
Chapter 2

"I hope there's nothing concerning about our daughter, sensei?"

"No no, Sakura's fine." I raised my arm to her parents to ease their concern. Mebuki was getting the breakfast while Kizashi was sitting next to me. Seemed like Sakura's not going to join us, either still sleeping or on diet. "It's just a casual meeting with genin's parents. I already done that with Hokage for both Naruto and Sasuke, after all, so it's just you two that's left."

"Ah, i see."Both now had a concern written all over their faces. Definitely about the pariah. "You know, about this Uzumaki boy...is it truly safe for our daughter to be with him since he's...you know?"

"If this's concerning his status as Jinchuuriki, then don't worry, Naruto's very much fine." I waved my hand to both of them. "Aside from his unusually large chakra that even larger than mine and his whiskers, Naruto's pretty much not influenced by the demon by any means. In fact, he only knew about it like the day when he graduated. Oh, and please, call him Naruto. I'm intending for every party involved to be more than just acquaintance."

"That's good to hear, but is there any possibility that Kyuubi, could influence him subtly? Foxes are known to be cunning after all. And how good his sealing method was?"

"Miss Haruno, i can assure you as his student, that Yondaime sealed him very well. He's a master in sealing art after all. In fact, i'm very sure that he did more than just sealing."

"Is that true? He did more than just locked the monster away?" Both of them now became even more interested with our talk.

"First of all, your concern's have merit. Had the Kyuubi was sealed inside him just like that, it won't be pretty. The original sealing, if i recall correctly from what i've read, went for much longer than just a few minutes. Like, hours long, with many people involved. And it's the one like Suna's One Tail beast. Something like Kyuubi would be much longer, and certainly could do harm to a toddler's body and mind if he intended him to have full control immediately. I don't know if he intended to seal it somewhere else before he realized that even he couldn't pull that off so he decided to use Naruto for the rest of it, or if he really had more intricate plan that i cannot theorize right now, but either way, he ended up sealed the Kyuubi inside Naruto with far more intricate plan."

"So his request for the village to see the Uzumaki as a hero really make sense after all..."

"So that reminds me,"I shifted my lazy gaze, now looked more fierce. Even without leaking killing intents, both of them shivered. "Are you one of the parents who told their children to keep away from Naruto? Because aside from his class, he has no friends from his peer at all. We passed the law to not speak about Naruto's status unless he gave the permission so at least children around his age would befriended him, but instead their parents told them that they should stay away from him with every other reasons they could find. Even if some did not listen to their parents, even if his classmates ended up at least want to talk to him, Naruto ended up feel alone."

Both of them had shocked look on their face, being confronted by me. And now, surprisingly, guilt. "I'm sorry, but we're simply doing what i thought would be the best for Sakura. There had been...so much rumor concerning him that in broad strokes painted him in the bad way. We just thought that he's not good for our children even without the Kyuubi bits, and...kids often don't understand their parents explanations, not to mention the rule, so we just told her to stay out of him."

My expression softened at their confession. "Do not be worry, you two. I'm not confusing malice with ignorance, and i can tell that you two did it for the best of your daughter, although i still expect both of you to make amends to him. In fact, Naruto sort of brought it upon himself, the dislike from his own peers i mean. Someone as hyper and lacking manner as him would draw irk from plenty of people who found him annoying."

"Ahahaha. That's actually quiet true. Sakura often complained in her first year about how Naruto was trying so hard to approach her. We were worried about it initially since she makes it sounded like he harassed her like everyone did in her childhood, but it turned out that he just has some kind of silly crush. We even never telling her to avoid him ever again, especially after seeing the Nara and Akimichi clan heir being okay with him."

"Yeah, the kids in the academy either love him, or hate him." Breakfast served, and i had to mention something about the lack of a bubblegum here. "Sakura won't join us?"

"She's on diet, only drinking special milk every morning. And she woke up earlier before, so she must have drank it and hit the bed again."

"Ah. That reminds me." I took a book that i wanted to give to Sakura to improve her skills, only to earned the scariest glare that civilian could give. Damn, now i knew where Sakura got her temper from.

"Sensei, why on earth are you showing us that filthy book?"

"Is our performance on bed actually can improve Sakura's value in Ninja world? But none of us ever complain about each others. We even do some new positions once in a while and-"


"Oh, i'm sorry." Damn it. I somehow pulled the Icha-Icha. I was lucky that they didn't realize that it's one of the lewdest yet too. "I don't know why i brought the book here with me too. Must be some mistakes. This's the book, or rather, books that i want to give." I gave the book to the middle age woman, who immediately read the cover.

"How to be Kunoichi 101, medic jutsu for beginner and intermediate, and everything you need to know and have to make seals and traps?" Mebuki took even more interest in the books, as she began to flip the pages.

"The greatest compliment about Sakura in her class is that she's so studious, to the point that she now capable of answering questions that at least Chuunin level. Even her other peers like Ino wouldn't be able to answers any of those questions. So i give her these books, both to show her how to become a really good Kunoichi and to teach her jutsu that's really suitable to her hobby of studying." Wait. Why didn't she said that reading's her hobby? Oh wait, Sasuke-kun, of course.

"I...i could barely understand what's inside the book, and i know a bit about advanced physics! Is she really that..."

"Yes, Mebuki-san. Your daughter's a text-book genius."

The woman now looked at me in disbelief. Tears soon overflowed from her prideful eyes. "Oh, she grow up so fast!"

"Argh! My daughter's a nerd!" The fuck's this man...

"Oh shut up, Kizashi! Are you telling me that you're not proud of our beautiful daughter's studious nature?" Mebuki lashed out at her husband that keep embarrassed her family and just ruined one of her best moment as a mother. And that's actually quiet hypocrite from a father who keep telling lame jokes to his daughter every time.

"Well i'm just afraid that she wouldn't have time for anything else, or people would mistaken her for a dork! And what are you doing here, make my daughter's fate to become a true geek is all but locked?"

"Maa, maa, you two. I don't think Sakura looks really dorky in the least bit. I just want to give her more motivation and better direction."

"But she wanted to prove herself, to people like that...Sasuke guy, and maybe some bullies. I think she's tired of being picked up for her forehead since her childhood. Isn't that sufficient enough of motivation? And isn't that she studying is the good way to become Shinobi?"

"Yes, but apparently, her approach to become a Ninja is to become book smart only instead of both book smart and practical." I moved bit of my leg to get blood flowing, as well as to find the way to explain everything to my cotton candy-haired genin. "I hate to say this, but Sakura's aiming and throwing, while very accurate, also happened to be one of the slowest in the academy's top 15 graduates. Even if she's not going to be our powerhouse and direct fighter, her throwing speed could be the decision between safety or injuries and even death of her teammates and clients. Imagine if Sakura knew where the shurikens that targeted someone come from, but couldn't do anything about that as they went too fast for her to pin them down. And considering that her other teammate's Sasuke, who's a source of her crush that also happened to be the best graduate and pretty... ambitious, her saving spots could be stolen by him even if he didn't do it intentionally. This could harm her confidence as a ninja if she couldn't do anything by herself."

Both of them looked at me in something like...awe? Shock? And wait, why's Mebuki-san suddenly snickered? "It's quiet of an irony. We keep worried about the Jinchuuriki, and yet it's her other teammate, the one she has crush on, that actually could harm her in a way."

"Yeah, ironic since he's also part for why she became a Ninja and such a dork-"

"Studious, moron!"


"Whatever."Mebuki just left the issue alone. Hmm, either it's what happened once Sakura matured, or she really had enough of his bullshit. "But wait. Why's the team composition sounded like some kind of disaster recipe? I mean, a broody kid who may look down at everyone beneath him, a dead last that tend to annoy people without patience, and hate to say this but, a girl who came from civilian world and has almost no one to tell her what shinobi world can be before."

"Maa, it's not that bad."I motioned them to not get agitated from the critical thinking. "Naruto envied Sasuke, so he would strive to be better than him. Sasuke would be the guy that Naruto and Sakura look up to while giving them some taste of reality, and Sakura is the source of book wisdom for them, and has potential to support them more in the future. Meanwhile, Naruto's determination will invigorate either of his teammates whenever they feel down or face such a high obstruction. My only concern would be to make sure their teamwork keep improving instead of getting worse whenever Naruto and Sasuke gets jealous at each other or someone else, and to make sure Sakura would at least stay on high morale to keep going in case something truly bad happened without her can do anything."

"The ambition part could make teamwork very difficult though. Especially since elit shinobi are like 10 times stronger than your average chuunin. And Sakura once told us about Naruto's self-proclaimed rivalry between himself and Sasuke."

"Yeah, my option would to either sheltered them until they're mature enough to rank up and fighting really superior ninjas, or speeding up their jutsu developments while keeping their teamwork cohesive enough. I don't want my team to put themselves on suicidal run just because they found someone around their age that three times stronger than even Sasuke, but i also don't want to make them frustrated because i hold them back. This's one hell of a drag, i tell you."

"I'm sure you can find way, sensei. It's not going to be hard for the son of White Fang to find a solution to every problems."

"Yes, but you know," I looked at Kizashi with half-hearted stare that still scared both of them somehow. "You somehow know much about Konoha Shinobi for an average citizen without any important position."

"Ya ehehe, i...kinda like to read too, you know?"

"So...you're a geek."

"Gah! Don't say that word to me! I just like to read trivial stuffs!"

Yup. Childhood's bad memories. Or teenagehood, instead. Like father like daughter. "Well at least now we know where Sakura got her hobby from. Anyway, Sakura's supposed to read the How to Be Kunoichi first. It'll tell her how to do diet the right way for ninjas, the way that would increase her metabolism and all-around strength. But still, she's not supposed to follow them robotically. She'll talk to me about the merits of them and apply them depending on how she'd like it instead. I'm not going to subject my genins to full soldier life. I have my own experience of sacrificing my childhood for the good of village, and it's not good for my health. It's a miracle that i actually bounced back from every failure i experienced."

"Sakura's so lucky to get a sensei who's so full of wisdom."

"Maa, i'm not that good. See you two soon." I left them just right after my experience of being the receiver of ass-kissing. Then again, maybe they're just that grateful. Who knows?


"Hmm? What is it, Mebuki-san?"

"We feel...guilty about Naruto, to say the least. Is there any way to fix this for him?"

I smiled at both of them after my brain processed what Mebuki just said. Look beneath what's beneath. That's finally what they did. "Just invite him to your house sometime later. In case that you worried about the discrimination for interacting with pariah, don't worry, you don't need to outright calling your support for him. Also, Naruto's reputation will grow up soon. You don't need to worry once there are many shinobi that look at him with respect. That'll be the time when you loudly support him. Also, call me in case you find someone who hate Naruto in malicious way. Like, actually want to kill him or something like that. One of his instructor just tried to kill him, so there might be a chance that someone will actually try to kill him now. Not only it's a heinous crime and outright shat on both Third and Fourth's wish, it will unleash the Kyuubi sooner than later. And considering that it tried to attack us before..."

"It's easily one of the most treasonous act you could ever do. Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei, we will make sure than Naruto's going to be cared from now on."


"When someone say something about student and sensei bonding, i expecting a talk about anything wrong about either of them, although mostly it's the student. I don't imagine that it will involve of said teacher fixing their student house for no reason, including the complex that's used to be where his clan lived."

"It's just a token of gratitude from Hatake clan. There's no student-teacher bonding here." Yeah, i decided to become Uchiha's handyman here, fixing the complex and roads that have been left abandoned without anything done to preserve the buildings. Sasuke himself living in the building that's owned by Uchiha, but not the actual complex. If it's because the elders really thought it's a waste of time to preserve a historical complex, then no wonder they thought killing everyone's the real solution. Morons. Who on earth would be afraid of senile dorayaki sellers developed some mangekyo and managed to annihilate Konoha in revenge? "Although if you want to talk with me about anything, you can just say yes."


"Is that a yes or no? I'm sorry, my Uchiha buddy who gave me the eye happened to be Uchiha in name only. He actually acted more like Naruto if anything."

"It depends on whether you actually have a good topic to discuss."

It's Uchiha. Of course they want it straight. "Well i know one or two thing about Itachi..."

"Tell me." Woah. I got his interest immediately. As expected from the avenger.

"Well it's obviously a great tragedy for everyone, but there's one overlooked details. Just weeks before his betrayal, one of his buddy that happened to be another Uchiha prodigy, Shisui, went missing, probably killed by someone. The hidden details is that they found his body, eyeless. Someone took his eyes from him."

"Itachi said that he's the one who killed him, in the night of massacre. To give him more power. He might have stolen his eyes to give him exactly that power."

"Ah, but you don't know how much wisdom can give me, which make me capable of sensing someone's change. I can feel his sadness, no matter how much he hid them beneath his usual passive act." Not to mention that Itachi's actually one of the friendlier Uchiha despite his distant nature. Did no one really think he acted weird just by going as cold as the usual Uchiha? Hell, even young Sasuke actually knew something weird happened to Itachi! Stupid, stupid my old self. Hell, stupid Yamanaka, Akimichi etc.

"Sadness? How can someone feel sorrow when they just killed someone in cold blood?"

"Maybe Shisui...really committed suicide, to prevent something happened to him? Maybe Itachi had to kill him for some reasons that turned him mad?"

"But i see those eyes of his. They're different than common sharingan. He really became stronger after Shisui's death." Sasuke still argued about the merit of Itachi even had another reason or motive but power.

"And Itachi's behavior contradicted his cold blood killing. Either way it's too soon to conclude anything with what we know, but at least it definitely show that there might be something else beneath his mass killing for the sake of power."

"I couldn't help but inclined to agree..." Sasuke muttered it as he turned around to look at the senbei store. They really killed everyone, even the civilians, damn. Couldn't Itachi told the old store owners something like there are house rent discount somewhere else in Konoha? Wait, Obito and Danzo would realized who just moved out of the compound, and probably decided to kill the old couples. Damn.

"Mind telling me why you don't lash at me for conducting an investigation that should be done years ago?"

"Even if you do that earlier, it's still won't bring everyone back to life. Whether soon or later. Not to mention they did investigation before and couldn't find anything. For that, you have my gratitude. And what could be so harmful to learn anything that happened to someone that i shall slain?"

"Maa, you're actually really insightful." I shuffeled his hair. Surprisingly, Sasuke didn't object.

"P...please, stop." Oh, wait. He still couldn't came to fact that he actually liked being touched.

"You said something about investigation before." This time i asked, "But actually, i never know anything about it. Did they found something unusual?"

"They actually did, but they never found anything but how the mass murders were done."

"So...how did he do it?"

"They found...two kind of weapons strikes. And some...unusual wounds." Sasuke turned around to look at me, he had...doubt? No, more like someone who realized that they missed something absolutely important. "I thought he just used two weapons for various reasons, and the strange wounds came from his jutsu, but now...Do you think there's second killer out there?"

"Maybe yes, maybe not. Although considering how he killed like, fifteen elite ninjas, twenty chuunin and many civilians, without even any visible injury on his body, as you said in your testimony, i inclined that he definitely had some help, even if they're just to kill the common ninjas and villagers." Damn, if Itachi really just a ninja went insane without any help, that shit's really sounded ridiculous.

"Damn it!"The Last Uchiha that gets more and more agitated just punched an utility pole in anger. "There's another traitor(s) out there. And no one even know anything about them!"

"Um, Sasuke-"


"Uh, you might want to move out."

But he didn't, too absorbed in rage to even heard the cracking sound of the pole that he just punched. I pushed him out of the way of the falling one ton object, but alas, i still didn't get used enough to do any ninja skills in hesitation, so i ended up putting too much chakra in my body flicker and ended up pushed Sasuke out...and myself to the wall.

"Um Sasuke?"


"Couldn't you...help me here?"

"You pushed me too hard, so i happened to be stuck in a wall as well." Ah, yes. I should know that from his muffled yes.

"Alright, so we need to wait for my bunshins to help us. Won't be long since they're being tasked to looking for damages here. Anyway, we'll end this self-investigation, so here's my lesson for you as the closer: Don't get too absorbed in hatred, or it will lead you to do stupid things, like this."

"But that man said-"


"Fine, hn."


"So, you find anything unusual?"

"Why don't you just dispel me?"

"Memories don't flow back to me. Experience do."

"Ah, yes. I forgot about the difference between shadow clone and elemental clone."

"Don't worry. I also forgot that clones are more restricted in intelligence since they still need to get controlled by their users, and possibly memories as well. So tell me."

"We find some...skins, almost plant-like. Either it's very unique Kekkei-Genkai, or it's really not human." My clone explained what clues he got from the investigation.

"And some of them are spilled with dried up blood splashes. Almost definitely Uchiha blood." Another clone added another on their plate for food of thought.

"So just like i thought. There's no way Itachi can kill every single Uchiha without getting help somewhere." And it's new too. Everybody knew that Obito helped Itachi in killing everyone, but Zetsu actually helped him as well?

"Mind to tell me why the investigators didn't find it five years ago, though?" Another clone that happened to didn't find anything out of ordinary asked.

"Maybe they've been paid to hide the tracks?"

"Why wouldn't they hide everything then? We somehow still get clues from crime scenes that are five years old."

"There's only one way to do it, and one person who could do it: Someone who stole Shisui's eyes. Whatever its power is, it possibly can make people don't question the reality that they planted or something like that, the ultimate genjutsu. And in scenario that Itachi got the eyes to get power, why would a crazy serial killer like Itachi went into extra efforts to hide how he managed to kill everyone for no reason?"

"Maybe he needs to cover his tracks?"

"Or maybe it's the guys who actually get the eyes that did it." Yeah, i needed to reason to my bunshins. For some reasons they still have the memories like how Kakashi would.

"So it's the other killers that did it. Or the planner."

"Yeah, anyway, it's an interesting finding. You guys are dispelled." With that, they became mud again.

But i knew who would alter the result of the investigation. And frankly, i didn't even know when i could do anything about him without getting too much attention.



"...And then, i tried to approach one of the store that Kakashi-sensei mentioned, and the owner went to gave me a free hat!"

"That's nice of them, Naruto."

"Hu-um. I bet they really feel sorry, dattebayo! In fact, he never hated me, but he had no choice but to throw me when i went there before because he had a very important client at that time. I'll prove to whoever that important client, that Uzumaki Naruto'll become the best ninja! Believe it!"

Uh, what? The original and dubbed catchphrase actually appeared on the same dialogue? Anyway, i was eavesdropping on them, without actually used any hiding object. It's quiet easy when you're an elite shinobi that have a slightly distant persona as well.

"Ah, so nice of Kakashi to tell you that as payback."

"Yeah! Kakashi-sensei said that he feel sorry for couldn't do much for me earlier in my life but to become that nice dog ninja in a mask, so this's his way to pay for his mistakes or something, dattebayo!"

"Not to mention that he had no choice but to failed you as well."


"I know how hard Sasuke can be, how much you hated his air of superiority, and how much Sakura gets annoyed with you. Teamwork will be really hard for the three of you, not to mention that Kakashi already failed six teams before." Maa, i couldn't live it down, did i? And did you really had to put your hand on his shoulder like a father who want to make his son feel better? "Don't worry, little buddy. You already did mass kage bunshin. You have a good enough portfolio to become a good shinobi. I'm sure another team who lacked a third member would accept you. I'll even promote you to every of those teams if you need my help. In case that you're worried for the others, i don't think Sasuke would need my help, and Sakura could get more experience on the class from myself."

"Um, what are you talking about? Kakashi-sensei really passed us."


"Ah, it seems that every shinobi i know really thought so badly of me as a potential sensei."

"Kakashi-niisan!" Naruto immediately abandoned his noodles and hugged me.


"Ah, it's just a title he gave for gratitude." I gave a brief to Naruto's other surrogate brother. "And honestly, Iruka, you wound me."

"When you failed them six times, it's going to be hard to think how cruel you are. Not to mention that you did everything to scare them, like that 66,7% lies. Do you really think we could get so many shinobi with that kind of failure rates?"

"Actually, that's the rate for elite teachers like me."

"And half our Shinobi aren't meant to be elite killers in the first place. They're just there to help us to capture bandits or secure some construction. Nothing out of B-Class mission at most."

"Point taken." I shrugged from my book. I brought a less lewd book to the stand so Naruto and Iruka wouldn't complain about their shameless brother.

"Hmm, looks like we're going to have quiet of an unusual sight: Two elite jounin at a lowly food stand. Delicious food, but still." Just that, a Jounin with glasses and bandana appeared behind us.

"Hey, Ichiraku Ramen's a gift from god! Don't dare to call it lowly, you closeted-"

Ebisu immediately shut Naruto's mouth with his elbow, and dragged them to the closest bush. Oh, what would i do to experience that harem jutsu...

Soon enough, both of them reappeared on the stand, looked more awkward than ever. I took the chance to mock Ebisu.

"Closeted? Hmm. Are you really batting for the other team, Ebisu? I actually don't mind of it, if you catch my drift."

"Gah, no! I'm just...it's a misunderstanding, right Naruto?"

"Hehe, right! Just misunderstanding!"

Man, what a bad duo of liars.

"Yes, right! Just that. Anyway, Naruto, it's my lucky day, so eh...i'll pay for your ramen, yeah!"

"I already paid for him, Ebisu-san."

"I can have five more bowls!" Naruto cheerfully said as he sat down to the stool, while Ebisu tried his best to retain his dignity as he looked into his soon to be empty wallet.

The next moments were much calmer than chaotic. We talked many topics, most of them about how Ninja worked, but there were moments where we talked about how Naruto have grown. Even Ebisu said that he appreciated him for whatever he said to Konohamaru, since the boy now took his training seriously. And the Jounin with bandana, who's more known as trainer than actual devastating ninja, continued that Naruto, with what he did to Konohamaru, actually reminded him how hard-work's actually about. Needless to say, the dinner was really an enjoyable moment for everyone here.

That is, until Naruto said something that anyone with half of my brain should've know as top-ranked secret that no one should talk so freely.

"So Kakashi-aniki, can you tell me more about my clan?"


Well luckily everything didn't went into a spiraling disaster.

Except for Iruka, who choked on his ramen. Luckily, Ayame and Teuchi, who helped him, didn't hear anything about clan business since they were busy preparing yet another bowls for Naruto. They just happened to have sixth sense of the sound of someone choking since there had been so many incidents thanks to gossipers that regularly visited their stand.

And worse, for Ebisu who also chocked; the guy suffered chakra drain so hard that he became a noodle.

Yeah, that's what you get for tried to do 200 kage bunshin in one try.

So in short, everybody but me thought that Naruto heard some salacious rumor (since the boy's a proven bad liar by any measure, not to mention his good heart, so lying's out of equation), tried to reason with him that was falsehood after they dragged him to a near forest, and even with assurance that the rumor came to me, none of them believed it. In fact, they actually tried to reprimand me for started the rumor! What indignity! So i proposed to Iruka and Ebisu to look at how much kage bunshin Naruto could do without started leaking the evil chakra to prove that yes, Naruto possibly could came from an ancient clan with great abundance of chakra, and no, i didn't went insane.

When Naruto managed to create 500 kage bunshin without breaking a sweat, everybody accepted it...except the Jounin with bandana, who tried to find out if the chakra drainage thing's actually something that taken out of context, like just a warning for non-powerhouse Ninja, and tried to do at least half of the number that Naruto done.

Needless to say, he proved the validity of the text...in the hard way.

"Aww, why's no one else can know about my clan? I mean, they didn't react that bad?" Despite his protestation, the blonde jinchuuriki had enough tact to didn't say it out loud in front of the medics that about to brought Ebisu with them.

"Well first of all, shinobi from other villages may want to do something to you if they found your identity as Jinchuuriki or an Uzumaki clan member, like by eavesdropping or tortured someone who possibly know. Kekkei Genkai from all clan are desired, and the one that's quiet elite like you are feared enough to warrant people to do everything to get benefits from Kekkei Genkai. For example, Kumo ambassador tried to kidnap Hinata once."

"What? Hinata got kidnapped when she's a child because of her weird eyes?" Naruto got surprised at the news that his future wife actually almost got kidnapped by foreign village. Wait, maybe i can do something so there will be some silly love dodecahedron instead, lol.

"Exactly, and even if they didn't manage to do it, bad things still could came up from it. Like there were blood spilled in attempt to retrieve the kidnapped clan member, or worse, the other village actually tried to pull some politics to get more from it."

"Huh? I don't get the latter part? Why should they get compensated for something they inflicted on themselves?"

"The council once filibustered their own proposal, so politics's really dirtier and more manipulative than your imagination could thought, not to mention complicated." Naruto's still confused, not surprising considered his stupidity, but at least he will accept the harsh reality for now. "Either way, it's best for you to not tell anyone else about your heritage until i said so."


"Now, Naruto, i'll buy your grocery for the next week."

"Yay! Thanks, Kakashi-niisan!"

"We're going to buy a lot of vegetable and fruits with high fiber to build your strength and health better and-"


Too bad, Naruto. I'll make sure that you'll eat those broccoli and carrots.