
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Now that these creatures had come out of the shadows it was easy to see their true form

-What's that? They look like giant wolves with wood, their whole body is made of wood!!!


They were not giants only that compared to the size of a small pony they looked big. As the giant wolves advance our hero also recoil in fear

"Is my new life going to end like this? Will I go back to that darkness? No, no, no, I don't want to, come on, concentrate, you've managed to get out of the deep darkness, you'll be able to escape from those three mutts, think, think.

He looked from left to right while thinking of a way out and then suddenly he had an idea and he went towards one with a lowered branch.

[wooden wolf] - rrrrrrrr roaa raaaah

When the wooden wolves saw him rushing towards the tree, they barked at him and started to chase them so as not to lose their prey. The wolves gained ground and the distance between them decreased visibly but our hero also ran as fast as he could towards that branch.

-I've got it." he shouted as he grabbed the branch.

[wolf wood]- rrrrrrrr roaa r

- oh go fast fast .

The wolves were getting closer and closer to him, so he began to bend the branch with all his might to use it as a weapon.

As the wolves jumped on him to attack he let go of the branch and it moved at great speed to hit the wolves

-sshhcht BOOM .made the branch

The three wolves were sent writing yesterday in pain so our hero tried to move but realized that he had his hoof stuck in a tree hole.

- oh no oh no

[wolves wood]- rrrrrrrRRRRRR OOOOR

The wolves were angry that this little creature managed to hurt them and attacked more ferociously.

"Will I die here? Will my new life as a unicorn end here?

He closed his eyes and when he began to lose hope he heard a voice

[My little colt, are you all right? Let this grandmother take care of those timberwolves

He opened his eyes and saw an old blue mare with a white mane and a sword beside her. Before he could say anything, the mare took the sword in her mouth and attacked the timberwolf.

Before his eyes a white light enveloped the whole sword and he heard


the white energy went towards the timberwolf and cut it in two. the timberwolf or the remains of the timberwolf fell to the ground lifeless. the mare turned to see how the little pony was doing.

- ma...gi

before she could say a word the little pony fainted from exhaustion

[???]- ~sigh~ my poor little pony don't worry about anything I'm here.


(pov granny lea)


I had left for the wood forest to find inspiration and to show my dear friend brigitte that I could write a book perfectly well. I had brought with me only a few sheets of paper, a pen and a sword. I walked to a good place with a nice lighted view.

[Lea rocks] -aah I found a perfect place to write my new masterpiece,

I'll show them that Lea Rocks can write a book.

as I was writing the first page of my book when I hear

[timberwolf]-rrrrrrrr roaa raaaah

[léa rocks]it is the barking of a timbewolf. where is it?

I rush to the place where I heard the noise, arrived at the place I see a small unicorn fleeing three timberwolf I was about to act when the small unicorn jumped on a lowered branch while pushing with all its strength

"What will he do with it?" I thought, as the timberwolf attacked he dropped the branch and it hit the wolves with great force, sending them flying to the ground.

[Lea Rocks]-Well done, but timberwolves don't stop with that.

she was right in fact as the wolves got up again,

[timberwolf]- rrrrrrrRRRRRR OOOOR

[lea Rocks]- well, enough watching, let me play

lea then rushed towards them with her sword and said:

[Lea Rocks]- my little colt, are you all right? let this grandmother take care of those timberwolves" "three timberwolves will be easy"

I rushed over, calmly focusing my magic on my sword and said

[Lea Rocks]- slash

after cutting the wolves in half i turn around to see the little one looking at me with wide open eyes saying.

[little pony]-ma...gi

I wanted to ask him how he got there but before I could say anything he knew he had fainted "probably from exhaustion".

[Lea rocks]- ~sigh~ my poor little pony don't worry about anything anymore I'm here.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

I don't know anything about it when it's my first time so tell me if there are mistakes I don't know perfect but I try to do something original without copying too much from the others In this chapter I made a new character participate because I like when you detach a little bit from the hero's life and see the point of view of other people to see what people think of him

Jesse_Assoumoucreators' thoughts