
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 57: Exams Part 2

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 57: Exams Part 2



I looked at the clock and saw that it was just about time for Ibiki to pull out his coup de grâce. I gave Kin another climax and gave her a small towel I took out of my backpack. She cleaned herself up and gave me a dreamy look, before putting her mean face back on.

Ibiki shook his head at me and got everyone's attention. He told everybody what the last question was, and I couldn't help but smile sadly, thinking about how Kiba would've likely still lost his shit. I didn't bother with the big inspirational speech, since there was no need, and I had a rep to maintain. 

Once the rabble was out, Anko came swooping in through the window and told us to meet her tomorrow at the entrance to the forest of death. She gave me a knowing look and walked out of the room. Everyone started to get up to leave, but I made sure to spank Kin's tight ass and leave a note in her pocket that gave her a time and location, asking her to continue where we left off.

I walked out with my teammates and they both bonked me playfully.

"You're so shameless, Naruto. Doing that to that poor girl." Haku feigned scandal.

"Touching her all over in the middle of an exam... You really are a beast." Sakura continued the playful outrage.

"I have no clue what you two are talking about. I'm a righteous, pious man. I know not why you slander me so." I feigned hurt.

They giggled and walked with me to Ichiraku's.

Ichiraku's had grown quite a bit. I'd gotten so rich that I didn't know what to spend all of my money on, so I asked Ayame if her dad would want to hire more people and get a bigger shop. Teuchi was beside himself with joy when I told him I would pay for the new shop and employees for the first year since I needed to get rid of all of my dead wealth.

I had this done just before I used the rift and set it up so that Teuchi wouldn't need to worry about things even if I wasn't around for some reason. Ayame was always good with money so she was managing all of it; mine and the shop's.

She was staying at home now because she was pregnant, but I set things up for her to be able to work from the house, the same with Shizune. Tayuya helped them both out, and they likewise helped each other, but she wasn't doing any work. She was a true blue housewife. All she did was cook, clean, and do chores. She liked it that way.

I was so shocked that at first, I thought she was being bullied or something. But no, she just liked being at home. There was also a huge garden out back where she could play her flute in without worry, so maybe that was her actual reason.

Eventually, all of us got to Ichiraku's and I got my usual 20 and enjoyed conversation with Teuchi and the girls. Hinata was acting as protection detail for the girls at home, another reason she chose to not participate this time around, and wanted me to bring her a large order, so we waited around for that to get done before leaving for the house.


I got home and Ino was arguing with Tayuya about the garden for some reason. I did not want to deal with it so I asked Shizune to be mama bear if they kept it up. I looked at the clock and saw that there was still another hour before I had to meet with Kin, so I snuck Hinata into my room and cuddled with her until it was time to go.

We kissed and played with each other, sure, but we mostly talked about stuff and I was happy that we could still talk about things like we used to. We were friends first, so not losing that was a good thing in my mind. She did ask about my intentions with Kin, but I didn't know just yet.

"I like her, she's pretty and is skilled with genjutsu, sound-based genjutsu... But I don't know yet... At what point does it turn into me just being a degenerate, ya'know?" I said while nuzzling into her chest.

She giggled and pressed my face closer to her bosom. "Naruto... you don't need to worry about that..."

I looked at her with hope but she spat on it.

"You became a degenerate the moment you started getting other girls to like you, so... since the Academy?" She asked rhetorically with a cute expression.

I was miffed. "Hmph... fine... maybe... next time It'll be just the two of us... I love you, Hinata"

I kissed her gently and brought her down to my chest. I know she was confused about my remark, but I wasn't going to be revealing all that much about it until after I'd gotten rid of Kawaki and Kara.

I enjoyed her embrace and her company for another few minutes before the time came to go and find Kin.

"At least... be discreet about it, Naruto... much as we enjoyed what happened with Tayuya, we don't want a repeat of that any time soon. You're way too sexy for your own good." She asked and mumbled the last part to herself, though I still heard it.

I grinned at her and nodded.

"You're plenty sexy too, Hina...", I remarked off-handedly and left the house.


I arrived at the specified location and saw Kin on a bench, looking more nervous than she ought to. I knew something was up, so I hid for a few moments and got a sense of the area. There were three people hiding in the bushes and trees around her, Dosu, Zaku, and Kabuto?

Well, well, looks like I get to do my job early. I grinned.