
My Life As The First S-Class Guide

Nine years ago, humankind almost perished the day monsters came out of the Cracks– aka dungeons– that appeared all over the world. When all hope seemed to be lost, a select few awakened as Hunters equipped with a System. Thanks to them, the civilization recovered faster than one would expect after the apocalypse. However, another conflict presented itself later: the more the Hunters used their powers, the quicker they lost their sanity. Fortunately, among the Awakened People, there is a group classified by the System as Guides– and only these Guides have the power to soothe the Hunters and bring them back to their senses. Sounds great, right? But what happens when a Civilian is in a relationship with a Hunter who has a high matching rate with their Guide? “Let’s break up, Wonhee.” Yep, this is what happens when your Hunter boyfriend has a 76% matching rate with his Guide. Wonhee was dumped by her long-time boyfriend because she’s just a Civilian… … or so she thought.

sola_cola · Urban
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275 Chs


WONHEE felt relieved when the room changed.

Usually, when the <Sleeping Salon> was activated, there wouldn't be change in the room occupied by her skill.

But, this time, the entire room changed.

[It's the same room as the one where I talked to Tannie last time.]

Except, this time, the walls didn't show Status Windows.

They were just plain white walls.

The room looked like a typical drawing room, except all furniture were white. Some were made of glass, like the table.

Oh, there were windows, too.

But the views outside looked so fake.

[The window on the left side shows a meteor shower while the window on the right side shows the Northern Lights.]

And the glass roof?

[Heavy snow is pouring from the "sky."]

"Are we in an asylum?" Yool complained lightly, sitting on the white sofa. "How come all I see is white?"