
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 43: A New Me

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 43: A New Me


I wanted to know what all of these new things were, but I needed to check my status first, see how far behind I was currently.

|||Player Menu:|||

1. Status

[Status: Lv1 - DS: 3000/ CP: 3750/ STR: 18/ AGI: 16/ VIT: 20/ INT: 19/ SNC: 19]


2. Techniques and Abilities

[Ninjutsu: Clone Jutsu, Clone Super Explosion, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Shuriken Shadow Clone, Shuriken Giant Body Technique, Rasengan, Giant Rasengan, Adamantine Sealing Chains

Wind Ninjutsu: Wind Style: Devastation, Wind Style: Gale Palm, Wind Style: Wind Bullet, Wind Style: Twin Rising Dragons, Wind Style: Melody of the Heart, Wind Style: Pressure Damage

Fire Ninjutsu: Fire Style: Great Fireball, Fire Style: Great Flame Flower, Fire Style: Searing Migraine

Lightning Ninjutsu: Lightning Style: Heavenly Formation Lightning, Lightning Style: False Darkness, Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder

Water Ninjutsu: Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet, Water Style: Water Wall, Water Style: Water Severing Wave]

Supplemental: Substitution Jutsu, Body Flicker Technique, Transformation Jutsu, True Transformation Jutsu, Flying Thunder God/Second Step/Guiding Thunder, Four Symbol Seal

Distraction: Sexy Jutsu, Reverse Sexy Jutsu, Harem Jutsu, Reverse Harem Jutsu 

Support: Mystical Palm Technique, Chakra Enhanced Strength, Area Scanning Technique, Summoning: Toad]

[Abilities: v2-Bijū Cloak, Sensor Technique, Limit Breaker]


3. Titles and Bonuses

[Titles: True Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Descendant, Exalted Individual]

[Bonuses: Gambler's Bane, Full Potential, Sage's Body]


4. Relationships and Satisfaction

[Romances-In Excellent Standing]

[Friendships-In Excellent Standing]


5. Missions and Objectives

[Missions Available]


6. Inventory

[Money: Too much Ryō, spend it]

[Tools, Instruments, Books, Notes/Pads]


7. Party



8. System Info


I laughed when I looked at the money tab. I guess I needed to spend some money then hahaha

I was surprised, though. I thought I'd have lost much more. But those stats were absurd. Level 1 with all double-digit stats? That's insane. I guess when Kurama said he'd stop messing with my chakra he meant it, the change is eye watering.

The good thing, is that since my INT is so high now, chakra control shouldn't be much of an issue, so I can hopefully still use some of my techniques. But, I won't be using much chakra for the time being. 

I had some stuff I wanted to check out though, where was it. Ah,

[Limit Breaker:

Allows player to double current capabilities for 60sec during battle at the cost of 90% of total DS. DS is restored if Player does not take damage during activation.]

Wow, that's a big boost. The higher my level and stats the higher it goes. Excellent. Perfectly balanced.

[Full Potential: 

Free from internal interference, Player's abilities(stats) now increase at the highest rate possible for their natural build and capabilities. Experience is gained at a faster rate.]

Okay, nice, that explains the big initial stats that a lv1 character has no business having. Now, what about these 'Special Missions'.

[Special Missions:

Missions that are only initiated when Player selects them from the Missions Screen. These Missions bring new characters, challenges, and scenarios into the world for a variety of purposes. These newcomers are from alternate versions of this world and may stay or leave after missions have been completed. Rewards are determined by performance.]

Hm... that's cool... it would be funny to see canon Sakura gawk at me kissing her twin. Naruto would also be an interesting person to bring over... any version really.

I feel like there are many possibilities to explore here. I'll do these on my own time, though. I was finally able to move around freely and I had a lot of levels to grind.


When I was told slow and steady wins the race in regards to my retraining, I was not aware of just how painfully slow things would progress. I had all of these bonuses and impressive abilities, but it did me no good when I couldn't even jog at a civilian pace without losing my breath.

I was dismayed. But, even if I looked fine, and these numbers told a different story, I was still technically recovering from a prolonged comatose state with life-support. So, this was going to require more time and effort than I would want. In several fronts, not just physically, but mentally. I left my assumptions and preconceptions at the door and began to do every effort to improve my physical condition. 

Luckily for me, most of my girls were medics and could help point me in the right direction. I was technically a medic too, but I only worried about the battlefield aspect of medical treatment. Ino was now a certified nutritionist and Haku and Hinata were both certified physical therapists. I decided to go through the proper channels and booked an appointment with them. The first one would be two days from now, with Ino. Haku and Hinata were booked until next week.

I was still going to get treatment at home, but I wanted them to relax whenever they came to visit, not think about work. They'd be exhausted enough as it was.

I walked around the village and went to Sasuke's house. I was expecting Kiba to be there, but she was by herself when I knocked on the door.

"Naruto? Wow, two months and you still look like shit." She observed.

"Yes, well. I can barely run 20m without losing a lung, so that about sums it up." I shrugged.

She smiled sadly and told me to come in. "It looks nice here, not as depressing as last time I was here." I observed.

"Yeah, well... Hinata and Sakura are hard to say no to. Especially after four years of nagging. How you handle those two is beyond me." She shook her head.

"Their cute. That's how. You don't look bad yourself. Certainly filled up in all the right places." I said as I gave her a once-over.

"Heh? Like what you see, do you? Too bad. Kiba called dibs." She teased.

"Hardy har har" I waved her off.

"You look good though, I'm glad your happier now." I told her sincerely.

She nodded, "Hm. Thanks, Naruto."

"How's Kiba treating you?" I changed topics slightly.

"He's nice. Attentive, easily teased, haha." She giggled. 

That's a first.

"But we're taking things slowly. I know you're a prolific philanderer and might not understand, but not all couples go straight to fucking. Shizune told me how you seduced her, bad boy." She wagged her finger at me and turned to get some tea prepared.

I sat on the counter and admired the new look of the place. It really looked amazing. "Hey, do you think I could move in? My apartment's getting cramped with so many things the girls leave in there that I can barely walk around."

"Hmm, sure. The whole district's empty, take your pick. But, tell me if you find any hidden scrolls and stuff, I have those stored away in the library for when I start writing down the clan history down. Too much crap is spread around it's hard to get an accurate picture of the clan's history." She said and placed the tea cup in front of me.

"Sure. I can help you with that, you know. My parents taught me all about seals and stuff so I can make a cool one to help you make a historical compendium or something." I offered.

"You mean the Fourth and Lady Kushina?"

"Yeah, they-" I froze.

She had a Cheshire grin on her face and I knew I was fucked.

"uh... I mean-"

"Too late now, buddy boy. You already spilled the beans." She wiggled her finger.

"So, what were they like? You only mentioned them in passing at the hospital, you didn't describe your parents or anything." She sat next to me.

I sighed in dismay. "Just... don't go blabbing it around, okay?" 

"I won't. You've known for years and haven't told anybody, I know you have your reasons." She kicked her feat in the air.

I nodded and told her all about my parents.

"He taught you his jutsu?" She was incredulous.

"Yeah, but I can't use it just yet. I'm way too fragile to be able to handle the strain on my reserves or my body. Probably vomit up a storm too. Even in my head I got woozy." I told her.

"Well, it seems we all got pretty strong jutsu then... I-" 

"I know, Sasuke... It makes me happy that you love me so much... I just hope I saved you from following his footsteps..." I kissed her cheek.

"I hope so too..." She hugged me and held me for a long time. I pretended to not notice her shakes and sobs while we embraced.


"If you tell anyone I was crying you die." She said after the tender moment ended.

"Hmph, I could still kick your butt without breaking a sweat." I boasted.

"Care to prove it?" She challenged with a grin and I knew better than to accept it.

"Uh, maybe another time- Oh, Kiba's on his way. You two getting spicy tonight?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Stuff-it pervert. I'm an elegant classy lady." She puffed out her considerable chest out.

"Uh-huh... and I've got a third leg." I joked.

"...By all reports, Naruto, you do." She looked at me with a weird expression.

"... hm... bad example..." I nodded, acknowledging my mistake.

The door opened and Kiba cam in with Akamaru behind him.

"Hey Kiba... you look like shit, what's up?" I asked.

"Sasuke, you need to stay here. Naruto, Tsunade needs you back at the Tower, now." Kiba grabbed me and sat me on top of Akamaru. I would've resisted but I legit could do nothing.

"What? why? What's wrong Kiba?" Sasuke asked, more annoyed than worried. Let's please remember that Sasuke does not like being told what to do.

"There are S-Rank shinobi here after Naruto, we need to get him to safety." Kiba answered, a sense of urgency in his tone.

"What?! Then why the fuck would I stay here?! He's my friend too, you know!" She got pissed.

"No!" Kiba growled at her.

"Stay here... please..." He pleaded.

Oh, shit.