
My Life as the User of the Harem System

A cliché, wish-fulfillment harem fanfiction about a reasonable guy who died, became the user of the “Harem System”, and traveled the fictional universes with his harem! — — — Writer only owns Original Characters and the plot. The rest belong to their respective owners. Do NOT sue the poor writer, please!

Man_of_Culture · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

3 Days Later! Waifu Candidate, Detected!

[ You have transmigrated successfully. Your Race has been set as "Human (Ashikabi)". Vitality and Strength stats have been set to F rank. You acquired a skill: "Ashikabi Physiology - F (Fixed)". "Initiation Gift" pack has been stored in the 1st Slot of the Storage function. ]

I wake up and see that notification in my field my vision. After I dismissed the screen, I check out my surroundings and find myself in an unknown room. The floor is covered by tatami mats. It is a simple and simple apartment room with a kitchenette, and a closet. It lacks furniture. In my previous life, I often saw such a setting in anime and manga. I can't believe that I'm now in this kind of room.

I sit there for a while and think about my family in another dimension, wondering how they are. Are they okay? Do they feel sad? Have they moved on? Well, I am certain that my death hit them hard because we were quite close.

Suddenly, I feel a wet sensation on my face. Am I crying? I wondered silently.

When I touch my left cheek, I feel a warm liquid. Indeed, I am crying silently. I feel sad that I can no longer meet my parents and little siblings.

It hurts!

It hurts so much!

I lie on my back and continue to cry while covering my eyes with my arm, mourning my death and the separation with my beloved family.

After I had enough of mourning, I use "Mind of Void" to control my emotions. I feel glad that I have that skill. Without it, I would have had a harder time recovering from my lowest state.

I leave my futon and walk to a small mirror glued on the wall to check out my appearance. My new face has been altered slightly. My facial features are little similar to my old face, albeit my Orient features are more pronounced. If I look closely, I can see the trace of my old appearance.

I guess this is to fit in this country better, huh? After all, I now am living in Japan, and I know that this country is full of xenophobic. Then, I realize something dire… I do not know Japanese! I start panicking. How the heck can I speak with other people? System! Do you have something like a beginner's pack or something? I hope that you give me Japanese mastery skill or something like that! I prayed to my system.

[Hint: there are some items prepared for the User. Please check out your first slot in the Storage function.] That message screen popped up in my field of vision.

I remember the "Initiation Gift" pack. I hope that there is a skill that allows me to speak, read, write, and understand the Japanese language.

After I dismissed the screen, I access the Storage function in a hurry. I see a small difference in the first slot. Previously, when I checked out the Storage function, the screen was filled with ten black square panels with blue thin borders. There was nothing written in the panels. Now, the first slot is filled with neon blue numbers and a percent symbol.

I consult to the system, wanting to know what it means. Then, I discover that the panel shows the percentage to signify the filled up space. When the panel shows 100%, it means I can no longer store anything in it. It looks like I can use Inspect Status skill to see how much an item takes the space in one slot.

After I satisfied my curiosity, I focus my mind on the first slot. A new screen pops up, displaying the list of the item that I possessed. I find "Modified Glock 17", "Important Papers", a few "Special Orbs", and several thousand yen bills. I take them out immediately.

I check out the gun first. It has an auto-refill magazine, meaning that I can fully refill the bullets directly there by spending my Tantric Points. The full reload costs me 1TP. So, 1TP is the price of 17 bullets. I suppose it is cheap. The gun has a silencer and a laser target focus too. I can take them off, but I let them be. They can prove to be helpful in a not-so-distant future, and I have a mean of reliable self-defense since my stats are presently low. Still, I am uncertain if it can protect me from the bunch of sexy and attractive women in this city if I piss them off.

Well, enough with geeking over my new gun. Next is the "Important Papers". After I stole a quick glimpse of it, I discover that the contents are written in Japanese, but I can guess they are important documents such as birth certificate, high school diploma, driving license, and so on. Granted, my Inspect Status skill has told me so.

Finally, I focus on the "Special Orbs". They look fragile and seem to break easily if I grip one tightly. There is swirling light inside the orb. Using Inspect Status on them, I find that they contain skills and information. By crushing the orb, I will obtain the skill or data stored in it.

I hold the Orb that will give me Japanese Mastery skill. Within moments, I crush the orb, and a screen pops up in my field of vision.

— — —

[Acquired a Skill: Japanese Mastery - A]

[Another Language-based Mastery skill, found! Creating a skill… a new Skill, acquired!]

[Acquired a Skill: English Mastery - A]

[Fusing "English Mastery - A" and "Japanese Mastery - A"]

[Acquired a Skill: Bilingual - A]

— — —

I feel a headache as the knowledge of Japanese entering my head. It felt like when I got brain freeze from eating ice cream hastily and carelessly. Still, it is not much. I can endure it without problems. After I recovered from the unpleasant sensation, I dismiss the screen and use my new linguistic skill on the formerly intelligible papers. I can read them easily, and they are indeed my important documents.

I shift my attention to another Orb and crush it. This one contained information.

[Acquired a Fake Memory] A notification popped up after I crushed it.

A rush of memory forces itself into my mind, giving me another headache. I endure the unpleasant brain-freezing sensation and wait until it disappears. After I recovered from the pain, I check out the new memory silently.

A while later, I come to the conclusion that memory is supposed to be my fabricated life experience in this world. How should I say it… Well, the memory sucks!

My fabricated identity is an orphan. My parents and baby sister had died in a car crash. I was at home waiting for them to return home when the accident happened. My little brother was never born in this world because of the death of my parents.

After I became an orphan, I lived with my maternal grandparents until they died some days after my high school graduation. I never enrolled in a university in this world. Instead, I stopped studying and joined the workforce in this city, Shinto Teito.

It looks like I am a hired muscle in a construction company. A mere grunt. It is a job that demands physical strength and energy. I immediately decided to stop going there.

It is in the middle of February. The temperature is still cold, though the winter will end soon. The year is the year 2020. I remember that it is the year when the Sekirei Plan happened—well, happens. I suppose I can find my first loyal and devoted waifu. Since my Race is "Human (Ashikabi)", I can "wing" Sekirei.

That aside, I shift my attention to the last Orb. I crush it and acquire the "Marksmanship - F" skill. It is a good skill and can help me using my gun better.

After I stored my identification and important documents and Modified Glock 17 in the Storage function, I check out my new skills.

— — —

[Ashikabi Physiology - F (Fixed)]

This skill allows the user to create a metaphysical bond humanoid alien lifeforms designated as "Sekirei".

Consumption: - (Passive)

Rank Up: - (Max)

— — —

— — —

[Bilingual - A]

This skill allows the user to read, write, speak, and understand two languages proficiently. The learned languages are English and Japanese.

Consumption: - (Passive)

— — —

— — —

[Marksmanship - F]

This skill grants beginner-level marksmanship.

Consumption: - (Passive)

Rank Up: 10TP

— — —

After I dismissed my status screen, I guess it is time to hunt my waifu. If I got one, I can get my first waifu without going through courting or dating. If I am not in a hurry to make myself grow stronger, I would have chosen a normal girl, have a normal relationship with her and farm Tantric Points after we went into the third base in our relationship. But, I want to get stronger as soon as possible.

I start preparing myself to get out. I could take a shower, but there is only a communal bath in this building at the end of the corridor. I do not want to bother myself. Also, the temperature is cold.

It is at 9:41 AM of Japan's Time Zone. I head for my closet to get something warm to cover myself. In the end, I choose a long-sleeved, brown-colored shirt under a dark-colored hoodie, and a pair of faded dark-colored jeans. At the very least, they can ward off the cold of the late winter. I don't forget my wallet and an old flip phone.

When I turn on my flip phone, some messages come. They are from my workmates and boss. I send a short reply that states my decision to quit the job. Then, I take a pair of old sneakers behind the door and put them on. Then, I walk out of my apartment room.

Once outside, I find that my room is on the third floor. My apartment complex is in a slum of the western part of Shinto Teito. I make a mental note to migrate to the North after I winged my Sekirei. The North is a safe area because of Miya Asama's existence. And I will use my Sekirei's MBI Card to pay the rent and daily necessities.

I never expected to live a gigolo lifestyle after dying! I thought after I had an epiphany. A wry smile mars my expression. What a man who lives by his lover's fortune is called if not a gigolo? I shake off that nonsense and leave for my stroll.

I keep my eyes open for attractive female cosplayers. It is the only way to find Sekirei.

I keep strolling aimlessly for hours and skip lunch, but I have yet to find a Sekirei reacting to me. So far, I have seen only two Sekirei walking together with their Ashikabi. Those two Sekirei have a red-faced, blissful, silly expression like a maiden-in-love, while those young men have an awkward expression.

When I see such a sight, my impatience and anxiety turn worse. I am fully aware that those Bakaple/Stupid Couples are Ashikabi and Sekirei. Seeing those pairs reminds me of the beautiful days that I spent together with my ex-girlfriend. I will lie if I say I am not feeling envious of them.

While I suppress my melancholy, I keep walking aimlessly in the western part of Shinto Teito. I decided to stop my waifu hunting for the day after the sun began to set. I hope that I have more luck tomorrow.

I visit a chain convenient store to buy cheap meals on my way back to my apartment. My meals consist of nutritional drinks and a loaf of bread. After I arrived at my apartment, I quickly go to sleep. Tomorrow I need to patrol again.



3 days. That is how long I have lived my second life. At the same time, it is also how long I have been walking aimlessly while hoping to find a single Sekirei reacting to me. I have expanded my patrol route to northwest and southwest of Shinto Teito. Yet, I have not met my destined Sekirei.

If I never had Mind of Void, I would have become desperate. Fortunately, I can maintain my calm and keep searching for a Sekirei reacting to me naturally.

To be honest, I have met several "unwinged" Sekirei in the past 3 days. If I did not care about their consent and feelings, I would have forced myself on them and "wing" them without a care in the world. But, I never wanted that. Just contemplating the idea of forcefully "winging" them makes me feel guilty and self-loathing shortly thereafter.

"Winging" or "Emerging" is something precious and sacred for Sekirei. It can be likened to the first time of a girl. And just like it, it can leave a lasting impression. If a girl is hurt in her first time, she will harbor a mental scar that will become detrimental to her life and future.

In Sekirei's case, forced "winging" is worse. Why? Because after being "winged" those Sekirei will be bound to the one who "winged" them until the Ashikabi dies or the Sekirei is deactivated. She will become a slave in all but name. It is crueler than r4pe, even…

I am a sensible person. At the very least, I think of myself as one. I don't want to force something to someone else. It is against my moral code. Perhaps, if my second life becomes a story like that toxic fanfiction that I read for my guilty pleasure, somehow, many readers will call me a pathetic, an herbivore, and/or a male beta.

Well, I do NOT care what people talked behind my back. What important is that I am maintaining my decency and sensibility. I will not stoop low just because of my new status in this life. Being the User of the Harem System does not mean I can forget my sensibility, moral, and bottom line easily. I am a sensible and reasonable person, okay!

So, 3 days. I do not know how long I must keep this until I find my Sekirei. My savings are draining fast. But, I ignore my problems and keep searching for her. My Sekirei.

The time is at 3:09 PM of Japan's Time Zone. The roadside is empty, and I make my way to my apartment with a loaf of bread in one hand and a bottle of energy drink in the other hand. So far, I have been sustaining myself with loaves of bread, instant foods, and energy drinks. I have concluded my patrol and plan to continue tomorrow.

A while later, I am getting closer to my apartment building. Something catches my attention. I see a thuggish young man dragging a scared girl into an inconspicuous alley. What caught my attention is the girl's appearance.

She is extremely attractive with a petite figure that stands fully at 158 cm/5 feet 2 inches. She has an hourglass-like figure with three sizes of 85/55/86. She wears a thigh-length, tight white gown with Sailor-Fuku's navy blue collar, and black leggings, as well as black long gloves. She has medium length, choppy brown hair, and wears a long dark blue ribbon.

I have seen such attractiveness nowadays. She is obviously a Sekirei. But, what caught my attention the most is that she is dragging a massive gray hammer with a red band before the end of the handle.

I quickly recall something from Sekirei source material. The girl is likely Yashima, Sekirei #84. In my memory, she was forcefully winged by Junichi Takigawa, a total thuggish doucebag who only abused her and couldn't appreciate such a sweet girl.

I find that the rules about Sekirei being forbidden to harm a normal human are stupid and unfair. It makes Sekirei unable to defend themselves from some bastards who force themselves on these precious girls. Knowing Yashima's pitiful fate in the series… I cannot stand it!

I bury my half uneaten bread and energy drink into my wide hoodie's pocket, storing it inside my Storage function discreetly. Then, I take out my Modified Glock 17 from there.

To be honest, I am unprepared to kill someone. I have yet to gather my resolve. Although I have "Mind of Void", have yet to resolve myself with killing someone else. Well, I can do courage-and-resolve-gathering later. For now, I will use my gun to threaten the bastard.

Running into the alley, I am trying to stop the bastard from "winging" Yashima forcefully. Time is precious. I cannot be late. After I entered the alley, I see the bastard cornering Yashima in the cliché one-hand wall-slam, also known as "Kabedon". His other hand is cupping her chin. His face is approaching her face that shows helplessness and unwillingness.

I quickly shout at them, stopping the bastard.

"Oy! Asshole! Release that girl!"

Published at 6/6/2020.

Updated at 7/6/2020.

Update Contents:

1) Changing 5 days time skip to 3 days.

2) Fixing some mistakes.

Man_of_Culturecreators' thoughts