
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs


From the moment that the normal members of the [Aogiri Tree] observed how their [Administrators] and [Executives] were easily defeated, even being defeated by teenagers.

The hundreds of members who came to [District 24]. More specifically around the [Sun City], they knew that their lives were run by the new [Administrator] of the [Aogiri Tree] the only [Ghoul] with nine tentacles [Rinkaku] who bears the name of [Gold].

So it was normal to have fear and despair as well as other negative emotions, so when [Gold] stepped in front of them with open arms and asked - "Do you have a problem with him being their King?" - they didn't have the confidence or security to protest or deny your question.

So watching him confidently nod, the hundreds of members of the [Aogiri Tree] closed their eyes waiting for death, while a few dozen had their eyes open waiting for their death which never came.

"Then welcome to the [City of the Sun], the future capital of the [Ghoul Empire]!" - and with that exclamation the [Ghoul] named [Gold] and known by the name Frank with his trusted acquaintances, headed to the [City of the Sun] while the [Administrators] and [Executives] who could walk continued to carry the unconscious members of the latter.

Eyes in shock and doubt, the hundreds of members of the [Aogiri Tree] watched with wide eyes in surprise as the high command of the [Aogiri Tree] followed Frank in silence, without any complaint at his claim.

Even the temporary leader, Tatara was following Frank with a respectful look on his face. Which made the insightful [Ghouls] open their mouths in shock, seeing that the leader himself did not deny Frank's statement.

Observing and seeing that the temporary leader Tatara and the conscious [Administrators] and [Executives] did not deny his claim and even followed Frank, the [Aogiri Tree] members gulped. And without knowing who was the first to advance, the others followed suit as if they were a mother hen guiding they chicks.

Step by step, the members of the [Aogiri Tree] followed the person in front of them making a short walk, which once finished they entered the city. Only to find recent buildings constructed with lampposts at each corner of the intersections above the sidewalks, with the asphalt being so polished and shiny as to reflect the hundreds of members who stared in amazement at the newly built city.

Seeing how bright the buildings are next to the residential areas they passed through, the [Aogiri Tree] members couldn't help but talk about it.

"Hey, did you see those houses?"

"Look at the asphalt reflects us!"

"Did you see how shiny that building is?

And with those questions and exclamations growing in intensity, the murmurs of the members turned to a chat about the buildings, houses, hotels and more, that were in their way. Forgetting what happened a few minutes ago, for the hope and excitement of living in those houses without having to hide their identity.


Looking at the excited members behind it, Tatara could only see how hope and excitement grew in the visible eyes of the hundreds of people from the [Aogiri Tree], Tatara let out a sigh as the members looked at [Gold] with respect.

"It seems your plan is working, [Gold]" - Tatara said as he watched Frank's calm eyes, who watched the members behind them.

"I told you, to win people's loyalty and trust, you have to give them what they need, in their case, they just needed a place to call home, which I can give them" - answering Tatara's question while watching With a friendly smile behind his mask, Frank continued his walk towards the central square of the [Sun City]

"It seems that you know people very well" - Tatara mentioned when hearing Frank's words, which when thinking about that, he realized they were true. Since by giving people what they most lacked, they will easily gain their trust, especially if it was something very important to them, although that came with disadvantages. Because if you always give them what they lack, they will have a dependency on you which will break and change towards anger the moment you do not give them what you want the most.

"Although your tactic is efficient, if you keep giving things to the [Ghouls] they will still want more from you, which can cause a rebellion if you don't give them what they ask for" - nodding at Tatara's words, Frank kept walking.

"That's why I plan to make you earn it, I'll just give you this city to call home. The rest will have to be earned by carrying out my orders ", Frank said calmly -" Besides, if someone wants to be clever, we already have a martyr to show what happens if they ask for more "- with his cold eyes, Frank said those words. Since he did not want people to join him just to ask and not to give.

"That would make them fear you" - replied Tatara simply, hearing Frank's words.

"That is why I have to do the classic of the branch and the carrot, in exchange for your loyalty and compliance with the laws that I will create in the future along with following my orders, I will give you what the [Ghouls] need. Food, houses, jobs, greater fertility and above all a peaceful era where they will not hide or have to fight against [Humans] to see the light of day "-.

Opening he eyes slightly when hearing Frank's words, Tatara couldn't help that he respect for him would increase, since the fertility of the [Ghouls] has always been a problem, being several times lower than those of the [Humans] with only a 3 to 5% chance of having a child. Being 5% during adolescence of a [Ghoul], which compared to 50 or 100% of [Humans] was miserably low.

"It seems you had everything planned from the beginning" - Tatara smiled slightly, seeing that Frank had the solutions to various problems that plagued the [Ghouls].

"If I want to be the King or even an Emperor, I need to think about what the people need. So I found the solution to these problems from the beginning so that I didn't have to look for it later in times of need "-.

Nodding at Frank's words, Tatara couldn't help but look at him as an authority figure or as he said himself a King even being an Emperor - "I'm curious, how will you get food for the [Ghouls] and increase their fertility?" Tatara asked curiously, since although they will look for solutions to their problems, none of them worked and he wanted to know how Frank would fix them.

"It's easy" - raising an eyebrow at Frank's words, Tatara waited for him to continue - "I just have to perfect your [Race], you just have to drink this" - taking out a vial of who knows where, Tatara stopped being surprised by that. The first few times were a shock, but just like [Humans], once you get used to something it stops being impressive.

"And what would this be?" - Tatara asked as he looked at the vial of crystalline blood, which surprised he. Since the blood is thick and dark, so it was a pleasant surprise to see blood so crystal clear that he could even see the other side of the vial, obviously a reddish hue but he could see through the vial.

"This will perfect your [Race], allowing you to eat as if you were a [Human], it will make you stronger, it will prevent your death when your [Kakuhou], breaks, increases fertility and those would be the important things" - looking at the vial with uncertain, Tatara thought it was a lie before shaking he head, if Frank could pull things out of nowhere, maybe this vial could perfect the [Ghouls].

"How did you create such a magical vial?" - Tatara asked as he looked at the vial that could change the future of the entire [Ghoul Race]

"You know [Alchemy] right?" - answering his question with another question, Frank hoped that Tatara agreed which he did after hearing his question, so nodding, he continued with his explanation - "Well I used my blood as the main ingredient. and together with some magical plants, create this vial through [Alchemy] "-.

Staring with blank eyes at Frank's absurd words, Tatara just shook he head. Regardless of whether Frank's explanation was true or not, Tatara planned to drink the vial to test the veracity of it.

Holding the vial before Tatara drank it, Frank shook his head - "Don't drink it yet, you will be the demonstration to prove that the vial works, just wait a few seconds. We're almost there "- nodding at Frank's words, Tatara waited to get to the place of the demonstration.

Frank just nodded, so after a few minutes bell. Finally they reached the central square of the [City of the Sun], once in the city square you could see a platform in the center of it.

Glancing towards the dais, the normal members of the [Aogiri Tree] stayed low since it was obvious that the new leader and King of the [Aogiri Tree] was going to say a few words, so they waited for their new leader to come up. to the platform.

Climbing onto the stage with Tatara, Miza, Touka, Rize, Eto, Akira, Akina, Akiko, Frank faced a podium watching the hundreds of members of the [Aogiri Tree] who were waiting for his words.

Frank only nodded when he saw that he had the attention of all the members of the [Aogiri Tree], so with a slight cough he began to say his words - "As you can see, this city has been rebuilt by me and my most trusted acquaintances, to that the [Ghouls] have a place to call home, as well as have a place to return to rest, and live a life free of violence and think if they will survive to see tomorrow "- Frank continued with his words after letting him who said he would settle in the [Ghouls] - "That is why as the new leader and King of the [Aogiri Tree], I have decided that this city, the [City of the Sun]. Be the capital of the future [Ghoul Empire], where all [Ghouls] will live in peace without fear of being killed "-.

And once his last words settled, the hundreds of [Ghouls] below them screamed with excitement, happiness, hope, and other positive emotions. As this is the first [Ghoul] settlement in all of history.

Crying with happiness to have a home where they could come and leave their families, the most emotional [Ghouls] sighed in relief with tears of happiness on their faces, they no longer had to be worrying about whether their family would be alive when they returned home. They could bring them here and be relieved that their families would no longer be killed in case they were found.

Kneeling before the man who could give them a city and a home, the hundreds of [Ghouls] shouted in unison - "Long live the King!" - or - "Long live the King [Gold]!" - smiling behind their mask at the See that just by giving him a safe home, he could earn their loyalty. Frank couldn't help but feel like a Demon King, as he first played with their lives filling them with despair, and the next he was giving them what they have always wanted, a place to call home, a home where they can leave their families without being. worried that they will die without being in their presence.

Shaking his head at those mischievous thoughts in his mind, Frank continued to observe the members of the [Aogiri Tree], while behind him his family looked at him with a smile on their face, while Tatara watched with a look of respect, like Frank gave the [Ghouls] hope.

On the other hand, Miza was looking at Frank with a smile, since you have given him more than the [Ghoul King] above, he gave him a home, a place to keep their families safe, and according to the conversations she overheard when he spoke with Tatara . He gave them a way to increase their fertility, the way to eat normally like a human, prevent them from dying when his [Kakuhou] broke, and greater strength among other minor things.

Miza couldn't help feeling feelings of respect for him, as well as great admiration, and although she knew her imagination would probably not be fulfilled, she couldn't help but imagine him as the father of his children.

Miza would be grateful to have a man like him as her husband, he overwhelming confidence, he charisma in giving hope to the [Ghouls] and especially the loving way he looked at the girls next to her.

Miza shook her head at those thoughts and kept them in her heart, since as a adult woman knew it was not time for confessions, perhaps when all the [Ghouls] were safe, she could ask him out

Leaving those thoughts in her mind, Miza's gaze took on an affectionate tone as she looked, which was noticed by Rize and Eto, who only smiled at each other and decided to talk to Miza once this was over.


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