
My Life as a Werewolf in the Fantasy World

saikouren · Fantasy
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A new Life

A young boy named Elias that looks so pale just woke up from his sleep. "This room doesn't look like a hospital so Where the hell am i?" He is confused as he saw his room is different from his own room nor does it look like a hospital room. He then tried to remember what happened before. He was on his way back home from shopping daily needs, but suddenly three rough looking man ambushed and dragged him into an empty alley, actually they just want to rob his money, but because he tried to fight back he got stabbed twice on his back then he was fainted.

He is so angry that he was robbed by those three men. He feels so weak but somehow doesn't feel any pain on his back as he knew that he got stabbed twice on his back, he removed his shirt and tried to look up if there was any wounds on his back but he doesn't find anything "weird, did I got on coma for some weeks? And who the hell put this tail toy on my ass" he saw a white fur tail toy attached just above his ass then he tried to remove it. "damn, why is it cannot be removed" he add more power trying to pull it out but he feel pain instead "is this tail real?", then He just realized that his body looked different, his body is much smaller, He immediately got up and sees his reflections on the only mirror in the room.

What he saw on the mirror is a young boy with good looking face, height around 140 cm, blue short hair and blue fur hair. " wh- who is that? Is this mirror broken or something?" He waved his hand to the mirror to check then he calmly thought "If this is who I am now, then those shitty robbers killed me and I was somehow transmigrated to this body, this is absolutely a different world as there isn't any human that looked like this on earth, so what kind of world is this huh" then he silently sit back on his bed. A moment after that he suddenly felt a sharp headache as there is a different person memory came to his mind then he fainted.

The memory that he got showed that the body that he possessed now is a 9 year old wolf beastmen that just got talent awakening. This young boy died of exhaustion on his bed because his body or maybe his soul can't handle the strong talent that he got on his awakening day. He also learned that everyone in this world can check their own body status and level like some games that he played back on earth. He also learned both this world language and beastmen language. Also, coincidentally this body name is same as him 'elias'.

Three hours later someone came on his room, "hei elias" a gentle voice woke him up, then he saw a beautiful blue haired girl that look like a girl in her twenties, based on memory she is his mother now in this world. Her name is Melanie and she looked so young because the more powerful a person become the more life span she has, extending her youth. "good morning my dear boy, how are you feeling?" 'based on memories of this body she is really a doting mother and she never force her son to train hard and thus result on a weak body' he thought, "I am still a litle bit dizzy mom, probably I need to train hard to negate the backlash of my talents." He said weakly, "aww finally my dear boy wanted to train hard but it is okay to rest more, so tell mom what kind of talents you got?" she asked "sure mom" then in he said in his mind 'open status'

< Name: Elias (level 1)

Title : none

Race : beastmen


- Strength: 6

- Agility : 4.8

- Vitality : 5

- Magic : 1

- Perception : 10

Trait : Predator body (20 percent increase in strength and agility) keen sense ( 50 percent efficiency increase in any ability that use perception)

Talent :

- Magic Genius (level 1) 0%

Grade : rare

Type : passive (growth)

Effect : learn magic related abilities faster and 10 percent increase on magic attacks

- Eye of Insight (level 1) 0%

Grade : Common

Type : active (growth)

Effect : you are able to see status of any item and person.

- Weapon mastery

Grade : rare

Type : passive

Effect : 20 percent increase

- Lord of the night (level 1) 0%

Grade : Unique

Type : passive/active (growth)

Effect : passively 10 percent increase on all stat at night/ when activated turn 50m surrounding area into darkness for 1 min (1 day cooldown)


- Werewolf Transformation (lvl 1/ common): you are able to transform into werewolf infinitely but might turn you into insanity the longer it activated ( 50 percent increase in strength when in werewolf mode )>.

Elias doesn't know what to feel when he saw his status because he lacks the basic knowledge of this world. Even though he got this body memory it only shows recent events and important things of his life. Then he asked his mom "mom, how many talents usually a person get?" "well, it varies, you may got zero talent and the current known person with highest talents is the current dragonian king has 6 talents, so how many do you have? And tell me what those are, so mom can help you train it better." Elias contemplated whether to tell his mom or not, but then Melanie said she will use inspection item instead to know elias talent better. "Mom feels proud that you have 4 talents but only 2 that really useful for now, as magical genius doesn't complement with our trait and eye of insight can be replaced with an artifact with inspect skill it is can be easily blocked too, but your last talent are incredible as the ones who have it are only the first vampire and fenrir so be proud of yourself, and your dad will return from the border next week to check on you".

After that Melanie and I have breakfast together, and then I go to library on the town to learn knowledge of this world. Three hours later, I learned that currently I live in a town called dawnhold it was located on the beastmen confederacy which is being ruled by five main tribe of beastmen those are Lion Tribe, Bear Tribe, wolf tribe, Bird tribe , Monkey Tribe, there are other minor tribes too. Beastmen confederacy are located on south east side of the Leakras Continent being bordered to demon realm to the north and on the west bordered with both dwarf and human kingdom. Human in this world are being split onto three nations, 2 kingdoms and 1 empire on the far northwest side of continent. The leakras continent itself is huge, the landmass is much wider than all continents on earth combined.

The scale of power level of this world are level 1-4 = ORDINARY, 5-20 = APPRENTICE, 21- 50 = ADEPT, 51 – 100 = MASTER, 101- 200 = GRAND MASTER, 201 – 500 = Saints, 501 – 1000 = Deity, 1000+ Supreme God. To increase your attribute you can just level up as it gives you 10 attribute points per level, there are other ways such as do push up to increase your strength, drink various elixirs, and use your skills routinely. The only way to level up is killing monsters and people. Monster can be found on wilderness and inside a dungeon. after reading many books elias felt terrible because his attributes are far lower than any other level 1s, because the average stat of lvl 1 human are 20s while other races is higher than that such as dragonian that have 100s average stat on lvl1.

When he back at home elias immediately do some basic physical training until he got dead tired on the evening, Melanie was surprised when she saw a change of attitude of her son, and decided not to disturb him. At night, elias is currently thinking on what he would do from now on, but surely he is determined to be stronger as much as possible as he doesn't want to feel of being stabbed to dead again. And then he said confidently "hei world here I come".