
Chapter 8

"First of all, i want to congratulate all of you five for completing your first S-Rank mission! And an A-rank in Team 8 case." I said in our post-mission briefing.




"I...i could only hope that Kiba-san's here."

"Don't worry, Hinata-chan. With this completion giving us better reputation, you three will get a new high-profile mission in no time." Kurenai said while i took a glance to the unpredictable blonde ninja, who's currently in a sour mood and haven't said a word yet. "Something wrong, Naruto?"

"Just because i'm here, that doesn't mean i've forgiven you for setting us up like that, Bakashi!"

"Well," I said as if i didn't hear his insults. "For protecting the daughter and grandson of our client, i'll write this super special ramen coupon for Naruto, out of our C-Rank payment and bonus from Tazuna-"

"Hmph! It will take a lot more than that to make me forgive-"

"Which will be renewable for every weekends for two months,"

"...Well, you still need to-"

"And there also will be three bowls of free ramens everyday for a month, this one's a bonus uniting the citizens against Gatou. While this was unnecessary in the end, this gave them morale boost that's necessary for finishing the bridge faster than before, and the bonus' really well deserved for Uzumaki Naruto. Use this so you won't need to buy instant ramen everyday."

"Yay!" Naruto glomped me, his sneer to me almost. "Thank you, niisan!"

"However, i will add to stipulation that they will give you much better spices, vegetables and meats to make sure you get the best nutrition as well, which may come from your payment a little in case they feel that i don't give them enough money." I added to him.

"Even more thanks to you! And i can live with you handling a little of my money. As long as it's for good cause."

"Bribed with ramens. Pathetic."

"That's lots of ramen for you, duckbutt the tomato lover!" Naruto stuck his tongue at Sasuke for his mark. Surprisingly, Sasuke took the bait and about to rise from his chair.

"Okay, cut it out you two." Kurenai interjected the escalating argument before it went to the worse. "And currently, in addition to resuming of the bridge construction, we also will hear what Terumi-san have for us, as she has plans once Kirigakure became one of our ally, in case she won her coup against the current Mizukage. I would say that almost every of our fellow Jounin teachers would sacrifice one or two fingers to get a mission like this so quickly, so...great job, everyone."

"Woah, first major mission for us and we already see in motion of a potential deal-making with future allies? I think we just make a history here guys, never read a passage about rookie team mission with this much of importance before!" Sakura mused at the situation that her team and Kurenai's found, her eyes sparkled as she realized that everyone here could be written in future history books.

"B-but what if, sh-she couldn't succeed?"

"Terumi Mei has one of the strongest kekkei genkai in her village, so they have a great chance in winning. And even if they failed, they will be accepted here as refugees, maybe even Konoha as well."

"Not to mention that according to rumor, this battle's less power struggle and more brain battle, even more than usual. And Terumi Mei's definitely much more adjusted than Kiri leader, despite her...current obsession."

"I suppose it has something to do with Yagura's erratic behavior? Never i know any leader who flipped against their citizens like that."

"Indeed, Kurenai. Yagura has never been one to end any fight peacefully, but his leadership never been so abysmal in his earlier leadership. This erratic change can only be attributed to two causes: a strong and almost untraceable genjutsu, and he fried brain due to sickness or a fight." I said before i added a conclusion. "And unfortunately, even if someone could get him out of the genjutsu if that was the case, it's much more likely that he'll just increase his aggression against his attackers instead of just surrendering, out of pride."

"A cost to make a village functioning like it should be again. I can only hope that in afterlife, the man will understand what he has done." Said Shino ambiguously, made sure that he still couldn't understand Yagura's full character and could only say what he know for now.

"No offense, sensei, but some of honor thing in Ninja's really bullshit. If proud tools are how they want every ninja to become, then i don't like it!"


"It's okay, Sakura. Weren't you the one who cried over the code of Shinobi for no emotion in their mission?" I said, caused the girl to blushed at the memory of her crying for Sasuke's 'death'. "I'd say that our founder, the First and Second Hokage, as noble as they are, still came from the time when war's constant, and 7 years old are sent to their death everyday. Having some of the most ruthless shinobi rules at that time was justified, but now, some of them are either outdated, or can be reinterpreted into another thing that suited current and future situations much better."

"Not to mention that some of these are additions from their advisors, so...you could say that some of them could be possibly not their vision." Kurenai added.

"Well, rumors suggested that the ruthless rules definitely couldn't come from the First. At best, they came from his much pragmatic brother, The Second." I said much to the confusion of everyone else, even my fellow Jounin for knowing that the legendary Tobirama was probably not the stoic, all-knowing Ninja. "As someone who was a victim of following every codes to the extreme in their youth, i want all of you to carve your own path. Every villages, including our own, want the Ninja to stay as tools for the village's safety and prosperity. Of course, human nature wouldn't allow us to stay as tool so perfectly without tinkering, which lead to another question: was the tinkering hindered our own ability as a ninja to fight and serve the village? Was the desire to become an emotionless tool can be done objectively, without someone becoming too ruthless or too disconnected, which in turn could make the emotionless shinobi actually less reliable than even the relatively normal ones that not so? What do you think, guys?"

"I...i-i think good leadership is m-more important than e-emotionless f-facade."

"I would say that it's clear most good leaders have made decisions that always haunted them, even in their dying dreams. To ignore them entirely could cost their humanity, and in process, their ability to connect to common sense and commoners."

"Well, if even Zabuza ignored those rules despite his ruthlessness, then they're not that enforceable in the first place! Also, there's no way people can find peace and love without emotion in the first place!"

"Eh, those are good questions, sensei. But, uh...can you give us more time to make out of it?" Said Naruto, obviously confused by questions that currently out of his league.

"You won't understand it until the next century, dobe."

"Hmph!" Naruto humphed at Sasuke's insult, knowing that the raven-haired boy was right. "But i already know one thing: even without your encouragement, i will become a ninja with my own way dattebayo!"

"That's the spirit!" I gave him the thumbs up that he so deserved, obviously without the youthfulness from my 'rival'. Naruto's brave remark made Hinata said his name in awe...and our cherry blossom blushed? Also, did our little Hyuuga also took some glance at Sasuke's legs?

Hohoho. Seemed like that this version of Naruto had much more problematic love conflict. I like it, especially late in the summer.


"Real man d-don't cry, r-right?"

"N-no. I-i said that i-it's okay to c-cry before, I-Inari."

"I w-won't! But Naruto, you can c-c-c-cry and-"





"What a bunch of babies." Shino just said that?

"Jeez, at the end they're really just children." Terumi Mei sarcastically muttered as everybody else watched the three kids glomped each others with full tears and snots. Poor Zabuza that got in their way. "But i'm glad that they haven't lost their innocence, even with everything thrown at them." Said Mei with much more optimism.

"Yeah, me too. So...does that means Haku's going to be with Leaf?" I asked, knowing that he's going to travel with us instead of Mei and Zabuza.

In addition to Haku as temporary(?) ninja in our village, Terumi Mei also promised that Kaiza would came to the village as her ambassador for the Chuunin exam. Hmm, this could be useful to haywire people's kekkei genkai, like a certain 'traitor' that would miscalculated his plans in the future, including the back-ups, and whatever Orochimaru had in his arsenal.

"Only for a while, to keep him safe from the imminent civil war." Terumi answered. "As soon as i win this war, Haku's going to be re-registered as our Ninja once more, including straight up promotion(s) in case that he got one in Konohagakure."

"Good thinking."

"And," The woman huffed as she turned around. "If he became a she after puberty, probably it's your village that's going to be the one who have her. Even though he could choose to be with Konoha in the future regardless of what happened, i definitelyd need to think twice if his gender changed."

"Maa, i didn't know that you dislike potential lesbians that much."

"I honestly don't have problems with them, but frankly i'm so straight to the point that every night, i always dreamed of having a real man for my husband. And last night it's pretty clear that he's going to like girls no matter what. Add the fact that i seduced him and he accepted and...do the math, scarecrow. Also, don't tell anyone or i will kill you."

I only nodded as i returned my attention back to my Icha-Icha...and Zabuza, who still tried to peel off the three boys that glomped at him. Poor man. The exaggerated snots made even people who pitied him hesitated to help.

"Okay. This idiotic display make me hesitated to name it as Great Naruto Bridge."

Everybody but the three crying boys laughed a little at the joke that Tazuna aimed at Naruto. The blonde himself just pouted at the insult.


"Hi, Hokage-sama and everyone else in this room!" I greeted as i entered his room, knowing that everyone else in the room were not people who demanded polite behavior for something as much as sneezing. Not everyday you could act like friend to your leader. Speaking of people, there was my new girlfriend Anko, with one of her friend Hana. Well, the friend thing's not that well known to be verified, but acquaintance or friend, i knew that both got along.

Oh crap. Hana smelled something funny. I hope it wasn't Mei's old body odor or something. Yeah, let it be Naruto's over-spiced ramen or Haku's perfume, please. I couldn't take any crazy snake bondage, especially today! Damn you, Inuzuka's sense of smell!

"Hi, 'Kashi-kun! Long time no see." Ah, that's my sweet, kinky girl. I've longed for that sweet singalong voice so long. I could only hope that... what was i feared again?

"Hello, Hatake-san." Oh, dear. She smelled something weird from me! Was that what i feared before? Okay, calm down, Kakashi. There's no need to get agitated now. Keep calm, and get cool.

"Hmm, Kakashi. You're late by...a week." Hokage sighed as he summarized my tardiness that just went up to eleven in this mission.

"Yeah, i know."

"It would be fine in my book since this wasn't your worst lateness by far, but...may i inquire for why Team 8's also late, only arrived two hours earlier than you in fact?"

"...Kurenai didn't tell you anything?"

"Darn woman used Kiba as her excuse, so...you need to fill for her." The Hokage said, obviously annoyed by how his Ninja managed to avoid the responsibility of reporting stuffs. Well, me too. That was obviously her paying back my insanity in our joint mission.

"Well for the starter," I motioned so our favorite ice user could enter the room. "This is Haku, one of Yuki clan's survivor. He's here to apply as our Shinobi. Our teams met him in our mission."

"Wait. She's a he?"

"I could've swore that was perfume for kunoichi's seduction mission..."

"Oh, a kekkei genkai searching for sanctuary." Our leader remarked with a smile, ignored Anko and Hana's slight outburst at the fact that this super feminine ninja's a man, and took extra effort to make sure that he fooled everyone. "Everyone who seek for safety in our village will always be accepted."

"Thank you, sir. Even if it's just for temporary measure, i will always cherished this memory."

"You're welcome. But...if i recall correctly, Yuki clans scattered around Kirigakure." His smile already gone by this point, now replaced by something that's more suitable to a solemn leader. A frown. "So the clan massacres became an actualized policy now. I'm sorry for what happened, Yuki-san."

"Yagura. That shithead always do this shit for no reason. Can't say i'm surprised."

"Yes. The three times mother met him, she said that he always smelled blood. Very fresh too."

"Actually, as much as i agreed that he's a sick man, Yagura haven't created any massacre plan for now. Yet." I cleared the misunderstanding, which created further confusion instead. "What happened here, is that Haku used to be Zabuza's apprentice. For his own safety, thanks to both the possible clan assassination policy and imminent civil war, he decided that Haku would be safer with other village. Also, him registered to us was the initial offering from Terumi Mei, the leader of the newest rebelion from Kirigakure who have declared her intent to create a better relation between our villages if she won the war. Oh also, i fought with Zabuza and Gatou's man initially, turned the mission into SS-ranked one. Have i said that the payment came from the raid of Gatou's headquarter by a hero from Wave, who faked his death for the last two years?"

Everybody else in the room gasped as they quickly realized what i just did. Hana's jaws dropped, Hokage-sama's smoking pipe dropped to the desk (didn't hit his papers though), and Anko was speechless, before her potty mouth broke the silence, "You're shitting me, right?"

"It's all true, miss. In fact, Terumi-sama already wrote a letter to explain all of this." Said Haku as he reached for his pocket. "I will read this for you, Hokage-sama, to clear out all confusion-"

"N-no. That's not necessary. I can read about the details by myself." Hiruzen-san said, felt that the whole thing's too ridiculous to be digested in just ten minutes. "Is that all, Kakashi?"

My slight glare said it all. The Hokage sighed for so many times today, before he motioned the other to get out of the room, but not before he asked Anko to check up for Haku in T&A. Soon, not even the ANBU were here to guard us. "Speak."

"Naruto just got the first taste of Kyuubi's chakra when Sasuke protected him." Hokage-sama grimaced by the not so good news. "On positive note, Kurenai said that she'll testified that he did not change one bit after that event, in case that Naruto got that chakra burst again. Also, none of his teammates questioned what happened to him, partly because he was fighting inside a thick mist."

"Probably the first time that his tenant did something good for once, or at least fixed some of the problems it caused. What else?"

"For the positive news, Sasuke just awakened his sharingan in the battle. From what i gathered, he also gained it in peaceful term; instead of trapped in move or die moment, he calculated his enemy's movement and dodged him in the last seconds."

"Good. Now we will no longer worry about higher ups demanding me to give Sasuke to them 'temporarily' to awaken his kekkei genkai. And the peaceful part definitely showed that he's not a lost cause to his avenger desire." Yeah, i'd rather don't have two Sais, thanks. "We know those two topics couldn't worry me that much, so spill the juicy bits now."

"There were survivors of Uchiha's clan, or at least used to be." Sarutobi's smoking pipe nearly dropped to his stack of papers. Damn, near good riddance. "Said Wave hero, Kaiza, found their corpse and used their eyes to faked his death, in addition to build some cred in his village."

"What?!" Hokage lost his composure for once, lol. Even he couldn't expect it.

"Relax, sir. He just stumbled over two then-recent Uchiha corpses, probably from exhaustion or illness. Kaiza wasn't even a ninja until a year ago, so he couldn't be the one who killed them, in case that their deaths weren't natural."

"I'm honestly more concerned with the fact that some Uchiha actually managed to survive, rather than Kaiza possibly finished them off, out of all thing. Not that i wouldn't like their survival, but it could lead to more troubles, should they bear grudge against us." The Hokage voiced his concerns regarding some of the newest revelations.

"I know." I said as i took a seat. "So...is there anything we can do about it for now? Based on what happened, there might be other survivors, but frankly there's no evidence that said something about it yet, so we couldn't do anything about it for now."

"There's nothing we can do, but to set the perimeters." Said Hokage-sama as he finally picked his smoking pipe. "In case there are other survivors, i want you to make sure they don't have any resentment against us. Talk them out of it as good as you could, in case you find one who now hate us. Fatal methods, and brainwashing, should be on your last to-do list."

"Yes sir."

"Now, i'm the one who have updates to be delivered." Said Sarutobi-sama. Hmm, wonder what. "Most of the suspects that we have, turned out to possess no real danger to the village." He showed me the list. Good. Kabuto still haven't fooled them by now. "Since Danzo's too high of profile, you need to pursue Yakushi Kabuto first instead. Let me take care of Danzo's trust problem for you before you could approach him. This recent updates by you could make him interested in you, providing that i could...spice it as much as i could, so get ready for that reports."

"Consider it done tomorrow, in case there are no more unwanted problems tonight." I answered. "How should i get close to this, Kabuto guy, anyway?"

"He's a medic-nin, so...you'd better make health appointment with him. Use your genin team if necessary." Sarutobi said as he finally huffed a smoke from his pipe. "Also, you have my permission to get back to your prime-level of fighting, with cover-up of preparing for Naruto and Sasuke's training. I'll even forge your father's blades, Sarutobi style, just in case that you couldn't rebuild your family's forge again."

That one took me off. Not only iforgot about my family's blade for once, but the actual Kakashi abandoned it because he considered them as part of the old him, the one who followed codes to the extreme. That, and my blades were 'coded' hard into Hatake family's forge, so any attempt to improve or change it would be futile without its original owner, who...you know. However, using another forge, now it's possible for the blade to 'reborn' into something much better. There's no reason to avoid using them again. "Th-thank you sir."

"Don't mention it." Said Hokage before we dwelled into more generic topics, like Sakura's father wanted me to make sure that she didn't turn into a dork, or how a clothing store in Konoha just asked him to deliver some casual clothing for Naruto as a way to say sorry. After twenty minutes of less nerve-wrecking discussion, i excused myself out of his office. Just when i stepped out of his office, i saw one of the most unpleasant sight in front of me.


Easily the bottom of the list of my wish for earlier cameos.

"Hatake Kakashi." Oh, why did that bastard had to address me now. "You have changed lately."

"Just make some little adjustments to teach my genin. They're still brats that after all."

"While i appreciate your efforts, i believe that you have gone a little...too far in other direction." Said the old hawk. He then warned me before he stepped into Hokage's office. "Let's not forget that at the end, we're tool for our village and our country. They're here to fight for the people, not to be nursed by someone that's senior of them. Know your place too, Hatake. After all, your friend won't be free without my permission. Don't make me regret that." Said the old geezer without even bothered of excusing himself.

I made a weak clone that henged into some random kid, made it waited for three minutes, and called him an old noodle while spanked his little ass at him. It made the old geezers inside wondered what just happened, although Danzo probably guessed that it was one of his hater, which could be me.

Meh. Worth it.


"Mind telling me, why Hana smelled something very feminine on you, 'Kashi-kun?"

"...Do you really need to threaten my manhood to ask that?"

Yeah, if you haven't got it, my girl's pissed at me, and currently brandished a kunai that's currently about five centimeters away from my manhood. I shouldn't open a door in midnight to anyone else man. Especially when it sounded so sexy.

Thanks, Inuzuka-clan. Not only i'm gonna be late in delivering that report, i'm probably gonna lose my most prized thing as well.

"It's the most prized thing for any man, after all. So talk." Man, my girl's a mind reader.

"...She didn't mistook it for Kurenai's, right?"

"Nope. In fact, she smelled it from your lips and neck." Oh shit, it just jabbed my jeans. "So get honest with me, 'Kashi-kun."

"Fine. It was Terumi Mei's."

"Oh." Anko's kunai dropped to the floor. She then turned around, and...why the atmosphere became sad out of sudden? "Th-then i guess you already found someone better than me, r-right?"

Okay, this is the part where either i left her alone for a day so she could calm down, or tried to amend it now. "Anko?"

"G-goodbye, K-k-"

"Don't cry." I begged while i dragged her body away from the door as i chose the manlier way. After all, this could resulted in me made the worst possible decision in my life. Again.

"Why? So you could get with her without feeling bad for ME? Go to y...your gorgeous rebel, and leave me alone!" She then turned into a sobbing wreck, and tried to get her off of me. Good thing that she forgot her chakra, or both of us could hurt.

"No. It's because she was the one who cried because of me." This stopped her crying, although the tears still flowed. Yeah, she became confused instead. "I can't let two wonderful women cry because of my decision."

"Oh, s-so you're planning to g-get both of us, huh?"

Damn. Wrong words. This's not harem! "No. I called her wonderful woman because that's just who she was. And quiet frankly, as wonderful as she was, she's still nothing compared to you."

"...What makes a snake whore like me more wonderful than she could ever be?" Damn. I thought that was just addition by fandom, man?

"Should love always make sense? Was there any law that forbid someone to prefer a woman that's valued by society less?" I asked her as i removed my mask, showed that i took to the whole thing seriously. "I love you, Anko, and no women or derogatory names could sway me away from you."

"You corny, lying son of-" I stopped her by kissing her mouth. When she was still shocked by how light my touches were, i engulfed her with longer kiss while i stroke her hair. She finally gave into my kiss, before she shoved me away, and covered her head with her hands to obstruct her embarrassment."S-stop kissing me! I can't stay mad at you if you keep doing it!"

"Then don't call me a liar."

"Fine." My purple-haired girlfriend accepted before she planted a quick kiss and hugged me hard. Uff, it's so tight, almost like if i would disappear had she let me go just an inch. "I'm so sorry for that, dear."

"It's okay. I shouldn't try to play and get info from her like that in the first place. There are other way."

"Hmm." Anko only mumbled as she now became relaxed into my chest, almost as if she could fell asleep any moment. "And the kiss?"

"She was heartbroken by me. Least thing i could do."

"Can't say i like what you did, but...what's done is done."

"That, and her default mode against anything that upset her is 'shut up or i will kill you.'" My snake user looked at me like i just grew another head. "I'm serious! She said that everytime she got upset! The only time she didn't do that is when she cried instead. I don't think i could take a girlfriend who would threaten to kill me if she heard anything wrong, and she often misheard people and assumed the worst too! Now i think about it, she might thought me and Kaiza talked about how she's not fresh anymore, instead of how poor she is."

"Okay, i believe you. Can't believe i got jealous by such a weirdo..."

"Not to mention the, uh...paperwork and politics problems? I mean, how much things need to be done if someone like me have to move out to another village? It could be huge. Hokage and councils would've bickered over it. My genins would be lost. My Icha-Icha's probably only available in black market if i lived in Kirigakure, and-"


"...Something wrong?"

"Just shut up and kiss me again."

I happily obliged.


Two weeks later...

"Alright, so while you three have improved so much skill wisely, our teamwork have...suffered, to say the least."

"You got that damn right! That duckbutt should've put all that gel for his hair, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, AND STICK IT UP-"

"Shut up, Konohamaru!"

"Aw, Moegi!" Said that boyish voice after a 'bonk' sound was heard.

"Hmm...wonder where those three skippers went?" Said Iruka, obviously already knew where his target went. Soon he grabbed the box-shaped rock, and went out of the field with body flickers. A little whining voice could've been heard as he went back to the school with his little prey, still on his hands.

Man, i didn't know that Smackdown Hotel existed here. What were those three doing here, anyway? "And our latest payment got cut off thanks to our little shenanigans. Well, it's more like Naruto and Sasuke's fault since they decided to have some little race in the rice field and-"

"FOUND YOU, NARUTO!" *Poof.* "Aw, not again!"

"Haven't i tell you about the tale of foolish revenge, Kiba?" Sasuke suddenly became a little interested by the voice of Kurenai's.

"Um, it won't do anything good?" Sasuke said tch.


"HWAAAA! I just wanted to get a good fight with that orange shrimp for once!" The dog boy whined as sound of the dragged body faintly heard until it disappeared. I could've heard Shino called him a fool as well.

What a weird day.

"He still chases after my clones? Man, i thought after three days popping the fake me, he would given up by now!"

Yup. Weird day.

"So anyway...what's wrong?"

"Haku's so strong! I'm jealous of him dattebayo!"

"There are stronger kids around my age. I need to become stronger to avenge my clan."

Sakura sighed as she realized what actually happened. "So in short, the boys here couldn't concentrate in teamwork because all in their mind, is nothing but echoes to become strong."

"I see." I tried to make something up to salvage it. "For the record, Sasuke's already faster than Haku without his ice mirrors, and Naruto already accessed his...second coil for his chakra. You two already got stronger than ever."

"Still not enough."

"Yeah!" Naruto said, somehow oblivious to my remark about his second coil of chakra.

"Hmm, 'kay." Of course, it won't be enough for Sasuke if the standard's Itachi, but i couldn't tell him yet. Man, what a double-edged sword. "What about you, Sakura?"

"I'd like to become strong too, Sensei. Of course, not to the level of fanatic like these two are."

"...Did you just lost your super respect to Sasuke?" Yeah, for once, instead of a very angry Sakura, we had a 'tired of your bullshit' Sakura. Almost like Sakura after Sasuke said she's useless in canon, except Sakura's lacks of energy was more because she's annoyed by him, not caused by she's depressed thanks to him.

"No. But i can't deny that this is getting annoying, especially since i had to clean up their acts."



"What? It's true!" Sakura said, a little agitated. "Without me, that pig farm owner would've shot all of us for hurting his contest pig! An illusion to fool him for a while, and healing touch did all the tricks. Want to get stronger too so i could heal stuff better though, like the other pigs that Naruto punted accidentally when he tried to hit Sasuke-kun."

"Well maybe you need to use the special ramen! I already grew 2.5 cm in 10 days, and my balls are not dropped yet!"

"That stuff's like 600 ryo without the premium meat, dumbass! I'm not the bridge ambassador like you! My parents also took most of the payment money from me, all for fiscal responsibility or crap like that!" Ah, that infamous anger finally surfaced again.

"Okay, so i guess no matter what, teamwork training's out of the window for now." I concluded while i tapped my fingers. "Hmm, i think it's time for special training."

"You mean, you will train us with that training that made you stronger out of sudden? I can tell you got super strong lately, nii-san! Sugoi!"

"No, since that training was just to get me back to my previous level." Naruto got deflated from hearing this. "Rather, you three will have special teachers to test your best potential as Shinobi, as well as looking for the style that fit you three the best."

"Oh boy!"

"So this is our first training attempt with other instructors? You sure we don't need to learn more first, sensei?"

"No, no. You guys may can learn more basics from me, but you three are definitely ready." I reassured before i picked a note from my pocket.

"The first one, is...the sexiest woman available on fire country." I sighed as pamphlets and huge banner of Anko in her glorious poses, ready to make boys balls dropped, and make Sakura questioned her identity. 94-66-92 while bounded, hmm. "Hi, beautiful."

"Hi, handsome!"

"Hey, you're the pretty lady that Sensei dated!"

"Thanks for the compliment, shrimp, but we're already more than dating..." Anko said as she straddled my hips, and began to lower my mask while kissed my nose sensually. I could hear the three groaned at the sinful sight in front of them, and in their age, probably disgusting. Indeed, all three of them covered their eyes to protect what's left of their innocence that's still not tainted by the grueling work in shinobi field.

"Not here, Anko-chan."

"Aww...i want to terrorize these little puppies first."

"Moving on." I said to the three children that currently glad that it's all over. " She's here to teach you psychological warfare, some genjutsu that she picked on her own, and how to control summons. Obviously in case you guys get your own summon later, their behavior would've been much different, which is why she's going to teach how to treat your summons together with me. You're going to try to get along with my dog packs, and her snakes collection. Obviously you guys also need to avoid either of them going ballistic. Also, it will surprise you by how some snakes can be very docile...as long as they're well fed."

"That sounds like an awful excuse to let us learn by ourselves, while you two going into a picnic or something."

"Smart take, Sakura. That's how Anko decided to go along with this." Anko only stuck out her tongue at the kids in front of her as if she's just a few years older than them. No dignity. "And second one, is my friend here." The man arrived without any grandiose unlike before. "His unparalleled nature control's not just useful to create landscaping for your training, but also capable of making the best out of your elements. While he's the best fit for Naruto due to his raw energy, all of you can still learn another thing or two from him."

"I never think it's going to be so soon, Kakashi." Said Tenzo, or...

"And, uh...what's your code-name for this operation again, Tenzo?"


"Yes. Yamato." I repeated one of my few close people that hadn't died from something out of my control, just to keep up the act that i didn't came from another world. Good thing that his newest code-name's the same as canon. "He was a test tube baby for ANBU, so he never had a real name." I explained to the kids that looked at us funny, as if they expected Yamato to have some kind of real name, like me having a real face.

"Personally, i'd rather have you not spilled the fact that i'm a experimental baby, Kakashi."

"So glad that you make it while being so well mannered, sir."

"Thank you, Haruno-chan. Although i'd like for all of you to not imply my origin again."

"Yamato seemed to be better than Tenzo for a name, though."


"If that's the case, then i'll keep it as my public name." Said Yamato like if he just got a revelation. "Yamato, huh? I think i'm going to love that name."

"And the third one, is the man who know everything, but mastered none of it." I read the description that Ebisu personally wrote for me. "This is surprisingly down-to earth, if you think about it."

"To acknowledge your true strength, is the first major step for every shinobi." Said his voice.

"Right. So, this is the man that will review everything about you, and then make his verdict on it. So, he'll be the one who recommend what style you three will use, and what specialty you three will take. He might not look much, and definitely not that powerful, but for teaching every basics that the best of shinobi needed, he's up there." However, after a minute of his introduction, Ebisu still hadn't make his appearance. Something's wrong. "Don't tell me that you're too shy to meet my cute little genins, Ebisu?"

Unfortunately, a familiar screaming voice that clearly came from the glasses man echoed throughout the training ground, made it clear that the man just got attacked by someone else. All on the field prepared for the potential ambush that's almost definitely happened.

Soon enough...toads dropped everywhere?

"Haha! Don't fear, everyone, because it's just me. The super pervert of Konohagakure, The Great Gallant, The Toad Master, one of the Sannin! I, have finally arrived in town, to conduct business with my biggest fans, and a grandson of mine. IT'S JIRAIYA TIME!"


Great. My third teacher just got replaced forcefully by a perverted novelist, and he just did his best to traumatize everyone in this place by planted several big frogs on top of Ebisu, right after he got sent flying 50 meters by one of it before.

"I didn't sign for this shit."

"Uh, who's his grandson?"

"That's probably you, Naruto. He's the one who paid for your rent and groceries after all."

Naruto took that information for a while, before he fainted.

Yup. Didn't sign for this.