
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 55: Finally!

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 55: Finally!



It was now July 1st and the Chunin Exams would be taking place. It's actually much the same as in canon, location, and component-wise. The teams have changed a bit, however.

Team 7 would be going in with Haku as a stand-in for Sasuke, Team 8 would not be participating, and Team 10 was near-famous for their strategic prowess and range of abilities, not to mention that Team Guy was way stronger than they would've been otherwise. Or at least, Lee and Tenten were. Neji was strong, don't get me wrong, but he was not stronger than any one of us. The rest of the rabble? Sure.

We were also the only three Hidden Leaf Teams participating, total. Kabuto's team was registered as a foreign team the moment they handed in their paperwork. I was also under strict orders to capture Kabuto and wring every piece of information I could from him.

Tayuya may have quit being an active shinobi, but she was still a genjutsu specialist and trained in her chosen craft every day. It was amazing to watch her come up with new ways to achieve things through minimal changes in her main melody. She was over the moon with joy when she found out that I also used music as a form of attack, though much less so than her. Along with playing multiple instruments. She was a simple woman; I liked that.

Speaking of Tayuya, it was confirmed a few days ago that she, along with Ayame and Shizune, were pregnant with my first children. I was ecstatic when I heard and couldn't help but smile like an idiot, or hug them like one. Tayuya was happy that she could finally live her dream, Ayame was already living with me, so this just seemed to be the icing on the cake for her, and Shizune was so emotional she cried for hours.

She told me that she'd given up on having a family while she and Tsunade traveled, and now that she was going to be starting one with me she couldn't help but feel grateful to have been left in that office by ourselves all those months ago.

I was also an older brother, believe it or not. Yūgao finally gave birth to her son, Hayatou, very imaginative, I know. The kid was healthy and there were no signs of him developing Hayate's chronic cough. And during the past few months, I've been making sure to take some time to go and visit the little boy and play with him. Not much I could do since he was a newborn, but I was happy to also be part of my sister's family. Related or not.

Things were looking up, but now was not the time to get complacent. These exams were going to turn into a battleground, and there was trouble afoot.


"So, Naruto, got any special plans for after the exams?" Shikamaru asked while we walked through the corridors of the academy, avoiding the obvious traps and illusions put up to deter any genin teams that weren't ready.

"Hah... I don't know... I finally have a break from missions and training, so I just want to lay around all day and nap for a few days." I told him with a tired sigh.

"Well, it's your fault for getting into such a troublesome arrangement. Seriously, what's wrong with you? One wasn't enough?" Shikamaru questioned my sanity.

He was talking about my three pregnant girlfriends and the other five constantly trying to get in my pants to do the same. I didn't mind, but it was exhausting.

"Hm... you may have a point, Shika... but I'm just happy to be so lucky." I grinned at him and he grunted.

"I wouldn't call that being lucky..." 

I laughed and we made it to room 301. There were a lot fewer shinobi, but some stand-out teams were here, Team Oboro from Rain, Team Dosu from Sound, Team Gaara from Sand, and Team Kabuto. I looked at all of them and while they were considerably stronger than in canon, it has been a year since we were supposed to take this exam; and the requirements made it so that participants were actually ready to handle the challenges of this test.

I mean, really? 8 D-Ranks? Come on, with nothing but chores it's no wonder so many people die during the second exam, they were being sent woefully unprepared.

I saw Temari and man she was a looker. I tapped Shikamaru on the shoulder and motioned at his future wife. I was not going to go for Temari this time around. I'd have other chances. I saw him relax and gain a look of interest. They were closer in age now too so this would hopefully get things rolling a little quicker. Might not, but who's to say?

"Like what you see, huh? Don't worry. I'll make sure to hook you up, buddy." I teased and he grew red and left me to go talk to Ino and Choji who got here before us.

I grinned. He was too easy.

"Already picking out new targets?" Haku asked from beside me.

"Hm? No, but I know my friend's type when I see it, so Imma hook a brother up." I responded.

"Hmm... so you say...", she was disbelieving.

She walked over to Sakura who was talking with Lee and Tenten.

Neji wasn't an ass anymore, but he didn't exactly 'integrate' with the group. Hinata eventually got Hiashi to give Neji his father's letter, with a lot of 'subtle' nudging from me, and while he softened up, he was still Neji and was in need of some humbling. 

I liked him, though, he was an excellent sparring partner these past few months. Tsunade banned me from doing missions after I'd completed another 300 missions, so I was left with nothing to do but train while the girls were out or engage in my previously abandoned hobbies; carpentry and pottery. I felt fulfilled.

Neji and Lee became my go-to sparring partners, while Shikamaru and I began to play Shogi using chakra and jutsu to move or enact each piece's actions. It was an idea I came up with when thinking of new ways to entertain myself. Shikamaru was excited when I explained the rules to him. We rarely play Shogi in the traditional way now.

I joined the group and sat next to Tenten, "Hey there, gorgeous. First time here?" 

She giggled at my silliness, "Are you excited to finally try for promotion? I remember you were disappointed when Lady Tsunade pushed the new requirements."

"Hm... more like cautiously optimistic. I still wouldn't let my guard down. You never know what lies in the shadows..." I said as I looked Orochimaru straight in the eye.

He grinned.