
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


the life in ponyville continue its course, the inhabitant of was always so merry and overflowing of joy the most part of time, especially the happiest was gary who literally swam in the happiness since he is with fluttershy (his girlfriend).aizel saw big change in the life of gary

aizel saw a big change in gary's life, he started to wash twice a day (gary could go 2 days without washing) due to fluttershy's influence, fluttershy even had the idea one day to arrange our house, at first I didn't agree because it was a boy's house, there must be alter, swords etc..

but fluttershy thinks that:a house with flowers and decoration are much better~~sigh~~I finally let it go.

fluttershy and gary became more and more intimate without crossing the barrier of kisses, but there was one person or rather a rabbit who did not like

Angel the little rabbit of fluttershy and gary were rivals and often threw small fight to know who is the favorite of fluttershy like this one

<<I'm a rank S adventurer I have a reputation, money and you what you rabbit a carrot>> said gary with a smug smile on his face

<<sqi squik squik sss (me at least I cute stupid pegasus )>>replied angelwith a provocative smile



fluttershy and i were watching them, it's fun to see gary fight with a rabbit,

but i really envied gary because he had a girlfriend and so nice to boot, we had some peaceful days too

except that i noticed that twilight seemed to avoid talking to me since the gala(maybe it's my imagination), but i still feel like she wants to tell me something, she stayed distant with me i hope i didn't hurt her anything. i should ask her why she's acting like this

<<go gary we have to go back to the mission, the monsters never get tired

<<goodbye fluttershy I'll be back soon .before leaving gary gave an angelic look

~~sigh~~these two are really sworn enemies

[angel image]


(pov twilight)

twilight was in her library with all her friends, seeing them with all with a serious face except pinkie pie

<<I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we're all gathered here for a problem that every girl faces at some point in her life," said Rarity.

<<good stop doing this mood, she will just say she likes it no? it's not rocket science~~>> said rainbow dash casually

<<kyaaaa but no she has to jump, it must be exciting to declare yourself to a pony we will do one after you become a couple>>says pinki pie jumping around

<<I think you should tell her now, because aizel has a mysterious charm it wouldn't take long for a mare to approach her the longer you wait the better chance you have of getting it stolen >>said applejack

<<~~sigh~~yes I know but I don't want to ruin a friendship like ours and then I'm not even sure he would agree to be with me, just imagine that he doesn't want to be my friend anymore, that he starts to distance himself from me or worse that he hates me for life >>says twilight with efroi and a little bit of fear anyway, if it was an exam she wouldn't stress like that, but here it's a declaration of love she had no experience

<<calm down twilight I think you are overthinking> said fluttershy as she entered , twilight knew that if any pony in this room could give her advice was her as she is the only one with a boyfriend

<<what should I do then I love aizel and don't want him to hate me

<<I think you are wrong aizel is very nice and I am sure he will feel the same emotion as you

yes she was right aizel was kind, gentle, caring and really cared about her

<<But you shouldn't declare yourself now because Gary informs me that they will have a quest in the next few days

<<that's right they are S rank, face every day more powerful monster it's so cool>> said rainbow dash while doing a loop

<<fluttershy how is it going with gary wanting to know everything>> said rarity

fluttershy blushed and started to speak shyly lowering her head she told them about the fight between angel and gary which made everyone laugh

twilight who was standing next to her thinking in her heart (yes when they come back from their mission I will declare myself)

too bad she didn't know what was going to happen in the next few days


The mission we received was really a strange one because it told us to help repel a wild buffalo invasion on a small town in the countryside after arriving in the town the sheriff received us to explain us the global situation of the case.

he told us that the buffalo wanted to tear up their dear apple trees that he had planted with love

I was curious to know why the buffalo wanted their land so badly, he said he didn't know

we started to look for clues to find the bison and it was fast because after 1 hour of searching we found a bison, at first we thought he was going to attack but he didn't do anything he talked to us very nicely and presented himself as a stone red

Gary and I pretended to be hungry travelers to be able to follow him

<<chief chief i brought some strangers they have been on a long journey and need to eat>> cried red stone

when the chief saw us i could see fear in his eyes, but very quickly replaced by a determined look, and i must say he looks very strong as gary i would say

as we were discovered we revealed our true identity, after that he started to tell us the story of their ancestors who galloped on the land where the apple trees were planted they were determined to act even if it meant spilling blood

we were both against and for their story but we had to find a solution


the next day we still hadn't found a solution for this problem, the two groups were facing each other the buffalo who were ready to charge, the pony with the magic spell

as they started to advance to face each other the two camps heard

-SLASH of light

a great light struck the ground, and a tremor shook the whole area and a large hole appeared

the light had struck

<<good now you are going to calm down or is that you want to confront us all.

the ponies and buffalo were afraid because they did not want to face 2 adventurers of rank S

but he took their courage in both hoofs and said: we prefer to die than to let them take our

<<these are not your lands

<<if they are .the buffalo and pony were still ready to fight

then the battle began when a buffalo a pony was going to fight gary moved at great speed to stop them and appeared before them to stop them

they were amazed by its speed

<<so I think I have found a solution that solves all your problems

they all turned around to look at us

I proposed to them that they share this piece of land fairly because it doesn't belong to anyone

that the ponies would plant their fruit trees and give some food to the buffalo

the buffalo would have their accounts and ensure their safety.

everyone was quite happy with the arrangement and both parties signed a peace treaty

<<~~sigh~~we can finally go back to ponyville >>said gary stretching

<<yes let's go home v AAAAAAAH>> before I could finish speaking a pain shot through my chest

<<What's going on?" said Gary, panicking at my condition,

I thought I was already strong enough to face Karkadan, but I was wrong

an energy seized me, it was different from the black magic I usually use

<<What's that? >>gary also noticed my situation

While I was despairing surrounded by all this black magic, I heard a voice that was the sweetest voice in the world.

It was the sweetest voice I have ever heard, it said <<don't worry I won't let him touch you >>

<<Who are you?

a white energy started to confront the black energy with violence, which destroys even the ground where I was

the battle lasts for more than 5 minutes until I see the white light succeed in beating the black magic,they both disappeared as if it was never.

<<...QUE what was that, it was completely crazy >>gary was one of the only people who knew my secret so I didn't hesitate to tell him everything

<<I think we need to get even stronger gary ,to be able to beat him >I told him with determined eyes with which gary replied with a wide smile saying

<<but we will be even stronger than gods if we have to

and like that we are back in ponyville


(unknown place)

a very dark place ,where the energy of death was everywhere ,the energy of darkness was even denser ,in the middle of this black was the king of darkness karkadan and a white light of the same shape as him

<<How dare you come to my kingdom>> shouted he could feel the age in his voice

<<I just came to talk to you >> said the entity with a voice of the softest, while she spoke, she took the form of a white horse with a horn and white wings on his back

karkadan calmed down and said: every time I see your face it makes me angry, Athene queen of light

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