
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

A Special Weapon

Turning my gaze on the chest in my inventory that was called [Magic Sword], I stared at it for a while, so after a few seconds I took it out of my inventory, once in my hands, I could distinguish the chest better, it had a question mark where the lock should be, it was black with golden edges, apart from that there was nothing else, so I decided to open the chest.

Once I opened the chest I saw how a screen appeared in my sight and how different weapons passed quickly although still visible, inside this roulette of weapons I managed to see weapons from some games I had seen or played, several seconds later the roulette ended, to stop at a dagger.

[You have received Ferox Ignis]

So taking it out of the inventory, I started to check it, it's a normal-sized dagger its handle is circular with dark blue details on it below the connected handle is a sharp piece in what looks like a diamond shape, the guard is shaped like a few spikes and the blade has what looks like a rune in its center which emits heat, although thanks to the [Fire Resistance] perk I don't feel it much, thanks to [Heat Vision] I was able to notice its intense heat.

So finishing checking her out I decided to cast [Observe] on her to see her description and skills.


[Ferox Ignis]

Description: A dagger made of fire minerals and inside a volcano so that it absorbed, even more, the particles of fire to make it stronger.

[Rank: C]

Damage: 500*Skill

Skills: [Fire Recovery:(B)], [One with Fire:(A)], [Burning Weapon:(B)], [Awareness:(C)], [Fire Strengthening:(A)], [Mana Absorption(Fire):(A)].


Surprised by its base attack and description, I decided to cast [Observe] on the weapon to see its ability descriptions.


[Fire Recovery:(B)]

Description: At range this ability allows you to regenerate a large amount of your weapon's durability as long as it is bathed in fire or you feed it fire mana.


[One with Fire:(A)]

Description: At the range of this skill, increase fire skills by 100% while using this weapon.


[Burning Weapon:(B)]

Description: At the range of this ability, the temperature of the weapon is at about 2500 degrees Celsius, so it will always cause magic damage, as this effect is status magic.

Warning: This skill will always be active.



Description: At the range of this skill the weapon's consciousness is of the mental age of a 7-year-old child.


[Fire Strengthening:(A)]

Description: At rank this ability allows you to strengthen your weapon to rank A, increasing its base parameters while it is always absorbing fire mana in the environment or the user.


[Mana Absorption(Fire):(A)].

Description: At range this ability allows you to almost instantly absorb fire around you and store it for later use.


Surprised by the abilities within it, I firmly grabbed the dagger called [Ferox Ignis] and decided to feed it with my mana, as this will help me manipulate my mana more efficiently.

Once my mana (already with the fire element) touched the weapon in my hands, it absorbed it in an instant, so opening my status tab, I observed with curiosity as my mana went down in a fast way so that in a few seconds I would be empty, so I decided to talk to the weapon.

So running my hands gently over the dagger, I saw the absorption diminish a bit, so running my hands for a few seconds I waited for it to calm down. "You don't have to worry, if you want I can feed you every morning", to which waiting for a response I continued running my hand gently over the weapon.

"Really?" a voice asked in my mind, so paying attention to his voice, I answered.

"Sure, but you'll have to be on your best behavior, as right now my mana capacity is very low," once I finished saying that, as if Ignis knew what to do, I lowered his consumption of my mana to where my regeneration could keep up with it.

"If I behave well will you let me feed on your mana?" to which hearing the childish voice in my mind, a kind smile appeared on my face.

"Sure Ignis, as long as you're being good, I'll let you feed on my mana," to which hearing a "¡Yeii!" In my mind, I proceeded to feed Ignis 116 mana points per second, as that's my current regeneration.

"Who's Ignis, by the way?" asked my new friend on my adventure.

"It's you, don't you like being nicknamed?", to which waiting for his response I decided to continue with the last chest.

"Nn, it's fine, you can call me Ignis," Ignis' reply was heard, so continuing to feed her with my mana, I proceeded to open the next chest.

[You have received VIal of potion x 2520]

[You have received Tablet]

[You have received Obsidian x 50]

[You have received Iron Ingot x 350].

[You have received Platinum Ingot x 12].

[You have received Liquid Gold x 5]

Slightly disappointed with the objects inside me, I was about to move on to the dull token, when suddenly Ignis spoke.

"Don't be sad," to which hearing her childish voice, a smile appeared on my face.

"How could I be sad with a cutie like you."

"Am I pretty?"

"Sure, and whoever says otherwise I'll beat them up for you," to which hearing her cheerful laughter in my mind, I used my chip while having a smile on my face.

[You have won 25 Affection with Ferox Ignis].

Smiling at that, I watched as the wheel stopped, so hoping for something good, I waited for the faint light that hid the object to fade.

[You have received Indestructible Underwear].

Getting a blank stare at this object, I decided to keep it in my inventory, so turning my gaze towards Ignis and his voice in my mind that was humming happily, "Hey Ignis, do you mind if I keep you in my inventory?", to which waiting for his answer I kept my stone throne in my inventory.

"What is your inventory?", to which receiving a question before mine, I shook my head while having a smile on my face.

"My inventory is a place where I can store anything and as long as you're inside it, time and space won't pass, so you'll be on pause," I explained to Ignis, as I appeared in my room and saw Rize watching TV.

"No, I don't want to be away from you," to which hearing her refusal to this, I thought of a way to keep her satisfied.

Walking down to the star room, after kissing Rize goodbye, I asked Ruby, "Do you have any ideas Ruby?", I waited for her answer as I walked out of the mic ace to head towards Anteiku.

[If you want she can put her in your hub, while I draw her Consciousness into your mind so she can be with you], was Ruby's response to our predicament, so I turned my gaze upon the dagger hidden in my hand.

"So what do you say Ignis, will you do it?" he asked Ignis as he hid the dagger as much as possible, for the heat it emits is very noticeable.

"Nnn~, if I'm next to you, then yes I do," to which letting out a sigh of relief, I sent Ignis towards my HUB, to which the instant he entered the Hub I felt another presence in my mind.

"Woah, this place is amazing, though not as much as your mana the fire element here is very pure," hearing Ignis' quick words in my mind, I ran my hand through my hair, so seeing Anteiku in the distance, I decided to run the remaining meters.

Entering the store, I managed to see Enji and Kaya attending to customers, so waving them from afar, to which returning the greeting I continued my walk to the second floor, so entering the room, changed my clothes for inventory and wait a minute, I went back down.


After a few hours of work and saying goodbye to Enji and KAya, I sat on the stool in front of Yoshimura who was cleaning a glass, "Sorry for being late, I had something important to do" to which listening to my answer, Yoshimura shook him head.

"It's okay, as long as I warn about these things, we won't have any problems at work," to which letting out a sigh of relief I thanked Yoshimura.

"If you don't mind, tomorrow can you help Renji look for meat?" asked Yoshimura as he moved on to clean the next glass.

To which I shook my head and replied with a smile, "No, no problem", and nodding with a grateful smile on him face, we continued to have a nice conversation for a few minutes, which ended after I saw Touka entering. in Anteiku, so saying goodbye to Yoshimura, I headed towards Touka.

"You don't look so good bunny," to which snorting she headed upstairs, although it seemed like she was ignoring me the slow walk in her stride said otherwise, so giving a smile I followed her.

Seeing her pale face I imagined that her friend went back to feed her, so carrying her in a princess bag in the middle of the stairs, I decided to take her to her room.

"Hey! Put me down now!" Hearing her scream, I decided to ignore that she was stronger than me.

"I will if you give me a kiss," to which, bringing my face close to hers teasingly, I saw a small blush appear on her face.

To which, snorting in response, he said: "Keep dreaming", to which, smiling, I decided to kiss her on the forehead.

"Well, this will do," to which, giving me a death stare that lasted a few seconds before he sighed, I watched as he laid his head on my chest.

"Thank you for this," to which, shaking my head, I continued on my way to his room.

"That's what friends do, isn't it?" to which, seeing a trace of a little disappointment in her eyes, I brought my face close to hers.

"Or do you want to be more than friends?" once in front of Touka's room, I reluctantly turned my face away from hers.

"Is it open or do you have the key?" To which when I saw her take the key out of her briefcase, I grabbed it and opened the door to her room.

Once inside I saw that it was a normal room, a bed, a desk full of books, a wardrobe, and a television, although the most curious thing was that there was nothing feminine. Still, I ignored it instantly as it was very much her character.

"Will you leave me already?" As my second thought focused on looking around the room, the main one kept listening to Touka.

"Is that what you want?" to which turning my gaze upon her I waited for her reply.

"No, I want to stay like this for a while longer," to which answering honestly after letting out a sigh, I watched as Touka lay down on my chest.

"Did your friend give you food again?", I asked as I lay down on Touka's bed after taking off my shoes.

To which, unimpressed by our compromising position, she answered, "Yes, she made a lot of food for both of us", letting out a sigh at the memory of that scene, she continued with her story, "And since I didn't want to disappoint her, I had to eat a lot", leaning back on my chest after finishing her words, I ran my hand through her short hair.

"You're a good friend Touka."

"You too," he said as he turned his gaze on me.

Seeing that her gaze lingered a little longer on my lips, as you were close to each other, I decided to take a chance, so bringing my lips to hers, I saw that she was not moving away, so closing our distance I gave her a chaste kiss.

[You've gained 20 affection with Touka]

Separating our lips after a short kiss, I placed my hand on Touka's cheek, to which after feeling my hand on her cheeks she leaned on it, turning her gaze on me, I waited for her response.

"You won't stay away from me if I agree to be your girlfriend?" to which a little surprised by his response and serious look, I replied.

"Why would I walk away from someone important in my life?" to which hearing my question-answering his, he brought his lips close to mine, so closing the distance we returned to give each other a kiss that lasted much longer than the previous one.

[You've reached 100 affection with Touka... Blocking affection]

[By reaching 100 affection with Touka, you have unlocked something]

[Kagune Mastery: Increases the speed at which you develop your kagune as well as increasing the speed at which you level up].