
My Life As Tadano

*Important Note* Don't take it seriously, none of this are real, the characters in this story is not mine. I Created This for the sake of improving my writing skills, feel free to criticize this is just me writing a Fictional story with a complicated plots. A Young man from Earth, was suddenly Transmigrated in the body of Tadano Hitohito. The protagonist of Komi-san can't communicate. Tadano which is now an entirely different person, the young man who had been Transmigrated from Tadano's body couldn't remember anything from his past besides the Anime, Manga and Novels he reads. He thought that he'll live peacefully in this Rom-com world with his fated partner Shoko Komi, but he suddenly receives a System!

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Najimi Gender

Najimi was scared by seeing Hayato. Hito had a feeling of Deja Vu for some reason…?

Wait, isn't this Kenichi's first reaction when he met Hayato? Don't tell me, he'll be replacing Kenichi?!

But it's not like I mind though. Hito silently upgraded his [ Chinese Martial Arts ] to Expert level.

This was not left unnoticed by Hayato. He looked at Hito with an incredulous expression.

"Kid….. did you just rank up to the Grandmaster grade?"

Hito nodded and politely said, "Yes grandpa!"

Hearing that, Miu was shocked to the core! She was so shocked because Hito became a Grandmaster and that too so fast!

Najimi was shocked because Hito called Hayato Grandpa! He was the first to react,

"Tadano! That's your grandfather?!"

Hito looked at Najimi, and replied, "Well yes and no. He is actually Miu's grandfather and I call him grandpa because I want to."

Hayato regained his cool and he laughed loudly, "Hahaha! Good, that's good. You are the youngest Grandmaster in the world! We Ryōzanpaku take pride that our Dojo produced this monste- ahem Prodigy!"

'Oi! I heard that, all right! You almost completed the word Monster!' Hito thought.

Miu already recovered from the shock she felt. Unlike the last time when she fainted, her shock was now much less and it was because she more or less predicted such an outcome.

Najimi was confused by their conversation, he spoke, "What are you guys talking about?"

Hito suddenly remembered, "Oh right, Grandpa, this is my friend and he wishes to join Ryōzanpaku!"

Hayato's eyes glinted while looking at Najimi, "Oh…? This kid?"

Najimi shivered at Hayato's gaze, he already regretted coming here!

Hayato continued, "You three let's go inside. As for you Hito, your training will be shortened today since you'll be coming with me to meet my brother today."

Hito nodded and then he looked at Miu who was also staring at him. Hito nodded as the sign that he didn't forget what they talked about yesterday.

"About that Grandpa, I'd like it if you were to take Miu along with us. I mean you know she really wants to see your little brother."

Hearing that Hayato gently stroked his beard, and replied, "Hmmm… let me guess Miu asked you to convince me to let her follow us right? I already refused her to follow me but… I'll reconsider since it's a big deal that you became a Grandmaster. Therefore I will let her follow us."

Miu was embarrassed that her little plan was exposed, but she was happy that her grandfather agreed to let her follow them.


Inside the Dojo, 

Najimi was really scared. These scary looking men were looking at him with a scary expression.

Hito laughed at Najimi's fate. The training hadn't even started yet, but he already got scared by the Masters of the Dojo!

Shio was the first one to speak, "So this pipsqueak is going to join Ryōzanpaku? I mean are you kidding? Look at him!"

"This kid is pretty scared. Are you sure you'll join?" Akisame wasn't sure what to think about Najimi as he could see Najimi had a weak will.

"Ohohoho~ a cute girl is joining our Dojo? Not bad, not bad!" Kensei happily said.

Hito immediately refuted Kensei, "Sensei Actually that person isn't a she but a 'He'"

"Nani?! The fuck did you say?!" Kensei's shock was immeasurable.

"What? This kid is actually a boy? That's surprising. Then, why is he dressing like a girl? Is this crossdressing?" Akisame was also surprised.

"Tsk! Disgusting! A man must never use a girl's dress! I'm disappointed at this brat already!" Shio was disappointed by Najimi. To him a man must never wear something that isn't meant for them!

Hayato himself was a little surprised but it faded instantly as soon as it came. He was a person with age old experience, he naturally knew that there were some people who had different habits.

Kensei didn't want to believe it! He immediately moved toward Najimi and touched his 'You know what'

(E/N: ****! We have an Adam teaser here people. Someone call the TSF)

"Ah!" Najimi was met by surprise. He couldn't react because Kensei's speed was so fast that he could only feel his touch.

(E/N: This sentence was wrong on so many fucking levels. Damn you Charlotte I can't eat dinner now because of you.)

After confirming. Kensei looked at the sky thinking about life, and then he spoke with disappointment,

"It was this big…."

Kensei pointed at his small pinkie finger, meaning that was the size of Najimi's dick!

(E/N: I am gonna fucking kill you Charlotte. Blerggghh🤢🤢🤮🤮)

Najimi was offended by Kensei, and was now embarrassed that his real gender was exposed.


In the end Najimi ended up joining but of course it was by his own will.

Both Hito and Najimi were trained by Akisame. At first Najimi almost quit right after he joined because of the devilish form of his training!

However when he saw Hito training, his eyes widened to the point that it felt like they would explode any second.

Compared to Hito… his training was just embarrassing! He complained because of this little bit of training!

(E/N: Knowing the anime that little bit of training can make the top athletes piss on their pants from fear)

Because of that he prevented himself from giving up! And thought 'If he could do something like that then I also could do it!'

His eyes were burning with determination. Akisame noticed that and spoke,

"Okay, let's add 10 more kgs at your arms!"







Hito finished his training earlier than usual. He went to meet Hayato so that they could finally go to the Nakiri Family!

He was 100% sure that they'll go there by foot because they were faster than any vehicle available in the streets!

Henhad already changed his clothes. After walking for a bit he saw Miu and Hayato waiting for him.

Miu saw himnand she excitedly said, "Hito! Let's go now! I can hardly wait for the trip to start!"

"Right …. Grandpa I'm pretty sure we're going to the Nakiri's by foot. I don't think Miu could keep up with us!"

Hayato laughed, and replied. "No, I'll be carrying her and you'll keep up with me!"

He nodded, it wasn't a problem for him to keep up with Hayato.

Miu was already at her grandfather's shoulder, and then Hayato stopped,

"Kid! Be sure to keep up with me! Think of this as a form of personal training!"

That goes without saying. Hayato moved with a speed that broke the sound barrier! 

Hito immediately followed Hayato with the same speed! It felt like they were teleporting from how fast they moved.

If it was a normal person they would have been smashed to mush by the air pressure, however Hayato, Miu and Hito weren't normal people to begin with. They could easily withstand the air pressure which was created from breaking the sound barrier.

( END- )

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Host : Tadano Hitohito

Age : 16

Skills : Math [ Monster] [+], English [ Prodigy ] [+], History [ Beginner ] [+], Music [ Prodigy ] [+], Art [ Prodigy ] [+], Basketball [ Prodigy ] [+], Cooking [ Monster ] [+], Sleeping Resistance [ Prodigy ] [+], Negotiation [ Beginner ] [+], Fear Resistance [ Monster ] [+], Lying [ Prodigy ] [+], Plushie [ Expert ] [+], Chinese Martial Arts [ Expert ] [+], Willpower [ Monster ] [+], Beauty Resistance [ Prodigy ] [+], Sex [ Prodigy ] [+]

Surprise Points : 20,003

Inventory : None 

I'll upgrade all the skills to Monster soon.

Chapter 62 will be uploaded tomorrow since I'm dead tired today.