
Life Goes Peacefull Part 13

Ash by asking if it was a jab towards their rivalry.

Ash had answered, "Not a jab no, but your rivalry

was definitely an inspiration!"

Samuel had laughed hearing that, "What do you

know your annoying quarrels helped someone

out after all?"

Blue had blown a raspberry at his grandfather,

"Whatever you say old man!"

Red's face was a little pink because of the

embarrassment and pouted, "It just happens and

we apologized, didn't we?

Samuel, "You know reading about the ghosts in

the castle reminded me of another story."

Gary looked up curious, "What story gramps?"

Samuel closed his eyes and rubbed his chin, "It

was during one of my travels I came across a

town that had a very curious story about a

maiden's ghost that haunts a cliff waiting for his

long lost beloved to return home."

Ash sat next to Red, "What's the story about


Samuel smiled, "I didn't stay long in the town but

I did listen to a bit of the sad history of two lovers.

According to the local myth a young warrior had

gone off to battle for his King after promising his

young fiancee, he would return back to her.

Unfortunately he died during the war and never

returned. The young maiden however refused to

believe he was dead and stubbornly stayed loyal

and waited for him no matter what till one day

she fused with the cliff she was standing on and

turned into stone. It is said that her spirit still

haunts the cliff to this day."

Red's eyes widened, "Are you saying we have a

real life ghost?"

Blue, "That would be sort of cool."

Gary gave a wan smile, "I don't think Zoey would

agree with you

Samuel looked at Ash and the other kids looking

at him expectantly, "I'll have to search for it first.

I'll ask the Mayor where it has been kept.

Hopefully it's not been ruined due to the amount

of time that has passed.