1 C1: So Now I’m A Shark

Well... This is better then the hell-hold I used called home a few minutes? Hours? Days? Ago.

The darkness around me, the silence, it was like a dream come true. You could call me introverted. An introvert with born with extremely bad luck.

I was born into a middle-class family that was looked like it was completely ordinary. Everyone in our family had a smile when we left our house, even me. But it was fake.

Every day I wake up, my dad has drunken a "little" too much beer , my mom is barley here in the morning and. My brother stays in his room all day, he doesn't even shower!

He only goes out for dinner, school or family occasions (my parents don't even tell him to get out!They clearly have a favourite.)

This Cycle continues every day...

My dad beat me up for 10 years of my life because he was drunk, I turned to anime and web novels. Anime after after anime, web novel after web novel.

Then my family took away my phone and computer, I couldn't bare it. My only means of happiness taken away.

At 15 I finally broke, I found a rope and a stool... I couldn't bare it anymore. I committed suicide. It was quick and I don't regret it. At-least I don't have anyone beating me.

Alone in the darkness, I then heard a voice.

"Oh, how pitiful"

"Your past life treated you badly."

The absolute darkness then faded away, I could see as clear as day. was I still alive is what I thought at the time.

I then saw where i am, and who said that.

I was in a black room like before. But a white circle on the floor. It was like a mat, but it looked like the pinnacle of the word white. I was on a brown hardwood chair. Four legs and creaky.

There was a women in front of me, she was wearing a deep as ocean blue dress, her face was like a character from an anime he watched. In his eye, she looked perfect.

"Hi, I'm sunpo the goddess of reincarnation, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Bleak, what is this place?"

"Oh? I thought you would've figured out by now, this is the place between life and reincarnation" sunpo said almost as if she was teasing him.

"So, what am I gonna reincarnated into?" As I read many Web novel, and watched plenty of anime, he already grasped the concept.

"Unfortunately as all the human spots are reserved, you could become a monster in a Web novel-like universe? What is your favourite animal?"

"I-I don't know...."

"Oh, you don't even know your favourite animal, that's actually really depressing"

"I'll use my ability to see through the soul"

A long pause occurred after she said that, then I felt like all my secrets had been uncovered. To be fair I had no secrets, a blue glow emanated where my heart was. Then a reflection of what looked to be an aquatic creature appeared in her eyes.

"So a shark" she said, breaking the awkward silence.

The answer was obvious, I don't know why I didn't remember. I was extremely fascinated with creatures form the seas, oceans and rivers.

For me, sharks were even more interesting than the others, because they were a predator, they were diverse in species, some were huge some were tiny, some were PREY.

They were diverse is what I'm trying to say.

She then said she'll give me a system and I ,of course, said ok, this is better than home.

This is better than being in my situation of a bad family

The world then faded to black again. And an unsettling warmth appeared, so this is what it feels like to be inside an egg I thought. How do I get out?

I remembered sharks have razor - like teeth. I bit the the hard shell egg with success, making a crunching sound. I saw outside the egg and realised I didn't need to breath as I had gills.

Then I remembered I had a system I called out for it to show my stats,




EXP: 0/5

SPECIES: The Blue Shark








Bite(level 1)

Swim (level 1)


Seems self explanatory, the skill names are probably what they sound like, but wait? Me, a SHARK can learn magic spells? Woah, it's probably gonna be shark exclusive, or sea exclusive, but that's nice. And also titles? Do they give me special perks?

An almost robotic female voice, which was the system, replied with the answer, which was yes. I then looked around my surroundings and saw the blue waters of this mythical world.

Wait... what is this mythical place? System, what is the name of this world?


Wait, doesn't I think that mean infinite? if I recall correctly it must be mugen because of an anime i watched called Devil slayer. Is this world infinite?

"No, it just has a vast area to explore."

Oh ok, that's understandable , I looked around to check if anyone- no thing was there to hunt me.

I then, because of the current series of event, set off on a journey of evolving, fighting, adventure and of course, POWER.

Power beyond imaginations power beyond mortal limits, and power beyond the best gods.

But that happens later. much MUCH later...

So, do you think I have the courage and skills to become powerful? Do you? Of course I already know... but do you?
