
Shocking Fact

The next day Ben goes to the office early. He provides all the documents and the agreement ends successfully.

Ben feels pleased about the meeting, as this agreement would increase the profit to his company by 20 per cent.

He calls his assistant inside his personal cabin and notices that something is wrong. He curiously asks, "What's the matter?"

Jack gets worried and stays silent for a while, but finally gives him a reply. "Sir, actually madam Riya has left abroad for her master's degree."

Ben is shocked to hear what his assistant just said. He angrily responds to him. "What?!!! How could it be possible? Trace her address, I want her details right away."

Though Jack is one of the top hackers he couldn't find the details as they were kept confidential. He hesitates and finally answers him.

"Sir, we couldn't trace her. All the details are hidden."

Listening to this, Ben gets disappointed. He could no longer control his emotions and throws all the papers which were lying on the desk.

Jack had never seen his master so angry ever since he joined, it made him very anxious, but he couldn't do anything. He could only watch as his master gets depressed.


Finally, Riya makes up her mind. She thinks that her mother has definitely stopped acting, but she couldn't do anything.

Mrs Jane consoles Riya. Even she doesn't like her mother's behaviour. Her heart is filled with different emotions.

Mr Xen who is not able to contact his daughter, informs his secretary and transfers some money to her account. He secretly calls her.

Riya is ecstatic when she finally could speak to her father. She thinks about what to do and decides to stay strong.

Later she informs her grandmother that her father had called her. Even Mrs Jane feels happy seeing Riya's smile.


The next day Riya left for College.

She meets new friends and makes herself comfortable with them. Riya goes to the library and picks up some books for reference.

Lilly, who is Riya's classmate, lives in the same neighbourhood. She asks Riya to join her while going home. Lilly brings a car from the parking lot and picks Riya up at the library

Riya gets into the car and shares her experience of her first day at college with Lilly. They both start giggling and talk about many things.

After Lilly drops Riya off at home and leaves, Mrs Jane asks Riya about her first day at the college.

Riya tells her that everything went fine and that she likes the College. She also informs her about her new friends.

Mrs Jane prepares supper and calls for Riya to come and eat. Riya goes to her room first, freshen up and then goes back down to have her supper.