
My life in My country

How I'm spend My life in our country.

Atta_Muhammad_3919 · War
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life in our country

Hy. My name is Atta Muhammad and I'm interested in tell to our and another country to about the coman man life in our country. I'm telling about my country Pakistan.this is most beautiful careful and respected in allover country's, this is very beautiful country.this time is Prime Minister Imran Khan is very careful handed this country. this time Minister Imran Khan is very good man for this country she was very honest and careful man. so that I am telling about my life what do I like this country. I am love Pak army and other recommended system I am love to ISI and another system this is very good for our country he bad help the poor people always and cannot be damaged the people of another country the order country Bangladesh Bharat New Zealand Afghanistan Sri Lanka England South Africa etc. are very powerful but Pakistan has powerfull to Allah give the power of Islamic. Islam and Quran all with help the poor people and cannot be damage and unhealthy and unrespected the Islam give the power to use Muslim Unity to do always good.