
My Life as the User of the Harem System

A cliché, wish-fulfillment harem fanfiction about a reasonable guy who died, became the user of the “Harem System”, and traveled the fictional universes with his harem! — — — Writer only owns Original Characters and the plot. The rest belong to their respective owners. Do NOT sue the poor writer, please!

Man_of_Culture · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Grinding on the Futon [R-18]

After we spent an hour or so to clean up our new apartment, Yashima and I are presently enjoying the comfortable silence in bliss. Yashima is sitting on my lap with my arms circling around her waist, her soft, pliant butt cheeks squirming deliciously at a random interval. It is like she is tempting me. Recalling my reward for her win, I guess she's indeed tempting me, setting a mood for what's going to happen.

However, the ringing doorbell disrupts our joyful experience. We look at the door, feeling irked.

"Rio-san, Yashima-san, this is me, Shinji."

Yashima and I share a helpless look before we sigh in resignation.

"Coming!" I shouted at the bothersome brat.

Yashima leaves my lap unwillingly. We stand up and walk to the door. I open the door and see Shinji in a plain jersey.

"I'm checking you two. Have you settled down?"

"Yes. We have."

We have cleaned the dust and cobwebs. It was not hard since this place is not spacious and the landlord lent us his vacuum cleaner.

"That's good. If you need help, you can call me. If I'm free, I'll lend a hand."

"Is that so?" I become thoughtful for a short while and then question him, "Would you mind if I borrow your laptop? I want to set up an online payment account. I've decided to buy the furniture and our necessities via online shopping and get them delivered here."

"I don't mind. Do you need it now?"

"Yes. Please."

"Alright, I'll get my laptop first."

Shinji heads for his room. Soon, he returns and enters our room. After accepting the laptop, I quickly set up an account for an online payment service. I wire Yashima's card to this account.

"Have you dined already?" I asked Shinji suddenly.

Yashima and I have yet to dine.

"Ah. I have."

"Would you like late-night snacks?"

"I don't want to trouble you—"

"Don't worry about it. So, your answer?"

"Okay. And thanks for the offer."

After that, I turn to Yashima and ask her a question.

"Do you mind junk foods?"

Yashima tilts her head and shows a pondering expression. Soon, she shakes her head and speaks up.

"I don't mind. I'll eat the same food Rio-sama is eating."

"Alright, I'll call for delivery service from nearby PizzaHat."

Inwardly, I feel amused at the parody of the famous fast-food franchise in my previous life.

After I ordered our diner, I start buying furniture online. Yashima and Shinji do not interrupt me and let me focus on my job. To kill their boredom, they have a chat about Shinji's relationship with his girlfriend.

I am not surprised that Yashima has a fascination with such a topic. It is in her nature as Sekirei to be fascinated with romance. Sekirei is a romantic creature, after all.

Yashima's curiosity does not seem to bother Shinji. He seems happy to share his happy memories with his girlfriend.

A while later, my doorbell rings. Yashima stands up and checks out the visitor in a hurry. At this moment, I break up my focus on the laptop. I am almost finished with my thing.

"Yes?" Yashima questioned who seemed to be a delivery boy of our foods.

"Is this Rio Kurokami's room?"


"Then, here is your order, ma'am."

Yashima accepts the towering stack of pizza boxes and turns around. Shinji stands up and accepts the boxes. What a thoughtful boy…

As a Sekirei, Yashima eats a lot, hence I ordered a large amount of food for her.

"Please sign there, ma'am."

"Here! Finished!"

"Indeed. Thank you for your patronage."

Yashima closes the door and returns to her previous spot. Shinji is waiting for us. I join them.

"Alright, let's eat. Itadakimasu~!"

I had wanted to say that loudly without getting labeled as Weeaboo or being looked weirdly at in my previous life. That was one of my dream as Otaku that has been fulfilled.

"Itadakimasu~" Yashima and Shinji repeated after me.

We eat our diner merrily. After a while, we finish our diner. I return to the laptop while Yashima and Shinji continue their chat.

Around an hour or so later, my online shopping spree is over. I did not only buy furniture, but I also bought casual wears for myself and Yashima, a new laptop with solar chargers, two smartphones with solar chargers, several handheld game consoles, normal game consoles, a new TV, and other luxurious goods. I even ordered a solar electricity generator for the future. I do not care if it cost us millions of yen. The money is not mine, and Takami doesn't mind us spending it loosely.

"Thanks for the laptop, Shinji."

"Ah. You're welcome. Also, thank you for the meals."

"A small matter."

"Ano, about tomorrow, how should we deal with it?" Shinji changed the topic.

I think for a little and then speak up.

"Tell your girlfriend to visit after lunch. We'll talk at that time."

"Understood. Once again, thank you very much for your help!" Shinji bent his body forward in the perfect 90 degrees, showing his appreciation.

After that, Shinji returns to his room, leaving me alone with Yashima. After returning from locking the door, I hear Yashima's call.


"What's it?"

"Don't you think Shinji's determination and love for his girlfriend praiseworthy?"

I think for a little before answering. "Yes. His determination and affection are praiseworthy."



"Do you love me?"

I watch Yashima's expectant expression carefully and close my eyes, looking deep into myself. I think my emotions carefully. After a while passed, I open my eyes and find that Yashima's waiting for my answer. Her expectation has not diminished despite there is an underlying impatience.

"Yes. I love you." I declared seriously.

Although I know that our bond is the reason for my feeling for her, I feel that it is genuine. So, I do not really care about the source of my affection for her.

After hearing my firm declaration, a sweet smile blossoms on Yashima's lovely face. She leaps and hugs me tightly with a loud "Rio-sama!"

I feel all air escaping my lungs, knocked out by Yashima's sudden tackle. My body is being squeezed by Yashima's thin arms. It seems like Yashima has lost control because of her intense emotions.

"I, too, am in love with you, Rio-sama! Forever and ever!"

"Time out! Yashima! You're crushing me!"

"Huh? Opsie!" Yashima releases me in a hurry and looks apologetic, "I'm sorry. I was so excited until I lost my control over my strength!"

After recovering, I give her a wry smile. I'm not angry at her...really.

"Don't worry about that," I said and pulled her into a hug, resting my chin on top of her head.

Yashima wraps her arms around my torso tenderly. Her soft, busty breasts are deforming as she is trying to fuse with my body.

I remember my promise to reward her today and remind her of it, saying, "Do you still remember my promise? The one if you win your match with Sanna?"

"Yes. You promised that we will do it… are we?"

I push her body tenderly. She looks up to meet my gaze. Her face has turned red from embarrassment and excitement.

"Would you like to get a reward now?"

Yashima nods her head, wordlessly affirming. Then, I hold her hand and bring her to our room.

There are only two futons, lying side by side, in the middle of the room. I lead her there and help her rest her back on the futon. I stay on top of her, supporting myself with my hands and knees. I watch her blushing face and glazed eyes. Her perfectly sculpted lips, sensuous and luscious, are parting up slightly, releasing hot air.

I approach her face slowly and then claim her lips. I start slow, giving her a simple kiss. A short while later, I lock her lips and insert my tongue into her warm and wet mouth. Her slippery tongue immediately greets mine, and our tongues start wrestling passionately.

She wraps her arms around my neck, gripping the hair on the back of my head with her left hand, and her right hand is tracing a circle on my back, entering my T-shirt through the opening around my neck. Her legs are wrapping my waist, her meaty thighs pinning me. At the same time, I use one hand to knead her breast. My index finger is tracing a circle on her areola and flicking her hard n1pple.

"Mmmmh…Hmmmph…Muach…Cyup…Hngh…mmmh!" She moaned and groaned into my mouth.

The vibrations are sending pleasant jolt on my spine before spreading to my whole body.

Using the intuitive knowledge of her erogenous zones in her breast and mouth, I keep pleasuring her. My skill, Lovemaking Instinct, tells me that Yashima has many sensitive spots. Some inside her mouth, her neck, her breast, her areola, her n1pple, her butt cheeks, her inner thighs, and more.

That skill also gives me an understanding of her preference. It is cheating. But, I generously accept the support because I remember that Yashima's stamina is many times of my own stamina. I need this support to satisfy her.

A while later…


Yashima's body trembles. She has her first minor orgasm from the kiss and ministrations on her breast.

[Alert: Minor Orgasm, detected! Obtained 1TP!]

[Hint: granting minor and major orgasm to your sexual partner will be rewarded with Tantric Points. From Tier F to Tier D, minor orgasm rewards you with 1TP while major orgasm rewards you with 10TP. From Tier C to Tier A, minor orgasm rewards you with 10TP while major orgasm rewards you with 100TP. From Tier S to Tier SSS, minor orgasm rewards you with 100TP while major orgasm rewards you with 1,000TP.]

I pull my lips from her and stop my ministration on her breast because of the notifications. Yashima is recovering from her minor orgasm, and it presents me with a chance to read the information.

Dismissing the screens, I shift my attention to Yashima. She is still recovering. Well, it is understandable. It is her first time experiencing orgasm, I believe.

"Was it good?"

Yashima answers my question with a weak and absentminded "Nn."

"That's only the beginning. I will make love with you more and give you better sensation."

"Ri-Rio-sama…Love me…More!" Yashima demanded weakly. Yet, her eyes shone with eagerness and hunger.

I kiss her again. This time, I immediately ravish her mouth mercilessly. My Lovemaking Instinct tells me that this girl is extremely fond of kissing. Perhaps, all Sekirei share this preference because it is how they get winged.

Slipping my left hand to her back, I message her nape, supporting my body with my elbow. I also rub the spot where her crest resides. There's an erogenous zone if I massage that spot with the correct strength.

Truth be told, Yashima's body is like a bundle of erogenous zones. There are so many spots that it helps me give her pleasure continuously.

I use my other hand to play with her breast and n1pple hidden under her one-piece. After she had another minor orgasm, I move my hand lower and playing with her bellybutton after I pulled up her one-piece. I get another notification. Then, I move my hand lower and massage her meaty thigh. A while later, another notification pops up.

I carefully take off her stocking before rubbing the smooth skin of her supple thigh. As I focus my attention on her inner thigh, she has a minor orgasm again. Then, I switch my hand and repeat what I have done.

When I pull back my head, breaking our kiss, she groans in disappointment. Her clouded eyes are demanding for more.

"Ri-Rio-sama…More…Please…" She begged powerlessly.

I strip her naked and leer at her fair, unblemished form. Yashima never wore bras, a fact that I knew after our first hug. But, her one-piece is thick and durable, hence the nonexistent sign of her stiff n1pple whenever she is aroused. Her only underwear is her white panties, which soon joins the rest of her taken off clothes.

I raise my body and watch her gorgeous, nude form. It is a true masterpiece. Despite it is wrong to compare her to my ex-girlfriend, I can't stop and find that Yashima is a league above my ex.

She is truly, inhumanely, sinfully beautiful.

I kiss her bellybutton and blow it softly, quickly rewarded with an intense reaction and another notification. Then, I strip myself while giving Yashima a chance to recover. After that, I assault her mouth hungrily and pin down her soft, warm body with my masculine figure.

Yashima hugs me tightly while grinding her front on my chest. At the same time, notifications pop up in my field of vision continuously.

Yashima's body has turned very sensitive from many minor orgasms it experienced. Because of that, a simple glancing touch on her erogenous zones is enough to trigger her a minor orgasm.

I feel that my decision to set this Record as my first Record is correct. It is very easy to grind by pleasuring Yashima.

I continue pampering her with a single-minded focus, drowning her in euphoric pleasure. At the same time, I am raking up TP. But, soon, I hit the limit of my patience. I want to experience sexual gratification too.

Releasing Yashima from my merciless assault, I watch her for a short while. She is looking at the ceiling dazedly, and her sinful figure is covered by a thin sheen of sweat, reflecting the light from the lamp hanging on the ceiling.

I grip her thighs, my fingers sinking into her soft flesh. Then, I spread out her thighs until she forms M-shape with her lower body, giving me easy access to her drooling pussy. She is extremely wet. Rivulets of crystal clear liquid are dripping down the futon and staining her inner thighs, mixing with her sweat.

Gripping my hard cock, I position it in front of her entrance and start rubbing it on the wet slit. My cock also graces her little, sensitive nub.

"Hyahn!" Yashima yelped in shock from the intense sensation.

She breaks off her dazed state and looks down at our vital organs. She gulps her saliva loudly, her eyes gazing at the veiny meat rod that is rubbing on her slit. She moves her gaze up and speaks up.

"Ri-Rio-sama…huft…huft…are we going…huft…to do it…huft…now?" asked Yashima while gasping shortly.

"Yes…" I answered shortly.

"Take me, please…I'm all yours…" said Yashima with a sweet smile.

I give her a firm nod and a reassuring smile. I put the tip of my cock inside her contracting and relaxing pussy, which is hot and wet. Pushing my waist forward, I penetrate her slowly. Although I do not feel her hymen, I am sure that she's a virgin.

How could I know that? Her unbelievably tight pussy is the answer. Her inside is extremely tight, not even whence her pussy is relaxing it gives my cock a space to go in easily, and when it is contracting, it feels a bit painful.

Yashima is gripping the futon hard as I am pushing my cock inside her. Bit by bit, slowly but surely, my cock slides deeper in her honeypot. Luckily, she has been releasing her love fluid. If not, it would be more painful than how it feels already.

A dozen seconds later, my Excalibur is fully sheathed inside her Avalon. I stay still for a while, abusing the Lovemaking skill to hold back my desire to cum right there, right now. I am on all-fours above her sweaty form. Her arms and thighs have wrapped around my neck and waist, pulling me closer to her.

For a while, we only look into each other passionate eyes. We savor our union, relishing the rapture it brings. Her cunt is kneading my meaty rod mercilessly as my meaty rod is pushing her sensitive nerves attached to the pulsating meaty walls. We are pleasuring each other, and we feel supreme bliss from it.

"Rio-sama…huft…ahn…you may…mhh…huft…move."

Receiving her permission, I grip her thighs tightly and unsheathe my holy sword from its utopian sheath. I can only do it slowly because her pussy is sucking and gripping my cock intensely as if she's unwilling to let it leave.

"Ohhh~!" Yashima moaned throatily as my cock scrapped her sensitive spots.

Her body is convulsing intensely from that. I receive a notification about her minor orgasm and my reward, but I quickly dismiss it and pour my concentration on our lovemaking.

After I pull out my meaty shaft, leaving only the bulbous tip inside her pussy, I wait for a few seconds before thrusting my cock inside. Her pussy is still unbelievably tight. I repeat my movements: taking out my dick, waiting for a second, and then thrusting forward. I keep doing it for a while.

Yashima gasps and moans into my ear, blowing hot air into my sensitive ear. It increases the pleasure that I am experiencing. When I feel the tightness of her pussy lessening, I move my grips to her thin waist and hold her petite yet busty body tightly. Then, I increase the speed of my movements.

I kiss, no, I ravish her lips as my cock slides in and out her pussy. Her lewd voices are muffled by mouth, but the obscenely wet sounds from our connected vital organs are stimulating. My body is sweating crazily because of the physical and mental extortions, but I keep my concentration on our coupling. We are making love in that position for a while, until…

Yashima's body quakes intensely. She sucks my tongue and saliva desperately. She continues doing so for a short while until I feel her body going limp.

[Alert: Major Orgasm, detected! Obtained 10TP!]

That is right. Yashima has tasted her first major orgasm, and it ravages her mind and body intensely. After she recovered from her mind-blowing climax, she lies there silently and looks at the ceiling blankly, savoring the afterglow and recovering her mental strength and stamina. She is like a weak, powerless, docile young woman, instead of a powerful alien with prowess beyond normal human's comprehension.

Although I want to give her time to recover, I am not in a state of mind to do so. My own orgasm is approaching. It drives me into a frenzy. I keep moving my cock inside her pussy, bombarding her with heightened pleasure because of her super sensitive state post-orgasm.

After I gave her a dozen minor climaxes and three major climaxes, I finally meet my limit. I pull my head and break our kiss. Yashima's unintelligible gibberish fills the room. I slam myself on her strongly and push my cock deeper in her pussy until the tip of my cock kissing the entrance of her womb. Then…

"Cumming! Ugh!"


I announced my climax while Yashima could only release a euphoric squeal. I unload my spunk into her womb, filling it to the brim. At the same time, I successfully trigger her strongest orgasm tonight.

After I recovered, I check out Yashima's condition and find her already sleeping. It seems like she has passed her limit and fallen asleep after her last intense orgasm.

Despite her high stamina, this is her first time experiencing the merciless bombardment of pleasure and bliss. It is understandable that she got tired quickly. However, she will get better and last longer.

The problem is that I need to match her stamina and mental fortitude after she acclimated with sex. Well, I'll think it through later.

I decided to join her in dreamland. But, before that, I kiss her forehead and then softly whisper into her ear.

"Sweet dream…"

The last thing I remember before I lose consciousness is a tired yet sweet smile on her sleeping face.

First Adult rated chapter. I'm not confident with my skill, but I hope that I have presented something…tantalizing.

By the way, my days will become busy IRL. Thus, I decided to shorten up the chapter length. From 2500~3500 to 1500~2500.

Man_of_Culturecreators' thoughts