
My life in marvel as the superior spider-man

(It is the first time I write in English, I hope you like it,) What would you do if you wake up like Peter Parker in the Marvel universe? The answer is simple, become the best version of Peter Parker, avoiding failing where the original failed. becoming a better Spider-man, becoming The Superior Spider-man

Lazy_writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

beware of X

I returned home and was greeted by Aunt May and Uncle Ben,

Luckily I am now faster and more resistant, so I was able to run home quickly and without breaking a sweat.


"Go sit down in the dining room, Peter, today your aunt made a delicious stew for dinner," Uncle Ben told Peter.

"Great, because I'm starving," ...

It wasn't long before the three of us were at the dining room table eating the delicious stew, and that's when May noticed some of my changes.

"Peter,...is it my imagination or do you look taller? ..."

Luckily for me, I didn't have to lie May because Uncle Ben came to my rescue.

"Maybe it's just puberty, you know how fast kids grow up these days." Uncle Ben said he thought Peter grew up through puberty.

"hooo..... my little boy is growing up,..... you're even starting to get a girlfriend..." May said she was very happy.

"I'll say it again Auntie, I'm not dating Gwen, she's just my friend, I admit she's beautiful, but I'm too busy with my studies to go out with any girl.

"But Peter, you are a good boy, with good feelings and very noble, I am sure that some good girl will soon get to you,..."

"Maybe Auntie, only time will tell.

And the conversation didn't continue, the truth is I was very tempted to ask Gwen out a while ago, I even thought about going out with some girls, but the truth is like I told May I didn't have time for that, I was busy preparing for the day I would get my powers, now I have them and I actually feel safer.

Now my priority is to become powerful enough to survive,

But it wouldn't be bad if I started thinking about my personal life.....this world has a lot of beautiful women and it would be stupid to say that I don't like the idea of going out with them.

And so I continued to eat my dinner and after washing the dishes I went up to my room to continue with my projects,

Or that was the plan.... But tonight would turn out to be a very busy night for me, thanks to the hairless person waiting for me inside my room.


Right now I am showing a serious and rough face but the truth is my mind is in a panic, in my room is one of the most powerful people in this world and right now he is looking at me while smiling..... that doesn't seem good....

"..... there are many things I want to ask, but you are only one question ..... what are you doing in my room?" I asked the person people to me.

I'm sure I notice the nervousness in my voice because his smile grew a little before he started talking.

"Obviously I was waiting for you, young Benjamin," the person replied.

"Well, that was obvious. ..., who are you? I asked him pretending not to know who he is.

"I am the master of the mystical arts, protector of this world in regards to magical threats and mythical beings.

"I have been called many names, but you can call me The Ancient One"

As she spoke my room began to change slightly, the ceiling began to grow and the walls stayed the same.

"Ok,...I understand ..... you don't need to keep changing my room, I believe you, please return my room to normal..."

She returns my room to normal and continues to talk.

"For a young man who has never been in touch with the mystical arts before, you react very calmly to young magic. .... I thought science lovers like you didn't believe in it.

She asked, a little confused by my lack of reaction.

"I am not like most people... me. I don't deny that something exists just because I can't explain it or haven't seen it, magic, aliens, gods, I don't deny that they don't exist, I just haven't seen them..... I try to keep an open mind..."

"You have a very mature way of thinking.....that's good, it will make what I came here to do easier".

"That's what I want to ask you, you said you are something like the protector of this world, I'm sure that keeps you busy, what brings someone as important as you to visit someone as common as me? ..."

"you are right, my work keeps me busy, but today I came here to deliver a message to you and fulfill a deal I have with someone else..."

That confused me and I'm a little relieved, so she's not here to kill me because my actions would jeopardize the future or something, but I'm confused.

Who is powerful enough to make a deal with The Ancient One and use her as a simple messenger?

She's literally invincible! ... I think .....

"I have a message for you Benjamin,. Listen carefully.

"You're wanted.....Be careful...with the mind of X...don't become one more...you can be better than that, you can be superior.....".

The message makes my hair stand on end.....for anyone else it wouldn't make sense, but I understood it,

"that's the message, now it's time to go, I'll leave a way to contact me on this card,"

She took out an envelope and put it in

"that's the message, now it's time to go, I'll leave a way to contact me on this card,"

She took out an envelope and put it on my desk.

"The deal I made stipulates that from this moment on you are under my guardianship and care, you are free to choose what you want to do, I will not interfere unless you become a danger to the world.

"See you in the future young Benjamin"

Before I can try to ask her who sent her to give me that message she disappears as if she had never been here


I tried to stay calm after that, but I couldn't, the message was too clear.

Beware the Mind of X

There is only one character that comes to my mind with that message Charles Xavier,

The X-Men!

The group I most wanted to avoid after SHIELD.

They are a group made up of mutants who together with Xavier are in charge of making a good image of mutants so that they are accepted by humanity... and also.


Most of the X-Men stories don't end with a happy ending....no...almost always it ends with death and pain that's why I didn't want to get close to them.

Why would they look for me? I'm not a mutant! ..... wait....I'm a mutant?

I never knew if Spider-Man was technically a mutant! .....

I need to go to my lab and run some tests...

This day had started off so well...why did this have to happen?

I took the letter that The Ancient One left on my desk and carried it in my backpack to the lab.

Tonight was not going to be pleasant.


( In another place )

"Can you find it? ....." asked a voice.

"No, as promised, he is safe, as long as he keeps what is in the envelope he left in his room ....."

"With this I did my part,"

"yes, you did... I'm leaving, I don't have time to be here"


"I don't know what you did for her to protect you Young Benjamin, but I hope you don't become a danger, I wouldn't like to fight her ....."

The end.


Another chapter....

This one is a little short but I did it. That's something.

if there is any spelling error please let me know to fix it.

If you liked it, leave me some stones of power. Your support gives me the strength to write more.

If you liked it or want more, leave some stones of power and I will bring you more chapters.

Lazy_writercreators' thoughts