
Falling apart (part 1)

I used to be a normal kid happy and worry free but all that changed...

Everything started changing in 5th grade I was going threw some trouble in school and was thinking about moving to another school. So eventually I did.

I thought my friends would miss me but to my dismay they didn't really care. One of them even completely ignored me when I saw her again. Which really hurt me because I held them close to my heart.

When I was a kid I was very gullible and thought everyone was nice. I got bullied as a kid and was even bullied by my own cousin that went to school with me. My mom would tell me "stand up for yourself Amelia!" I eventually I learned the harsh reality of life

Then I became on the edge all the time thinking that people only wanted to harm me or wanted something from me so I would make myself seem tough on the outside and wouldn't let people see me cry

So I moved to a Private Chinese school when I was in 6th grade. At first I actually tried home schooling but with me being a lazy potato đŸ„” that didn't work out.

So when I started that school I really wasn't used to it was so much work we had 8 projects due in one week and had to do Midterms and Finals. I couldn't handle the pressure and had really bad grades. I also struggled to fit in with the others.

Im just starting this so please be patient and give me feedback on anything you think I can do better thank you so much for reading you don’t know how much this mean to me?

mylife732creators' thoughts
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