
My Life As Tadano

*Important Note* Don't take it seriously, none of this are real, the characters in this story is not mine. I Created This for the sake of improving my writing skills, feel free to criticize this is just me writing a Fictional story with a complicated plots. A Young man from Earth, was suddenly Transmigrated in the body of Tadano Hitohito. The protagonist of Komi-san can't communicate. Tadano which is now an entirely different person, the young man who had been Transmigrated from Tadano's body couldn't remember anything from his past besides the Anime, Manga and Novels he reads. He thought that he'll live peacefully in this Rom-com world with his fated partner Shoko Komi, but he suddenly receives a System!

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

A Family Happiness

Time quickly passed, it was time for afternoon class, but Hito couldn't forget that the moan of Shouko was repeatedly replaying in his mind.

No one heard it besides him because Yamai was too focused on savoring the aftertaste of the meatball!

Shouko is getting more bashful because of that incident, she was so embarrassed that she could die!

But she didn't avoid him like that the first time, however she would unconditionally blush when she would meet his gaze, because she would remember her moan from before as she looked at Hito.

She had a hard time focusing in the class because of that.


In a private ward, Sakura is already cured but currently she isn't aware of it nor the doctors in the Hospital.

It's not like they haven't checked her condition, it's just the results aren't out yet. Though Sakura isn't aware that she's already cured, she could feel that her body is energized and there is no more uncomfortable feeling that she would usually feel inside her respiratory system.

She doesn't need to use pain killers anymore! Ever Since her body stopped burning, and throwing up she felt at ease like she never did.

It's comfortable! She feels that she doesn't need to take those prescribed medicine for her illness.

Now Sakura isn't aware of the 'Surprise' that is going to happen at this time. Not just her but also her family and the doctors will be equally surprised.




Inside the hospital laboratory, the doctor who checked the result of Sakura's body condition, couldn't help but feel shocked.

"T-this is impossible.. really impossible!"

He looked at the result with a look of disbelief, he re-checked several times already, he thought that he was just hallucinating but he wasn't!

The same result! Perfectly the same! No errors! But it's unscientific! How could her pancreas start to work again?!

He was one of the doctors who personally detected such illness from Sakura, they couldn't be wrong because it was tested and proven several times.

They could also see that Sakura was feeling pain at that time so it couldn't be more wrong to say her pancreas stopped working!

But what the hell is this?!

Last time they checked it was still there, but now it's completely gone! Like it didn't happen in the first place!

Sakura's condition is not just normal, but too healthy instead!

The doctor said.

"I have no idea how this is possible but this is better to be known by her parents! They would be happy to hear such important news! That their daughter isn't in any mortal danger now, she could live her life normally!"

He immediately left in the laboratory, with the results in his hands.





Inside the private ward of Sakura,

Her parents were worried about her, they were anxiously waiting for the results to arrive, they were prepared for the worst!

Sakura looked at her parents with worry.

"Mom, Dad you shouldn't worry too much! Look I'm perfectly fine! I feel so much better than before!"

Even though she was telling the truth, her parents thought that Sakura only showed a tough front, so they wouldn't worry about her.

Ms. Yamauchi smiled at her daughter's tough act, she said.

"Dear, you don't need to act...just feel free to let out your pain…"

Mr. Yamauchi agreed with his wife, and he spoke.

"We're happy that you're putting a tough attitude in front of us, so that we wouldn't worry about you, but it's okay you don't have to act."

Seeing her parents didn't believe her, she couldn't help but pout. She was really fine! But at this rate they wouldn't believe her no matter what she says.

She was helpless at this moment, but then suddenly the room door opened, showing the doctor that checked her results from yesterday.

Seeing the doctor, both of her parents stood up from their seats, and they asked worriedly.

"Doctor is the result bad? It shouldn't have gotten worse right?"

"Did some numbers decrease again? What do we need to do, so that we could slow the process?"

The Doctor was silent for a while, as he looked at Sakura with a complicated emotion, but of course Ms and Mr Yamauchi didn't fail to notice that Ms Yamauchi was getting restless.

"Doctor! Is it really bad?"

The doctor's attention shifted to Sakura's parents, and said,

"Bad? No it isn't bad at all!"

Ms Yamauchi misunderstood, the doctor's meaning, and her negative emotions burst out and she started to cry, she went toward her daughter and said.

"Sob* sob* My daughter, my poor daughter! Why is god so cruel to you?"

The Doctor suddenly realized that Ms Yamauchi misunderstood him.

"Ma'am you misunderstood! Indeed it's not bad but it's good! Very good news!"

Mr Yamauchi, who is supposed to be sad, suddenly frowned at the Doctor's words.

"Doctor what do you mean?"

The Doctor suddenly said seriously.

"Actually, at first I didn't believe at the results because it's so unbelievable! So I checked it several times that's why it took me a long time to get here...it's a miracle!"

Mr Yamauchi started to get annoyed.

"Doctor, just say it straight to the point!"

The doctor smiled wryly, but either he replied.

"Okay then, your daughter's supposed to be Illness in the pancreas is cured! It's unbelievable but her pancreas started to work again! She's even more healthy than most people out there! So I say…. congratulations!"

Mr Yamauchi froze, Ms Yamauchi froze and Sakura was shocked, her illness was cured?! How? Didn't they say it's incurable?

But regardless of those questions, hearing that she is now free from her deadly illness, she didn't suppress the feelings that she gathered for years, she cried.

She cried so hard, finally! She wouldn't have to die early! She could finally live normally without worrying about her illness in pancreas.

Suddenly she thought of Hito, and she smiled while crying.

'Tadano Hitohito! I'm not going to hold it back anymore! I'm going to confess to you after I get out of this place!' She thought.

With that her parents were extremely happy, and emotional. Her mother cried more than before, but not out of sadness but extreme joy.

While Mr Yamauchi smiled, while crying a little, he could finally ease his burden at his daughter's illness, because of that he felt like he became years younger.

That day is a special day for the Yamauchi family.


Hito didn't realize that he had already changed the destiny of a girl, he also failed to realize how many surprise points that he had received because of that and also his Manga.

( END- )

Please tell me if there are some misspelled or misplaced words.

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Host : Tadano Hitohito

Age : 16

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