
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Destrution of CCG(1)

Several minutes after walking away from the [One-Eyed King] also named Frank, Ihei regained her sad countenance. For the losses of the people under her charge still weighed on her, though much less than before thanks to Frank's soothing voice, and high charisma.

Ihei seeing that with only Frank's presence and words he was able to relax her and ease her tense shoulders like forgetting for a few moments the deaths of her companions, Ihei couldn't help but see Frank as a person of high authority or as - "Like a King "- whispering those words, Ihei concluded that Frank is a king just being in his presence.

"It seems that things will get very crazy shortly" - with those words in mind, Ihei continued on her way to [District 15] the provisional headquarters of the [CCG].

Once in [District 15], Ihei made her way to the boardroom where [CCG] CEO Yoshitoki Washuu was standing, along with [CCG] director Tsuneyoshi Washuu, and the heads of [Division I] and [Division II], Kiyoko Aura and Itsuki Marude.

They were talking about the momentary disappearance of the [One-Eyed Dragon] and their plan to rebuild the [CCG] headquarters in [District 1].

So knocking on the door to make her presence known, the head of [Division I] turned her gaze to her with a soft smile on her face - "What's wrong [First Class] Hairu Ihei" - with the question of the head of the [First Division], the other members in the boardroom listened carefully to Ihei's words.

"I have come to report the results of the [District 1] exploration, and the details about the rumors of the [One-Eyed King]" - Ihei replied in a firm tone to the head of the [First Division], who returned her serious look just like the other members in the boardroom.

"Then it begins" - with the words of the [CCG] director, Ihei began to relate the events that occurred in [District 1], along with the appearance of the [One-Eyed King] who was the new leader of the [Aogiri Tree ]. Like his declaration of war and his seizure of dominance over [District 1], such as the extermination of [Rank 1] investigators.

Finishing recounting everything that happened to the [CCG] high command, Ihei awaited her next orders on how to proceed before the [One-Eyed King] who has the [District 1] as his domain.

"(Although I don't think they can defeat him)" - were Ihei's thoughts as she waited for the orders, although Ihei's thoughts seemed haunted. The truth is that in the brief confrontation she had against him, she noticed that he never used his strength or his [Kagunes] his to attack, which demonstrated his high confidence in his strength.

Since if she a member of [Squad 0] under the orders of Arima Kishiou could not defeat him, much less make his strength shine, she thought that the normal members of [CCG] did not have a chance against him and much less over the hundreds ghoul of the [Aogiri Tree]. Which she noted were stronger than [S] class ghouls, reaching even [SS] or the highest for [One-Eyed Owl] ghouls the [SSS] rank, although Ihea believed that the [SSS] rank ]was already a lot and at most the ghoul were of [SS] rank.

Although Ihei had some doubts about the royal guards who were guarding Frank, Ihei, taking into account Frank's strength, thought that the female figures were equal to or inferior in strength to him, which made her back fill with cold sweat when imagining several Frank attacking the [Districts]. Which could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, seeing that Frank only wanted to conquer them and put them under his dominion.

While Ihei was in her thoughts awaiting orders from the higher ups, the latter were talking about the events of [District 1] as well as the appearance of the [One-Eyed King] who took over the [Aogiri Tree] and placed as his domain the [District 1]

"The events in [District 1] are more serious than my information had" - Marude replied as he turned his gaze into a serious and thoughtful one, since he intelligence on [District 1] was more outdated, since it was a surprise to which [District 1] was under the rule of the [One-Eyed King] and he didn't even know about the hundreds of members of the [Aogiri Tree] guarding the aforementioned district.

"It seems that this self-proclaimed [One-Eyed King], had his hands firmly grasped in [District 1], so that even Marude would not have information about these events" - Aura mentioned as she bit her thumb with a thoughtful look on her face. , seeing that the [One-Eyed King] had his hands on [District 1] and they didn't know it until today.

"Although from the report that [First Class] Hairu Ihei mentioned, the [One-Eyed King] did not attack the civilians in [District 1], rather, he is protecting it from the [Ghouls] who are not under it." - Hearing Marude's response, the members of the boardroom did not know what to think, while Tsuneyoshi had other thoughts in mind.

Tsuneyoshi was thinking about the appearance of the so-called [One-Eyed King], which after a few minutes of comparing the traits mentioned by Ihei, Tsuneyoshi slightly widened his eyes in shock, seeing that the man he wanted to have investigated took ove [Aogiri Tree].

"(It seemed that my instincts were correct)" thought Tsuneyoshi seeing that the young adult named Frank was more dangerous than he seemed - "(Now that he proclaimed himself as the [One-Eyed King] and even having the loyalty of the [Aogiri Tree], his threat level increased exponentially) "- With a serious look, Tsuneyoshi realized that he could no longer hold Frank under his hands.

"(Since you became too influential to be of use, you should die)" - With a cold look in his eyes, Tsuneyoshi caught the attention of the board members.

Seeing that he had everyone's attention, Tsuneyoshi nodded - "Whether or not he is the [One-Eyed King], he has been recognized as such by the [Ghouls] and [Humans], so his threat has increased by several levels." - Nodding at the director's words, the members of the boardroom awaited his next words - "So I have decided to put your threat in range [SSS], any questions?"

Hearing the director's words, the boardroom members did not refuse. Since the threat of the [One-Eyed King] was too much and together with the [Aogiri Tree] under his command. It is too dangerous to let him go free.

"Since we agree on that, the subject's codename will be the [One-Eyed King] and as such he must die. Tell that to the members under your divisions, with that said, this meeting is over "- hearing the words of the director, Aura, Marude and Ihei, left the meeting room, while Yoshitoki remained in the same waiting for the words of his dad. Since he noticed a look of recognition in his eye upon mentioning the [One-Eyed King].

"You did not listen to my words, Yoshitoki" -looking coldly at his son, Tsuneyoshi waited for his words when he saw what he had as an excuse.

"Yes I heard father, but you have intrigued me" - Yoshitoki mentioned as he watched his father - "Do you seem to know the [One-Eyed King], can you satisfy my curiosity by telling me a name?" - listening to Yoshitoki's words, Tsuneyoshi thought about it for a few seconds before releasing.

"I'll tell you, but if I find out that this information was released, you will pay dearly, Yoshitoki" - used to his father's threats, Yoshitoki nodded - "The [Ghoul's] name is Frank Evans, a young adult with the aforementioned traits. His presence became known about 3 weeks ago and since then our plans began to go in the wrong direction "-.

"It seems that he is an interesting individual" -with those words said, Yoshitoki got up from the chair and left the room leaving his father in the thoughts of him, while he thought how interesting it would be to talk to Frank .

Thinking of that, Yoshitoki pressed a button on his phone.

Several seconds later the call was connected - "Do you need something CEO Yoshitoki Washuu?" - Hearing the calm and cold voice on the other end of the phone, Yoshitoki smiled slightly.

"I just found out something interesting, although I think you already know, right?" - Hearing the question at the end of his words, the man on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

"It's interesting" - responding with those words to Yoshitoki's question, the man on the other end of the phone waited for Yoshitoki's words.

"I knew you would say that" - laughing softly, Yoshitoki continued with his words - "I also think the same Arima, but that's not why I contacted you" - paying attention, the man named Arima, I wait for Yoshitoki's words - "I want to Let [Squad 0] member Hairu Ihei, get closer to the [One-Eyed King] and maintain a friendly relationship. And once I have a friendly relationship, I would like me to plan a meeting to meet him "- hearing Yoshitoki's words, Arima was silent for a few seconds.

"The mission has been accepted, Hairu Ihei will be dispatched within a day" - accepting the mission, Arima pressed a button for Ihei to go to his office.

"Anything else?"-.

"I want Hairu Ihei to give me a weekly report on the mission, that would be all" - answering Arima's question, Yoshitoki cut off the call after saying goodbye to Arima.

"I wonder if we can do business" - with those thoughts in mind, Yoshitoki began to make his move, while his father believed him to be loyal. Yoshitoki really was not, since he saw all the actions of his father as irremediable and wanted to help humans, but with his father in command of him Yoshitoki could not do anything, but now with Frank at stake. Yoshitoki could start to make the move from him.


On the other hand, Arima had a pensive look upon hearing the report and the words that Frank sent he with Ihei as the messenger.

"It seems that the plan will accelerate a bit" - Arima mentioned calmly, since if the plan began sooner or later, there was no problem. Putting those thoughts aside, Arima looked at Ihei who was watching him with his sleepy gaze - "Here you have a mission commissioned by the director general and how you know that everything must be kept secret" -.

"Hai ~ Anything else?" - Observing Ihei's attitude, Arima noticed how Ihei's gaze shone slightly, ignoring that for moments, Arima spoke again.

"I would also like to have a meeting with Frank, when I make contact with him. Ask him when I can meet him "-.

Nodding at the words, Ihei said goodbye to Arima with a lazy smile on her face.

Alone in his room once Ihei left, Arima smiled slightly when he saw that the plan he planned with Eto a few years ago was starting to take shape - "A world where humans and ghouls coexist in peace, huh" - whispering those words , Arima closed her eyes and leaned back in her seats, waiting for Frank to unite all the humans and ghouls.


After that meeting in the boardroom, all the [CCG] branches obtained the information of the [District 1] events as well as the appearance of the [One-Eyed King] who had the allegiance of the [Aogiri Tree].

With the information said in all the [CCG] branches, together with the appearance of the [One-Eyed King]. It was not a surprise that after a day all the [Districts] found out that the [One-Eyed King] had appeared and had the [District 1] under his command, just as he was also the leader of the [Aogiri Tree ].

With the rumors confirmed about the [One-Eyed King], all the districts were shocked, seeing that the [One-Eyed King] existed. While the hopes of the ghouls rose with the confirmation of the existence of the [One-Eyed King]

The districts near [District 1], saw with surprise as several people headed to the aforementioned district with a look of hope on their face, which made them widen their eyes in shock. Seeing that his neighbors and even friends were ghouls.


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ko-fi. com/ moondevourer83976