
My life in marvel as the superior spider-man

(It is the first time I write in English, I hope you like it,) What would you do if you wake up like Peter Parker in the Marvel universe? The answer is simple, become the best version of Peter Parker, avoiding failing where the original failed. becoming a better Spider-man, becoming The Superior Spider-man

Lazy_writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Gen X

this chapter is a bit small,



"This is very bad ...."

When I checked my genetic material in the lab, that was the only sentence I could say .....

"By empowering my powers I not only became more powerful, I also became a target for a dangerous group of people.


My genetic material after the change it underwent because of the serum, created a new meta-gene that is able to absorb certain amounts of genetic material and use it to feed itself, (something like a symbiont but less intelligent)

This news in another situation would make me very happy, but at this moment I am just terrified, 

And the reason for my fear is because this new Meta-gene that is in me has a similarity of 89% to one of the most hated and persecuted genes in this world.


Gene x, responsible for the birth of mutants and the beginning of human war vz mutants.....

This will no doubt make the X-Men or Magneto come looking for me to join their group.

Both are very dangerous, one is a powerful telepath and the other has complete control over magnetic fields.

"I just got my powers, I'm not ready to fight people like them yet!"


At least I have a little time until they find me, and all thanks to The Ancient One, the envelope they gave me had a necklace, a bag with some strange seeds, a ring and a letter inside.

  The letter explained each of the objects and their functions,

But the most important thing about the envelope is the necklace.

The necklace would keep me hidden from Charles' telepathic sight and from any other non-magical clairvoyant power.

It will keep me from being found, but it won't last long. If anything characterizes Xavier it is that he does not give up, eventually he will find me.

"I'll need to find a way to keep my mind protected... I don't like the idea of having a man playing with my head.

"I'll need some things ... I'll call Joseph, he can get me what I need to work ...."

Resigned to spending my savings on ways to protect myself from mutants, I set to work.


While Peter was working in his lab an interesting group of people were passing through the dark streets of the city.

"Are you sure the sign came from this place, .....? All I see here is a damn abandoned street."  

"Yes, but it's different now, I can still feel it but it's more different, I can't place it clearly, something is hiding it from my sight"

"It seems that he does not want us to find him, but if he is what we believe, then no matter how much he hides, he will eventually rule this world together with us.

And with those words the strange group of people were lifted up by a platform that took them to the skies above the city.


If you want to read more understand my account in patr ****


(change the **** and write the name of the page)

thanks for reading if there are any spelling errors please let me know for fix it

that's all, thanks

if you want more chapters leave me some power stones and your powerful comment

remember that there is more of the story in my patr **** account

Lazy_writercreators' thoughts