
My life as the strongest being on earth

Abdallah_Rasheed · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Kin Magic

"What's happening to me? I can't move. Could this be the end? No, it can't be. I refuse to accept it," Jun's mind raced as he lay motionless, blood seeping around him. Attacked by a gang of four, they callously stole from him.

Jun, known as one of the wealthiest individuals on Earth 2, a world resembling Earth but in a different galaxy with advanced technologies, now found himself in a dire situation.

"Maria, I fear I may not survive this. I'm sorry, my dear daughter. Please forgive me. Happy Birthday," Jun whispered with a heavy heart, his words filled with regret.

As Jun's heartbeat grew faint, the certainty of his impending death loomed over him. With his eyes closing, the distant wail of an ambulance offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

Jun was suddenly faced with a chilling question, "Choose human, life, or death?" A woman's voice echoed all around him, sending shivers down his spine. Startled, Jun looked around the white room, his eyes meeting a mysterious woman seated in front of him. The realization that he was naked added to the surreal moment.

"I demand your answer, Jun Marco," the lady's voice was firm and commanding. The pressure was on as Jun grappled with the weight of the decision in the strange and unsettling situation.

"I don't get it, where am I? I can't be dead, can I?" Jun asked the lady with curiosity, not holding back.

The lady seemed unfazed by Jun's question, her focus solely on the book before her.

"Can you hear me, lady?" he inquired further. The lady then turned to him, her eyes chillingly devoid of humanity. Jun was taken aback, but her subsequent smile only deepened his confusion. Moving closer, Jun pondered that perhaps she hadn't heard him. As he began to speak, the lady raised a finger and stopped him.

"I am everything, everywhere, and everytime. Answer my question, life or death?" she uttered to Jun, her tone icy.

"Life, I choose life!" Jun responded promptly.

"Excellent. You must pick one world. Be cautious in your choice. After choosing, you'll have only three questions before I proceed," the lady informed him.

Jun nodded but could barely understand what the lady was talking about, "could this be some sort of dream? it couldn't...I should be dead,and if I am then what is this place...?" He mind was spinning with questions he couldn't understand.

Out of the blue, the woman's eyes turned black, and the room transformed from a bright white to a dimly lit white. A hologram of various worlds began to materialize before Jun's eyes, leaving him utterly stunned. Despite his shock, he mustered the courage to stay put, captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

"Attrivia,the world of beasts, Metran,the world of the weird,Earth, the world of humans, En-."

"Earth, I choose Earth!,"Jun Interrupted the woman without a second guess.

All the other world's holograms suddenly vanished and was left with Earth, the lady then looked at Jun before saying,

"You can now ask your questions,three questions!"

"Where is this place exactly?am I dead?"

"Those are two questions," said the lady followed by Jun's disappointment know he had asked two questions without knowing.

"This is Sernte,it's a place where people who were killed without their specific time of dying comes, they get awakened in other worlds,and yes, you were dead,"the lady said as the hologram of Earth vanished.

"What should I ask of my third question?"Jun thought almost loudly,

"Will I know myself if I wake up?" He then added.

"Yes,you'll know yourself but there people will know you as a different person as you'll be awakened in another person's body,"the lady answered Jun.

"Now," she continued, "there are crucial details you must grasp before I rouse you. Earth's current year stands at 3042, a realm distinct from your origin, potentially diverging in myriad aspects. Stay alert, Jun Marco! Earth harbors beings unlike humans, known as 'MINS'-"

"What the fuck are Mins?" Jun interrupted the woman.

"No questions anymore. Now, Mins are beasts that existed long before humans and all other living beings. Yes, you can kill them like other humans on Earth do. But, here's a crucial piece of information for Earth's inhabitants: after slaying a Min, it typically leaves behind a crystal infused with magical powers. This crystal grants special abilities known as KIN to those who have defeated a Min. The magic bestowed by KIN varies depending on the individual's personality. There are four stages of KIN. The first stage is Acquired Kin, where an individual has recently gained KIN and hasn't fully grasped their magical capabilities. People with Acquired Kin bear X signs on their necks.

The second stage is Mustered Kin, where an individual has honed their skills and comprehended their magical abilities, showing greater proficiency in their usage. They bear an O sign on their necks. Moving on, the third stage is Awakened Kin, achieved when one has fully mastered their magical powers, denoted by three dots on their necks. Lastly, the fourth stage is Re-awakened Kin, a rare occurrence where an individual can wield multiple types of kin magic, limited to only five in a billion.Those with Re-awakened Kin do not display any magical signs on their bodies. And that's all you need to know, Jun; you are prepared to awaken!" The lady then snapped her fingers....

"Kin magic, awakening fire," a lady in her late twenties exclaimed as a beam of fire erupted from her hands, "Kaizen, Lee, stay back, protect Matt, he's badly injured. Mina, can you heal him?" she urgently requested.

Mina, a girl with long dark hair and purple eyes, others described her as an angel, swiftly rushed to Matt, who lay unconscious on the ground.

"Healing magic, heal any injuries this man bears," Mina chanted as she placed her hands on Matt's body.

"Behind Aliya," Kaizen shouted, gripping a large sword. "I'm going to help her," he declared as he sprinted towards Aliya, engaged in a fierce battle with a Min.

Aliya's fire was wild as the Min charged at her, a massive creature with teeth so big they looked like they could fall out any moment. It roared in anger until Kaizen's sword pierced its long tail, causing it to scream in pain. Aliya and the others had to cover their ears to protect themselves from the Min's piercing cries.

"Nice one, Kaizen!" Aliya shouted, showing her appreciation as Kaizen smiled in satisfaction.

Out of the blue, the Min's tail grew back in just a blink of an eye. Aliya then let out a laugh, no surprise to the others who knew her well; it had been her signature for as long as they could remember. But in an instant, her expression turned to anger. Pointing at the Min with her index finger,

she declared, "Fire magic, enraging flames, kaboom!" A burst of fire shot from Aliya's finger straight at the Min, consuming it completely.

The intense flames left only smoldering flesh, spreading to the trees in the forest. Quick as a flash, Aliya snapped her fingers, and just like that, the fires were extinguished, bringing calm back to the woods.

Matt's eyes fluttered open after Mina's healing touch. He stared at his hand, a mix of shock and surprise on his face. "How is this possible? I'm alive, but it doesn't feel like me," Matt exclaimed, leaving Mina wondering.

"What do you mean it doesn't feel like you?" Mina asked, trying to understand Matt's confusion.

"I'm Jun, Jun Marco. I was-"

"What? You are Matt, your name is Matt!" Mina corrected him.

It turned out Jun was in Matt's body, a result of the Min's attack that had been mistaken for Matt's demise. Jun, still bewildered, faced Kaizen's question, "Is everything okay, Matt?"

"I'm not Matt, my name is-" Jun paused, recalling the lady's prophecy of a new identity in this world. With a sigh, he told Kaizen, "I must have hit my head. Sorry, yes, I feel okay."

Mina's smile widened as she called out for Aliya, who was absorbing the crystal's powers. Aliya rushed over, blushing at the sight of Matt's unexpected recovery.

hello Rasheed here,....so this is technically my first novel I'm going to write...u know it won't be much but...I hope you enjoy it,...

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