
My Life as an Ero-Magi Sucks! All Roads Lead to Perversion!!

Izayoi and Akiza have the worst possible opinions of each other, even after living together for two years. He thinks she's a selfish brat, she believes he's a perverted slacker. The animosity has reached a breaking point and Akiza wants to move out. Time apart sounds ideal until they both start experiencing strange dreams. In these fantasies, they're the wrong bodies! The events of their dreams threaten to spill out into the real world, causing havoc in their lives as they try to work out what is happening to them, what powers are causing it and more importantly, how they can use it to get back to normal. It's gonna take a good long journey, loads of comedy, some heart, heaps of character development, a bucket of hi-jinks and a ton of gender bending tropes to get to the bottom of what's gotten on. ********************************** If you can't wait to find out what happens next, you can grab Volume 1 for just $5.99 Amazon -- https://amz.run/6hjR Smashwords -- https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1367118

Sabrina_Valentine · Fantasy
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26 Chs

1.26 – Busted

Part 4

The next obstacle presented itself in the form of not having access to a car in this body. Izayoi let out a pathetic sigh and began walking back to the school. If Akiza truly did have his body, that's where she'd be.

Izayoi could became aware of the sun's rays.

They were merciless on the back of his neck.

There was also an obvious weight pulling him forward as he walked.

Walking in a woman's body was extremely dissimilar.

Every step Izayoi took caused the opposite butt cheek to fall, sway and lift. It felt like his hips 'switched' every time he stepped. As unusual as this motion was, paled in comparison to the shift in weight from his breasts moving.

Akiza's massive boobs made it feel like he was being pulled towards the ground. The weight on Izayoi's chest was sooooo troublesome in fact that he couldn't stand the way they slapped and brushed up against one another every couple of moments.

Looking down, there was a slight dampness in his cleavage from the heat.

「I need to get to Akiza!」

It was a good hour and a half before the pearly gates of the school came into view.

"Finally…" He said in-between breaths.

「I just have to find Akiza so we can...」

Izayoi thought about his current situation. Could they switch back? Was it even a swap?

He pushed these negative ideas aside to focus on Asami and Shizuka approaching.

"Excuse me, have you seen my sis—I mean my brother?" The couple paused to hear him out. "Izayoi. He's a classmate of yours."

Izayoi was taken aback by the unusual stare both were giving him. Asami's in particular was most inexplicable.

「Is that amusement?」

"Don't know, don't care," Shizuka hissed angrily. "Probably ran home with his head tucked between his legs!" She snorted, but then traded it in for a full ten second laugh.

"Why do you say that?"

"Maybe because that perv was getting off in the ladies earlier."


「Akiza masturbated in the girls' bathroom?! In my body?!」

"Gotta say, not bad for a Third String. Maybe if he wasn't such a freak, who knows?" Izayoi tussled with moving past the idea that these to gorgeous girls bore witness to his naked form…in the girls' bathroom.

And there was Asami, who still hadn't said anything. Her creepy expression continuously unnerving.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You don't belong," she finally told him.


"Your insides don't match your outsides."

「Hold on. Is she saying that she knows I'm not really—」

"I'll tell you who's insides don't match their outsides: good old Third String! A package that sweet does not belong on someone like that," Shizuka interrupted, obviously enjoying herself.

"Whatever, can I please borrow your phone?"

"What for?" Shizuka's attitude snaked back to rough around the edges delinquent.

"I need to call Izayoi." Asami simply shook her head while Shizuka responded with…

"Use your own, bitch. Do I look like a fucking charity?"

"Please! It's really important!"

"Oh, it's really important?"

Another change in attitude.

"Yes! It's really, super important!"

"Well now I really, super don't give a fuck." This prompted a shared laugh between the two, eventually leading to Izayoi being left behind.

"Useless Third String."

Izayoi put the expected outcome out of his head before racing inside the school. He headed straight for class…only to find nobody left.

「Maybe she's gone to Akeno?」

The idea kept distracting Izayoi during his search through the school. He finally decided to check the parking lot behind the school, allowing a flat 'shit' to leave Akiza's mouth.

His car was nowhere to be found.

This was bad.

「I need to find her and fast!」

Izayoi caught his breath when he spotted Kengo and Kai loitering near the front of the school.

「Don't these two have anything better to do? 」

「Nevertheless, they were human (technically) which meant…」

"Hey guys!" Izayoi planned how to get the best use out of these two idiots.

"Who are you?" The duo's distain evaporated the moment they noticed it had been 'Akiza' who'd addressed them.

「Right. Wrong body. They don't know me.」

"Hi, I'm...Akiza. Izayoi's step-sister."

"You're cute."

"No, I'm a total bitch when you get to know me."


「Take that Akiza.」

"So look, I know you don't know me, but I have an emergency and I don't have my phone with me. Do you mind if I borrow yours real quick? Pleeeeeeease…!"

"Sure." Kai replied, mesmerized.

"Really? Thank—"

"If you show us your tits."

"What?!" Izayoi yelped.

"Yeah. That's a fair, amicable trade," Kengo added, much to Izayoi's irritation.

"I'm not flashing you my boobs!" Even if they weren't his breasts to flash.

"Suit yourself."

"Bye." Without saying anything else, Kengo and Kai put out the cigarettes they'd been smoking, getting ready to go…wherever it was they went after not paying attention in class.

Desperation swelled up in Izayoi. "No wait!"


"You promise I can borrow your phone if I let you see my boobs?" He couldn't believe he was stooping so low.

"Scout's promise."

Izayoi forgave himself for ever believing either of these two were cool before carefully lifting up Akiza's top. He quivered with delight as her breasts rubbed against the fabric sliding over them.

"Oh, wow!"

"You're stacked!"

"Just like a porn star." Izayoi felt a sense of degradation, as well as confusion, born out of the fact that part of this body was...enjoying this behaviour?

He lowered his top again, musing how Akiza ever got anything done being this stimulated all the time. "There. You've seen my boobs, now gimme your phone."

"A deal is a deal." Izayoi practically snatched Kengo's phone out of his hands before punching in his phone number.

A voice came over the line… "You have reached your monthly voice call limit. Please recharge to continue calling."

"What the hell?!" Kengo and Kai looked like they were both moments away from cracking with laughter.

"Riiiiiight. Probably should've mentioned I ran out of minutes."

"You set me up?!" Izayoi discovered it was easier to get mad in a woman's body, frustration igniting like a match inside him.

"Hey! The deal was we'd lend you the phone if you showed us some titties."

"Lend it to make a call, you dumbass!"

"The devil is in the details." Kai's explanation merely caused the deep pit of anger within Izayoi's stomach to rapidly fill up. "Although..."


"If you let us fondle those magnificent sweater kittens, I'll buy you some minutes."

"Hell no! I'll buy my own!"

He fished out Akiza's wallet.

"Here you go, buy at least..."

Izayoi's heart dropped at the wallet's lack of contents.

"Son of a...!" Right, she didn't have a job which meant not even a cent to her name.

「She is so useless!」

"Something wrong?" Kai asked curiously.

"No, I mean...I uh, I'm bit short on cash, but if you let me—"

"I'll take that." Kengo quickly snatched back his phone.

"No please! I really need to find her!"

"Your girlfriend?"

"My brother!"


"Look, can I just give you an I.O.U.?"

"Only if I.O.U. translates into us fondling some titties…" The duo howled like eager wolves.

"Alright fine. You can touch my boobs."

"Both of us."



"Fine. But only touching."

"Sure thing!"

Izayoi's face turned beet red from embarrassment before he'd even stuck out his chest.

"Let me squeeze those funbags!" Both men lustfully lunged at him, each grabbing one plump tit, lifting them up to weigh.

"Damn, these things must weigh a ton."

"Your back must hurt a lot," Kai added, squeezing the boob like a marshmallow.

Izayoi's instincts were to wiggle free of their grip, but he steeled himself. Even as Kai pulled his top up, exposing Akiza's breasts again. Kengo sieged the opportunity to caress. Slowly at first, but quickly devolving into more debauched behavior.

"Hey! Don't be so rough with me!"

It was too late though.

"These things are freaking huge! Look, my fingers are disappearing into them."

"Don't hog them all to yourself! Let me have a go."

「Stupid perverts!」

"Dude, I had no idea Izayoi's sister was this cute."

"I know right, look how beautiful these boobs are!"

All this worshiping was becoming grating, not to mention piling onto the humiliation. "Will you two just shut up and finish already—eeeeeeeeeek!"

The squeal escaped Izayoi's mouth when Kengo tightened his grip on his left boob.

"Whoa, did you hear that?"

「This is bad.」

"I told you not to be so rough with me!" Even as he berated him, more moans followed, rewarding Kai and Kengo for their continuous ravishment.

What the hell is it with boobs anyway? Why are they so goddamn sensitive?!

"Bro, I think she's likes it."

"Is that true? You get off on this kind of thing?"

"Nooooooo! I…Aaaah~" Izayoi quickly put a hand over his mouth to keep the moans inside. "This—Feels--Weird. We. Should. Stop."

Izayoi panicked at the strange sensation forming between his legs.

"Hey! Don't touch me there! Hah~hhh~" Kai and Kengo's groping adventure had spread to other parts of the body. Kai was fingering the belly button while Kengo was caressing the waist.

「This is bad. Akiza's body is way too sensitive.」

Izayoi realized that this body was merely a collection of erogenous zones waiting to be stimulated; the slightest touch causing various alien sensations to shoot through him.

He felt Kai's breath on his neck. "Look, I know this is kinda wrong, but do you think we could go out sometime after we're done groping you?" The man pressed his body against Izayoi's before rubbing softly.

"Stop. It" Izayoi whispered meekly, his mind on the brink of being so overwhelmed. The rest of his body felt numb. "Ahhh…ahh~"

"Hey Kai, look how hard these things are." Kengo reached out and flicked a nipple, causing Izayoi to shudder and cry out in pleasure.


"You can cut glass with her nipples!" Izayoi's body went limp from desire while his mind criticized the two creeps having their way with Akiza's body.

"She looks so lewd with that expression."

"You think she'd let us—"

"Hey!" The voice belonged to someone else and commanded enough authority to make Kengo and Kai pause their fondling. "What in the world is going on here?!"

Izayoi managed to snap back to reality just in time to see Minori, hands on hips, scowling a few feet away.

He quickly pushed Kai and Kengo's hands away before covering up Akiza's breasts.

"Ms. Takagawa…"

"T-This isn't w-w-what it looks l-like," Kai tried to explain. Without saying anything else, the two broke into a run, ignoring Minori's orders to 'stop' or to 'come back this instant'.

"Hey! No! The phone!"

But it was too late.

Kai and Kengo were out of earshot already and knowing that he just allowed those two idiots to grope Akiza's bitchy body without anything to show for it just pissed him off so much.

"Damn, those two…"

"As for you!" Izayoi looked back at Minori and grimaced.

"What were you thinking?" Her anger was ripe and intense. "This is a school! Who are you anyway? Do you even go here?"

"Well I, you see…"

"Do you have any idea how many laws you just broke? I have a good mind to call your parents!" Izayoi's heart skipped a beat the moment Minori went to take out her cellphone.

「If Yukie finds out about this, then Akiza finds out about this. And if she finds out about this, I'll never hear the end of it.」

"What's your name? I'm calling your parents."

Conscious decision or just instinct, Izayoi didn't know. He simply turned and ran.

Towards the school gate. Towards freedom.

He simply ran.

He blocked out Minori's yelling for him to stop and continued onward. This encounter left only one other viable person who could help him get his body back…unfortunately.

Can't wait to find out what happens next, you can grab Volume 1 for just $6.99 from Amazon and Smashwords:



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