
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

New Tenant

After waking up, relieving myself, and taking a shower, I left my house to explore what is missing from the 20th district, in the middle of my exploration I managed to make out what looked like a book signing.

Observing people queuing with books, I approached the last one in line, after a few seconds of walking I approached him and asked "Excuse me for bothering you, but could you tell me who is going to sign here?"

Hearing my question, the man was a bit surprised, so he asked me "I-really, don't you know?" to which I responded by running my hand over my head and saying "Sorry, I have no idea, I'm new to District 20."

Finishing listening to my answer, the man nodded as if my last words confirmed something "So it makes a bit of sense that you don't know" after saying that he continued "The person who is going to make a signature here is Takatsuki-Sensei."

After saying that the man began to talk about Takatsuki-Sensei, which if I'm not mistaken was Eto, several minutes of this man talking to me about Takatsuki-Sensei, a few gasps of emotion took me out of this conversation, so turning my gaze I heard the murmurs and cheers of the people.

"There is this Takatsuki-Sensei!"


"This is Takatsuki-Sensei!"

Hearing the screams and murmurs of the people, I directed my gaze towards the origin of the people's screams, turning my gaze towards their origin. I found a woman with dirty green hair and eyes of the same color, wearing a loose gray long-sleeved sweater with black pants and shoes of the same color.

Greeting the people who called her, she continued on her way to the entrance where she will sign the books, while greeting and observing the people, her gaze went to me. In which it lasted more than a few seconds.

Giving a slight smile at her gaze, she took her gaze off me to continue her walk towards the entrance, curious about her stats without the Kakuja cast [Observe] on her, to find out.


[Eto Yoshimura (Takatsuki Sen)]

[Level: 492]

[Race: One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Hp: 65.260] (2510 Every 5 Minutes)

[Sp: 65.260] (2510 Every Minute)

[Strength: 499.0] [Attack: 4990]

[Constitution: 499.0] [Defense: 4990]

[Dexterity: 1.0] [Speed: 18 m / s]

[Intelligence: 0.9] [Weight: 249,500 Kg]

[Wisdom: 1.0]

[Charisma: 1.0]

[Luck: 29.0]


Finishing observing the statistics, I said goodbye to the man who wanted to cultivate me and continued on my way exploring the 20th district, many minutes later, I finished my day trip to the 20th district.

So heading towards Anteiku, I walked for several minutes and took some buses, until I reached my neighborhood, continuing my walk towards Anteiku, I opened the door and said "Good morning" after greeting me back I went to my seat from before.

After observing the place that some people had, several seconds later the girl with blue hair that covered one of her eyes walked towards me, approaching me she asked me.

"What are you going to order?"

Putting aside his disinterested tone I said "A black coffee please" after taking my order he digested towards the counter, relaxing for a few seconds until the coffee arrived, I heard the bell at the door.

Turning my gaze on the door I noticed how Rize entered, observing her new light blue dress, I noticed how her gaze searched for something, after noticing me she turned to me.

Sitting in front of me, she turned her gaze on me, "You look beautiful in that dress Rize-san" praising her dress for her appearance, she returned a soft smile on her face.

"I see you know how to please a Frank-San lady"

"I do the best I can"

Finishing that talk, we continue talking about various topics, after a few seconds the blue-haired girl, who if I'm not mistaken is Touka, went to my table with my coffee, leaving the coffee on my table directed her gaze towards Rize.

"Are you going to order something?", Speaking with a dry tone in her voice, she asked Rize who ignored her dry tone and ordered a coffee, after nodding her head she turned her gaze slightly on me.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I am still impressed by its taste, leaving my coffee on the table I turned my gaze on her and asked her "Do they know each other?" to which she replied "Not at all" nodding towards her words I continued drinking my coffee while chatting with the woman in front of me and watching the news of increased ghoul attack in the background

Chatting for several hours with the woman in front of me, I noticed how the sun fell towards sunset, turning her gaze on her I told her "It's getting late, it would be better if we left, ghoul attack increases are seen in the area" nodding towards my words we headed towards the counter after paying the bill again for the two of us left Anteiku.

While thinking that I would have to level more seriously, Rize lightly tugged on my shirt sleeve, so directing my gaze to her. He gave me a scared look and shyness on his face.

"Sorry if I bother you Frank-San, but could you do me a favor?" After hearing what he said, the warning bells in my head started ringing like crazy, but giving a sympathetic smile on the outside I told him.

"Sure, we are friends, right?" to which with a smile of relief on his face, he said "Could you accompany me to my house?" ("I'm screwed") to which nodding "Of course we go" to which giving me a smile he said "Come, we have to go this way. "Nodding, I followed Rize into the trap.

Walking for several minutes while we chatted with each other, I saw how the night was getting closer and closer, watching my gaze go to the sky, Rize got even closer to me almost touching us.

I'd be happy about this situation if I wasn't a ghoul and didn't try to kill me, putting my hand on his man, I gave him a confident smile and said "Easy, we'll be fine."

Returning a smile she said "I trust you Frank-san" nodding towards her words we continued walking for another few minutes until we saw few people on the road, noting that the road was divided by a bright and a dark one, I turned my gaze to her.

"Where Rize-san"

"That's a shortcut, we can get there faster" following where her hand pointed I saw what the dark alley was like that screams "Death", turning my gaze on her who had a piteous look she said.

"If you don't have problems we can go there, but if you have something else to do you can leave me, I will continue alone" hugging herself, while a slight look of fear appeared on her face as she turned her gaze on the road, I shook my head and I told him.

"No, it's okay, let's move on."

"Thanks, Frank-san" finishing saying that he gave me a hug, which taking advantage of it I returned the hug, after a few seconds he separated, and we continued our walk at night towards a place that looks like the scene of a murder.

Several minutes later we reached an unfinished construction zone, pulling away from me Rize gave a grateful smile as she put her arms behind her back while leaning slightly, allowing her to see her braless breasts.

Approaching slowly towards me Rize said "Thank you for joining me Frank-san" to which with a smile I said "No problem" shaking my head Rize approached me and hugged me, while her head was on my shoulders she said, "Really thank you, Frank."

Preparing for whatever I was trying to do, she finished saying in a whisper in my ear "Thanks for letting you eat" pulling out my Kagune before even letting her finish her comment I pierced my Rinkaku fours on her stomach.

[You have dealt 15376 critical damage]

Throwing up blood and shocked at the situation she was in, Rize couldn't formulate a word, so attacking before she can screw my thanks to her high strength stat.

I pulled my Kagune out of her stomach and stabbed her four limbs, effectively leaving her with no chance to attack me, getting close to her gaze I jokingly said "You thought I was such a naive boy, to come to a dark alley with a woman, with Ghouls in the world? ".

Vomiting even more blood as I tried to speak, I noticed how the wound began to heal thanks to owning the Kagune Rinkaku, shaking my head I was going to approach Rize when I heard some ropes being cut.

So turning my gaze to the sky I noticed how the last rope of some steel beams was cut, so acting fast I grabbed Rize with my kagune, and using my strength stat I jumped several meters forward.

Protecting Rize with my body, I crossed several meters to a stop, turning my gaze to the place where the steel beams fell, I looked for the culprit, but after several minutes of searching, I did not find anything.

Picking up Rize in a princess bag, I jumped from building to building going around several turns and going through dark places, to lose a possible follower, after doing that for an hour, while I was going around the alleys I reached an area where there were people, so taking advantage of the crowd, use the [Disguise Pen].

After using it to change my clothes full of blood the same as Rize's, I also changed our hair color and using different makeup, also changing the face slightly.

Finishing doing that, I told a Rize who was slowly but progressively recovering "Let's act like a couple" hearing my words Rize's eyes focused on me again.

After nodding, we acted as a couple, until arriving at my house which we entered, after leaving a dying Rize on my couch I asked Ruby "Are there necklaces to disable her Kagune and strength?"

[Yes, it costs 200 points, do you want to buy it?]

Telling Ruby to buy it, a black necklace with a diamond in the center, looking at the necklace blankly I asked Ruby "And this?" to which she replied.

[It's for looks, isn't it pretty?]

"Yes, it's nice", shaking my head at her comment, I approached Rize who had a more recovered stomach than before with a look focused on her face, so getting closer before she could do something I put the choker on her neck, which after observing her, said this.


[Rc Cell Inhibitor Choker]

Description: A necklace only available in the system shop, allows you to inhibit the ghoul's Rc cells, disabling their kagune and weakening their strength and defense

Physical Defense: 50

Magic Defense: 0

Skill: [Rc Cell Inhibitor]


Yes, anything you buy in the store, even if it is not very useful, will have a decent defense that will be given to you by the whole body, as if it were my [Player Body], leaving that aside.

Notice how the only active ghoul in her is her advanced regeneration, proportionate to her kagune and tall build, even though she has defense at 10 (60 by the collar), sitting across from her on a dining room chair, I asked her.

"Are you calm now?"

To which she responded brokenly with a "J-fuck you!", Shaking her head at her refusal, I said "Hey, save you! You should thank me for saving you and not letting you die."

Hearing my last words, Rize stood still for a moment, after that she turned her gaze to me and said "Thank you, that will be all you will get out of me", nodding to her words, I told her.

[You have gained 8 Affection with Rize for saving her]

"Then from now on you will live with me here, therefore I will leave your appearance changed for the moments" a little confused by what I said, she stared at me, so looking for a mirror I gave it to her to see.

"Y-you! How did you do this!" In shock at his changes, he yelled at me for an answer, so I only replied "You will have to earn my trust to know that" Rize's changes were a black hair color with eyes of the same color, with a different dress than her dress He wears a long-sleeved blue sweater together with black pants and shoes of the same color.

Because of the makeup, her face changed a bit, therefore several features that she had before were hidden thanks to the makeup, ignoring her attempt to tell me how to change her appearance and load her in a princess bag.

"So now you want to take revenge on me, taking advantage of my state"

Ignoring her gaze and comment, I carried her towards the guest room, and put her on the bed, closing the windows and exchanging her harshness for a few system points, I turned to Rize and told her.

"I hope to cooperate with you in the future Rize-san" to which she just replied ignoring me as she closed her eyes concentrating on her recovery, shaking my head I left the room and closed the door.

"Ruby improves the hardness of windows and anywhere it can escape"

[Understood Frank, it costs you 50 system points, do you agree?]

"I accept" after saying that I closed the door of the house and windows, kept the key in my inventory, and I went to my room to sleep for a new day.


[3rd person]

While Frank and Rize were at the former's house, elsewhere a man with a clown mask in his hand was destroying a room, after several minutes of breaking various things.

"This is not supposed to happen!" breaking the table where his fist was, the man glared at his room in search of something to destroy, after several seconds of not finding anything the man said to himself.

"Take it easy, it's just a little hiccup, I can still fix it" after saying that the man left the room.

Meanwhile, in another place, we can see two figures on top of a building observing the city below, the first figure is a man with a blank mask that has a mouth with teeth and a purple robe.

And the other figure is a short woman who is all bandaged with a sweater that has two ears on top of her hood, while the short figure was shaking his legs on top of the building, the male figure just watched people pass under him.

"Hey, Noro-san, you know I found something interesting in my signature this morning." Turning his gaze to the woman shaking her legs on the ledge of the building, the man named Noro turned his head to one side.

"He was a man with black hair and golden eyes," listening carefully to what the short woman said, the Noro man let him continue his talk "And you know the best of that" while the woman's voice was heard excited by each new word that She said, Noro just listened to her.

"It had a peculiar smell, and when I concentrated on it for a few seconds I managed to distinguish it, it looked like a mixture of Ghoul and human" concentrated on the woman who, although bandaged, seemed to show a smile.

"Do you know what that means Noro?" Paying attention to the girl's next words, Noro waited for the girl to continue her story.

"It seems that our plans will finally show some progress" after saying this, a happy hum came out of the mouth of the woman bandaged from head to toe.


In Frank's sleeping room, a new window appeared in front of him that he didn't notice until later, and the tab read.

[18 Affection with Eto for being an interesting person and probably the person I was looking for]

Unaware of that, until the near future, Frank continued to sleep in his room until the morning of the next day.


If you can find a mask for the mc, with a dragon or kitsune style, put it in this paragraph, I already have a mask but maybe the one you give is better.

If the personality of Rize or other Tokyo ghoul people is not the same, then I will say that it is an Alternate Universe xD.

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