

Adekunle_Opeyemi · Teen
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Chapter 2: My Life Continues: Welcome to school

I do dress early to school I have never been late to school before probably because I have never met my mum while going I only see my breakfast I could even refuse to go to school but I love school maybe because I am the only child I get lonely all the time I can't imagine not going to school for a day it like telling me to go to hell

Hi Aubrey how are you I looked at Aubrey and I think there is something different bout her but I can't figure it out

hey Lyra am fine you look stunning this morning

oh now I know wat different bout she is wearing makeup oh you look beautiful with make up am fine too as you can see am a cool girl. she has been trying to impress this Axel boy since 5th grade but the boy has never even looked at her and she is trying to look sexy to please him I think that is stupid apart from the fact that I don't believe in love I think she is trying to hard the boy is never gonna love her back he think he is the most handsome boy in school he is so proud and not cool I don't even know wat she saw in him he is so not handsome and he looks like a thug imagine I bet Aubrey has no taste at all

Aubrey! why are you trying hard to get he doesn't like you

Lyra that hurts why do u think he doesn't like me

Look at him around girls he didn't even steal a glance of you at all

that doesn't mean he doesn't

whatever let go to class.

Lunch time

why why do school make us eat healthy food oh no am gonna die this week is healthy food week

hey Aubrey u weren't even concentrating in class why because of Axel I just pray you don't kill your self

yeah sure I will take your heed but don't you think he is extra handsome today

Aubrey spare me this drama am trying to eat a decent food here

i am suffering from lack of ice cream, burger and hotdog and you are here telling me bout your nuisance crush. He doesn't even like you.

That way you think but I know he likes me.

fine mademoiselle fine your wish so are you coming to my house for tonight

yeah sure an gonna tell my mum and she is gonna allow me anyway

so just text your mum right now


hey mum I will lyk to stay with Jacqueline for a week if you don't mind

reply: yeah sure be careful make sure u stay healthy my regards to Jacqueline

yeah sure bye mum

wait a week wow bad girl

that me girl

school closes