1 by all you are happy >>

gary displays a winner's smile

aizel: well otherwise I have a question for you, how to do it to give courage to a person.

<< well what works for me is to show that I am the fastest of all >>

"It's not like this…. wait a minute, I just had a golden idea >>

aizel says this while touching the upright to look like a wise man

<< oh and what is this? Gary asked in confusion.

<< go listen well this is ... ...


(pov twilight)

this morning i woke up very early, but if i'm still a little depressed

for not having been able to prove to the other that I am a powerful magician

but it's not big deal

<< listen to spike today we have to go running, you have the list

<< yes I have it

<< ok on the way

twilight was galloping peacefully in the streets of ponyville with a little dragon

next to her, life in ponyville has always been peaceful and calm, especially now

with 2 S rank adventurers to protect her we had a feeling of security

in the air .

<< ah life is so b ..

before twilight can answer a roar is heard


all the ponies turned their heads in fear to see 3 beasts coming out of the forest

2 beast was much bigger than the other

<< oh no, they are major sea urchins

<< and in addition there are three

<< saved all of you, help save your lives

it was panic, everyone was running around to save their lives

as he all panicked they heard

<< don't worry dear pony we are here

~~ sigh ~~~ twilight sighed heartily after recognizing this path

<< we the protector of the city we will protect it, but as there are three

monster we need a person for the third one >> said gary

<< oh yes I remember tricksy said she could beat it

<< yes it's true send tricksy

the famous tricksy was completely paralyzed by the fear of beasts

and now they ask her to face this


<< oh no as tricksy lied we have to take the strongest magic pony in town

, the disciple of the princess celestia, twilight sparkle >>

twilight: What i do

<< quickly twilight take care of the other smaller guy> said aizel to twilight

aizel then rushed towards their target each

aizel: blade of darkness. a black wave is heading towards the major sea urchin which sent it across the mountain

gary: lightning speed submachine gun. gary counts to him is literally turning into lightning and

sent about ten blows in a second

gary: it's not over yet. Gary grabbed the ousin's tail with all of his force to swing him behind a mountain.

spike and the ponet who we saw it was in ecstasy in front of so much power

spike: twilight it's your turn now show you're as strong as them go

<< yes go twilight

<< you can do it

<< explode it

all the ponies started cheering on twilight to help him and it really worked.

twilight gradually regained confidence and looked at the beast with determined eyes

she begins to focus on releasing a purple aura around her horn

the monster was getting closer and closer

spike: twilight i don't want to rush you but a huge MONSTER is coming over us.

twilight: not now

spike: and now

<< no >>

spike: the MONSTER WILL hit us in 3,2,1

<< now. enough words a ball of energy was directed at the monster

screaming in pain, he turned his head to look at the pony and in fear he ran away

in the distance.

everyone was ecstatic and especially twilight who had just proved to

all she could be very strong

while she was in joy she remembered that gary and aizel were still fighting

the monsters behind the mountain, so she decided to go help them

"" Hold on friends I'm coming "" that's what she was thinking but when she got behind the mountain she was stunned because instead of finding them fighting, she found them

chatting, laughing with these monsters

<< What's going on here? alwhen it was a stunt you asked

your friends attacking the city WHY?

<< to give you confidence in your twilight ability >> said aizel

"but it was a lie maybe he pretended to be touched and in pain"

aizel smiles hearing that and says

<< if you think he is pretending look there he is covered in ice cubes >>

twilight looked and saw the monster she had faced

<< you see you are very strong twilight so stop putting yourself down.

"thank you very much for always helping me aizel" she said with emotion

"you're actually a mate, no" aizel mouse

meanwhile gary and the major sea urchin were discussing

major sea urchin: hey gary you remember that in the plan you only owed me

hit once and then swing me no

gary: oh yes I remember

major urchin: SO why did you hit me 10 times eh

gary took a pose and said: you know when we play movies we have to do it like this

that was reality, so when you play a role you have to play it hard

major sea urchin: yeah in this reality I'm going to hit you 9 hard too he said

with a nasty smile

gary: you know a pony must know how to forgive, he said while fleeing

<< except that I am not a pony

during the last 5 minute twilight and aizel watched gary run away from the sea urchin

<< you are not going to help him he could get hurt >>

<< no it will be ok >>


<< uh everyone can be wrong hahahahahahhaha

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