

Is this really the big car that the staff said?

Also because the season is summer and today's hot weather, the two of them don't wear thick clothes that can be said to be thin.

That's why she and Shouko are so close to each other, they can clearly feel each other's body temperature.

But because Shouko was cold, she felt that the person sitting next to her was not Shouko but an air conditioner exuding cool air.

"Why did you go up?"

Shouko noticed Najimi's confusion, she just pointed at the boys and girls sitting next to each other trying to make Najimi understand what she meant.

Since for her it is that, she has run out of bumper cars and there are only big ones left.

Looking in the direction Shouko pointed, she saw boys and girls sitting in a car just like them.

After some observations, Najimi came to a conclusion.

This car seems to be made for two people together, and there is no problem with Shouko getting on it.

So pretending to look away from her, Najimi silently fastened his seat belt.

"Let's go to the field, remember to be optimistic about my driving ability."

Shouko shrugged as if she didn't care.

Najimi was startled but barely moved, suddenly her car jerked and her bodies fell to the side uncontrollably.

After Najimi was hit, she leaned directly into Shouko's shoulders, bringing the distance between the two even closer.

Sitting back down, she looked in the direction of the impact and it was the same car, there was the group of men and women.

"I'll show them they can't mess with this woman."

Najimi with this idea in mind, she rigged the bumper car and recklessly crashed them into the field.

Due to her position, the arrogant Najimi was naturally harassed and beaten a lot.

Shouko, who was watching this and reeling from the impact, didn't understand that the fun in this game is like... having fun crashing.

Time passed and our shift ended.

After getting off the bumper car, Najimi let out a triumphant laugh that belonged to the winner.

Shouko who saw that Najimi was sweating a lot since he was her main target, gave her a handkerchief to dry off, she didn't want to be with someone who was sweaty.

"Thank you".

"You have to play again, it was fun."


"Come on, this time we'll play 1 on 1 and I'll finish you off."


"Why not, are you afraid of losing to me?"

-I never lose.

"So, let's play to see if that's true."


Shouko knew that if she didn't agree, Najimi would continue to bother her, so she decided to agree and shut her mouth.

Time moved on and she was already at the stalls, each one in her car.

"Suffer to death, Shouko komi!"

Looking at Shouko who was looking at her boredly, Najimi attacked without hesitation.

// 20 minutes later //

Najimi squatted on the ground with autism, thinking about life.

The bumper car experience now was like a dream. Shouko killed her and hit her like a ball.

There is absolutely no room to fight back.

Shouko who saw her like that only gave a small smile.

[This was the game I spent the most time on at my job, I'm an expert at this].

[Apart from that, it also felt good, seeing Najimi humiliated].

"I'm hungry, I want to eat ice cream."

"Let's go buy Shouko ice cream."


This time Shouko accepted normally, since she also wanted to eat ice cream.

After going to an ice cream stand spotted by Najimi, Shouko walked over and started ordering some.

"I want two strawberry."

Najimi just looked to the side expectantly.

Since her purpose is not so simple, like eating ice cream, but to see how the employee plays with Shouko.

Since it's just a Turkish ice cream shop.

You know, the Turkish ice cream famous for the interaction between the ice cream seller and the customer.

That's why Najimi asked him to buy ice cream.

Since he can't take revenge on Shouko, it's okay to see how the employee constantly cheats on him, right?

After Shouko ordered her ice cream, a sound was heard.

"In agreement".

She separated from the clerk and quickly scooped out a scoop of vanilla-flavored ice cream with a spoon and placed it on the egg roll. He then extended the shelf out the window and placed it in front of Shouko.

At the same time, the female employee was ready to play the particularly handsome boy in front of him.

It looks so good, it's a shame not to cheat a few times.


Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly found that the ice cream on the shelf rushed into the handsome boy's hands, not knowing what happened, not giving her a chance to dodge.

Maybe she was distracted? ".

This time, she will not make a mistake and will play her career.


The shop assistant looked back at the ice cream that appeared in the cute boy's hand inexplicably, causing her to fall into contemplation.

What's going on?—the clerk wondered.

Shouko prepared to pay and give the other ice cream to Najimi.

"Thanks"—I take the ice cream disappointed.

It's a shame I didn't see her play with Shouko.

'I know it looks good, but is there preferential treatment for this kind of thing?'

Najimi didn't understand, but what she doesn't know is that Shouko did something she couldn't understand.

And I will explain it.

In the beginning, ever since she became a komi-san, she realized that his and komi's strength had merged and suffered a plus, both in physical appearance and strength.

In the early days he didn't realize much about it, but with the passage of time and training for months, he realized that the fusion of forces of two people and more was the plus of it.

Now Shouko had the strength of 3 people. Thus having 3 times more strength than the strongest person in this world, as well as 3 times faster, 3 times more resistance, reflexes, reaction and much more.

Shouko knew about the existence of that ice cream parlor and took a gamble, so he alone caught the ice cream 3 times faster.

He hasn't reached the professional level of this world yet, but he could be the strongest person in the world if he trains 1 more year with the required equipment, since his physical and mental improvement rate is 3 times faster too .

"Let's find a place to rest, I've been walking a lot, I'm a little tired."

Before coming to the amusement park, he originally thought that he should be able to easily experience high-rise projects, but unexpectedly, he overestimated himself.

-Over there.

Point out a shaded holiday seat, perfect for a relaxed meal.

"In agreement".

They both sat down and ate their ice cream.

[I hope my novel does well, I don't know if it will have the same impact as in my world].

[But even if it's acceptable to survive...].

Najimi looked at Shouko who seemed to be thinking about something.

He felt a headache, the purpose of inviting Shouko to the amusement park was to retaliate against her, but in the end, he not only couldn't retaliate for a while.

Najimi gave up, she was exhausted and decided not to do anything else against Shouko.

"By the way Shouko, can you take a picture of me?"


"Yeah, just use my phone."

Najimi handed over her cell phone.

-In agreement...

Najimi adjusted her sitting position and made her body lean towards Shouko, with a smile on her face at the same time, and made a casual pose.

With a light click, she took a photo.


After hearing that she already took the photo, she picked up her phone and looked at it before saying.

"Sho-shouko, let's take a picture together, just the two of us, we can finally go to the amusement park together for the first time."



"Well... I guessed so"—Najimi's tone of voice was a bit sad.

-Just kidding, it's fine but only 1.

Shouko hates photos of her, after many girls and boys took photos of her, recorded audio and such, every day, he felt disgust towards it.

And she had a hard time accepting a photo, but being najimi... she made a lot of effort to accept.

Najimi, hearing that Shouko accepted, was happy, so the two got together to take the photos.

This reminded her of when they took their first photo together and this is her second, she doesn't usually take many photos with her as she denied it many times and today she accepted it, it was great.

She sounded the sound of the camera flash and took the photo, keeping a nice memory of today.

// Later //

Time flew by and it was time to go.

Shouko was walking down the street alone and the trip to the amusement park with Najimi was over.

Shouko was still in his previous appearance, he had forgotten to change them, so he looked like a very handsome man.

[I already want to get home, I'm 5 minutes away, this exit took me by surprise, but it was fun to see Najimi's expressions of annoyance].

Just after turning a corner, she suddenly heard the sound of quick footsteps running towards him.

Looking up, I saw a man dressed in black quickly running towards him.

Not far behind him was a long pink-haired girl with a black swallowtail butterfly, yelling words like "stop" into her mouth.

It was obvious that the man running in front of her was not moved by her voice, but she sped up.

As the man runs faster and faster, the distance from the girl behind him also becomes larger and larger, it shouldn't take long for the man to get rid of the girl behind him.

It's just that the man didn't intend to change direction, but instead ran directly towards Shouko.

[A theft?].

Seeing this scene, Shouko quickly understood what was going on.

She reminded him of Latin America.

And even though he wanted to catch the thief and hit him as hard as he could like the latams do since they get together and hit him until they almost killed him.

Unfortunately, Japan isn't like that, it's more passive about these things, so I can't go overboard on this topic.

[How boring].

"Get out of the way!".

The man naturally saw Shouko standing in the corner, but he didn't take it seriously.

He is just the typical handsome guy, those people are trash to me, he has experienced this kind of thing many times and has known for a long time what to do to be the most efficient way.

Shouko was unaffected by the thief's words and stepped aside.

The guy thought he intimidated Shouko, but as he walked past him he felt his calf being wrapped tightly causing him a lot of pain and he fell down abruptly and painfully.

The man lay on the ground, feeling the severe pain in his body and panting, but his hand was still gripping his bag tightly.

The guy tried to get up since he had to run away quickly.

Seeing this, Shouko just raised her foot and stepped on the man's back, stopping the movement of getting up.

"Stinky brat, get your feet off me or wait for me to get up and you'll have a good beating."

Shouko didn't respond, but used all of his strength to step on the boy's back.

The guy felt a great force in his back that made it difficult for him to breathe.

Shouko just sneered at the boy and used his strength without remorse from him, all that can't kill him but if he suffers a lot and that's what he wants.

In the end, he just kicked the guy in the head and knocked him out in one shot.

He leaned over and picked up the pink satchel.

At the same time, the girl also arrived.

She was originally already prepared not to be able to retrieve her bag, but she never expected that someone would suddenly appear, knock down the thief and take her bag.

The rapid ups and downs of her surprised the girl very much, at the same time she also decided to thank the person who snatched the bag from her.

Standing up, Shouko saw the girl walking towards him and was surprised.

[Seriously... I barely leave my house and I already meet someone new...].

Shouko approached the girl, who now knows her name.

Nakano Nino.

I'm hungry...

Killer_Shirocreators' thoughts
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